Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

460 The Complaint of the Plough-man of the abufe of the World. (< r: ~;\~~~~(~~~!;~·~~i::e~~a;!~tm:h~~h~~~:~ : ~};~~~\h~ ~v~~J. thFo~:c ~:~~~S:r~~~ ;:~7et~Ji {~~~} ""forbtddcthem to cat. 0 Lord, what truthisinu~ to « bdten: more: the preaching of a MaJler ch~thath raknta '•eatcnunclcanmcreofthe foule, that rhouha(lforbtd) "Clateof fchool, than thepruchingofanothermanrhat "Lordthoufaidf\, he thatdoth tin isfavantoflin, and "hathnottakenrhclb.tcofmaflry. «then he that lic-th in. IOrfwearing him(elf, is ferv:mt .of «Lord, whether it be ::my n~. that mafiers btarnt : ~~~d1fath1~~ ~~~~i~;; fA~d~~~t~~~~~e~;y:~:r ti:o ~~~~ :: t~Je,{s'~~e~\~~r ~~~~i~~~;y tl~~fi~r ~~~~eb~1~isg~t: ~ · :: c:Y,~;";;,:;;o,~;dj,;' l?;:f,:· ot~~;~:~~~~~v~;%!;;r, :: ~~:~;;,: :::]:,:hcl~n1::~/~;;:;~:';h~~;:,~~': :~,;,ro: c< and forfaktth d~y ((:rvicc for dread of his b<xhly dt':lth, " welt be none ; for 1t is forboddcn him in thy Gofpel. "bccomcththeOJVdsferv:m_t.. "Lordthoufendcft t? mallersto prcachrhypeoplc; aud ' ' O Lord, wlllt truth lS 111 him t_hat clepeth him~elf «thou knowlcdgill m the Gofpd to thy Father that he ~~~;{{- :: :;:;~~[ ::;; i~~:::~ "J:,;;; ~~~~~;~;'b;~:~~ l;:::J :; ~:~' ~~~-;.[• 1;,;~0~tl;'~~~~:~~- m;::,:'t~,dym~~; al!Wcd. ' ' Maller, andfo thyftlf; buryetinthyw:trks "of the l:!whyldcnthy teaching folly, and faldenthat u thou wcrt: lS a fcrvanr. Lord th~ was a great truth, " thou. woWdcll ddlroy thy people with thy reaching. "'and a great mcckndS: but Lord, btd thou r_hy ferv:mts ' ' Trultch ~. (o thefe maficrs {cggcth 110\~; for they " that they !l10uld not have Lordfhip over their brethr~1 . " have wrmcn many Books againll thy tcachu~g, that ~ : I:~d ~7:,: ~J~:"r,,t,;~,~H~"~r~~~:'\~!lh~ : l;:'t;h':'d~~;;;t';:;;'Qr,ot;l:;;"'{r ~~:~~:;;~;h:;r ::t:;.';'~~ "c~~t~~t,O:~u faidfi itfhould not be fo amongft : ~~~~wt~a~hs.w";~7,~t ~;!~~h :r~~ ~:h':r~s _l~;eraJ:~~ ~:~. " thy fervant. But he that were mofi, fh?Uid be as a " T1me fhall come when men fhaJJ not fufidm whole· '" ferV3nt. Thou Lord, thou t:mghtefi thy DilCiples to be " fo~e reaching ; But they lhul!en gather to hepe mafiers '<meek. Lord in the old Law thy ferv:mrs durfl: have no ·~ With hucching ears, and from truth they fhulleu turuen ~~E!i !! [~E:~~i~;1E~~~:g~t~~~h~~~B~;:~;~~ :: ;~~~::~~~:~ 0 ::~::~:,:~:0:::.:~::: " thren: for all they were Abrnbams Children: and at a "than his words, :md the deed fheweth we!! of thrfe «certaitl time, they 1hould. k:t their breth:en!:Xlfs from "mafie~> that they detiren more !llai(leryfortheir oWn u them in all freedoln, but tf they would wilfulhch abide "worlhip, than for profit ,of the prople. For when «' 1\illinfervice. "theybcmafirrs,_they ne preachtnnotfooft .as_theydid ' ' 0 Lord, thou gavens in thy coming a bw ofpcrfed: "before. And gtf they prrachen, commonhch tt is bep ;: ~~~h~~~.m ~:\J~~c;~a~~ ~~~v;r1~ti~~1;:~ad:~~ ~~~r~~~ :: ;~(~ ;~n~c1~f tlt 1~~fr ~;~{hi1~~vn :~~e ~~:P;~ «we fhonld cltperous no Father upon Earth, but thy "men thty preachen but feldem, whtn they benmap ••Father of .Heavtn we fhould dtpeour Fath?". Alas, <<Jlm: andfobythtirworks wtmay ftet1thattheybeu ' 'Lord, ho':"violet~tly our bretbrtn, an~ thyduldrenbcn "falfe glofers. :: i::~J. ::;f ~~E::~~i~~~~s%~~~~;~:.:1:~ :: ii:~~~~;,~~~~~~~~~~£:~:~tf~:':E;:::~; ~~~ " ence, and m mcrknefs, and ktep thine Hdls, we hope " teachmg and thine !'Jefis, ntedehch they more glofe th~ne « ro ~ free. And Lord give our brethren_ grace to come " Hcfis, at(er their hvit~l?· other e~~men fhuldtn o~nlich ~or « out ofThraldom of fin, that they fall m through the « yknown their Hrpocnhe and rhm fullhod. "de!iringandufagtofLordfhipuponrhtirbrethre:n•. And "BmLord, thoufayfl: thatrhere is nothingyhid that u Lord, thy Pridts in the old Law had no Lordlhtpc; ~- " fha!l not bt fhewed fom..etime. And Lord ybleifed :: ~~~ =r~~~ ~~dh~~; ~~~r:~;: ~~~eP~~~~~drh 1;: : :~t~m~f: ~h~~::~~= 11 f~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~h~~o:i~~ <_,and put thtir brethren m gre:tter T hraldorn than lewd « domsof nufiers, that ha~e by Jletghcs ylad us away " men that be Lords. Thus is meekndS for6ken. " from thee and thy teachmg, that thou that were the «Lord, thou biddcfi in the Gofpd, that when a man " m:iller of He:tvtn, taught us for love , when thou !f1ge7f!?Z~ :~~;~~~; : that lowcn himfclf hoL~d be an heyghcd. 0 Ll1d, :: ~l,i~k~~t!:l~h:;pr:~v~bclf;~~~:1gK~:~9 ~:u~a~~~~ ~~a~ "thou biddefi in thy Oofpd robcwareofthePharifes., "commandet11 on allwifetoktepenhisHefis, makcnthy "for it is a J?Ointof pride COI!tflry .to m~eknefs. And "P?lPiehcarmhi_ma!.aGodonEanh, and makeththem "Lord,thoulayefithattheylovethcfirfl:fimngsatfi.lppers, "histhflllsandhJS~rv:mrs. :: ~~"~h~;i~~~r;::di~~C~a~;~c~~~!~f':~:.eet~JJ~ "t~:~~~n~~:e' w~\;h :;~~~ ~~~ ;:J~~~ ;cef:-at: (<Lord, thou 6ytll be yt not clepai MaHtrs, for one is "Nabt~grHkwfor and Ius Laws. For he m Ius proud =~~- ~ ~J~1~~~f~Eft.~~~:::~~:~::: ~ ~~);~!1~~;1~~J~i;@~~~:~§~~~~·~·· Vlnri• ' «he clepnh himfelt Father of Fathns agam:Jl thy forbtd- '·pen htm as a God, and thy gtt"at facnfice he hateydone :ft:"J.•· :: ~~~~~v<~;'~,:,~::~ ,;:~~~'r,;~;~· ~;~!;'%d;,,~: ,~ ~:'(ji.oro, hm ;, <hya>mm•ndm""of mook,«mU: ~~';'!.:' " that reach thy prople their 0\~n tcae~mg, ar~ leave thy chiJ11ch to broke: :and thy blelfed commandmmt of rouo~· rd. " teaching that is needful, and hidden 1t by,quamt Gloffes " poomes ~ alfo to broken, :aJ:d yhid from thy prople. ~~:;:: : ~~~~t~~~ 1 1~~~ r:ft~a~~h;~;:;,r1~!~~-~itt:;v::~h :: ~r~ o~;cKi~~,t%:u7t~e~~:~~,r!:~~~~ !~~tZili! << harmtothe~plt.But Lord,thefeglofersobJ':Cl:,thatthey "\\:ere: forthoufaideft thyfclf;Foxcshavc:-dens, and ~· ddire not the !late of 1uafiery robe worJluppcd thtre· "BJrdi_ofHeavell ndls, and Maus fon hath _not w!~e;;