Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

462 Tbe Plough-mans Complaint oftbe abufeof the World. :: ~~{)~J ~~a~11 tifh:;~d;, rhJk~~p ~:r!;~~tt~. ;: ~;d, n~~ ~~~1o~~h:~n ~;;'/~~isr!iv~~~ ~~ { ~~~~ } :: ~:~~~~\·~~ %~;~ r~d~~~~~~~~~l~(~t~i~cU~nd Ff~~ :: ~~~ldt~~~~~a~~es ~~~~ :::~~~ :~; P!':ns ~:~~~~e' th:~ r 71~*"' jj r~~;lf~:~~2~:,~? :~~:~;I~~~;~~~?J¥ !~;:~J?! ;; ;~I~t~~~:~:~t::~:_,r:~2~~;r,~;5'!!~: u For he came mto the fol~ of fhccp by tl?cc that w~re « That h~ that forfakcth the charge of thilkc that bene ~i~~~~~~~ l~i~~f~~~~ :: ~lh~I~~ :~~Cl~~~~·~~\~:tl:h~1 gj~~ ~;~dw:~~~~:~ '' '2o:t ~~3~;~~~Y:~~;~~~~~nl~t this manner }XXnne~ " di~f(d abroo.d m Mountams , :md there the w1ld ' 'for 1t ~ out ol Chancy. An~ all thy Law is Chariry ' ' beafts of the licld ddlrcyeth them for default ofa good ' 'and thmg that nouriOleth Chanry, and thefe:Shephnds cc fhepheard. . ' ' kndalx:'utto ~etpthyShecp, and tofedenthnnothcr « *!: 0 Lord, gif it be th)' will deliver thy !beep out of ' ' whil~ m OOrttne ld'"ew~ Lord thou ne madcfi none Wi:fwt~ ... cc fudt lhtphelrds ward that retcheth not of_thy !beep, fo ' ' fu~h Shepherds, ne Keepers o~ the Sheep that fud for- ~rt;' oru tftcy h:tn ~htir wolle to make themklf ncb. For ~hy " r~hch thy Sheep, and for fo ltttle navd taken a grtat <t lbup ben m great mifchief, and foule accombred wllh « l~tre, and lithcn all the year aftem"Jrd, do what them « theirfhcpheards. . "hkcth,and ktthyShctp pcrilb_for~dJultof kuping. e!~~t '' ~~v~ )~e~~~ f~l~e~~· f:YJ'~~~~'~':11;J ~yc;:~~ t:~ " ;J~! ~~r~~;~Pt~,~~e~~= ~~~~~~fhth~e~ta~~~~~: :~ t7~~:~.~- :: t£~:~:~~:;; ;:~::.:::::~!:~~~::: tl::t~r~1:~~~;:~ ::. !:::~~~~~::~:.;l)t~ ~f:~~~~~::~h:hfl:k''f~:~ « how (cirrilkh thy lbet:p ~n kept. For as they feggen " 0 Lord deliver the _She:ep cut of the ward of thdC Thf po•cr· • ~rcw, :: ~~ex;.cl~:~: ~~~~ ~~'~:~r~~e;~~~~J~~~tf~~~~~nt~t;lfh:~~ :: ~:t~f,r~( ri~~~~,e~a~,:!,~ ~~;bt~~l~~ ~~~l~f;~;o~~;~ ~f~~~ J pAct. :: ~tt~~.~~le;~:n~ll~ ~~~~~ ~~?e~:y f;~~~ll:~~ o~:~~~~l~~:~ cc ~?eb (~;~e~~~~~;l~e;~~~g C~l~~yt~ 11~1e~1ifA/rm, fometime "bucatightof thyle(ew, ~ut eaten they fhal\notth_ere- "thoudroveoutofthe Temple Sellers oflkafisand of "of. Buttheyfedertthemmaforryfowrelc~C\vOflchngs ' 'other Chaffarc, and faid!'t, Mine Houfc thould ben " and of talcs. An~ fo thy {hcep f::tlkn _mro grievous "clcrcd an H?ufe of Prayers, but they maden a Den of « fickndS through. thJS evil lefew. And gtf any fi1cef? " Th1eves of 1t.. 0 Lord thou art the Temple in whom " break over into thy lefew to tafl.~ the fwee~tefs thereof, "we thould pra1w thy Father of Heaven. And Sai~Ju anone thcfe hired Jl"K"Ll drive _hnn out WLth howxls. "mcms Temple_, that was ybeldcd at '}tru{altm, was :: ~~~:~~in~Jchfht~\~~ ~71e tr~f~~~~~rd:;t ~ :: ~~~lr ~Y ~~~~;~; 1&rr~~~nrtaftil 1t1~tth~: :;~~ « and forry barren lc(cw• . And yet they fed en but rerlom, " eth thy place hw: on Earth, is become a _Chaprn: 111 in "and when they han fomlich kd them, they takrn. great " thy Temple, and hath his Chapmen in divers :: ~~~~:,:0~0::~~::~~: :~k:,:: ~:.:,~:::,:~ :: ~~t~~s:~h~ ~;,:~~~~?~~~~~::~~~~ ~~':'~ :: ~=~ g~ ~~~~li~~,~~l~le~v!li~t:y !h~~ ~bC:[e:!a~t. ~~; ;; ~~~~ctJ:l ~ca~~t ' ~~ loh~t;rea~t1p~,~~rbiJ;~e~l1~~ ~· Tcmt~;:·'~ :: ~r ?v~h~.~:;,0::~~,;~:·~f1;~: .. :~~·;r4~ :: ~;:y~l!~~,~~~r':~:~~~. ~r~.~~~ .. ~h~~~: ....... cctain, thatgif thyfheephad once ytaficdthefw«tnds «anypainafterthatthcy bedca.d, thatgivenhimmuch ~~:;.:pco- «of thy lcfew: They ne would no more bene yfed of "money. ' " thefe hired men in their (owre lcfew~, and therefore Bifhopricks and Ch i rch~, and li1ch other Chaffi.r~ he « the(e hired mer1 kepcn them out of that lefew. For "fdleth alfo fo_r money, and tmketh himfel f rich. And W"o!m ift " hadcn the fhcep once ytaflen well of that lefew, they " thus he begmled th~ pup\e. t~~ ;; ili~~~~o~~r;J,~(~ ~i~~d~~e:ng~~~~:~e~~ ~:~~;h:et~bo~~~~ « ~~~i:do{·e~:~~: JS ~~t t~~~:u~~ide~~ 1<~o~~~~ cl:~~ "liv<lbyth:mkeepingof fheep. And they ben fell and "thouwouldefibewiththyServantsunto theendofthe cc ware ynow thereof, and therefore they fceden thy fi1ecp ' ' world, And thou faideft alfo, there as tweine or three Note tood. "with (O\\Te meat tlm naught is, and hiden from thy "ben ygradcd togedder in thy nam_e, that thou art in the ~~tt"b!f << fhecp the 1\~·ettndS of thy ldt:w. Andfothough thefe "middleofthe:m. A Lord, thcnlt was no need to thu whm rwo ;; ~:~2~~":1~',' ,~hj,~:h~~;, ;;~ ~~;' fu,~~"',::: ;; ;~~~,~~~~~ ,:~h ~~:.:l:o:h~d:tt::: ~ifg: " 41 0 Lord, ,they comm as fhup, for they kgge~1 " ed that thou were. And Pmr anfwem:l. and faid, Lirutmaot? t<th;tt they ben poorandha\'eforfakCnthcworld toh- "That thou artChriflOods Son . Aud thou faidftto <' ven perlitlich as thou taughte!'t in the Gofpcl. Lord "Pmr, Thou art ybleffed ~imon Barjona, for fldb and " this is !be~ clothing. But Lord thoL_t !le taughtcfi " blood ne !bowed not thJs to thtt, but my Father :: :: ~n 11~~~ ~-c!d~ak~~ tt~e:;a~~11;fe ~~~~g rt~h~b; :; ~~r:ris, i:~t:e;;n ~~d S~~~ ;~hth:~u~hat~~~u :; cc other mens travel, and haveLordfhtpon thetr brethretl. "Church, a11d the GattSof Hell he Omllen not availen «for Lord, this is more coforfaken the:eaJtdgotothe "agensit. u world. '·And to thee ych wole geve the Keys of Hca'A:n, and Tit< pi•« Kt C<):l\o cc 41 O Lord, thou ne taughtefi not_a man to forfake " what ever thou bindefi upon Earth lhall be bound in t,~~':f1a :~;£1be~- :: :!'aev~~·~~~~ ~~~v=~~~~~~~~~f~,~~~eblo~l:l~:eiJ~ :: ~~~~b:;u~d~~ ~~·~~~~~~l. t1-~l~~p~~~~tfo"w~r~:~~ ~~: ~;~c ~' r.~ughtcfl uotaman tolive inpoornefs ofbrggmg, that "unto the other OI(ciples, a$ well as to Pttt~; C:o;;j