The Popes Me/fengers hanged. n. u~t•tr· A:~da!:,:~ rh~~id~~~s ~}~~ac0G:!~~!~IT~~~~~~q~:rd ~~e~r!~~!fiiifu~Ilii ~d·tt ~~t~~~;ic~i:1; {;!~~} ~;:13:,: ~~:r~J~:~1~%~~~fS;{:r;li~:1d~~:tc ~~r~~~~ ~~:~;~:he~ll~~vi:,3l w~~~· ,\:S· ~~;~· .\f,~\orJ~d llu . Schools thtTc, :~nJ all School afrs, dtd Utterly cc:a(e from _all King EdJ~Jard kept_ his Parltam<;m at Lmd~~n m the month A PartlJ. exercifc of lludy~ ~xa:pt only Mmon College--Hall, with of 0£1ober: v.haem w:lS pro~tbitcd, thlt gold n_or filver mrnl. a fnv othc~ rtm:unmg lxhind. fhould be wom in Knives., Gtrdlcs, Brooches, Rmgs, or Thisbemgdoncr_hc l2th.dayofFrbruary, thc~ttn in any other ornament belonging to the body, excepttht ::,~h~~ri~ t~~.~~n~~t fu~ffi! ~,~:t~~~ ~~:~:r:.~~~~ ;~:~;~~~~ t:, :~;Pt ~~ ~:~~~~ ~~~i/D!~~n, ~=~~tgwo~h~11;~c~v~~~~g~~ ~Ja~i~~~1 ~:;~~g~~~ :u~~~tr:~ a~f~~~:l~a~~; fendeth Ius mh1b1t1on (0 :111 Parfons :1nd Pndls, forbid· out of the Realm, or fcck for Winrs in other Countnrs; ding t.h~m throug~out :1!1 O;,.frmJ., to celebrate Mafs. or whereby othtt N:~.tions lhould. ~ oonfirai.ned r.ttha to ~ny 01\'~1'1(: Service m the pr~ence ~f ~.ny ~y pcrfon With· fcek to us., .&c. But no1:c of t~tSdid take any gre:at effeCt. Jt~Jr~~n T~~~~l::~.1\~~~h1 ~~~~1:a~n'i~~J~~~~~~~~c 7;~:1o1~- :~:~ Si:!rri~~%;:7 t~tw'tt!;!,:~~~~t:fo;~~~:o~~~ ~;~~ intrrdtacd. year :1nd mol'C:, next in the place filCcceded S1mon Sudbury. cu,,~~·J· T~c King ·al(o fenr thither his J ufiices to examine and Much about the fame tirm the Nuns of Saint Hri,!fts Tl1t "'":"' ~:~~t~f te c~ler;u:~e ~~~m7h;i ~rr:,f~t~~ ~~d~~C:~~ey,e ~~~x[;~c:l bt:m~~ \;~;~~a~f;;,~~;d;~. B~:trgdftS of the faid Town were mdid:cd, and by the of Englan.J~ W1fe to King Edward the third; Cma an· Kmgs commandment fent to the Tower of London, and nt1m Domm1 1360. ?f~~e~~ob~~~~~~~~g l~;~.g~~.t~~r~1~t~r:nili~~ ~~~ Ly~0~~~; ~/~~:i~o~~h~~~~!:f~t~,iJ;~~(?s0~; TbK Lad mg h1s wnt1ngs m1to all ~henffs m England he offmd tho.ught) done to him by the L::tdy Blamb, made Ius corn~ s,.... ~ ... ~~ !':c::!.to rv~:CC:eraJlr;re~f!~~ats:l~l;~~~~~~\v~:~~ &~~~~tdtZ!~J:,· an:i':h:~~~~t::~h~~~t~~ P:::~;~:.of ~;'[:~~~:r. ~~:~:Yi;~~~~~::I r~"~h~~~!c~a~~~~r ~r~~~ *~a:dif~~~i~ut~~~wB~~PoCCtl~ryla~dv~~~rst1d:J r::!~:. :;1r.~ ~~«cl'o!f~d:~~ ~~ ~~~.~;~h~l~r~,a~e,~~~~~ f~.~e ~it~~~~ ~~t:w~~~~;;>t~~y~~~~:!~ :~~~:' E!:~r" :~~~~~ed:haA~~~:V:C:;~; o;n~hd!~~o~a~~~ ~~~t;:~~fot~n~a~~rcd: ~~ ~;gsm~a':~t me To"n. ~ommons of Oxford ~ould gtve to the Umvufity of Ox- ly, did trouble an: molcll again t!tc faid P~late>. This ~~c:lr~~0;nbvjl l~!~;~ll!:~~~o{/~t~~~tu~;/o~t:~; ~~:~f~o~0~ ;:;:ginc~~~~~~~~t it~tdfo~:I *~:~: ;~ aCti~1 againfi any fevcnl perfon of the ~~Jb~~£.¥'!td'it~1:e ~~P~11:0::,{';, About the ),'(:lf of ?ur Lord 1 3H· the King, with Lettrn from the Bilhop of ·Romt, the tenor whereof was th('confentofhiSCouncd,revokedhomeagainoutofF/an- not known. Which done, they inoontinently avoid<4 den .the St.zple of ~ool, with all things thereunto ap- away. But certain of the Kings ~nts purfuing, did pertaming, and llabldhed the fame in fundry places with· overtake them: of whom fome thty 1mpnfoned , fo~ in the Realm, namely in Wtjfmin.fter, C~tnreYbury, Chi· they brought to the Jufiiccs, and fo they were condem- :~:~t~n~~~{;2 wZ:S"::;na~~ ~~er~~:~·ea}~~ Stapk =.ce t~ebep~~~V~t~is K£;~'a: ~~dtinr~~ =~ Awhole· liu~{;~7;,' j:J :,;~ 1.'bilh~~~~ c~h~"laid'}.-:~~io~v: ~::!,~o~~~~ta;h~ ;~ci[~;h~tifS~~a~0rr {; ~1~;;:~ de. fpcc1fied, Tfiat he by his Utters Patmt direCted to all Holy Nails. 801 1 Nalll. ~~":o~ ~~:naJ~d~;:s~~!p~~d~te~ll~~:: mall~ht:erto::a~~ :F:r: ~~~: }~~~'J.1 ni~ti~t, not to abfiain from bodily labOr, upon certain fecute the race of the Archbifuop of C~nteYburb in this i;~:~:~- ~~~dt~i~{~~:~icl:0 ~~~::if~eri~ll~~~~.t t~t=) ~~~w: J :~i~~1 ~~~~ 9 ~~ cz::[r:;u:ginrung) where befOJc A Table