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The Plough-mans (omplairtt ofthe abu/es of the Worlcf. 459 {~~~} : d~.7;';~ ~~~~~}h~n~~~c}~~~~~~~~~?fc/,~~-acyc ~ve ! ;: ~df;h~a: n~f~~~~~~·th!}~~~·fuh~r:tr~~~::~ «ThusLJrdis thymcrcyandJUihcefortdo•.teby h1m thoudtdft. "th2t faithhtis thy Vicar in Earth: Forhell(:lthcrkeej> (( OLord, why dqxt~ any ManhimPetm fueo::!Tor, "~~~~~1iilif~~·~:~~~~:~~;~ffcl1a7~r ;r~~c~·and fuf- :: !~i~~ ::Rn!~~~~:d~filit~i~;Jg3;1t;;t~~thlairnp~ "fer.lllce is alfo ybroken by ;his Vicar. Lord thoub_id- "thy Gorpt~, when thy Difdpks kncwen wdl that thou "de!l fuff"eren both wrongs and firokes withouten agatn· " wae Chrtfi, and that thou mullcil ~ to Jerufalem, '<!landing; and fo thou diddd\ thyfelf togeven us en- «and fulfer(l l of the Scribes and Phanfes, fpittings, rc- (<famplt:to·fuffcrcnofourBrethren. Forfufferingnourilh- Hproofes., :md _alfo the death. And Peter took the-e :: f~~elo~;'d{el~h:~h\:~:~h~ce~~:~%t;~ ,:V!~ thy Jaws is :: (~~:ft a~~ ;;;;r~, Gtocfo~~~n~h~1~ f'a':t!":r~' ;/:~~ cc B~t Lord men teachen thattm:n fhouiden pletenfor a fc~aundc:'"r~ll: me m Jfrtu!. For thou t.te favourefi not Thllkt ',', t~~~ ri~~~; ~:~nn~:t :~~d t;~;~e~~t rn a;;~ ~~ ~~~ :: ~~~~~-e. t;~st~~~:n~~~i~~t~~;r!f~n:~:=~ :~:~ t~~~: ~(hlnad "men fight for their Co~ntrey. And thy felfhaddell: two "thy V1ca r, gif thou madcfi any on &u-th, fRoukkn TbcP:;r ' ' fwords in thy company, when thoufhoulddl got? ~by ' ' ~uffrenofyouditggets. . ~d~~~,. :: ~~~~r~ tl~~:l~ ~~~~~~<;!~S~~;~1' t~~o~e~~~a:/f~ 1trh; " r~ ~r';:'~;n ~~~~,\~bcl~~fct~ 0~~~~~~~i~~~cl,~fR~~ht: ~~.!,.:: " Vicar to ;ule thy Church with. ' " fhoulden fwear to light for thy words~ for~:c. "t~~f!. ~~s~~~g~j~:r[';Jh~~~st t~: H~e~!~~·~~ " ;~~A&~d~h~~h~~~fu~~~:~h~h;~ :~~ ~~:~t:~~~ " mankinds counrrey; and m thiS World we ne ben but << V1c:J:r that hatb grttlt Lordthipc;, and more than him <<fir:mgrnandPilgrimcs. For thcu~rdneart ofthis ' 'nedeth? Lord lwotv,e\1, that in thehtginningthe "World, ne thy Law ndther, ne thy true Servants that cc Churchmen that were cpnverted threwen adown theii <c keepen t~y Law. And Lord, thou w~reKingofJudaby "goods afore the Apofilesfecte. ~o~ all the:y wcrenin « Hen:tage,Jfthou wouldell: ha\·e yh.adtt; but thou forlOok u durity1 and no11e of them (aid thiS IS mine, ne Ptttr "it,andpletedefinottherefcre,nefoughtnottherefore. •'madchimfelfnol.ordoftbefegoods. << But Lord, for thy kind Huetage, and mandkindes cc But Lord, now he that clepeth himfdf thy Vicar "c~ntry, that is a Land of bli($, thou foughteft migh- "upon Earth, and fuccen:-or to Peter, hath ybroke thy u rilicb. ln banelthouovercamethyEnemy, andfothou ucommandmcnt of Chamy, for he is!xcome a Lord. :: ~~~~ i~~t~r~~ri~~~e;ll~~~f ~~~~~r~:c~~~tfu;ITc~ ;: ~~~d a 1 1fo 1~ft;at~~~e~ro¥;;~~~i.o~~1:1_1~f~~~0i~~e;li ~~F~~ "Kingofblifs; asDaviJfaithm the Pfa!tcr. But Lord "chtcf and thraldom, for our Chtc:'"ftame hath forfakenrlcy,of :: ~~~~;~ ::~d~f,;1;;~~ee:h~~;~~i~~f~~~~·asat~~=~!J~'b:;~~ :: t~~tn~~ Art~ and hath treated to ha\'t pc-ace witho~;r :r'~!i:::" << thecfc and lxnormn thee all thy clothes) and ftickedthee «A Lord) gtfit be: thy wil~ draw thy(werd out of his "totbeHeartwithaSpear. "flte::tb, th~t thy Servants may fighttherewithagainfi « 0 Lord, this was an hard Affault of abattd, and "thmEnemu.:s, and putcowardtfeoutofourhcans: and :: ~~~ :hfur ~~~a:~~;~\'~J:~i~~~~d~~~g~~~~~~ tt;~:v~;;:r :: f~~~~~rtr:~~ili~~~i~k: ~~~~:~~~ec:~c_ch~~~ t~~;= ~·r~~~~:hat « thy_Fath~r. And tl~us Lord thou taughtefh~y S:erva_nts "For gtfweben accorded wuh our Enemtes till that time " to hght tor their Countr.:y. And Lord thiS. fightmg " come, it is dread lell: thou take \'engeance both of them :; ~~~~ ~~~~~~fl~~~~~ ~et~~dotf\~Snc!'~ ~;1iea~~~ :: ~h~ ~;~~ ~~~~~e%.bu~o1~r~·t~~;~e is no help now in «the li~ht of thy fighting, that thou taughtefi oprnlich "L?rd, thou gevefi us a commandment of tntth., in « ~~d, :h:dg~~~~ ~:~:~rd to figh~m a~infi our ~ne- :: ~ht~:tg T~~!~~~~~~y~l.,fon;;n::~~~d~~~tf~~!~~~~ ~=k~~ c• mics for.~ Countrey, that was rhmc holy Teachu~, ' 1 and another o.t poorend$: but Lord, he that ckpeth t..wof ~ «and Chrifuen men~ law. But Lord thy (word is ~t tn "himfc:lf thy Vtear on Emh, hath both ybroken thefe f,ump;. " ~ fheath., and i11 Pnef;s ward., that ha\·e forlilke the hght- " commandments ; for he maketh a Law to compel men "mg_that thoutaughtefi. For astheyfeyn, itis_ag:tinfi •'to fw~r,_and by hisi..Jws hetea~hcththatam~n, to "thctro~dertobenMenofArmsint~ybattd,forttisun- «fave i11S hfe, may forfwc:J:r and he. And fo Lord, :: ~~~~:~~ fu~~~~[%~erc~;ro:~~r"r:~~ int;t~he~;~o~; ;; ~;:J~S~ ~o1~~tf~~~i~mr;~ ~i~, 1~~~,-~'rct~fJ:~;ef~~~ ~~~~v:,:; :: ~~:;~i~~~t~~i~!~~~e, 0b':tr :::~~~~;~m?r~~h~i~~ 1:~~ "~~~~;3~~~ouLha~ 1;br~~J~~tl~\Str~~·living of Souls ~~~;.r.o. ,'r' ~~dr~~~~~~:~·da~~h~ftQ~~t:~~:h~~ii~~~el:h~cfili7:~ ;: ~e~s, ~~~dds,~he~~::v~;~~~n t~~~~· H:A~d; ~~!!~:~e ~~! "afightingagainfikmd,andmuchagamfithyteaching. "our fouls: andlcfs harmtt were to fulfer bodilich "0Lord) whether axfedefi thou after {werdsin the "death. ' ' time.of thy paffion to ag1infiond thine Enemies ? nay " Lor?, King Saul brake thine Hefis, and thou took "forfooth thou Lord. For Ptur, that linote for great "his Kmgdom from his Heir(Sevennore after him, and "love of thee, had no greatthankofthce for his fmit- "give it to J?avid thy Servant, that kept thin~ Hefi:s. ('ing: And L?rd, thou were mighty enoughtol~\'e "AndthoufatdfibySamuflthyProphettoSaultheKing, :: :e:~fJ; ~~:~ ~~e%~(5&o~~d,t!L:X\~~~~ 00~~~~ :: ~~;tJ:ks.a 'F~~~e~h~~h~fo\!~t 0~;:!\~:lf~:: ~~d~.!!~' "thou be. Herethouteachefiusdtatwetho~denfulfre:n : "and dreaded! theealfo, henolefor:nothingbreakethine "for thou weremightyynow to haveagamflond thine "Hefis. ' ' Enemies, and thou haddefi wepen, and thy men weren " 0 Lord, gif breaking of thine Hefts bt herrying of "heartytohavefminen. ''falft:Gods, l trowthathothatmakcthrheproplebreak " ;;~t~~~~~tH':d:l~~~~et~~~::; :: ~~u;l~e H;!~,;:~~:~hhi~~fc~r~ha~f(~s ~fis01~i!lf~ :; !~y~~~?gi~~~ ~ho~i::O~~r~;tdat ~~::c;; :: :ab;:::~godcnofar did fometimc that \\015 King of f< fervants. " But Lurd, w~ for6.ken fuch falfe Gods, and beleveu !i"~ttmr,- " 0Lordwh~ther gevc tboutoPeterafpiritualfwerd «thattber~ncbennomoGods t~anthou: andth~~h '/,~£= 1 :; ror~ie\~~ ~~O~f::~~~~~~te:Ot~~ 7oC:d ~~~~ :: :t:b~~~er\~~ ath:~~~~t~h:ll ~:~ttLf~: ~~~:IOr~!e~g~n~ '<much, would have fmit with thy fwerds. But Lord, "token that dlOltloveft us, eo given us in this world fome ~he taugbtc:n us to bldl'cn thtcu that curftn us1 and ~·penance forow·trrfpafs. Qq:i Lord,