Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

440 The;Popes Letter tothe K. of England. Tbe Aufwer of the K. to the Popes Letter. The Anfwer ofthe King of E,g/and, to the :C ~=~~~~:bt~~~~jP&,~e~~~~~JJ:~;;~,~;:ifl.~~ fortfaid Letter of the Pope. : ~;:gdi~~~~1:~~c~~;1~!~:3~~~~~l,A~i~~~~~~~~~~~iX M o,!,!;~J~;;;;,~:~·;foJ~:Z:~;:;if';~rc!~7, :':~~~~ c Prince to do) the: fl aughtrr of ft1eh an innumerable fort, am/Sttphcn cftht Titk of S. John Pmfl, Cardinals ~mJ 'boughtwith t?cprcciousbloudofChrifiour R«<cema; Ltgattso(theCo~~rtn[Romc, ar aljobJ tbt Ltttm of ~ the: lo!S of thetr fu~ll.anr:e and fouls, and. the bmemablc Jt111' H~lmtjl flnt unt6 Nl 1 tbtu re marvud gm11/y for that ~ ptrils which the ddTcnr!ons :md ~V:ars fiuT<'d up bwvten ]~liT ]11sd Lt~ata were of purpofo font umo UJ, and com- ' you and oor wrll·bdor«< Son Ph:llp, t~ 1_10ble Ki?g of mandtJ to mtreat of a Peace between cur advrrfarJ cf '!'ranee_, have brought upon us.,__ and yrt da1ly do Without France . .znd us, that we WDufJ nDt fufftr thtm [t~rnl.J re : ~~:r~~~;~:~~~~lS~:i~~~~~~~n~~~~~f\: :{~:~:~u:r·!:;~{"/:,£~~:t:{ai~;;;e '.'!::;;;;:L~ c dows, and other miferabl~ People wh1ch lx: robbed and and b~wmlmgtlitmn_ tht Jt~th Dj Chn.fhan Mm, the lojf cfpoiled, andalmoH ~::tn11fhtd; what exchmati~n they Dfthmg(J()JJ,tbtpmlofrlmrfluls, t~lammtllbie"!"ail· : ~~~gw~~~~caGJ7;;: 1~t1~:vna~h~rr:~~:~dl~d~~·j ;f:, ~~tJ;;;~~,~~:;~u:feU:~~:bb~;~/:~ba,;~(f, 'Churches, Monafleru:s and holy places, holy VdTds, and '!"J Dthtr mifchn{s mnum~ra&e, and namd;.;be diminifl:~­ c other omamentsunto Gods fcrvice dedicatt:d; the facrile~ tng ofCbrijlla1Jfaith in the Eaft parts, which by t~ W.zr : J~~~~~~~~~~~~k~~r:;~i!:P~~~:~w~~~ :;~!; ;;~~;~; ~;~,:;;;t;~o~~r;~,~~~~::J 7f:;jo;;;;:;:h: c other fuch innumerable, detdlable, execrable miiChJtfs, GoJ bath gt'tlm 111 rrwmphant Jcrttme, Jo much tht mort 'off~nding the eies of the 0 Jvme Majefly; all which, if we ot~ght to abaf} a~d h11mbleour btart,andtobe tbt rt~di~ ' your Princely heart would con!ider and well wnember ; tr 111 make and mclmt to a ptau• .As touchmg theft thmgs, 'with this alfo, tlm ~tholi'k fa it~ _(efpecially in the Eall hcl] Father, 1ue $i'tlt your hclinifJ to 11nderj}anJ,that m weN ' parts) ~nd ~heChri!h:lllS there ~b1dmg_ by means of rhe unto ros1rforefasJ Legatts, a.r other mr.ffingm fmt from JOlt <famed!tftntlOilS:lnd.Wars,ddhtuteofthehc:!ps offuch untot~s;weha'tltofflreduntol'Utrfofthemrtaf@ablewars c<AtholickMcnasare inthe\Vefi parts,arefoaffiid:edof o{pttut,andt'tlt'] Ja;JularetiM{amt, and that nctfe- : ~~~-~~~~~:t~p~:u~:~~~:0~_;f,~::~~~ ~~ ~1:C;7?Jrmf{~h;:1 is~~~;1kj~J;/~,o;'Jh/,:fa!J: ::: F~1ti~~~~~~ t:t1~gh~t~~~~~;~~~in~!~~ ~,;~~rtlt:f!::';; :~r'~:;z; ';;l;,:P~~'tlhe,:,:;/' ;.t •cd, more than harh betn of m~ny years p3fl) doubtlt!S we ~h1ch ng~t 011r fortfaid nd'tltrf.ary bath b; foru of lon_t 'believe it woul~ pity yoor ht:lrt. And to the end that fi~eh ttmt Juamt~ frtim m, we [t_elmsg r_o obtam_ the Jamt ~,. : ~~~~~r;;;~~g~~~dd::ub~'J=g 00 of :rr }~:C~~ ~:;c;a;~::!::,:;~[;;, j;, {h:he':;ft::t~;;;1~!a;;::, : ;:h~~~tt~! \~:~~~dy:J~~~: t~il:r~~ fo::aa:: i:f ~:~::fJ£~:/:::~:ft1~nc:/f;~!~'h i~h:;:'~7,Z: 'mrntand peacc\V!{h thcforefa!d. Kmg. For 1f(mywell· ftandmg, _ar Zfor~tb1s r_mUJOII l:nfi)J), _we .zfftnttd to~ :~J:~~~~r~n~ :~~~%~~e~~~oh~~br~~.%~~~~i ~u:e;~b! h~~a:,h1:j;.~e:d~';;;;;t,~n ~;h1;;: ;;::; ' yoor ftlf; and be fo much the more read1er tome!me to _hiS fuJfi.ce htm whtch ~e o!Jtrtti ~~m C:l'trt{atd Herit~gr,bu: ; ro:~cl; ;~~ ~~~~;~Jlt:t~~~~r~:lGJ~!e~~;_ld~~~P- ::um;~:J,:";;~~~t.~ ~nr:tft~: /:/t::;,:·; ~:;;:: 'cht w the fOrefaid cvils1 which w1th01.1tdoubt do gnevoufly tlxrmcrr, mnmrarneth the Srots, anti mdrtbtbtm tout~: