Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

456 The Ploughma11S complaim of theabufes of the World. :: ~~~~~icv~c~~~ h~0 fin~re!~~da:~~~t!:~~ ~~j;,~~t ~~~ '' ,::t:e~f:d ~·:,~d~t~~ ~~l~h~~~ ~~~~~~~;~: {!~~~} "gif h~ :lmenderh nor, men lhould tdl to the Church; ' ' ~c thy t~ fa_v:mrs: an~ thO!:'gh wepreyenth«buta " andg,f~nc:amendethnotth(IJ,mcnrhouldlhonehis ''httleandfhorchch,thouwtlttlunkenonus,andgranctn :: ~:~E,~:r~~;~~~~2)~~~ ~~: :r ·~:~,:~ :: ~~;S:~~~;:;:,~~~r~;:::~h~.~:~o:f~~:~~~i; ~::1:;.: ' ' Bur Lord God, ht that fineth in thy llede Wldo " good favant. But gi he kttp thine hdls, then he is ' 'thy Law of macy and love; Lo~d) thou biddcfi !oven «thy .good fervant. And fo me thinketh Lord that ~~o~.,.Goc1 ~t:if~:f :: ~~e1~a~:!:: (~ aJ:a~w~~~ ;het~~~f~~~~e~h~ :: ~~Jr~ 0~!0~~gJi~i~P~~;~:~ =~~~~: ~~~d ~:~;~:l ~:~~d :: ~~~::~fo31~~~:~r~h;~nd~~~.~:tf:I.:tc~ :: ~~shiha~~h~ ¥1:;~~lln~ ~;:t f!.~(~7~~~h ~~ :: ~~~~fe~r ch~dV~~~~~nAl:%~al~~f~;~f~f 31~ ~~~~~r.~ :: ;I~V:Un!~rn~t!S fr~c~~ ;ci~~hc~ p~i~:~ tJ:~rO~\~~ • ~unntn,t :: ~~: ~t~~~~~ Yc!:'E~~~c;;,e ~r~dc~~h~~c!Agh~ :: ~~~~~e =w~e:-a;~~c; ~~k u~ f~~e~folr~·:h~: :~:;~~~n. " wnh our Enemies., that Chrifi hath forboden, He curfeth "mens prayers. "and defrrcth vmgeance to them tha~ fo doch.t~ him. Gif «Lord, Ez:.tkid the Prophet faith, That wbm befpalu T• • ,~ jj ~:~~~![:i~i:2:!~~~i~ 7:~;,~:::h~:~~ ;j ~g[:ir~~;~{~:~~g~;~~~~~~! ~r~:; =~~i~~ cc ~~:l<'t;l~ft;vhit~;;}~t 0~:~:~; :f ~st::Cli~~ ~~c~ :: tt~~':h\Octh:'~u:ll ~e~~ ct~~~lfi~~c~ :o~~d~~~ tHortm, ~:ctb no :: ~l~~h~ill~~ ;~ilie~~~ ~~c~:~ ~t c~;;~e ~~: :: t~~m~:m~~be t=rc ;~f~~ .fkrv~:;a~t~~fc~~~ ~~i:1~or- :: ~~~ ~f:n~~Fa~~~o~;fa::~~~dt~~~~·ma~~~~ :: ~:!:d':~eo~hfn'f:r!"w f~ 11!dr~~.~: ~~:: ':h~ !i~~: '< ltg~on~ and w a Father. But whether is Love << lboulden aftnward ferven thee in nurch. For Chrill lliCh~"h' u a.nd Charity encrc:afed by dlefe Fathers and by their Re- "faith ; ybldfcd ben they that makcn fonow, for they "hgions, or lefs? For a Frier neloveth nota "'lhoulden ben ycomforced. And wo to them that ben :: ~~~~r ~~ata is ~C:~f theaOr~:~:l~J ::o~ :;i1~:r~icr :: ~~~ 'r!~t t~;eth~h~or~dnri~~n~~!, '::dhls ~;~~ u A Lord, me thinketh that there is little perfcdiot~ in « vants lb?Ulden be ferry, but their fonow Jhould be tumn thefe Religions: For Lord, what Charity bavnt (uch cc ed into JOY• ::~a~:~ %~~:!!f~~~~fr:1~ ~:r~z=;~~r~: ",::t~ ~~~~~~h:~~~~~ho~~i~n~~~ ~~h~f(:VTc~~~ ;; ~~.~u::~:h:\~~~d ~~h:t~n~~efru~~fe~h~m S:o;? : ~~:{~1~0 a:~a~y ~~~ ~~~;1 ~~~~:~g~htl~: cc T ruh~h Lord, me thinker~ that there is but but little " men in pai~1 of cwfutg, to bnug .to hiS Pnefis Tithings cc Chanty, and then is there htde PerfeCtion. Lord God, "and Offenngs to findm his Pndls, and he deptth ;; ~r~~.~~1~~~~·7r~~t ~~~~,~~f~;~so~~0:u~~~d~~~~ : ~~~~s part, and due to Priefis that faven rum in « I trow thou ne grantcfi not one man mOre uumi:ng than « But Lord, in the old Law the Tichings of the ](wd "another all for himfelf: and I wotc well that lewd men «people ne were not due toPr~but to chatotherChilder <<that ben labourers, ne trnvd not alonich for himfelf. c<of £wj that fcrvedn1 thee in the Temple, and tbc Pridi ccLordourbtliefis, th:ttthou newerenotofthe World, "haddentheir .partofSa crifices,andtheJirfibygetmBcafis "nechyteaching,neichcrthyfervantsthat livdenafterthy "'andotherthingsasthe lawtellech. AndLordSt.Paul ..,. tea.ching. But all they forfakm the World, and foevery "thy fervant faith, Tha t the order of the Pridlhood of To forf,ke cc Chrifien man mull. But Lord, whcther thou taughtell << Aarlm ccafed in Chrifts coming and the law of that th•WorlJ, «mr::ntoforfaketheirBrr::dnenscompany andtravdofthe "pridlhood. For Chriftwas nKl ofSa.crificcsyoffercd t.~~~~~re "World, to livm in cafe and in refi, and out of trouble "upon the Crofs to the Father of Heavnt, to bring man fror~~ro:n. 1<and at~er of the World, by their Brethrnts travel, and "OUt of fin, and lxcome him(clf a P ric:fi of Mt/,hiftthks pony. ({ fo forfaktn the World~ "orde~. For he was both King and Priefi, without be- «A Lord, thounet:mghtefi not a mJn to forfakena "ginmngandmd; andbo ththePriefihoodofAaron,and cc poor ~:f~Jtc and tr.wd , to ben afterward a Lord of his ' ' alfo d1c Law of that Priefihood ben ychangcd in the <<Brethren, or been a Lords fellow, and dwelling with "coming of Chrifi. AndS.Pau/Uithit isrq>rov~,for « Lords, as doth men of thefe new Religions. Lord thou "'it brought no man to pafeCl:ion. For blood of Goats, " ne tanghtdl ~tot men of thy Rdigion thus~ forfake the « ne of other ~fis ne might done away fm, (or to that «World, eo liven in pcrfeChon by themfelf m cafe, and "Chrift !had hiS blood. er by other mn1S tra~d. But Lord they fayen ~hey ben ' 'A Lor~ Jefus;whetherthouordendtan orderof~riefis Tbe:Otdtt « eo 5hy fervJCe, attd fc-rvn1 th~ both mght and "to offrcntn the auter thy fl.dh a~ thy blood to bnngm or Prlrilf, "Jar 111 lingmg their Prayers, both for themfelf :md for cc mCJlC'Utoffin,an~alfoout of pem? And whether thou ;:~:r:,.dt <<the other men, that done them good both quick and "gt\'c the-m aloneltch a power to tat thyfklh a.ndthyebtllbbod7 « dead , and feme of them gone about to teach thy peo- <: blooc:l, and whcther none other man may cat thy fldb ccpJcwhc:nth~yhavnllcifure. "andthybloodwithoutenlcve ofPriefis? Lord, we be- « A Lord,gif they be thy fervants; whofe !(rvants ben << lcvnt , that thy fldh is very meat, and thy blood vny :~ ~;r:1h~e~:£:nh}~ :ur ~;Je,d~h~t: ~;~h;~~r~ :: j~~~;thi~~th!~ :~~t~h: ~~~:n~~~dil!~htl~i~~h ::~~~db: ~~Gc~~th;a~~~ti~f;~~~~~:~~~ : f~i~~~&~/h~~~~~ :~~~~~hou~~!:~ ;::~~~ << wouldell: have t.mght i~ in help of th~ people. And Lord " fatdetl ; whm ~e fceth man foon fiiv~n up there he was cc thou reprovefi HypocnttS that preym m long prayt:r, and "'rather, the Spint is that makcth you hve, the words thac C'in open placr:s, to ben yholdnt holy men. ~nd thou "ychhav~:fpokentoyou benfpiritandlife. Lord,yblef.. « feyfi in d1eGofpd; Woto yot~Pharifiso/p«riUs. And "fed mot:ethoubc, for in this word thou tcachdlusrhat « Lord thou ne- durgedft not thy fervams \\1th fuch man· "he that keepcth thy word s, and doth after them, eatc:th « ner fervice ; but thou ~y!t in ~he .Gofpel, tha~ the Pha: "thy flef!t, and driltketh thy blood, and hath an ever- ;h~;:t., :: f{~j:'::~~!:,n t~~7~~; :~~r~Zs:n::;,;~rr/:di~~~~ : ~~~~l~vJ:;~/~~~~':~v~1:~e~~!~~1~o?t~~e~~J ~~?'"t cc chlnthyConunandment. blood, m form o Bread and Wine:~.t thy Suppa, bc{ha~