478 Tbe Law of Prenumir<. Bridger. Katharinc. Tbe ProphecyofKatharine. ~~~:;~;~~=::r~r~~c~in!Jf:a:h~cnp~h'irw:ht~:~ , ;~~~;t!:;1:d1dr~!T!e~~g!~d%cn~;'~/~c~~t;!~~J { ~~~r.} r~ff~:.: ~iE~~:~~~:~~~s~~~r.~~;t ~~;,~ff;y;ff~~~~~~;~;:t:~~~~~~~s ~;,; ye:trbcforc,.thcrrofw:tSnothm.gtouchcd.. wasafruitfulandfcrtilfidd; yea, fmdhc, but cl W«<Js alldeocklt. ~~~~~~~~~~E~:~~t~f1~~~~r~l~ it~~~P~!,~~:~g;~it:l~~~i:}g,~1:: Jiri~ year of h1s Re1gn cn3aeJ. ; that accordmg to a Smtutc much to complain of the corrupt lbu of the Church, t~aJc in th~ 3orb. year of his G~ndfat~1cr EJwar~ the namdy of the P~datc:s of the Court of Romt, and of the Juil, whcrem W:lS made an Ad: agat~lfi thl': rav~to~p!llage Pope; p~phec:ymg before of the gre;~.t Schifm, which thm ofthePo()(:,throughthef:~mcProvdions,Rdervauonsand followed Ill the Church of Romt, and dured to the Coll~tions,&c. but not put inexecution : By the which Council ofC@ftanu, t~fpa~e ofthi~ty~ineyears> alfo T~tcr~r<h. ~h:K~~;·.~~~~;; ~;1dhP~~;ti~~~~;;t~ya~r::J ~~~-e g:~~:~~~r:d~b~~o~;e~~d~f~:ofFcf :~~ ~::~~= ami dunimfh«i, innumer.l.ble mafurt of the Realm tr.l.nf- fo excellent Reformation of Rehgion in rhe Church now ~b•f~ •• P?rcc·d, aliens and !\rangers p~aced in the bcft and fatrefi pr_ef~u •. The '~ords of Ant@inus be thefe: Afur tbU Btfhopric~s,Abbcy.~ a~ld Beneti~es withitl the Real.m; ~nd Vtrgm m ht r gomg ID Rome bad_ to!d ht r Brotht~ of tht fi.tch, as et~l~eiforthttrOfficesm Romt, as Cardma!Oups, WarsandTtlmults ·thatfl!ollld rift m thtCountrmakout and fuch like, could n~t ~.here rdidtnt, or if refident, yet Rome, a{trr ~he fobifm of tiN rwo "I! opts> I thm crn:oru ::£~% ~\~~~;~:;~~e~~~~~tt;h~~rc~~~~t~e :JetbylC~t ~; ~:/L~':tb;;;;~t/h~/;o;:;;~~;:J;j h;;e;~::~ ward the fi r(l hts Grand~thtr, but alfo tnlarged the famt. you (gocd Mothtr) jmJ I, and what JlutU b~fal afm th~J~ Adding thtreunto very. finit :md !harp penaltits againfl: ~he troublts i11 tiN Church oJGcd? .A'"' Jilt [aid: olfendors,rhe"l('in, orm:J.ny part thurof, as exemption ~~J 0~:~;; ~~nfo~~:~~~h~~~s~~~s~~e~~~~;:iro~J!~ the~ingsp!eafure; and ti.J.rthcr, whofoevcr was lawfully ~s~:iif;!~~l~15~~~\i~~~·;f.~~~~~~·~~~i ,;,~ '"i'''' ;,,,. r.••, of, ~~~ ~~d ~~~~~h%:~~ ~~lta:';~o:::~~hdta;;~~f~ wm" "'""" '" ' 'f"m''' ond !Jw therefore, than fortheki!lingofany Outlaw,or one not ~=~;;:; ';;;;-,:.-;~;;;.:;:,,:: _ A•daUib<Ja;<hf'lJha!' b, worth}' to live in 3. CQmmonwC::ll. Like unprofitable tnem~ hers were thty then, yea, in that time ofignorance,efl:eem- ~~~g~i~ErE~~~~~f~~~~~~~jg ed in this Commonwd of England ~vhich would olftt thtmfdvtS tothewilfulftavcryand(eTVJieobtdienceofthe Pope; which thing in thefe days, ya and thatamongllno ~~~~~i~~·;~r~~~~~ ~~~~:.h~~;;~~~~f~f~('~~~~~~f~r3.1l~~ ;.J:~~ft::;;::/:::.t;.:,: ::·::;,.•. and Arttcl~ thereof:J.t large d1fcuffed andha.ndltd, wtth the Ptnalms therefore due; ltt him rf:ld the Statute of &fides theft afort113med, tht Lord, which never ecafcth ProviGonandPrt£munirtmadeiathe 25th. year of this toworkinhisChurch, fiirrtd up againfi the malignant .Kings days. And Jet him rod in the Statutes mlde in the Church of Rome, the fpirics .of divers good and godly ;ris~~ ~ifi~.~tH~:~fiE~~~~~~~~~~~i~~J s1~~~~~~r,;~~4f~f~~~1~1if::·~ cJufeor.comroverfi.e mlaw, eu:htr fpmtualor temporal,the Pnnt. In thiS Book ht dothgrntly mvetth aga~nfi tht n.:o.r- ;~~~e~1\~'~~r~1l~:;h~!~~/:~~~f~~r:~~~r~l~ta~:~~~ ~:~tt~~ofa:h:i~~~~~ ~~::u~~t· ~h!ch~T~ t iri.~~~ orothtr,fhouldeither:tppe:llorconftntto:tny appellation cufimentionedinthe.Apoca/ypshefatth,bethehypoerites to be J;tade out of the Rdm to the Pope or See of ~om~; reigning in the Church. The works of Anrichr~, he faith, fhoukl tncur the laid penalty and danger of Pumumrt. D1- be thefe, the fa.bks and inventions of Men rdg.mng in tbe HTS other matters whcre.in the Pope is rellrained of his Church, the Imag~ and fdgned Rtliques that are wor~ tUurped pown-,au~horicy a.nd jt~rifdifrion within this rea.ln1 fhipped every wherr. Ittm, That men do worfhiJ:~ evt· of England, are m the l?nd T 1tlts ~nd StJttttes exprelfed, ry one his prope! Saint and Sav.iou_r beGde Chri~, ro t~at and. at large fe~ forth, whoev~rlifitv pemfe the fame, tveryManandCttyalmofihathhisd!versan~~harChrtfi. wh~h for brmties fake Iom1t, hafting to otln mat~ ~·~~~~~f~~:;~:ta:~~;;~~~ruli;~~~~~t~ hrudmoremthtSplactthaninanother,at_thtSumen;ore thanatanothcr,&c. Heargueth3.lfoagamlltheC!otfiri~:~~~~~~~;i!:~~(~t~ir:~~J:~~~;g;:~~t [~~~:~;i:tl:~~~igJ[~~~i:7~:t.~if1~~~ ~ umphing in thtm, and feigning many for~ed lies upon th~m. He was gr~dy and much offended With Monks 3.!ld Fne~Jor negl~ml$ or rathcr_burying the Wordof~hrifi, and mfl:f:ld of h1m,tor cekbr:mng and fctti.ng up their own rules:J.ndCanons> aftinni.ngittobemuchhurtfulrotnte ~~~l~~[~r ~~~t~~:n~::t~~~~~~u~L;~~dt~C:: tar) attributing only to themfdves the opmtouofholit~