The Oration of Armachanusagai11jl the begging FrJers. '"';~,'t!i~n ::~~~:;, ~~' l:~~~~:~~~J~o;;,:~' ~~;;"~" C:,~'; ;;'hu~~r',;"~~~,'m~'~:"t ;.~;.,~;':'! {!)~~} 'Y: F:~~y~~~:~ ':,!7.:;d ]tfus Ghdil did n<m bog, :::t:~~~<~h ~,!;~irh'~;:,::l:~~:~,;=~oft.'k,~ 'l:; WI~~J:l1 r,~~~n~l.o~J}:f~chrifi did nn·cr ttach wil- ::fa~~~':? the fJ}trs, if the FI)e:-s did nor i nd~c fullyro~ortcpt?fe(swilfulbeggery._ · Morcovtr,fortheftcondp:nt,conmningtheutilicyThctffond The Jnuh conc!ul•on was, That C~nfi our Lord held of the place, that he rontirmed doublcwife; tirfi, for that r:fttc!~ the contrary, that men not Wil fully or purpofdy, COll~dlion, within the Parifh-Ghurch, hath a double lio!l con~r· wi~~~1~~: '!fh~~~r ls1 ~1 ~~;r wifdom nor holim:Cs, for llm~m~:.'";f\~ 0,gbod~i~~::'K~en,b!o:<~h~O~~robl~'Y~~i:n)~go't"'~~Go~m~·~mo~~n:d:m;~e~nt ml:d. anymantotakcuponhimwilfullx:ggcrypcrpctuallytobe ob!Crved• . The eighth, prov~) and alfo in obeying the CQmmandmcnt of God in ~;{,~'""'' O< . po- ~~,7~~g~t;l!~~: ~:01~::: ,:;:;:;·f:~;~';.;:hic~~:;:~ :.!:~?- anl~le :~~ cf~~~~~~~~l~J:o:~~~~n~~1~~~~1c 0i.r~ o1';h; ~c~{h~~~1 1 :1i~~~~C~~;c~:~\~~f~~itl1 ~:i~~;:~r, ~CO:k i7~~~c Ma(h~rs of Paru: _that rhe fame Bull touched none of thcfc c~mmonly th: num~r of Chrilli.1!l-pwple pr:~ying is ten _ fevm Jail Conclufrons. tums more m Plnflt-Ghurchcs. Whereby it i> to be ';..(,,.~&,. .Upon the(e Conclufions prcmifcd, Armtuhnmu thought, that each fingulJr pcrfon may better be hdpol :; t:':b~. being af¥Jitd, crtcd, and brought ~p to the prcfmce of through more prnym, than m the Oratories of F ryrrs, ~bytbcthePo!)l!:,beg:~.ntoprovethefamehLSforef:~.idrondulions &c. ~:£m ::~~~.~~;~;£~:~::11;~~~~~dii~~;~;,~ ~~;E:?.:E ::~;:;,,f':~::~~,~~~~~:~~~~EJ; ff;Bf ddlmdwe to the Orders of thebcggmg-Fryers, fuch_ as Fryers; for that both~r~t uuhty, and ~t certainty l\:ere aF'prOl'td by h<:ly Chur~h, or oonlrrmed by the htgh (.15 hath bttn prcved) dtd mfite thereof: wluch two being B1fhops; but only hiS i.mentLOtl was., tO have ~he faid Or- taken away, (::s mull needs, irt ~c!Orting to the Fryers dcrs.rtdU<:o:.l to the punt)' of thti r_tirfi InftimuoJt . Con- Church) thet~ two fped~l.cornmo,htres lbould be hindrtd, cemmgwbKhmattn, hedcfirtdlusReafunstobche:~rd; :u1<!fogreat mcornrncx.lm~ tlrercoflhould follow. And w~ich if they fhou\d be IOund weaker th:1n the Reafons thus much for the p!acc ot rht Fryers. ~~~~:.:);1::· ~~;~:":~:~~";,%~1dbobo);~,J~o;~;·;~;:; P';:o~;~,:~,:!'f.~~:'~~d'~}"::~,o~di~;~'t,::~hh\f :~; ~~~ ~~~j~~~~~~~~t;r~:~~IO;i~~~e~U~~~d~~~~;~r~~-1~~:~~da1~d o~~O~f~~C~~~~~~~~~ ;~l~~~!l~;~~tt~~~~ ~hGp;~~l7~~~ ~f ~~ Tbm tt• "· Th••·· ;~~~t~:lj;;~~;~~·;~~.~o ;;1~~;.:~~d,:~:::; .. ;::;;~ ;~'::;~~.d\:;;,;'r:y::: ~~·;h;: ~~ci:: :;;;;, ~;;[;,d~: ;:t7.::~ ~bn i ~:; ~~;~;1lr,tii:. njOit:~h:~:V~:~~h~T~{~~l~~:Cti: t;1t~ r:r~;:ir:;· :~ct:~~:d?d~J affUI:tJlCCl for UOlity, and for ;:~:: ~~~~~;1.~(~':'; '~h:'!:~~·;,;,,~~e:~~:::·:::~ ;~~,~h~!:; ,fo::~~ .~~: '~;d~:; ~:~:~,~~p,:;f~~;::;;:~;o;;;,:~ tit ~nd convenient for the confdlions or bunals of the Reaf~r1S, Fntl, bee2ufe the pufon of the l::r.wfi1l Ordinary Paril11ioners ro be nfed, than any other exempt Clmrch or or Pnefr, is exprefly of God comlll3.ndrd, where rhe pcrProbnlon. pi~C'C of the F rycrs. Which he P.roved b}' three ~ufc:s ; fon of the Fryer_is not, and rherefcre is forbid. Secondly, F1rfi, for ~he more furendS or certamty to the confoenc.e.of bccaufe the Panlhioner may more trufi to his ordimry ~~~~-tr: ~~ ~~~~~fm~nf~~~~,~~~i1{'le~~~~~:~;~i~-1~1~~: ~~~:ebe ;re~;~fd: 1Z~~ha~;~~ ~;~er~~~r~~n~;~\~;~ COIM!odJtr fuing by confeliions ukcn m Pari!h-Churd:es, rhan m fon. Tlurd!y, lxcaufc in the pcr(on of the ordmary CuFrycrs Churches. rate, commonly there is no doubt of any Iuterdid: to bind ~~c~t. tail~~'rOtl~C~ir~~ :~;U~fr~;~~ ~r~ ;~~~ ~1~~~:~:(~ ;:lt;~ ::t~;hJ:bt~~~~~;6t~11J~!l~~~~~~~d:t~ is f;! :r".;;.:n- that place whichtke LordJCHr Godjl~a/1 11!/ig,s_o[ all )'CIIr Ct:nfureof ExoommunicJtio_n o~ not, and th~r ford!vers Dmr:tz Trtbts, to place hu Name nnd d)l,·el~ themn; rhit/Nr Clufts., asbythccap. Rthgsofi,u!Citmt~tsmJdetiwm_l$. c,.1t,li';,'1 . ~~:~ C1rh:ef(a~;l;o r!:; 6dtf~t~b~~~~ ?ffe!e~ot~~ ~X;~ ni~ ~~l:~~~~~~rT~~r:u:F~tg':ru~~n,~v~: ~':;::;:· u Sacrifice in ever; place rhnr lsketh t~u, but in that flnce unto them Gltbr-lan~, .or otlm Trthes due alcne ?vh1ch the Lord hnth tleEf m one of tbe Tnbrt; unto Churches, and n« appertmmng to them (by any 11nd tho11 jhalt do in nU things fiS I command rhu. Al(o llllnner of colour or frmtdnk~lt ~ircm~wcntion) do incur l.ev-4-5• upon the words of Lt'f.!st. 4· & 5· which be thcfc, Who- the Sentence of Excommumcauon, spfc {aflc. Alfo by {:p:a/!7:;; jt ii7=~n::l::l ;J!it ~: [:r ~~1:: ;;~ ~:l~t~~~I ,Cath!tl~)1io1~~t!rH';~~i:~:~ ;;;";~~~~~~ ~:~:,~'E;. Upon thc:fc pbccs thus he argutd; that fornrtf<uch as the cat~d De fnac, whofoevcr do a?folve ~ny, agamfi whom ~~,;~·m gff.'~~g:r:;;~~~~i~;~g:g~~::;:~~~~~ ~t::~::~:~;~:i~i~ft~~~~~:~EEia Churd!c;s; ncnhrr C2n .lt be proved that the F~yers Prdatcsor thci~Ofiicials lm·dx:nmd. Whcreoft~e (aid Church IS tht place prefcnbcd of God, hut Only permmtd Armachllntts bnngeth forth ex:1mple of hi:; own D1ocefs : by Bifhops of R~; he concluded thrrefore, that PariJh- For I (fa id he) ;, mi111 O?vn Dioctfi of Armach h(l'{Je m Clu~hes for confeffions and lx~i:lls wtre more fure and gwd a1 nu~ thcufmul smdtr mt, who b] tk Crn{~~r~ cf ctl't:r:m to the confcienca of PJriJhioncrs, than the exempt Excommunscatlon every yenr JmoffnctJ ntainfl wslf14l Th ~he ph;; ~~:d~ alfo he eot1~rmed the Came, for t~Jat :::t}:c~t'i:ke ~;;a7;fo,r!;:ft~n;':c:=:r/f :;~u~~6 r.;:_,du· the P.nilh-Church llandeth free horn the Popes Intenhfr, numbtr nctwuh.ftantimg, foarctly fourteen thtre be whub ~~~t-% j~~:otb~e t~a~ut~esa~! ~::~~?Wpi~~\7~/~h ~~~ten~~ ;;~:1t/bt~ :;c::v:"/ka~o~~r:~fn';, mtlla. the Popes Incerdid:; by !Jterttll!, De {tpulturis in becaufo tlu; be abfclwd, or btc111ift they fain thtmft.lvu ftxro en!· Animarum ptm ulu. In whkh Decretal, all to ~e ab_folved b; none ~thtr than bJ Fryer~ ; who m_ fo f~~d:a~:r~~i~11d~~l(i~: ~:~~r;;;lo~~~o:!:~:. ~:5o;;;:c;p;~r:~:d :;~t;h~hp;;;jfu~!~;:;:;;::: mg thereofdoconfo,trcthmmqr, , Alfa