Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tbe Oration or Sermon of Armachanus agai11j/ the Friers. { ~~~} A6'tao;~~f~~c;;~/::~~::~ ~J t~~::!~~~t~: f:~~~~~~~::;~v~!h~~h~"~=g~~;~J~~~~~ ~?(;ff;2~~~:~~~~~:.~t~'$~.~~:~~= ~~~:t:i:~:;~'~:~~~~t:~:.~;·;::~ g;:.~~ c;ov«t ro draw their heams from their Tyth~paymg, due U?to of hiS rcafons,. fuch 3S fttmed moll appert:umng and moll: ...,:.;::r ChUrches. Secondly, In the {aid Chapter all fuch ~ners wonby <?f nocmg. . . v~bcL&w. ~~i~~~\v~~:~ ~m::;;~~~~!.d~~~;~a:~~~~~~;~~~~ he }:~~~~hal}~,~~;~~:~~~~~:srv ~L~no~t~h:hF~~ ;~:~ ~~~'d~J~c~hc;~c~;~~~~~~~~rrJr;;~~ ~~~r~~~ :fi~a~i~~ ~h:~fi~~ff1:v~~~~~c;~~1;ga~~~~t:h;?;; ~~~fn~~~!~~~~~ f~~~~hR~~:~:S ~:,~~~a~u:a~:~!~f ~~~t~~~;fi~~ ~; ~~~~~~~ :_:n::;~~ ;lPd;;a'~; n~hc~; mc ns, either by vow, oath, or protmk, to chufc their Cot_Jf(ffions :md Burials, and winch by nght belong to the burials within their Churches, or not to change the fame, Panfh Chl.lfches. if they have made any fuch promife before. In all which ltt"!• By the faid priviledgcs of t~~ Pope$, grant~ to ~•t·D•iam three points he proved the FriCIS to be culpable and Ex- the Fners, IT1:lny other great enormmes do nJt., As tirll:, communicilte. becat~ethttebychetruelhepherdsdo not know the faces ~i~~r~~~~~~~i~§~ TM rtCOIId Thus the full: part of the fccond conclufion or artick be· our though they would, to the great gncf of thCJr Pm:nts, ~:!:[~. ing proved and :ngucd, Ar"!a~ha1n1s promdeth fi;rt~er to and ho lefs repent:lnce to the y~ng m~ themfdvc:s.._ l7te :::~·· .~ E"~~~~/~~:~~;~~::?i~~?'o;:'~~~v~: ~;~~:i~::~:;~:~:i;[~JE.;:,~r~:i~:!::~i:~ of~·~~~~~~~~~ ~~~:n~1:~v~~"! ~~F!f~1 Yisa~~~~~ %ri~~o:d~.~:~ b~~~1~~:1S~-t~~~-X~f:Sh~~e~~~ ~~~~ !~r~~~.~ permitted of mln thereunto. . when lus Father attd hts Mother wou!d come unto him, f#f.r~. Secondly, For that in refortin~ to the Or~mary ?f the they c?Uid not be fuffcred ro fpcak w~th him, Uut under P.trifh isn. double reward of ment, whereas Ill commg to the Fners cu!lody, Wl1ereas the Scnpture commandeth rheF-ri.:rsthereishutone. . plainly, thatwho~ofiealethany ma!tandfellethhim(be· Thirdly,BcctufethcOrdinaryismorebound tobtSown mg thereof COI.lVtd:ed) lhall be pur to death, Excd. 21, !lock, and is to be rhou~;ht eo be more tender amtcueful And for the fam(: caufc the: Father wJs comJ:elTed to come over them than a ftr.mger. . . up ro Rome to.feek remedy for his Son. And thus, faith Fourthly, lkcmf"e in refortmg to the ~on of ~!Sown .Armachanus, lt ~nay appear what dJ.mage and detriments Ordinary therr: is more alfur.mce and cerr.unry (as IS above come by thefe ~nns unc? the common people. '!0·::?· ::t?~::~·~!~~::r~;~;.t~:::·~,'If.r,~: t:::.::;·m~ ;~~;~t,~l~§;~~:~~:h:E4r-~:·tf~; ~~::~:f.. more ea lie and lighr, both m the m_ghr, and m nocdftry. fittes by the Fners, do_ ~dufe therefOre to fend them to Sixd1ly, Forfomuch .as the Parifh1oner mufl n:eleds come their fiudies i nthcr w11ling to keep them at home to rlreir to his Cunte ~r fome ttmc,_ and efpech!lr bein~ il_lnecelli- occupation, or to follow t!Je Plow, thsn fo to be circum· ry, it is e:xped1en~ and prottrable rhat hiS former hfc before ve~1tcd and defeated of therr Sons at the. Uni\·er6ty, as by were known to hnn, rather than. to the othe~. . daily ex~rience. (faith _he:) doth mln.ifefily appear•. For JOOOO sru• Sev<!nthly, For that (as _the fafd ln~mtttu affimieth) wh~reas m my ume (faith Armacham~S) there were m the dento tn it ftriktd-1 1t10~e flllme of hrs fin ro the Parifhioner to be Umverfity of Oxford t_hirty thoufand Students ; now are ~{~f;.,!•or confdfcd to Ius Curnte whom he fecth every ct.y, than to there: not ro be found l1>c thoufand .The OCC:J.f1011 of which ..t...... ~ •• a FE:~~l~;;;~: 1o;urc i~ is more profit:tbl~, efpecially for ~y;l:~~~~~ ~~~fy ~fat~~i~e: ~~~~1~~ci~1::~ to this ~ ... thtrr.trhatltvenlMatnmony, that hewh1ch heareththe Overandbefidcsthis, another inconvemrnce as grt"lt conleilion of the on:,(hould hC:i.r alfo the confeffion df the or greater the faid Armach~ntts i t~fhred to proceed b~ the oth~r. So that hearm~ the confc!1io1~ of them both, as a Friers through th~ decay off?od:rme, and knowl~dg mall fpintUal PhyficiaJ ~ ~kmg two Cm-es mcne ~}',may bet· 1 manner of Faculnts, and L1~l Sc~ences, which t~us he T~e F'rte.-. ter _know what fpmtUa\ counfd is to be m1niflred to the d~larcd: F~r chat the(c beggmg Fners through the1 r pri- :.~'(.·~~ ~ne after he: hath curctl d1e other, &c. ~:!~~~:do~:~ ~~~~~e~~~~~~~g~~c~~1~~t!:~fl~~~ tec;:~~i• Tilt ~ bird T h'efc th ings: thus pro,· eel ~fotc.,thi:n Armachamrs con- priations, d1d gro\~ thereby_ to fuch gre:J.t nd1es and poffeC. ~::!,"}c'.,~. fequcntly PI:O'cedeth to_the th1r~ part; arguing how that t li~ns by their beggm~,cravmg, Cltching, an~ intermcdling cl r:Goa •{'- qtcater <letrnnems and mconvctuctl~es do enfue by Con_fef- wnh Church-ma~r~rs, due no Book could fhr of any Sci· '"'' ~;·~~sr:;: :1: t~;:,:;:~~:::ts:u~·g,::,:·r~\~ I 1:1.' ,b\;~:;~~d~·;~ry~ii:'::~~S:~!:'~~"~,;;,;b;~ r.::·;:. ~~::d~~~~~~;th~~,\~~f:e~~t~~~~d~~~2c~;~~?~~ ~~~ ~~~~~?~~~ r(~fl:n;00 eo~;~:ich;:t~~ }ri.:; ~ and inttrrmg how pernicious tl.tefe Orders o~ F ~rn are to Re:J.lm,and in every Covent fo many Fricrs increaling daily the: who\~ ~tate of the Ch~rch , and '~hat mtfcht1 cometh t~e and more ; by re.1fon thereof it c.1me to pJls that br the pl~Vtlcdges of cnt:tm Popes, wluch h~,·e pnviledgcil very fe:w Books or none at all remain for other Srudcnts. t~m ro .m.termedJle in the office and funCtion of Ecckfi- . Which by his own exJ?Clience he rhus tefiificth, Cayin!?> albca\ Mtmllers, to prCJch and ro rake alms and tythes of That he himfclf fem lorth to the .U ni\·erlity four of ~us tl~e people,and lmpropriltions from the_Church. All which own Priefis or ChaplaitlS, who fending him \.,"Oid agam, ~a ... ,f~ Jus reafon~ and ~:gume:nts ro profc:cute mol"der as he: hath that tl1ey CO'o~ld neither find the Bible, nor any other good :(h~~k~'= le:ft th~m m \~ntmg,woul? make a matter of a large Book. profitable Book of Divinity meet for their fiudy, therefore comctb by ~~t~i~~~~;;c~:~.~:r:h~ ~~~~~~~~ ~0 u~1~~~u~f~~~!a~~~ :fc~hc~~:td~e ~e~~~' h:; ~~=cdCQb;u~~ =e~~ tbc Frln.. fo!dderruntntsat'ldd!fcommodtucsrccciv«lbythe:fcFri· gain. furthw