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Jiw,b/e between f{. Edward a11d the Pope. Marlil ius againfl the Pope. 443 . ju~.;} ~&~~~:~~Y~~d~~v! ~1a:i~~i!~~f~ ~~~~:ea:~~~~ ~!~~y~hdi:~ a;:~~{!;n~~- ~;fitoMfu~ h~~Peff.w~J frttdomandliberricsofhlsS.ubjcds. no~tof~:ndoverfuchhallyCJtattons upcmevcrylight oc· Writing morrovcr the Came year to other Legates _be- callon. ~~::~~I t~o~i~htr~u~l7~~~~~:dKfi~~ wc~~:i~ ~~~~~;11T~!t:hc ~:G:~;~~;r:; ;;~~= make their repair to the Fwuh Kmg, who had fo_ often· order by two ofh~ Clcr~,to Wit, John a Stock.;J.nd .JtJbn times brokrn with him, and prove what conformi!Y the of Nortm, to take JJl[O thc_lr ~~nds all the T ~mpo~ltles of Frmch K. would offer ; which if he foundreafonab!c, they all Ocanms, Prebends, D1gruucs and Bcndlces bemg then Jhoukl. foon accord with him: othc:rwife he exhorted them vacant in En§.anJ, and to anfwcr the profits of the fame: nottQmter intotheland, 10t eo proceed any furtheri11 to~heKingsufe. that bc:half. The fame year an Ordinance was nude by the King The year following, which was the feventeent!1ofh~s andhis~m_tcil, andthefamewas proclaime~_ i nallPort~ Reign, enfuec:h anocher Letta eo the Pope, agamfi h1s Towns wnhm the Realm, That g()()d and Jrlwnr [earth J:;;;~o;:a::ddc;ffi:d,tt~t%c~~1~ ~~\~~~ ~:fo~~ ~:!;~~;!;, rt:.119 J/f;;;gw!~'frz~;;J::,"f!;,hm £/:, fetdown, to be found in the Page440. . . 1171] BuU, Inftru_mn:r~ l.tJttrJ P~tt.mtl, lir othtr _Pr()Ctjl, by ~c~~of~h~op~~u;~r~t~~~~~~~{hc~~~~~ ;-:;Is ~Jr::r.?:~c~~};,,'h;alfi~;~~,:ft'tn~!;ims~~ of Norwich, uquiring him tofurco_fe h1s refervanons and wart/ tbt Court of Rome, Jo c11rrJ wrth htm ~"J. In~ provilions of the Bifhopricks wirhm the Realm, and to m~t or P~ouj! ~hat "'"1 redound t~ the pre;udtct if the !h~e~,h~~~::s :~;~:f:~eet~t~ee ;~~~~~~;;~;h ~d fa:;f c~,~~,"~1i{~~:.'&;.~~Zrt~! 1:;{0:/1/!f..i~~~:~: Ordinances of his noble PC?genitors. . do notwtthft~tndmg pr_omife a~J find S'_lreiJ to the LorJ Re~~~:~~~~~~~~~ n~:~}~~:hol~~~ 0~~~: c!1;~~ fo:a:~;~a/r~:t,;;z~~~u':fi:/if_~'Z u;/.fn~";h7!~:bfoB:, Ugates from Romt, comphuning of ~I?m St3tutes pall u~dtr pam to be put om if the Kmgs prott~um, anJ to forin his Parliament, tending w the pre1ud1ce of the Chwch fm hu Bud]> G()()Js ~>nd Ch~>mls, ~>ccordmg to tht Sta1ure of Rome, and the Popes Primacy, VIZ. That if Ahbc;ts, tbmif matle AIUIO 27. Pricm, vr any other Eccl~Jafiical Patrons of Benefic~ fuould not prefent to the fa1d Benefices within a ccr~lll An~ thus much concerning the Letters and Writings of time, the Japfe of the fa_me fuo~ld come to the Ordma- the King., with fuch other domefti_cal mattm., perturbatir:y or Chapter thereof; or 1fthcy d1d 1~ot ~efent,then to the ons aJJd troubles_palling between I urn and the Pope, taken Archbifhop, if the Archbifhop likew1fe d1d fail tO prefent, out of the publJCk Records of the Realm, whereby I thenthegifttopt~innotuntorheLordPope,butunwthe thought to give the Rcad~r ro underHand tht hor~ King and his Hms. Another complaint alfo was this, rible abufes, ~he incoknhl~ pnde, and the unfatiablc ava~ That if Archbifhops !hould be flack m giving fuch Bene-- rice of that Bllhop, mc_re l1_ke a proud luci~er than.a Pafior ~ ~:C.ait~~~~:~~:~~~e~~k~~~ ~:~:r:~~~~ G~~hh~;~~r~~hUlE~~~~~j~~!~~Jle~1~r:~; to the for~a1d K1ng and his Heirs. Another comp~nc only exercihng ~is Tyranny m this Realm, but ragmg alfo was, That 1f the Pope lhould make \"Oid any Ekd:ions :1.~mfi other Prmces, borh far a~1d 11ear, amongfi whom in the Church of EnglanJ for any defe_d" fotmd thmi.n, nathcr f~ed he the Emperor<:ll: ~ the fi_ory and and fo had placed lome honefi and d1!0"eet perfons in ads of whiCh Emperor Ltidovicus_, mmt10ned a·little bethe fa~, that then the King and hisHeuswasnot bound fore,p~>ge 425, whom thePcfed!d moH arrogantly ex~ !~~~~ .~r~v~~~.~~~~~~l :~; ;;ies~:;~o~; d~;;~~~d:~~~e~ ~;!,~~{~~~"{~~d; ~~fa~~~= J1 ttle aggn_eved, the Kmg wnttth unto h1m, cernfymgthat 1m~e of certam leamed Men wh1ch took the Empe~part he was mifinformed, denying that there W:lS any fl~eh ag:unfl the Po~. In number of whom was Marjiltus Pa~ ~~~~tt O~l=et~~~~t ~:r~:~;t·COI~~~d~~~ehis~~~c~~ ;~/J:~~,;~~~::~~n~!fo,'_&i~:;;t~:~;~en4:~t~; M•,fi!i.; and Nobles,and thereofwould retum :mfwer by iUs Legates. of_thc Empe~, Danus_, .Airgtrius,c!'~· Of whom Mn· ~~:b:::':£ ::~~!~~~;,~;,~~,i~~~~!1t~:23:r:: ~;;::?;~Ji!"~m;?~&~~;~k:~i:~~~,"~t;.,J;£ };!;~~!;: fpcd of hiS grc:l.t charges fu{bincd m hiS Wars, he m (bothgodly_andl(arnedly d1fputingagainftthc Pope) hath by the counfcl of _his Nob!~, taken into his own he proveth all Bdbops and Priefis to be e9ual, and that the hands ~he fruits and protitsof all hiS lknefices here in Eng- Pope hath no fuperiority above other B1fhops, much le& /ani~ proc(ed !11 the order of yrus, in the twenty fixth ~~;~~~~~~dj~~~ ~hd~~~in~~~~ 0~~j~~~~~t:u~ ~J1;(.~?_t0~ year of this Kmg, one Nicbolat Hwh Clerk, a bufic- Ecckf~O:ical; that notonlyfpimual~rfons, but Laymen ~tllnl"ltte h~dcd ~y, and a troubltrof the_ Realm, ~d procured alfo btmg godly and lcam(d, ought to be admitted unto opf. ~;::rh~~r ~1R0::~ ~,;;~<to~:~~~~~~:!;1~;~~~ ~efub~~~~ilsrJaJ;:t~~ ~~(;f~ea~~,::c::OJ\~:: as he had made againft them. Whereupon command- \'ufityofthc f.Uthful, and that the Foundation and Head r~;r:~e~~;!~~~:al~~:~~~~~o~~~,t~:r: fc!:~~i~~~~ ~~~ 0~~0~ o~e?hh~'~t-~; tn:·hr; a~=~ fr~~i~!. :~~b;~n~~~~;;;,;ri!lulo~th~d~~~~~~~t ~~~~/~·t~~:nM~g~11~f~~ic~e~o;~~w7u';I~~ ~~ Crown, or rnoleftat1on of the Sub)Cds : concernil'lg wh1ch mittid. ; That S.Ptttr was 11evtt at R11m~ ; That the ClerNicholas H_e"_rh, the Kin~a\fo writcth to t!17 Po~ his l~t- gyand Sxnagogue of the Pot-'Cis a Den ofThieves; Th~t tcrs,complammg of the fiu~ Htath, and ddmnghimtog1ve theDoChme of th~ Pope is not to be followed, becaufc IC noThetfa;i;. ~::t:~~~~riteth alfo to the Po~ k- !fl~d~~r!~i~~~~~;:~l~ ~~d~:~~eof:~P~vi~~d~~~& ~ r~~~~e¥~~7:£:'~( ~~~;i~rt~:~l:~~~~~~;,r:;: ~~~~~fr~)~ifia~~ntrc;~e~~~~~:~:~r:0~~ ftlfrl~of of firll fru1ts of Benefices. rlts,faying.,that they are noc:mfesefficienr of vur Sal~ation, r:~~~~ioo, uJ!; 3~~~et~ ~~istl~hf~e~~~~ :~~~:: ~~ ~to:Ytfljfi~~=,~~~t ~~o!~' ju~i~:~~n~:hca:~. f;::,.; ~i~,f~~;:ruC·}:1~~ri~~:~%~~~~, t~~ ~~~£;;~i,~:~~~:~~~i~i?,;;~~7.f~:~§&?