Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

442 Barwick won. The French K.tak_en Prifo11er.Letters of the K.ofEngl~nd to Pope BenediCl:. ~~~~g~1~f~;: ~~~e~;e~~;d o,~~::a~~i~l ~ ~~~~:~w~t~~d :n~~~~~o ~~~:~~br~1~:~ n~~~fif!; { ~~~~} the Fm"b Kinj;. And ~hat. King Ed'!'Md a~in &ould King and the Pope, and other Eccltfiafiical pnCons .in ~unndcr to hun all hiS nght and m!e, whtch he had ~tt~ touching the Church in order of )"tarS rmuin- m Franu; where.nponrofc the occafion of great War m~ m the Towa, taken outofthc:Records, asfol!ow· and Tumult wluch followtd after b«wem the two eth. ~ whtte firfi in the fourth ycu of his Reign, Rdrns. . the Kmg wrote to the Archbifhop of Cnnurbury to this ~~';;;t.~:s- . l t followed aftcr.tius, the )'eJ.rof out I.:o_rd 13~5· that efKd: Thatwhaas King Edwardthe firfi his Grand- ~~h , .._ Ki_ng &hvnrd hearmg of ~he death of Phtllp the Frenth f.uher_di~ give to a Clttkofhis own, being his Chaplain, ::';/)~.~·;- Kmg, a.nd_that K. J()hn l_us Son had gr:mt~d the ~ukedo~ eh~ Di~ity of Trcafurtt of _York, the Archbif110prick of L1rr.3. ofAqmramtoC?arlnh15dddl_SonandDauphm of!"'· Yo~k bemf;thenvacant and m th~ Kings hands, in the {~3n;s} ~f':S~~:~~~;~~~~~~w~:;r~;hr~l!~a~c!!:~;~; :k~o~fi~fl:~i~hili~~!w~~~w~?cfh:v~7(~~~~~, ~i~ of abl~ Soldt~rs m to Aqu,rama. Wh~r~ h~ being wdlmg· and promote-d to. th~ fam~ Dignity a Cardinal of Romt to ly r«~tved of div~ th~ re!\ ~t~y by force of fw?Id he ~e manifc!\ pr~Judice of the Crown of Engltmd ; t'he fufx!ued., partly r«~tved, fubnutcmg thcmfdves to hts p~ Kmg th~nforc llraitly chargcth the Archbifhop of York The third tcdN~~ long after this,itlth~ fa m~ year,word ~ing brought ~::~ 0d~;~~o~11 ~hl:t~~~d{;~r,t~~ %:~ 1: J:~u~~:~ ~~·J;!~ to Kmg E_dward, that 'John the· Frm_ch K~ng was ready fh?llid inpy the (aid digmty accordingly, upon pain of his 1n1o r,.~cr. to meet h1~ at S. Omm, there to g~v~ hn~ &~cl, he Highn~f~ difple.tfure. ,gathered hJS power, 2nd f~t ova to Cllin wtth Ius tWO The hke ~ecepcs were alf~ dircd:cd .to thcfc Bifhops So_ns, LtoneJ Earl of Wilton, and ']Gbn of G11unt Earl of following, 'U_Idtftctt, to the Bi!hop of Lmr:oln, Bifhop of R1_r:hmrmd, and wl~h HenrJ Duke of Lancll}ftr_, &c. ~ho Womfhr, Bi~op of Sarum, Mt;-Ajittlr Marmion, Arch· lx'!ng come to 5:tmt Omer_s, the French ~mg ~1tb a deacon of Richmo:nJ, Archdeacon of LincGI~, the Prior tmghty Army ofh1sFranr:klmgs, hearing oflus comm~th~ of Lnmn, the Pnor ~ Ltnron, to Mafier RJr:b of B~t· neuer he: aJ:>Pfoachtd to them, tl~~ further they r_ctircd wurrb, to M~{h lhmco dt Conco;t, to the Popes NunCIO, back ; warrmg and dd\roying behmd ch.:m, to the mtent to Mafic:r Gu1do ofC11lma. And Withal, he wrot~ his let· th~t th~ Englij11 Army in purfuin~ them, lhoold find_no. ~ersw1to thcPope,_2S touching the (a!l1~ matter, ronfi!\ing V1duals. By reafon.whereof, Kmg Edward fo\lowmg mrhrc:epart5: Firft,inthe~edaratlo!~anddefc:nceofhis hiJ!l by the fpace ofnuiC or ttn da~ untof!adt~ (when Right:~.nd.T!tl~ tothcdonauonand gift of all mann~rof Tbe Frt~<b ncuher hcco~ld find hii enemy to light, no~ VJctuals for "femporaltJCS, ofOfficts, Pu~nd_s, &~dices and Digni· ~j~~~·~h for~ge ~orhJSArmy) he retumed untoCaJq; where war ues ~ldiattical, hoklenof him rn c11p1tt, as in the right ~~s~·~:~~ bf:,~:;~~~~:~~~~t~~h:r:; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;: :it~ 15 th?~; r~ ~£d:'g_ h~~r~~~ ~~ ~fcf!~~~- warJ fw~g the oflus en~my,ffom Cain ?'offed of the Crown of England, mtermedhng with fuch Col· ~~w~:r ~~~w~~~~~~~~~~Y~~es!~~~ r~~r~~ fuft:i\~~~~ ~~io~i_;d::fa~ :~fc~ a~~~~~. :'~f~r~xa~~dl1 had gotten. At which tune was granted unto th~ King lntrcatmg him that he \\"OUld hcncdorth abfiain and defift ~!~ 1!\1~- in Parliament, 50s. for ~very Sack or Pack of Wool! that from rr~?kfling the Re.tlm with fuch Novtlti~ and£ fhould be carried over, fo~ th~ fJ?'lceo~fix years together. Ufi tlons; and fo much the more, f?Jthat,in thepub- ~r.f:!.,~"~f By_the .which, t~ King m1!?ht d1fptnd ~vay day by - ,._,.... o~. dhmat10n above 100 Marks fterhng. And forafmuch as ~w~i ~~~:f~~ 1= ~~~:n~V~! fu~~~tt~!hlro~f: for m. yem years lpac~ was efittmcd to mount to 1500000 fX>Und and CroWn any way appttt:Uncd. :J~oL flerling. . After this, _ in the ninth year of the Reign ofthi~ King, {~;~~} Ba;~~c~m:ntfuw:~~~c!J:~J,~h::J;;!;,r;b:,~ ~~~:~;~~i~~7~~lfi~a:~~~h~=t~:C:dt~~;~A~ '3S i11 Gafcot~e, made toward the Frtncb King. Who, not- to the Kmg; wh~reunto the Kin~ anfwrring again, dc-- ;:~~~dflt~~~c~y~~Je7~e~11t;!r~&~r::~~~c;?n~~~ :~ ~~:~~~~~h~~~ ~% ~t ~ ~fm~ltu~t~d~;~ with his Sw~ after much flaughter o~ th~ Fren_chmm, ca_tain Em~ffadors ~or congratulation of the fame. But and ma.ny Pnfon~ taken, at l~tgth )Oyning With th~ lx:mg oth_erwi!C occupied by rcafon of Wa_rs, could net: Frmch King at Pa;um, fcarce with 2000, gave the over- anend hiS HolindS rcqudls , notwithflandmg h~ minded ~~i~ri; ~~~ t~:~J;hc!l~ta~ ~~h ;=:b ~~:~o~r~ ::~~ ~;,!~~:#::i~t ~~~t~~:!~!;rj"~f;:a;:~::tJ Priac:cUr. Phtilphis Son, with Lord Jamu of BaurbfJ11,theArchbJ- t:lkeor?crfor the~me, andfod1rcd his Embalfadorsto fhop of Smon, 11 Earls, 22 Lords weret:lken. Ofother hisHolincfS accordm~y. Warrias and Men of Arms 2000. Someaffirm,i11 this con- The next year after, which was the teuth year of his ~:~f~!:':~~,k~z:~~fd~~~ a~Je~~\h; ~~t'u~~~~~~~C~e~~~:~:~t~~t~~~e }~=~et~~~ ~~;::,1~~\~:~~h~ ~=l:of::e7~~vh~~ ~=: :~=:. ~:d~~~u~~e0~~~~ ~~ ~~~~tc~f~:!;.~~ This noble ~1frory gotten by the grace of God, brought Tenths granted lum by the Clergy a httle bdore, therc-- nolittleadtrur.J.tiontoall Men. fore the Pope wouldYouchktfeathisu:qudltoforbeJrthe lt~eretoolong., andlittlepeit:liningtothepnrpofcof exaCtion of t~at mony foronerCJr, till that his Tenth t~is Hiflory, to comprchrnd in ~<l~r.all the doings of this forth~ nccdlincs of his Wars were difpatchcd. Kin~ with th~ circumfiances of his Vtel'ories., ofdte bring· The fame year he wrote alfo to the Pope to _this ~!fed : ing m of the French King i~no En,tlAnJ, of~ abode there, That whereas the Prior ~nd Chapter o_f N(JMJJtcb d1d Po- li:nrySctlte ofth~unfom_levitd onhun, and of Da•tndtl~eScotijh minat~ a Clerk tobeBJ!hopofNorwuh, andfenthim to ~:~:r. ~~~~, ~Lw~~~ ~~: ~~eh:~r~t~~fa~:~r:a~1~io;~ b! ~~cf:~: t~l~ ~~~~~d ~~t~d;a~t~~ !:~f~~:t~~tg~~: patd ill ten years, h~w the Staple was after tra.nflattd · ter~~dl_c m the matter appat:luung to the: Kings peculiar to Cain, with fuch hke. I refer them that would fee Jur•(du!bon and Prrr oganvr. ~t:J~h!°F:~[a~J~~~~~o~:~~;zn;h~fd~~~~:ir ed ~~t;: t~~~~ tF;1cr~:;~~:~~ ~~~~~~~~~~If: thisatlarge. tcrrrun~mattnsa~iningto_t~tenght ofpatronagesof anJ~~ar~~in~:~~::C1nc~~:g~i~ 111 ~: ~~alj~~ ~~~\~~Lst~Jt!~gm~~;~~;1~~0 ~e~~~~ King betwixt him and th~ Realms of Franct and Sc()t· writ~th unto the frud Legates, admom!bing and req~reland: now, tO rc:tLun agam to ow matters EcdefJaflicall ing th~m not to proceed thr~in, nor attempt any ~~~d~