Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

470 T/Je Oration or Ser111011 of Armachanus agai11jl t/Je Friers. Furthermore, as he h:~th proved hitherto the: Friers to fecing fo nuny charges bt:long to the office of a Srcul:u { k.ING} ~~~~~~~~f~~~~~i J~!'.!':lch Full (faith he) they arc ifobedJcllt to the Law of God, bu!y ~rem Parith-Churchcs, bu h«aufe thac is lucre ;il\d ~~d~ ~~t::t~;~t ';';::~~{t~\~f~~:;~=~·ti~~·Po~tc7c% gat~\~~;~~~f~0m~yl~~r ftry cJ~s:~~:~~lrc!~1i~11i~~t were :~E~~\~·~r~:::~?,:~:r:~f~J.:~;;~\::;:~~~~~ ~;~;;~~;;¥~~:~;·~,;::~,:t~r.~:;~~C;1~~,~:~ :=t· Filtr. dlfo- r1ght of Panfh-Pndl._s. . . and leg:tcJ~ for the ir Funmls ~ And for their preaching, btdln~t eo Jtrm, They are dlfolxdJent to thiS mlc of the Gofpd: why have tbcy :mncx«l a\(o liccnfc to require and take of ~:-~:: :t-H~~~:~!E;:~::~~~E~~~~~·;!~ :;:l:~:£7o~~: .. :•o;:,::.~::~: g: 1 :a: Aoo>h" ofx:mcd for thr_m to rc~mrc ncc:cff'an~ of the prople for have enough to know the1r own faults., and. nothing lill Pfooi. t_hc!r labours, IS rcpugmng agamft the fame fOYnda· to har th~ f.tul~s of ot~r ; it is probably to be fuppoftd uon. . by this thm pm·ilcdg of baring all mens confdf1~ns, that !ttm, 11}("ybedifo\xJltnttothcrulco_fthcScripturc, theywou!dncvahavcbemfodcfii'OUS?f procunngthat whiCh faith, Ltr no ma11 take hon~11r ~nt11 bun, t xctptiN be privilc:dg, were it not that thcfc Friers did fttl feme !\Het· (tt!ltd, as .Aarow. AlfoSt. Paul f:mh, H'w JhaO tbty ne!Sandgaintohanguponlhcfamc. prtacb, tmltJ! thq be fcnt? And how obfervc they t_his ' !trm, where the mic of Frier Francis forbiddtth th~m Mol'hfr r~lc of obrotcncc, who profC"tling to kc~p the pafcChon to company with ::my woman, to rntcr into Monaficnes, proof, ot the Gofrc:l, yet comruy to the Gof~l procure to them· to be: God-f.uhcrs and Goffips to ma1 and women; how (dvtS priviltdgcs _eo run before tky be Cent ? . comcth it that they contrary to their rule alter ioto the fe· Item, To their ow_n rale t~cy are _difobcdKllt; for crct Chamlx-rs of~nts.,and otbcr womcn,and arc made where their Chaptc_r fauh, that tf any w11l ukc upon them to know the mofi f~~t counfcls _of their ~oing;, but that ~~~~~i~~rfa~d~h~t~ :~:~~t~~~~:~~~~l be ~~a~~lC:rd ~;dr~~~~~~~~~~mOOity have fo blmd1d their eyeS, and fiir· the Catholick Faith and Sacr.uncnts of the Church, &c. T_hirdly, That the frier5 f..ll into the vice of pride and ........ h4. ~fii~~i~f~t~¥~~s~ii~~~~~~~J¥~~!~~ ~J{JP.Ei~f;~~tfif~Jl~t[~tEh: ~f~i. half a Cow:nt of Lads an~ Boys under tCil years old, bemg Ergo, !he Fners arc proud and ambitious. circumvented, which neither c:tn $kill of the Cretd nor Ttic ~mor he proveth, _To ba\'e the (btc of prcach~lg Sacraments. and htarmgconfdlionsism the Church a fiat~ofhonoor. t<ltn dlro- Aga:n, the rule of Frnncil f~irh, _chat his Brethren Obfcr· The Frim fcek and ha\'e procured the fiatc of prca~:h· ~~~ vanes mull obfen•c not to preach u~ the DiocdSof any Bi· ing and htarin~ ~nfdfions. . . ~f,mOQ. ~~pfai~v;~a~~ t: ~~~~~:r~~~Of-n~~ heoh~~-~ eh!~ J~.e Fnm Kek and procure an htgh place m the much wifdom as Sokmon, and found poor Secul:u Prkfis in the Parifhcs where tllCy dwcl_~ J~t he v•oukl not r::;_ His third Condufton was, that the Lo~d Chrifl in his n( 11, 11 ., f~~a~~d~~!';~~~~~ta:~~lr~~e::h~~~lt~anf~ ~:0~;1~~rr"ede~~:rf:~:kR~r.~v~~:~rt~\:~~~ \: ~:= t~~y be. iUt. Againfi which _rule how the Frin:s do no_ttd, that Armacha11m differ~ not from the friers in difobey,how little they revcrctKe BLfhop; or ~hrPndls, thts, t~t Chrifi W3S .poor. and that he lo\·ed _poverty; wlut privilcdgcs, ~xemptions., and immm~ittts they pro-- ?ut hcrcm flood the d1fferct1Ce, in_ manner of lovu"!g, due cure 11g2infi them, the world may ~e and judg. IS, whctfl:u he lovtd poverty for Jt fclf, or not. Whaeitt Ittm, When none may be: admitted to pnach, or to the ~ort-fatd Arma(hamJI ufed four proba~ions. hc::r Confeffions, unlcCs they be a ttred into Orders; and Frrfi, forfomuch as to be poor is nothmg elfe b~t to he ~d~~;~r~ i~~~c~~~;nQ~d~v ~,~;t ~~~h~~~ ;~~~ct~tu~i~ ~~~;b~~er~1f:r;~:sc:C~di;d~~~~~~~~~~1eti;edi~i {: oflivir~and clothing; the r~rit:~sthcrt:forch3.ving no fitch vert~ for it (elf. title (bc:mg wilful heggers) do dtfo!xy in ?oth r~(ptds,that HIS ftS:ond rt:~.fon was derived out of Ariftor_lt: Nothing -A"ft.Ui<. ~~:~ i;:l ~~~~:~~~n~~~her~~~i~e~~P~cl~~~~u;i~~~~~~~~~~ f~~~t:J~~~ t:~~~~ ~~~i~hr1:u~~~ t;h~~~~)(~~~~Y~~: L•*· z. lawfu!Ordels. tarilyfoughtanddtfircd. ButtakefrompovenyallrefJXC"t Moreovtr, the fore!"aid Francil to his Tefumtnt corn- of commodities following the f:tme, it woold he fought tlllndeth thus: I command (faith he) firmly by venue of neither ofGod nor man. Ergo, he concluded, Chrifi la. obedience, tolll and fingular my Brtthrm whcrcfoc:ver vcdnopovcrtyfor itfclf. they lx:, that none of then;t prcfume to obtain in the Court Thirdlyagaiil, No ~ffcd of fin, faK! ~c, is to he loved of Romeanylctterorwntmg., either by himfelf, or by foritfclf. Butpo\'~rt¥\Sthe_cffcd offm. Ergo) poverty any oth~rmcans.,neitht:rforthe Church, norforanyothcr was not lo\•cdofChn!l for ttfelf. fourthly, No priv:~tion o~ the thin~ th_at is good, ~to be lov«l for it fclf. Poverty 15 the pnvatt~)ll of the t?mg that is~. that is, of riches (~ God lumKif is pnnci· pally nch) : Ergo, Poverty fm 1tfelfwas not lovalof difobedicncc as all the world may fee. Neither will this ob- Chrifi. jcdionfervethem, lxcl.ufcthe Popchath difpenfcd"":ith . Francil mk. for iftheTefiamalt of Fra~u, ashe £uth, The fourd1 Conclufio:'lwas., thatChnfi our Lord and TbtroonL~ came from God(and fo f110uld <?oJ have threeT e!lam~n~s) S:l.viour did never lx-g wtlfully. Which he proveth by fun-- Coa<lolioa ~~~~i!~{::::~::~::p::::.1::::::: :~:;:;',;/:f,: ~:~ ~~{o.,:i~,~~~~ ;;;~:,,~ r:~~E m:ty be proved upon th~m (fa1th ArmachanHJ) for clfc houlc, Ius wtfe, Ius {(rvant, hts matd, hiS ox, h1s af\~;