J(.Edward's Co11Je/for's Letter d•[aibi11g bi< Voyage i11to France. Calis befieged. 439 { ~~~} j:!;bi: t;!;;e;,:;;:e•;~: t~ ;w!J ~t::;;;sh;;;· : %e::rrb: C::~:~~nf~~~ ~e,rc~:. jok~~~=~d~~~~ T hf Klfli• offirtl c~~ruhtions, nnd manifold wap~ ptau f() b~ ht.ui : thanks be unto God, the Ea d. of N(ffthamfcton ilfued out, ~c:z~r. ~~~a"J!'::!f?~1:n~bt':ffi;:jp::;:~· /': :j ;:;;:: ' ~: ~~=et~f ~~~:~~~~ i'i:~~~~~:1: ~~:/av~~gt~~~ ;~gm~ b;£orr:n~t~i~~;~'Lh;!~':!:t:~;~~":o~~;a;~~ : ~~l ~;~r~Dt~r~:i~:~~JJ; ~~~~::~~~~~~8~~~d ':J}:~:~~o 7i~k:,.~b/fr~~':~"Td~~o ~;{E~a;!!fj~;,; : r~~fe~7~C:k~f,!1T~:!'~{~;~~~0r~e~~~~r/:!G~~~} oJAquit.m.ia,ini1Jjl4!1af}immct a..rhM father_ ~efore hm! :England marched toward PoumifouponBartbclomnt, f:t%a~;:J~;a!t~~~£"i:~;}(~~-"11 ~~~~fo~;f/"ar~~£ '~~~lg~:~~~tdc5~~t~~;~ ;~aX~~~~:';hr;chili~!J'~t. r:~nrmuJ nor moughtbt Kings m,,J, n~sther dtJ tht Car· ' JUCil, purpofing to have kept. and !lopped our ~age; ~h:a Ffh:.~dmals fintl the French King Jo traBableanJ.propmfo to the : but thanks be to God, the Kmgof England and hiS Ho{i: ~'" "':>earrrf!.udy if peace ns thq loolt.ttl for, tbt Card;nafs :eturned, entrcd the (:.une water of Som, where never Man r:Jccd ~~~~c~' 0 ~~;J:;;:;:;;~be %:J~{Z1o~n~~ i!: ~;"fufJ:1j : ~~~~;~,;;:!::c \~~h10~leofe~~~~: ':d MJ~~ ~f t~~ the Cou,try andthegrtat TVJPns,withoutAn]rtjijhmee if , ~e than two thoufil1td; the .reft Red tC? .Akvyle,m ~:Jt:1~';'; ,h,: ';~::'{eft::J~~';P.} ~:;:{;~~ ':h;r~~~~~:·~:~~a~~~~'Jt,~~~~~~fe~~=th~~:w~ ~;~; a~'J r::~:~ t~i}othej:t~::t~a;u:sg;~:r ;:,"{. : ~~~~:J:,:~·k;~l~e ~o~·:.:!~~! t~~~~~~~c:: ~:,;;~J!;.U:,~'r,':/:/~:~'t;~~::tr~f: g::.~ :;::J, : %~~~1U:~ ~:,~~ ~f~r;Jf~~~~:Ff.:~:!!~!.f!r~~ '/tor"fx":}/}!oj"~7gR7~:f~~:a;;,:~~~ ~~71~PJ to; : ~:;~:~!11~1~ ~~~che1 ~~e~~!d~~::~~ ~h,i~::n~~;~o::J:;:;t~;~~';/:V;:~.':i,tfo:1:~::! : ~/~:: %~~~~~~~:1:K~~gA~~~/f;i~::~;Jhi~t;h~ ;~~:trF;:!h~::: ~~~m~p:Cr7,a7:!e;h:jp::,~~:;u:n: : ;::a~~~e~~.=d~:7£~~;: tt~.mX~~:~~'in;~~~~ m11t{romJu, llthtrwouljnot, orelfedurjftK~t (when he 'tmdtrhandtngofouratCJU!es (asGodswJI!was) alittle might tAjily have paffid wtr tbt Rivtr) ma& •'~~} refi- <befOre the evm~ng tide we drew tUl~ the plai1~ fidd, and ThcK.cOIII-jf~ncefor tlift.nceifbuCountryand Pe~;ple. And fo~ur •fet?Ur Bauclsmar:~y; andil?med1atdy the hghtbcgan, j~~.:o ,.. ~kfre ':;;n?r~~~tr;::;"haa'i:~:tfe 7!~~;. Jm!o~1; : bc~~:J~~~:rc~~~s';r;~·:1,1!b\~ur~~~~;~~~~o: ~i~c~~: Bndge, and lt.upmg on the other fide of the Rwt r wvuld <God, the V1~ry f~U On QJr fide,. and the: Kmg our adreft m tw plnce. · ' verfary was dJICon:ttited wi.th a!! lusHoft,~nd put to flight, . . 'w~ere alfo was Jlam the King ot-Benllme,thc:Duke of u,. After whofe coming to Poifj, the forcfa1d Chaplain and ' ram, the Earl of Dabefon, the Earl of Flander;, the: Elrl ~nfdfor tot~ King, named Micluul Northbz•rg~, de· ' of BWM, the Earl of Arfot, with his t~o Sons, the Earl of fcnbing the Kmgs Vo~·agc, an~ the:~ of the EnlliJIJmrn < DAmtrltr, the Earl of ~•vrrs, and Ius Brother, the Lord from the Town ofPoifit, to hiS commg to Clflu, m his 'ofTrrmArJ, the: Archb1~of Mqmts, the Archbifhop letters writethintl'lis•wik. ;ofSatmJu, thc:highPuorofFnmct, tbc Earl ofS11 ,., , A Ltller tl{ Williaro Northburghthe KingJ Ctm- : ftj[or, deftribing the KingJ VoJ11ge into France. 'names :m: unknown. And Phtlip e Valcu himfelf, with' 'another M~ud"s, which was called lnrd Elc:dor among S :'::t;!!r:;~i~;d~hegi~~~~:~~~~raT~w:1~} : ~~~~;;;::s :~;tw~}~~~fd~j i!1~1 fi:~r~~~ 'P()ifit, the day before the Affumpt:ion of our Lady, where 'the common Sold1crs and footmen, were 1542. And a!l ' was a cert:tin Bridge over the \\>atn: of Stane, broken 'that night the King of Entlantl with his Haft, alxxlearm· 'down of the enemy, but the King tarried there fo long till 'cd in the tield where the B:md was fought. On tht: next ' dut .rhc Br~dge was n1.1de again. And whil(S the Bridge ' morrow before the Sun rofc, there m:uch«<. toward us :A~~::~ ~~~7n:zthi~~~~1a!~n~~ : ~~~h~t~~~~;t~~~na~~~~~~~t~[: J:,foJ%7Jfu: ' the Ear! of North4mpton ilfucd <J:ut aganllt them and Rew ' cd out aga.infi them m .tluee Batcc:!s; .and ~fter lpng and 'of them more than one thoufa.nd; ~c: rcft Aed a'ray, <terrible hght,thc:m in h.ke wife: they ~Jfcomfitcd, by Gods ' thanks be to God. A11d at anotl1er tune our Men paff«< < great hdp and grace (tor oth~rwife It could never luve 'the: Water,although with muc~ tr:~vd, and flew a great 'bct'n) whete they took of Knights and Squires a grat <number oft~e common Solcl!ers .ofFr•nee, about the 'number, and flew abo\'e2ooo, pur{uing the chafe three 'City of P_aru, and Country ad)O)·nmg, being part of the 'Leagues from the: pilce where the Baud wasfou&flt. The 'French Kmgs Army, and thoroughly weU a~lmcd; Co 'fame night alfo the King encamped himfelf agam in the 'th:ltour~plehavenow made oth.er goodBndges upon 'F'ore.fiotCreffiy, and on the morrow nurched toward 'ourenerriiCS, God be thank«<., without any gn:at lofs '.Bokme~ndby the way he took the Town ofStapln;and ' a.nd damage to us. And on the Morrow after the AlTum~ ' from d~tnce he maKhcd toward Ca/M,whc:re he imendeth 'non, of our Lady, the King pa~cd the water of Sume,and 'to plant his Siege, aJ.Kilay his Battery to~ Came. And ' marched to~d Polfit, wluch tsa Town of great defeoce, <thad'ore our So~·eragn Lord the King willeth and corn- ( a1~ thong\~ 1mmur~d, and a ~~dlous fhong Cafilc: '~nd~h }'O?• m aU th:rt ~l'er you may, to fend ro the ' w1thin the fame, wh~eh our C'llCillttS kept. And when our ' (aid Stegt ViCtuals conven;enr. For after the tJmc of our 'Vanguard was paffed the Town, oor Rttcgua.rd gave an 'deputing from ChPam, we have: tra\•ellcd through the 'affault thereunto, and took the Came : where wc:re fla.in ' Country, with grc:I~ peril and danger of our people, bl1£ : :;~~ ~~~tl~~:~:d~~r~Uo~~~g::n~~l 0!·~:ffe;}~~~d : f:c~lw~~ ~ofas~J~!c1~'!Je~n:~ ~;~;:J~:'; 'Str !Wgh Spe11[er marched forth upon the Commons of <help to bt rcfrdhcd with VictU2k Thus tare you wdl. 'the Country alfc:mbled and well armed, and in finedi(: •Written at the Siege bctOrcthe TownofC(I/Nthe I4fh. 'comhted them, and Oe\lo: of them mo1e than 200, and ' day of Sepumber. 'took 6oo~endemenPnfonc:rs,bcfideothcrs. Anda.frer : ~a~~~::r~~~~:d~ ~~:a~~~~r\r:~~~;ds~~~efr~~~ S~p~;:~b~~~n:~~~~~!.:~~~~~n~~~~7{h~ ~~&~~~;,;n~ ~ ~3°~ 06 }' 'by the: Mtn'<lf Arms by the: Kmg Btnnme ;whereupon (lW dl((:dcd his paffage unto Cnl.u,asby the tmor of this le;~~ !t~.i~:~c