Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Plough-mans Complaint of the abttjes of the World. { ~~.~} : ~~~~~jc~Ot~~~e~·~ S~~~la~ &f~ ~~: ~~:~ :: ~~fc[~h: 1~n~g~~~~~~~~:~:~~~lS~~;~J0~1~cj~~i~~:g ~g~~~~:~~~~~t~r :: ~tt~;~~ ~:~ ~~h ;)':~~~lcf~ h~\::~~~~~;~ ~~:~ cc t~\~~c~~ ~~· a:~J !~~~~~c t~. lfvc~~~o~~~hc~cc~dtl: ' << Hdls of thY, Law. ~nd fo he makcth himfclf a falfe H hvcs end, an? in thy Service either the better for others << Chrill,:md a f:l.lfc god m Earth. And I trow t!JOu g~vc u _help, ;md thtlkc that t_hus ben ycome .~ogether, ben " him no Powtt to _undo thy La~. And (o 111 takmg "JOyned by thee, and thLikc th:tt Gcx_l JOyneth, ':nay !~oe~or;: "this Power up:m htm, makcth h1m a falfc Chrill and H no man depart. BLit Lord, thou fmdl, That g.t~ a :t~~~:"· : :"fit~t~d~;,;,t,hm~;'~r:fi"~h~x•rv,:!:":,1E,~\~': :: ~::~~,r.~:·i~~~~1;,:!;~f~:!ii.:ir';~£\~t~1;,!;r:i "and in his wcrkcs undoth eh~ Ordinance of Chrifi, and ''fly from Whorcdomc, his W«<dins is ltchery, n,e thou : ::::=~~t~o ::;~~:~ tt~~th~~s~;~~~~u~i~ti~~t~:~~f :: Datigh'c~~y\~~~~cdn~~ ~~~;~h~~ba~~us th~th~{;;~~ :: j~ 11~t:a~~~~~ a~~dru~:dcrbi;~:t~~r~;d~;1~~h~l:~~~; :: ~:~~~~~~· an~ubn~;/n~~; ~;rh~ ~~i!J:~~~ i~~th~ ;,7'-Jooc :; ~fi;, and makcth men always ro kttprn his LJw and :: ~eo~.:YJi,:~~\h:~~d ~~~f;a~~~ :ct;~:o~:h f¥£~ :: ~~fEJ:;~~~~~:~~~;,~~~:~~§:~l~ ;; ~l;~~~:'f~~~~~/P~~~f~~:;~~;~ "bJion. Ant therefore we kwde 1_nm that knowen ' ' hch lufis. And Lord, fo Jt prcv~th by them for rhc " not God but thtt Jefus Chrifi, bcheven in thee that ' ' rnoft p;~rt. For a man lhall not find two wedded in "art ow God, and our ~n~ and our Chrifi, and thy ' 'a ~nd_, where the HusbJnd loves d1~ Wife, and the "-laws> andfor(akenAntzchrift,and.NabugqJGn(J[I'Irthat ''W1fc 1sbuxt_tm to the man, :~schey!houldenafrertb_e " is a fa.lCc god, and a falfe Chri!l, and his Laws ben con- ''la\~ of Marna.!?e•. But other the man loves not hiS « t~A~~~ ~Jfi:~~~;~~hou us again(! our enemitS. For :: l:~J ~rrh~e ~;~e ~~;:e~;:"cl:~t t~~e~~r 1fu:J~th ~~~~~~~~! «they ben about to maken us forlaken thee and thy Law, ''whether it be done by thee or no. And Lord, all this " other dfe to pt~tten us to death. ' ' mifchief is common among thy people, for that they "t~i?cru'J~dfo~1~~~~ il~~~~:c:fu~t~~t h~p~~t~~ut:~:~ :: ~~:~\fcJJ:nr!~::~h ~~~i:h~r (\~!~:~~r!~~Jn~:;~; •s~·u~n1, ' ' end. ' "And Lord, where they lboulden ~011 before us in:/: 1 11 • " Lord thou ne taughtdl not thy Difciples to atroilen ' ' the field, they feggen their Order 1s too holy fOr thy nm~o. "men of th~ir fin, a_nd ktt~n them a Pt:lunce far their ' ' MaJTi:lge. And L?rd, he that calle~h himfelf thy Vi- « fin, in FaHmg, ue m Pra~·mg, ne orher Almous Deed; ' 'car upon Earth w11l not fu.ffren Pndls tO taken them "ne thy (elf, ne thy Difqpks, ufeden no fuch Power ' ' v.:ives, for that is againrt Ius Law: But Lord, ~e will "here on Earth. For lord, thou forgi\·e mm her fins, ' ' d1fpenkn wi th them to kepen horen for a cert:l.m li1m ~}~!~:~ j~ ~·:F,f:'~;;~~~kNf]i},o;t~:¥t~1g~ ~~ ~:t2~~~[,~1l.~~~£~~~~::~t:~~:1~¥i~ "man bothofhisfinandofhispail\, that was due for '' [tlmusdays in the year of our Lord God, 1129. as "his fin, ne thou granudfi no man fur.:h power here on ' ' Hunringdcne writ_es. And Lord, this rmkes people for " Earth- " the mvtt part bdieven, that L«hery is no tin. TherePurp.roty. "And Lord, me th~nketh that gif there were~ Purga- " fore we lewd men _l(faYCJl thee that thou wolt fend " tory, and a11yEarthhch_ man had power to dehver fin- (( us Shephtrds of thm~ own, that wolen feeden thy " ful men from the pemes of Purgatory, he fhould, " Flock m thy lekw, :~nd gon before them((lf, and fo :: ~·~~et~ \~~~f ;Sal~~~~~~1,~!v~~~lk~.v~~l~, fu~ :~:; ;; cll~tt~~~hya~ft!~e~ 11 d:~_~el~ca~~w~:t ~~~~ ~~~JJ~rd~ ;; W~/hcAI~ra~~r ~~~ 31~i~~~ ':1~!~t~~d fi;c~h~ ;: fr~ee sl~~~~~;~ a~'ddth~ 1sS~;sfr~:r~~~ o1e~~~;y~l~~ "Power, h~ lum,elf lbuld never comcn m Purgatory, "mouths, and Grace t6 know thee that art the true " ne in Hell. And _lith we fee well that he ne bath no (( Chri_ft, _the Son of thy htavcnly ~ather, from th~ :: ~h~f~e~~f:h~ 1it~~m~r·~~~~~;M,m~~~ ~h~t~~Y~~ ~t :: ~~~"!;~~~ ~is Sh~:~ s;~ic~~er~~~ n~~~gtrr~~ cc Hell for Ius fin as another rmn may; I ne believe not, "~uffer for 1hy Uw, 1he crudnefs of the mifchicvous " that he bath fo great Power . to alfoylen mCJl of " Wolves. And Lord, as 1hou hafi promikd, fhorten thefc: "thrir fin as he taketh upon htm aboven all otlxr " days. Lord we axen this now, for mo~ need was there <( men. And I rrow thu in this he higheth himfelf above " never. "God. ?~~ ":;;, t~:ft te afe~~t 0!r~J{c~~~ F~~ ~~~~ Tr~~~~~~~, p~:~~~R:~t~:; ~~- :~~f~t r~n~~~~~; en. "Gods.Orduunce he robbeth poor m~ of a por~on of it (elf wit!lOut :my further Explica11011, whac is to be :: ~d~~Cli~1fdi~;~ ~h~~~~~~~a1~:dth~P~01?t~~ ~o;~~.a~~~~~g: ~l~h~h~~fu~:~rr;;~~=~d\~h~~fif~ "profit, but much harme, as we told before. Thus ben here tl10u feefi not only to be difordaed in all ~m~ "rhycommandmmrsoftruth,ofmecknefs, and of poor- fwarving from the fteps and example of Chrift the ;; ~11u~~h~ by hirn, that depeth hirgfelfthy Vicu here ~~~Do&fn!i~~pfoofr;;g~~ ~~~u~~~ryw:;~leYr~ A. L6rd, thou gave us ~ Commandmmt of cliafiice, ceprs and Rule of the Gofpd, th:lt almoft there ts oo :: ~at~~ liv~~~a~nLo!l,fl_~~c~)l~~~~~:~b~ ~h~u~~~: :~v;~\;~~~~~ ~~~.~n t~~C: ~n i:~o~~o~;~::~~~~a~~d~ ~( For Lord, thou ordcutedift women tnore frele than Wherefore having' no need to fiand in any further >!xpreJTmg