Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

446 Rochtay bd,l with another Frier,Martyrs.Varia1lce hetwee11 Friers arzd Prelates of Paris r:;.~~~ ~~ci~Y; ~5th;e~/:~~:. ~}13~;,!e a;~ ~h~m~n~;! ~f ~:d~~~~~~r~;~~~~~~~r:;~}r:"~~~ ~!i~k~ {!~~~} clu>tdlobc f!ab.rlon, and the Popewtth lusCardm:ds to be very An- h1s Sermon, took for Ins Th~mthcpb.a:ofSaint Pau! ~~~: ~~~:J;~J,d~~~~~ ~.~:£t~t;~:~~~~~7:~~: !~0~~;:£Hff£:~:.::£~:!~r!~£~~~!~~ ~~li~· ~~.;~~· fi~;~:=~~~;5~~[d;;~~~J~;~1;~·i:~f:i ~~~~£S~~~;~;~~~r~1~:.~J:~:~~e:~ ;,;t;~~i alfo dm he would ~each the fame 1f he might. To to l?'ve their lives for the fouls of thtir Hock committed ro ~~r~~~[;r ~;, i~nd~;'~:~~~~:fr~J~~tp!ifo~;a~~ ~~~11-~;! ~:~ ~~~~e~o ~~~~r\~~~~reJ':l~~~tth~i~~~n~h~h~f~ti~he;~ ~;~i ~~nti~~~c~~<:~~sd~;u~;:l :.:d~;,;~~p~~a~~t'd~::~ D~~; ~~~~:;~~~~~~~~i~~~r~~~~:~rt~u~~ h~~~;, fu1~~ ~~~:;; ;~~~!~~-£- ~~t~~~~ r~~~~~~ 1~r~, ~~~~;~o~~;~ ~;~:~ {h~ ~~~r:! ~;~:h ~!~? ~~~~ta~~~ r~f!l~~ca1nist11~:~~~:: 'p;:~&: ur t.u~d )cars wnhal, and yet notwnhfbndmg, for all thiS your prefumc m od~ MalS Char9cs where they have nothing at...!..,,.,.,.. ~u!l, I_ 1.:annot be re!!:ore<l to my right. The Pope hea- to do. But thiS Cha~ty ( f:uth he) now adays waxeth rmg thiS, COL~n~:mded the ~~ Priefl to be fcourgt:d, and cold, and all Ecclcfia!!:tcal Order is confounded and utterafter to be la1d 1n prifon wnh the forefaid Frier. Wh:lt ly out of order. For many there be, which nowadays { ~;::J ~~~f~~~~~i~ ~~:~r~ ~~~~~aidBt:r;t~f;; ~~~~~~ rz ~~~n ,:~~h~~~e~~urcl~:a~lret:\: ~~~~ ~~tl:n~;~a~~~ ~~~ t~dt\~~~ ~~~:n ~~~:a~:t: ~~~b;l d~ha~ ~At ~r:l::;:;nr:~r~er;~vh~~:~ Tbom. Waif. writ~h to be bwned at this time in Avi- body which is the Churrh, it may be thought likewik. mm, about the hrll beginning of this Pope bmoctnti- As. whrn yur lamed and prudent brethreq, to wit) the ~~ ~~~fc~~~~ tc~L~~~ !,Jh:;{~~:ll o~1Jott !~a~~: ;nJ~~~hc~%c~~:~;i~l~ea~~~~;7 ~~~~~ ~:: ;h~W~~o~~~1im in his firfl Volume, Chapter ZII , in hl;~~~ce~~~:;,~hea~e~u: ~~l:r;::~dt:~;~~~~~i:,~r. There were (faith Fro;fard) ?. Frier Mino~, full of a;; Aarlm was. ~Vh~forc we have be~etofor.t ofleng~eat Clergy in the City of Avnmn, called Fner John t1~nescaufed the f~ud Fners both by the King !mnfelf in F.>t1•m• ot R«htnylatla, the which Frier Pope Im1ocent the fixth Ius own pcrfon, and alfo by other Noblcs to be fpoken ;;r.-:~.1- !~~:~:n~~~~i;si~f~~et~c~~e ~fp~~~f;~r? :~&~:i1~a~~: ~~;O~~:~a~~d ~~:;=~ft~ :?~~1d1~~;~ b~~h~~~r;:;~~~ thmgs tn fall unto the Prda!cs ot the Church for the aga.mfl our wills through all our D1ocefs., and have heard great fupa"Ruity and pride, that was. then ufcd among Confeffions, faying, -r:hat they have t~1e Popes priviledge them. And alfo he fp:~ke many thmgs to full of the to bear them out thcrem. For the whtch Gaufe we come Realm of Franct, and of _the ,great Lords of Chrillen- to you, and not we here prcfcnt only, but a!fo we have dom, fonhe opprdlions that they did to the fOOl' com~ the hand-writing, and the full confent of atl other onr m~n people. This ~ricr, faid he, would prove all his fellow Bifhops throu~hout the .Kingdom of Framr, to faymg by the amhontyof the A~al;pfo, and by other youoftlnsfogreatmfolatceandprdum~iQn Books of Holy Saints and Prophets, the which were open- of the Fncrs. For that as we arc, you (hall be. Neither cd to hi~ by the grace ?f the Holy Ghofl:.: he !hewed do 1 think that tho:c be any of us Prelaus .here 1~ow, many thmg:; hard ro behcve, and mJn}' thmg:; fell afi:er which have not fomettme been takat out of thiS Um\·erashefaid. Hefaidthemnotasa Prophet, buthcfhewed fity of yours. \\ie havedefLredmorcover, andcaufedte them by authority ofanticnt~iprures, andbythegrace bedefiredoftheforefaidFriers,_thattheywouldfendtheir ~l~~~~o~~~~to~~~~:~1Ju~~ :~f:t:iil~~~~: ~rivilcd~: ~~p~ll~~;~~~~~d ~;t:er~~: t~ people tht ,rears and time; when fuch things ~ould fall. u'%f:dalfo to do. Wherefore to the in~ent you may the He made diVers Books founded on gr~t Sciences and better underfia.nd and fet whlt their pnviledgcs be, and Clergy, whereof ~ne was made the year of~ Lord 1346. h?w fur they do extend, we have appointed the faid priwhtrein were wtlttaJ fuch man·el~, 1t were hard to VJledges here openly to be read lUltO you. believt them ; howbeit many thing5 according thereto fell Then fiood up another in the pub!ick place, and there Tl>uoniU- ~~:.,:~:rrl~e fai':,d t~: 1t1 ~;, ';~~a~v~~e~~~1df:1°~:~se ~~~i~: ;~~ ~7fo ~~:;i~~~n~ru~fm~~r~; ?n:;:~~ ~h:thi;~:r=~~ ~:n~ ~~n~~~~ul~.~~~~: l~ft;~ded~~~11~:~t~~~ ~~r~~t~erj~ ~~~;![~~~!7e!~~:~ ~~. thW~~~~~il~~~io~g~~e~~~u~~~~: ~;::;'fi~::. ~~~e~tt~~~~fc~11f~/~~~~:vei~~/ZtRear~eof~:!~~:Y;! (~~ f~~~Yc;~~~:J. rdt~l1~r[~~ef~~~:~~ror~~~ i~~d~: r~C:ad~ wafted andfpoi!td,andfpecia!lyintllctermthatthcfaid rogatorytothat con!!:iturion. ;~i;6:,l;~:[· ss;'~~ldwl~;~~ ~:S r;:d tJ:~ }~h:Jeof}~,U:h~ sr~hiL~?;~;, ~~~h~. dffC:ru~,~e f!~o~~b;~,~~i~le: f~1~.f~X~. ~;~~~h::~~ee~~~~~~~ t~~~ ~~:~f~o~r::~t;:o~~~t~:J ~~ E~"h~ f~ FoC: ~t~i~~:.t ~~ :f~ht~~~~i~~ri: r~:~t to a!~1~(;i~~~~~(!l~~~~~f~~~il: ;th~~\~;J; ~~;t ~~i~~~~t~~ (~~~~rr~!~~c~:~~i~~t ~~~ ~; ;:hr.~a::; :~~ai:th:,vcal~eab~ ·~; ~}~~~~~=~~ aJ~~e~~~~~ ~~~effi~~0iJ~ii~~~:~~~o£1;::~:~c~~lv;~;;l~~~~~~ E::,:~t waxed rich, and ba:amc great Captams. Churches and Diocetfcs, wnhout fpcciallicence of the 81- ~= ten~=~~:~~n;h~m;r~~r/1re\~~:r,an~J ~J:U~~:; ~~f~f~~:e?i~~:ie~~t~~~etfm~he~~ :a;~~ w:~ =~::: , ~:kc;;:t;: ~~bri~· ~~~edof~1:i:r~~Y brs ~i;i~eJ~P~ia~:i~} ~~~~fi~~far::=~nt~~~is;;~~~':;ind;~;;dw~~ f$£~ F.~''""· Franct Conventing and A~anbling together m the City all determined (faith h~) to fulnd.fumly to th~~a!dmg of Paris, after a long dchberation among themfeh'CS, of their. blood, i~1 refifimg that r~nforder and ln)UIICS of A ~nltntJ. cauft:d by the Beadles to be called together all the Students., the Fners. T~ ll3ppned the l~xth day of Dmm/tu ~!:fe ~~l?.~'~f~~;);;o~~~~~~:.:~:E~it!~::~ whlth thty d<J'"'td tO Sa>tt N"'l". together in the Bdhop of Pam I11S Hou(e, where there The