Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A T able of the Archbifhops of Canterbury in the Fourth Book contained. ·r u,J.,. v;,g. lib. •mmbmth trusl Lanjwscustobethl=t!Unytl}irdArchbilhOp. But by the countofotherAu· l tho~(l"ffi. cly by. tht. Chm,iklr.oftht l Monk of Dovtr) he (a.metlt to be de-- ceived, ashewasintQ.ez8.yetrSofDun- /fan) wluchindeeddtd fit but nineteen or twenty at themofi. This error of Po{Jdwt fccmrthtocomebykavmgout ' l rithtt Elfius, ":h1Chwastlu23th. orby l leavingoutEifrz.cus,wh.ichwasthez6rh.l asinfomeAuchors l find. [J MO«tlva, hm oto lxnotal, tlut although the faid Elfr~eus ldi out, J 34.Unfran- r«Ltnfrancuscannotbe33· cus, 19 , .Norealfo,lllatin~_Tableofthe l thin:l.Bookbcforc,a{taSsrwus,youmuil pw: in S11nf/UJ AilmJus. Which in ordt:rofAn:hhilbopsild"toutinthetnd ofthrthiniBoolt, p<g< I 9t. I 11lisLanfrrm.mswasanhalitm, and a fiout Ch.impion of the Pope. Afta his fi~m diJTmtion with ~mas 'I I I ·,new Church at Can~tr. bury, and plockt down the old. By hunwasbuildttl the ChurchofS.Grtgwy. Atlal§thhewas ,. ' '-txl(i[~~~~~~~:~Ruj;finfe be- !~;r, An~~~~;:;~~: and the King, loo~ in .the ;t;r, RaJt{~der RAJ.the0rdero£Cifla·wnu ;:~ ~:~:/.sCb~hth~~~~t~~~e~f! , '3·~"~1Trus T/x,b,/J, Monks wae firll l S.Tbtohal· broughtintodu:C~of DfJ"r.m·. ~e ~ur. 2'f. ~-asexpulftd by King ~ttph"f• In his ume the Church of Sauu Grtgory was hwmd :u Canttrbllly. 39· ~as5 Of the. life and death of this B.eckt, Huilf. 9·1 fttthepagt 232. ,, "'fl•· r Ex C"<iu!.Jmji ' 1114gmw m An· CndJ.•Iufi ' glta .inttrJix"_un.<,.nt qu.r~ Jv!artp.<m I Thom11m, 7U epus t;urmtra1 mi.• p~Ji.""", .'"'"m'"'"i" mma. ::;::t.::':::::."r":&r::.;," ::·~& \ • lmtrat~l" 'J.US pr.eJ:cantibus, &c. . . , 40, Richa;~:1 ~~h:$:a~tu~ il~ ~:~~ur;~:~ 'jlktw<rn rh;; Ba.lJwi.n md fht Monk< I was great difcord. He fufNldcd the ..p.Ba/Jwi· Prior from his Pziorlhip, :wJtwoand niiS• 7· ~o~~Ms:.~er:~~h~:ad~::~ to be E~comrmu.licatc:d t~~ all lKmt. ~~: }/ub~~~~h~tir:!~~~:S.the~~ I Tho S~<p&n, with tht ~on!« of ' C.n<"b~1 , Wt« by K;,g ~~ 'J•bn, . ThsS,.pkn,into><lmg to givr Onlm I , 111 the Chapptl of Lamhtth, was fiopJXd by the Monks cf .Canurhury, tluough '\their appal and prohibition. WherefOichcreqWrcd EuJf~Kt.Silhqp of Lonj Jon eo Minifitt tht f•mr O>dm in thr I 43· Stepha- Clmrc~o~S . l'au/, miJLimgt"J· lnlusumeftllgreatvariance between "-/theMonk<.of&,b,.f/,~>dth<Monk<ofl Canrerbury, for dlf:E!edionoftheir Bi1 ~t~f~,,w~~;ldE~~~~d~i~ ~of~~ t~ c;_: ! chtjl~ Monks had rcfentc:dtheBtfhops! fiarf mtheChurchofcanurbury; forhatl borhtheChun:hesfenttheirMdfcngasto i.chrCounofR•m<. I r r At tl!e Confttr:ui.on of this Richard, j "'"'""'on rof< bttwttn tht B•fhop of ~~Qd~~hr~~ of Bath, who Ium, Bc:tv.·c:a1 rhe (aid Richard and R"h • the MonksofCanttrbti1J fell agrie\'?US I j:; M;~n':s. ~t%~;W,~~~ll1bertic:s bdongmg +· I Thr f•id A<ObhiJhnp, formnin qu•·l l ::\:o ',lj~";,'~X~' wait up to R•m<, I After this Richard the Eltdion of thrttArchbiibopswasdifannulkdacRome, of Rad¥1 hus Je Nwa Villa, of John , Pr~or ?f 6nrerbury, of.John ~~~~~J. I [ Th• EJmunJ wos c.o!lal S•mt SJ. mund, at whofe El eChon the Prior of D•·w. tolx pn:knt1 ""'h' l marnageofhisMother, wasnptpermittq.{by the Monks of Canterbury. For ~:;R;~~~oi=l:.3ft~~~4~~dth;·£: I I ~i~':r:~ g~~~~io~;~: ,hen~i;~ I andSuccdforsof.. DtnJertohave ~li.n- 1 tc:rdlinthe Eledion ofthc:Arohbtlhops,t befidesothapnvilc:dgc:swhichheobtam-1 J al, pttt>knotwithout fomrgood fior< l ofmoney. AftmvardtheMonksofCan4S· EJmund tttb111J accuf«<. him to the An:hbilhop, of AbmJm. "though htfiood'l'i';lll thrpttfon nf l 7· thtEieet, and fo obtained oftheArchbifhop being angry with him, to ha\·e broughthimwlder theChaptcr ofCar.- ttrbuq, t~e to ~ ~thed. \V~ac:­ upon the Prior, fc:emghimfdffoddhtute of•ll helpofl.awy<, w" <onftninall ~h:I~~~~It7~~~!~0:~;;~~~: hewasaclength fenchomefromDO'Uer, bein~compellcd.firt\tofct ~handtoa cert3.1ncompofiuonbetwc:enhlm and the fomrudMonk<. I l The (aid Edm11nd. _Archbifh. op.• having alfofomequarrel agam!, went upto&me, anddt~bcforeluscoming home-, rc,!'',~Kwir::n1::rr4';f~f;g !;;; / the¥l:iird~fru:the~ngofrheKing- · dom of S~ei!J, wlw:h belonged 1.10t wj him to gi>r, nor to tht othtttoukr)l trnthsofgoodstemporaland!prrirnal, l forhvtyt2>S. ll<m,Ailthrfirllyrm ftuitsofChurchc:sthatlhoo!d be vacmt forfiveyears. Tttm, Halfofallthe goods of. B<nr&al Mm, not r<fida<. •cth<i<·lk-·1 neficcs. Ittm, Alll..egacJesnotdJfiindlr g.Jven. And yet the .Kingdom of Ssol] ll)ever came to h~ hand9, wh~~ belong«! coM,nfrtdu,,SonofF.,J,.,kthrEm·l j ~:IianS:! ~~P~~as of ~::~e~b:~;.~ Pp 3 /Jtm, 449