4 54 The Ploughmans complaint of theabufes of the World. ~~1 ~~~~h,:~~~: ~~~J~~fobte witbouten a \\~nnia, and fo;:!/ ,;e ~=e;h!Tab:::,;,;::t ~~;~~~~~J a~J:i~1,t"~;~ {!~~~} c:'F:r/ 1:;r:~~r7ftd~t:;,:iu~[:~!,~'a r::::, :~;: ~~e7:t~';~t~!":ffi;;j~~fl;:/~a~~~;a:lt~n1r~!fs;;~ he woleJorgzve us our fins, anti gwe ur grace an~ connmJJ gottm Beajfs, both of Mtn and BMfts~""'J other tbt~gs, IH to ftr--.;tn h1m betur htreafttr.. And. God of hu·en_Jief' the LtrW_ uUtth. And the ~tber Chtldrm .of. Lcv1, th11t '"'"c!gtve us gractandumnmg trullcbtoteUenwbt~bss ftr<veJ_ mtke ~abtrnade, foou!J_ have ~sthmgs of the Cbrijh Law in helping of mens fouls; fo: Wl betb ltwd pe.~le m thee~ lweiiJdt, t the w_htch Tirhmgs tbty jhou!J bti, ::~:f[uc~:::. :; fo":aU:I:ft~t;:rt/;, ;:':::~;:. ~b;iJ:!e if'il!:n:~:~' p~:;;ts'"!,o;;,!:ffe;Jj b~: And bkffiJ be our Lbrd God that hsdtth hts wifdomfrom H~ufos and Crofts, and L e.fltwu for their Beajls in the ~i~z;:.·a;"/J:; ~:t,;:·,;;~:jp~/~e~h tt ro Jmall ;t,;,d;L!t!:t:~;;~.~:Jblf;:1;;:;h:~~{~o:J;/~ Chrijfm ,mn ba~e a ~t~ kup, the_ wh~eh Law _bath worf11sp_ no ~thtr than hsm: [o he bad them thllt tfx] jhou/J F~ :: t;~:J;;~:if zf:f:Ta~: ~=~~~ha:hi~sfo~:~m::, ~/!~ ~~mt;; ~~~::,m;;/:fl::,~ b~e5~~: ~:/t: ,i!:7; &wopHfl. Jaidto Peter, and the ~ofptl btareth Wltntfl, ht ~oil b.Jtl- vantJ• . And gif tbeJ .worjhspptdfalfo gods, find fo for- dtn his Chw-ch, and tkts ts tht firjl pa~tyof Chrijfs Law. Jaktn hts Laws.,he behsgbt them th11t lu would bring them Tbtfot()tltlp~rtyo[tbuLawbuhCbrsffsCo~~a~Jmtn~s outiftbat~nd, and maluthemfo~t thtir Entmies: that btth wrmtn sn the Gofft11 and more 'tlm!tch m Chn- but Jtl _ht fasd be would mt bmmun hu mtrt} aw 111 from fttn mens hearts. . thtm, if ~hq WOII!J iry mtrtj and amtnd thtir dtft~ults; And as tcuching the Bdroe, wt belwen that Chrijf is and a/J thu ~as done on Gods fide. God, and that thm ne is no God bm ht. Wt he!M.Jen ne- And htrt 11 much kve Jhuwtd if God ui m11~. .AnJ ~~~" vtrthdefi that in the Godhead tbm btnt Thru Ptr{ons, w_hc J! loohth 1~ Bible, bt JhiiO find that m11 n jiKnPtd the Fatbtr, tbt Son, and the HolyGhoft, and ali theft hun_Jmle_Jvveagamward: forwhm thtywtrt,omeinJo ~~ur:t;:c!mM;~t~:;li:z~:J, ::J,,fctfr.ft:J :,~ fo/ft ;:z:tag~n?8JjJ:;':e;,;::;,_~:dPr;f,::1:JP;t n~er havt ben, (l11d ever Jlmlkn btn. Wt belwm this Ser'"!'ams Jt. fide tsmtt to lnJ them wsthdrtnPm themfrom "Ftllt z:a :;;;.di/f;nifs~~tradi!,hi~:tn~l)~Jm; t:t~ 1/;ft. ~~~::::;;;;t~~~;:rn b;~t,o':;~~~t:nf:bo~~~k ~~hat ~;; z~;,IO!i"l ~~::::rJ!; ;;;e ~r~;::VJtj~ !iJ?:':t :r:_:~fh:i;e:n:::;od,' lorft~7:Jl:,s~t/;n::Jj::o71 "AmldP•· tfnd E'tld, that was¥amul ParaJif~. Then the Dl'tlt i, Th¥Mthegrntralprott[iof theO)d T tl"taintnt,th•tGoJ S:J~~~l :Z::,'n:!tt:t~t~~~r:!re !:~fei~:~=tt{;i: 't":t:a~~1~~~~t;i~ 7oi~~~ ;:;_{:V:~;dO:n;!;~;:~ PmJ,fi, z:~ ;;;c:;;: (!beC;:;t~:::tfo t 7:f ;;;~trit;: t; ~~~e~~:::~f~h':, ~~~~~~ t:;!,~ if~_;::t~nd:jJ;:;L s;;;e~~h;fo;!1/~~:;;:,;~:::b: j;r7!W; fo~h_Ef:U:h~11~;fo :v'&t~~;: ~:.U1~~~. ~ f11nijl1td for his trtfpa[s. There 111Pnfolluwtd wsc_ludntJ! fllth, and I will make a 1~ b:!nd_ to thf: houfe of Ifr.td,. andjin,anJGoJfor tk Jsn if. Man{tnt. a flood mtotbu and tot_ht:: houft of J udah, not like the forward that [ World, and dr(/)llnd all manlundJavt esgbt foull . And made With their fathtrs, in that day that I took their hand aft.trthisflooJbtlttmenmlll~ipl]intheW~ld, andfohe to lead them out of the land of Egypt, the: which fort~ffayeJwlurhermll11 dread hr'!' or/()'f)td hsm,a~damong w.trd ~hey madt~t vdne, and I h:td Lordfhip over them, uhtr be fo11nJ a man, that hrght Abr:1ham: thu m"n he Bur thiS fhall bt: the forward that I wo!d makt with than pr()'f)td whether he /()'f)tJ him a~d drtarl him, anrl ~ad him after thofe days: I ~ill ~vt my laws with them in their that he jiJIJulJ offmn lf::~a~.: hss Son tspon 11nHs/J; and in~nt~ and I willwntttnthem in their hearts, and I ,..b•sl•.. Abr:tham 11.111 trut[tM!antf!!lfiUtJ the Lords Command- Will be thruGod, and theylhould bemyp«>ple: and af- A:ha,':1/: b:j~7,Jj'":/£;&db:;fo;j ~0t~[w':ein:~ ~~d~~{ ( r;:J ~;,~ 1)~c:nch :J:: ~~~h;~b=d the Sta, and~~ tbt. ~tttrs of Hunms, anJ he fehig~t to know me, for I will forgiven thc:rn their ftns, and will no hrm and t~ h11 Hem the L:znJ_ if btheft f(!r Hmtage more thi~k on their filLS. fo_rt'tltr,giftbe; woldtnbt~hsstrue[ervantsand keep Th:s sstbeNew T~Jlament, thatCbrift bo_tb~od~tntl t~·~~~t· ~~~·t!;~, 1:t"?j::J;t;:J'£cfu7::,'j;{j/!~· t~~~ ~b~~:or;ato~~({,~~ ~ni~~~~:j~i!t~::t~;t,t;:J;~: ~~ ~r~if~ yc!eped Jfr:J.el, ,omm Gods Ptopl~ that be ch6ft to be hu (l}JJ forvsce to HttvVtn, that u a ?snJ if Blifs .wd Heri- ..i!hhlm. ~trJ://";pt:n:Va:0~n~ r%~tJ!~t ;;t:;;~d~~ota;t';ta: ~~:J::~~:~fo/b!:e::::;;s;:•:;J}:,;:;t~~ fO::i. raoh that 1VM K_rng of Egypt : and tbtJ cmJm to God But the ThzrJ Day he Mofe agmn from dtath to lift, and that ~e f/1Culd tltlwmntbtm out of thlft thra/Jo~t, and fo for Ad:un anJEve, and~'"'! ~thtr folk out of HtO, "nJ he Jsd: for ht ft1~t to Pharaoh, Mofc; anJ hss /!ro(htr t(ttrWttrJ ~t tilme to hu Di{cspl~s, 1111J comfumd them. :;et': a;~ ~~r~lph:~~:r:e~~ :;j,!t ~~~:::::~;; :'/:ff~t g;:ft :'::nif;~%';;~fies~a::::.;;:;::,~::J/:;, :;o;~J;ft ia~b; ~~~~u:':efZ:'tl;,o~;s}::?t~h;:t !it:/:h:0~:r~~~~r;:;e~;~llr,h~ t:/~;b1:&:r::hi:! dome, ant/led than through a dtfert to1JJarJ the Land of bc:'JY and m foul ever wiChoutcn md; and fame to p:rin hhejf, mill thmhtgtvVt thtm ."LAw, tbatthtJ jl10uld~n wuho~lttnend,both in bodyandi.J~ fool. Hv~ llfttr, ~ben thtycomensntotbt~r Country, and m rh11_u«rr btitwe_anJaO Chriftenmms, anJrbis bethesr W"J thllkerward, the Ttn Commnndmrnts GoJ ltw_e ts the fi:ft potnt of the New '!tflamtnt,thatycb 'WTOte hsmftlf m nvo T.,bJes of Stone: tlx remnant if Chr_iften man u bold jfulfaHb to bt!st'lle, and r11thtr to jtu/~: =~:;;~r:::h::no~:,o~~lf!er:b;"1 ;rei;ffi~btf_ {"Jl;:h~ ;;;~;t~~'ift;f::;~':a/l{:,:~~e;fot:;1:, ::;; ;J:nft ~ifo ;;~~~~!~rort~::e~~o;; ',;!::'~:~;:,~t; Cb~~}:WO:J~~:b:; ':!:~~ li't!ing ne ft()tldtth not ail onlyeh J&ould Jo tobtmpnd he t~o[th~maPtople to bm bu !'ruft~, bJ B~tad, he bflthygwrn m _a draught z Water if Lift ~tt.;:;:r~a~t.1 a":l4:~~~~-~=· ~~: f;:~pt11 :if.tsii~ fl!i/::~m ~{r~:;';J!:! "::;::; ~;r ~his~;;~~; t'h: ,!Jo[t him tbt wnn•nt Of the Ch1~Jrm of Wi ~o ben fer- clear ttaehsng if the Gofpel, that tmloforh [t'Vtn Cc~ ;a;:~:~~;; ~~bz::::J:{b/f:;{r;tch;~~r!,:~tv~t; ma;i~fo}f"ssthis: TJ10u fiult love thy God over all_odler ~Prr< jhulltn h<~'fll 1tt111e Hmt.,gt flmongjl rlmr Brrlhrm, for I thin&> :~nd thy Brother as thyitlf,bothcncwyand fsta~hr~t