436 The Anfwer of K.Edw. to the Emperor. A Letter of the Nobles to the Pope. : ~~~tb~~o[~!v!n,~;~r ~~~h:c ~~gh;h~_th~i~:~f : r :~~:itt,o :~:~,e~~erfi;~~r;::~~h::i~h! n~~} ' France > and fo~ certain caufcs do revoke an:f call back ' king your Hig~nctS privy ~hertunto, it J_T~ ight not~ law- ' thc Lieutenandlnp whic.h we affigned unco_you by our 'ful tor u~; whJCh thing wrthour your fa1d counfcl,confmt ' Lrtters. ~evcrthde!5, g~vin~ you for a certam to under- ~ and advtce, we never minded o.r purpofe'd to do, but have 'ftandthatU\OurfatdTrcuesand pc;t.ccconcl~ed, we 'inallourdoingsdonethatwhlchusbcfttmed, fofaras ' have fo brotherly C011fidatd you, that tf you wtll agn:c ' by any m(:lns our p:~wa would futtch ; hoping likewife 'andcondcfccndunto our counfd; your caufc (by our 1 tlutyourbrothcrly bcncvokncc fOr a time would have : r~:t a~t~~~~~~11fu~d~::rc~~~~~~-u~t~~~~~ : :;ct~~v:~.ki;~:=kn;;in, ~tr ~~:~rotr;!~~rbfo~:~ 'h~ htrein, we have frnt a devout and rehgi~man, 'lirutenandhip,. wasprtmaturate or done all out of time; ' E~tarhardur,. Reader and Br?thc:r of the Hertmltu of 'when as according to your promife made to us herein by 'SamtAuguftm~, andChaplam~f our Court; .~horn 'yourU:tterslmp:rial, yououghtnotfbtohavedonebe- ' about the prttmffes we del in: With fp=edy expc:dmon tO ' fore tht: Realm and Kingdom of France (or at the ]eafi ' ~6~~:t~~:~~n3c~~ the 141h day of 1~:,in the 24th : i:~~~~~~~er:;:~.w~e~tfn;n~:C!t'~h:X t ytar of our 1\aign, and 141h of our Emprrc:. ; ~~~fi~~~~~J ~~C:fr~~~Jo ~ha{'~c~~~t ~~J~ 7'he .mfwcr of the Kiltg ofEngland, to the Emperor. 'both mut and oonvc:mcnt, bc:ca~c: that (God willing) 'wem~ntorc:compc:nceandgraufic:bothyouandyours, T ?h:~:~~aa!t~Z~;c~kh:dR~::::ta~~ : ~';:1d 1~ toT~~eA~~~~:y0~~~~un~~c:ncc~l~~d:% : ~[~~;;~:.d:;J'f:dt~£ ~~d=~~~.~~~~~~~~~t;';';,j: < 1~~t~~~t~~~g~e~~~h~f July, in the: fc:cond cpc:rousfilccefs. cyear of the RaignofourKingdomci Franu, and of < We have rewrently rc:cc:ivc:d your Highnc:lS Letters, a- < Er~glanJ the I 51 h. ' mon~ other t.hings containing, that the Noble Philip tit c Valffl (to the mtent a ptace and. concord betwc:c:n us and In this.mean time died PopeBweJiBtheTwc:lfch,men-.J>otNct~ • him might be conduded)~ath g1vc:n W1tO you by ~is Let- tionc:d a link bc£ore; after whom f~cec:dcd in that room.,,.,"" 'tcrsfullpowc:rand :mthoruy thereunto at yourHighndS Popc:Clmunt the Sixth. Ofwhom1t.is rcpo~ed in Sto- 'rc:qudi; andthatifthefamcmightoomc:ntustodoin ries,thathewasvc:rylibc:ralandbountifultoh,sCardinals ' like fort, your Highm:fs would travel to bring the con- of Romt,c:nriching and hc:aping.thcm with gooc:b.and pcl- ' cord to palS ; an? dut it would not m?~e us any whit fc:ffJcns, not of his own, but with the Ecdtfr.~fiical Dig- : ~~~~~~:?For~~~:~:h:d~: ~~ii~~::"r.~~~e;;;c.!:~~d ~!~~:~ ~:~u~~~7 %a~~e~~~;~~~g~fsn~.~~~~~ 'Ab~~:;.· < confent (you fuy) took Truce wtth the faid Ph1l:p) you the L1vingsand Promotions, fuch as were or lhould be va- : ~;~ ~~ 0(:~~ t;~~~~o:~~~~i~(ili~~~u:~f!;1gof0~lm}~~~ ~;~~~~~~~\~~£:his0i:£~~~·h~ed ~ilil~~a:;cR:h: < Noblcs and Prinm) and for certain caufts ~'OU revoke: a- But the King being o.ffended theuwith, made void and ~,!~k : ~~b~~~~~C::~:~~~i~~~ll ~: :~~:~te!:tod~ ~:~C::lla~~t~J:::~~dr.;~~lSnoJt;Jo':i~h2~~ ~~~. : :;c;'J~d:fia~fr~~~~~·,e ~~.;uf,~v~~:j~~~;~:~~ ~~~~~fo~,~~~~~~~d'r~tn~1h~~eXVJ~~~cn~ww~~~~ 'fiill are, to have a rc:afonable peace with the faid Philip; the next year following, which was AM. 1344• ; ~:s.~~:e~~c~~c~oand(~~~a~~;re!:t! :ze;;~ S::ll~\~~~t~c:~c'~~~: f; ~~~~~~'C::r~!k,~ :~~~~byi(u~~~~~::~.~J>f~~~fi= ~,'~~ ~~~ ~~;~:~~~~=~~: ~~e~t~c:::xv;::~~d c be broutht to palS. But forafmuch as we undc:rfiand the: Marks. Whereupm the Procurators of the faid Cardinals ~Pllpft : ;:~f~a~h~~~~c:~~~; ~e\\~~~e 0~o:~~~~:~ :rc:ilifR~~:~~~r:cr~~ha~~;re ~~~~f~~~;:z ~~::T 'thefumebyanyof ourLc:ttastodoubtfularbitrement. mentcaufedthef:lld Procuratorsforthwuhtodqnrt the <But while w_e well cCH1flder and n:volve with our fdvc:s, 1\~lm, wl.1ereupon the NobltS and Commons fhortlyafrer : ~~iilii~~.~~~i~~~~~~. ~}~rh:~~:~~~= :~~lt~~~~~~f~t~;"~~~hec~:C:h .. forw~':~~ c~~ : ~~ur 31gra~!l~c:/.'X~~n:a11P~laf\~;~~:~1~ ~:c:;.t~c:~~~~~!~lta~~t~~i;·t:t:: ~~ 'and in our behalf a~nn the faid Philip, adopting us of French, we have caufed to be tranfiated mto E»glijh) as 'yourgreatandbountifullovetowards ourPc:rfon to be enfueth. 'oneofyourSons; whercforc:youfhouldthusagainaltc:r ~ ~~~; ~:: ~~:!fuf~ ~~~o~~:~~~~~t~t:;dGoo~ The Lettet" of the Kit1g of England, 4nd Noh/tJ of 'the la~dandcommaxlarion of good men, and revn1gc: the.fome, to the Popt, againft the rtfn-vitli(Jnt : ~~ :~~ ~~~;t';J: ~a~~:.maa: ~0~~[~ and prO'lJijiDnt which he had in England. ' Jllrious n1emy. And as touchmg that which you tay,with- : ~;sY~£::~~~:%tch;1ai~ 0~~;/~G~~~~k~~ ~~,n~ T ~e~~:0~f~~;:;':i~o~~hu~l~~~~:~~a ~:· ;~~veo1~~e> ~~ric:r~;'era~v:·don~~~Uth~tc~~; : ~~e~~~~~~~~h~:n:~~ [~:t:~ F~to 'therein. For when we: laid our fic:gc:to TourntJ> 1t V.'::lS 'Barons, Knights, Cimc:ns, Burgdfes,and all the Cam- : :rf~:~~cr~f~ ~~~!/ 01~fKir;~~h~d('~dJenw!:~e~~ : ~~% ~!~~~~~ ~c~;;p:fn;;t'7~ tr:::~c:; ~e!t~; 'nent ncccfJity winch we: th~ flood m, and the diflance '\aft pafl: Devout kiflu.11$S of his holy fc:c:t, with all hum- : ~~}~h~~ %~~v~tx~~~:~h~.~~~;t ~~a~~~~r~~:: ; ~~(~~~~~l;~~~~~~~~~~:l~~d c:~~~y l:~l:~~c:~~e(~0~ 'noru!Cyour:llfcntthercm.Yeaandfurther,lfyourGrace 'inyou,.audoughtofdutyfotobt(bemgfoh!ghandholy • wc:ll rnnc:mba your fd~ your gram unto us was fuch, <a Prdare, and head of the: hoJy Church) by whom the: ' that whrnfoevcr oppomuUty thereunto fhould fc:rvc:, we 'holy UniverfU Church. and people: of God out;hr to be 'might intreatof any pc:acc, and grant what time .we ·~by. theSun-lxamsenl~ghtene~~ givcth us good hope: and 'thou&ht meet thereunto, without your coufent lhe.mn: ~likelihood) that the: Ju0 pentious (to the honoja: