Prenitenriarius Afini. Rochtaylada with another Fryer, Martyrs. 445 { ;.!~ } Ht~b~~~.~~:~;~/=~':ill~~~!a~·~ ~~a~:. C~h~~ t:Q:xoe't~~i~~~c A?/;~hi~i ~~:b!~~';e(J::d 1:~ ~-:;.-:· · fh~p:r~chrafJ ~~Yojdi~:;~!:~~":o0~a~:~~~~:: ~~;r!:~~nf~:~s.Hfof~ub~ th;~~~=h ~er~~ r:rinrd and taught rhe fpace of twenty Km~ years t~gc-- m~mfold w:tys. AnQ rhaefore_ pttf""':<kd rhc ~latcs to £Y:: ;~~'irtl;ro~~! ~~y~a:~oeit:;l~~ickofo~d~~~ ~~~d~;~~ ~~~~e ~:~:~! ~~o~~~c;~rdnute l~cmce and abnfes of the moncygivcnofthedead for _Ma!Tts., ~very Rob~ . Y_et l havc:ma~c:non:amcmoi M~ehatlScftnut,_ Pro-Uirh•~c •• ~J~~ifi~%~~~~~~~~~ · Thae is, among other old and ancient R«<~ds of an- Church : And _dut th: ~ope: hath no fuch amhonty to tiquity belonging to this prefc:nt time, a ccrtau~ Monu~ correCt: and pumll~ ro mlhrute or dc:pofc: the Empt'l'Qr: mcnt in VttftS PoctiC31ly compiled, but not WJthoot a lttm, That :11J Pr1dls, o~ '~ha_t 4cgr« (oeva, a~e ol equ1l ~:;;~[.'~r: ~ert:1in Mora1, l ntimled, PtJ:nittntiariNs Afmi, Th~ Aif~ auth.ority, power ~ncl.. JU~Jfd 1Cbon by the in(htution of Confcifor; btaring the date and ·yc:rr of our Lord ~n this Clmfi: bu~ by the m(hnmon of the Empaor, the: Pope number, Cflmpltt lfs, .AnnD. 1 343 · In this Trc::atlfc: arc: to be: fi.•pen.or, which by the: fal!le Empttor a]fo may be: brooght forth the Wolf, the F?x, and rh~ Afs, coming revoked ag:un. Itr'!', Th:1r nenher the: .~ope: nor y~t t!1e tO thrift and doing pen:11lCe. F1rfl, The \Vo~f confdfcth Church may pum!h a~y Man , fimst:rme cMEi!va : :;~mfar~~~J~(~ c;~t~~t~ t~~e~~~~ei;W~e~~l.:! ~h~~,!~;.te:rT~~:fatdu:b!~( ;:;!;f ~~1h: !!·;~~~ :it~ vx~~~~~;;;;~ t~f,:o;~ ~~:th~;~0toh~nfJ ~~~~P:,tc~~~~~ 1~l~ ~n%~t~~~ :•j ~~;~:~~be f10n, whofe fault was this ; That he bc:mg hungry took Church of RPme to be: the Whore of BabJicn, drunk with :1 firaw out from the !hc::af of one that went in pcrcgrina- the blood of Saints. He 6id thae were t\YO Churches, no Pope: tion untoRtmJe. T?eNSbothrtpentingof thisfad:,and one of the wicked flouri~ing., whc:rc:inreigned the PoJX; and M• rpl· bccaufe he thought 1t HOt fo h:~.inous as the faults of the the other of the godly affiJd:c:d. /mn, That the verity was t~f:t;~· ~gT~~~£~f€}[~~~ff~;~~f~~: ;:~!~~~;,~~:~:~~~IT!~~~~~S~:~I§~~i~~~ Judged worthy of any Abfolunon, but was apprehended hind h1m many f:J.utors and followers of h1s Dodrme, of ~~;;,~:~~:@:~;~~~:~g~ic?~~~ g~t1:?i~~7:~~t;:};.:::~i"~::~:;. ~~~:: !~~.~h~ ~tf;n~S~%i~~rid~ ~~~ t~~rrt~ 1oo~hca~~~t~ Joy;~~e!ud; ~~~i':c: :::en;u~~~ ~hc2'~rr:=~~~ Erap<rot contr:trily, the Popc:dothfoonAbfolvethcm in like tna.J.t-- thefc: That the Pope could not givc:licencctoht'3rColt-- ~~Q ';:ktt. ner. B~ the Afs 6: meant the poor Laity, upon whofe back fdlions to whom he would, but that e:very Pafiot in his the il:raJt cenfurc: of the Law is fharply executed; efi:I(ci- own Church ought to futfke. Item, That Paftors and ally ~hen the Gtrman Emperors come ~nder the Popes Bifhops had their authority immediately from Chrifi and JnqUJfition, to be examined by his difciplme; there is no his ApofiltS, :1nd not from the Pope. Item, Th:1t the Abfolution nor Pardon to be: found, but in all hafie he confiitution ?f Pope: BmuliEf the 11rh. whnein he: grant- ~~.t bcA~Trh~;. i~h:h!c~~ri~~ r:~~~f:o~ ~ ~~~~~iljg~toL!;;~~ :'fub:~:tan;::J '£~: firaw, yer what (31th the Holy Father the Wo~ if it thiS he was by thdiid Fnas opprdfcd) aboutthe ye:tr of p!eafehimtomake 3.llY matter of it? our Lord, 1322 , Af;er Simrm M~pham An:hbirhop of C1111tc:rbury before ment•oned, who hved nor long, fuccm:led JDh'! Strat-ArchbiR:.opt s:~d·~~;·o.::.~;;j;.~,l~~~~?.~T,f,;;l;,~~~: 1ff.i!2~· Ijlip was made Aochbifhop of Canterbuq, by Pope C!ementthe6rh. who fate •?, andbuildedCanterbury College in OxforJ. \~htch S1mrm /jl1p ti.tcee:cd.e:d.thc Bi- !hop of Ely, named ?'man Langham, who wtthm two years was made Cardmal. In whoCe flead Pope: Urban the 5th. ordained William Wittlefry Birhop of W"_orceflc:r' N('w Col· ~%a~c~~~ ~~c:;;:t~'l/r ~~!f~·nc/'fO:~~d~r:;ti,~;;.· new ~~~e~e m O;{ord. 13~6. Agam, m the order of the Popes, next unto Pope et~ Pope~~~·· And thus they, :t~greg:tting and er.aggerating the ftult 7;;;~hfu!'!t~~~;;;:;:• t~~;;~le ~~~:~~Jt 1C::; ~~~~~. 6~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~c~;~~.l~y~1~~~~~nta~fe:t~~ ~~~ka~ ~~i~~~r;:~~i=i~:(as:f:t~= (~~~) ~;~~~ ru~o~f~~:~ea~:~~e~:v~;:r~:v~~~~~r of 7.F~~·c!'~;~ q::c:JS,&as t~~~~~;~p;;d~~dt~~ ~~:;;,Jw;, our Lord I 3 50: Gerhardus Rr~Jtr wrote alfo againfi the Cardinals, Erromous. Ex Chrrm. Waif. Of the whic!t ~f[ :~d :::n a~~~fr~~h ;~n ~:~~r~~f1 RYI;;~~;{~~ fo:!,'r~ !n ~~~·~i~fi~~o7~~~~~Jr~:e:fo~s ~~;l~:; Ffl •"' ·~amelya~mn the bc~ng Friers.> praYing t~at. kind of was1ob~nntsRDchtaylaJa; orr:tther, as. I find m Cat~!. I::,:;:~. ~f~~~c~ ~~~:~~~~d~~:;!7~=\ ::~.~ha:r:;yiSI~~ca~ :lt:~~~u.: ~t;::;!b;1;.on~~~f~~;~(:~;~~t;d;;ts ~;.~E;.k ~hh~;~~~~~(~1~ f!~!~ r:;, :~dbcfor~~~[k!: :h~r~h~~~i~e34~g~~ ::~:;:a~~ ~ffin;emo~~~> ~~:h! Hrrf<tJi•• ' Pp was