DiVers Leamed meu TYriters agah1jl tbe Pope. 479 . {!:~; t ~~~:~:~:~,~~~;;:i~~:~:::~~i~h~p;~ij~,; ~~~~E~~~~~i~:~~;:t~~~;t~~ Univerlidcs and Collcdgcs oflC2lllt_d Mtn, ~o that they the Scf!f?NJCS rmde menuon of, was alrtady come. tr:~ch 110 finctre DoCtrine, neith~r gl\'e any l1ght tO the He affi rmtd aliO, that the Church, by the neglig~ce of Chriflims with their ttaching. Futally, he forcwamet~ that the Paflors fhould ~ome defolate > and that imquity it will come to pafs, that God y~ o1.tce aga~n.will rulC up ~I? abound, that~ by rtafon of Ma~rnon, mafin of godlyttachers whobcing_ten1:nt m theSp1ri tand zeal Jmquny. Alfo,.hefaJdthat there were m the Church of of Htlim, (hail difclofc: and rdUte the errors of Anti- Chrifi Idols, wh1ch fllould defiroy Jmifaltm,. _and nuke chrin, and Antichrift himfelf, openly to t~e v:holc World. the T emplc defol:lle,bu~ we-re clokcd.~y hypocnhe. F urthc;, T his Mt~ttbi,u in the faid Book of ~nt1chnfi, alledgcth that there be mmy wh1ch deny 9:hnh,for that they kup lithe: Sayings and Writings of the UmvcrliryofParis, ~o k nee> neither do thcyhc:a.r Ch~tft, whorp all the. world th~ Writings of Gulidmus ,[( fanflo Amore, and of M1~ fh?u~d know,and confeiS hu: vent~ bc:[ore M~n , wh1ch alfo ::.::.~-. ;{~~:~;fll~.7~$~::~~~tAi::~~~:~,~ ;~f?~~;:~?;~::s~.~~~:v~f~:;~J,{~:. ~~~- !';:~: po1.mdeJ' that the body of Chriri \.,.as nOt God, and thcr~- 1l1e fam~ Bull dc:clarcth, that he was .once a ~non of pope. for~ not to be worfhipptd as God with that kind of wor- Prt~ga, but :~ftc:rw.ud he renounced. IllS Ca1.1011lhlp, and {~~";} lbipolled fAtrtia , as th~ Sophifin urmeth it, meaning bc:gan to prca~h > whoalfo..forthat he fomamfdilypreacl~- t11erd>y the Sacramellt not to bc: ador~, which afrmva~d cd of AnllchnCI W ~ alr~dy come:! was of .'f~bn ArchbJ- ~~ h~o;;~~~01~~;~i~~1~i~n3~~~~~113~~ b~:. ~~~~ ~~~7[.C:Vgh~~d~;::~:~~l~u;~n~~~a:~~~\~~~~ in his Paflion he had (IJ«<, Meaning thcrt~y to in~er, he preached , and t~at :unongfi the: farr:e w~re .certam co~ that the bb:xl of ChriCt, which in many rJaccs IS worllup- ':creed Harlotg, which h~ forfakm thCJr CV II hfe, ar:d di~l ~. n~ith~r can be calkd the blood of Chrifi? neither ou~u live godly and we11, wluch Harlots he acx:un.omcd m Ius tobc: worfhippcd. But by ~ndby he v.'aSrehflcd an.d Wi th~ Sermons tO pref~r bc:for~ all tht bldTed Ytrgmsthat never flood by the: Monks an? Fncrs; whobythiskindofJdolat'ry o~~ndtd: H~ caught alfoo)Xnly, that m th~ ~pc, Carwere grtatl)' inriched, ull 2t length the &mt~ and CounCil dmals, Bt!hops, Prc:lacrs, Pndls, and oth~r rchg10us Mtn not.. t be of~~~i?;~;;~t~~Pra~f;t~:l;:,t;~;:~w~.~h~~~h ~~ ~~tt~~~~~ ~~~~t~~ ~~~~!~~~u\~i~~~t~~a~~~~~;~ ~~.j,. ~:~: ~~~t tii~1:g1i~~ .fi~~~e~:tC:~g~~~~~;fe~~~,~~l~~ ~~~Y,?~~~;~~~~:m~~s~~~~c~~~~.~~~h~~a~~w~~~~~~:~ Church of Rome. Hts fi~fi Book. bcmg wntten m G-':uk Aruclcs, wht~h notwJthfiandmg, I tlunk the adverfar.Jcs, was afttrWlr~ tranf!J.ted mto Latme, :~nd lardy n?w mto t? d~prav~ lum withal, have fianderoufly invented agamfi ~gfc;hi1~lltl~~e0b;:~~~a~;if~~i~eo~~~e~1i1~~~~~o~~~~~d=~ ~f~;eryH~a~:~;~d~~:.his~·~lf~i~: ~~,ili~r ~e~~~~ between the Eafi and the: Wtl'\ Church, upon the: Pope. (d unto him. ~~~~s~~t:~~gEf~~;~~:i:~~~1l4;~!i:~~lJf?~~:~~~j~.J~~i~ ~~~··· bled, &c. And that therefore it w:lS not poffibl~, that t.he he wrot~ to ~h~ B1!hop of N~rmaua,.J.acobusCartjimfil controver(ies between the Greek Church and Latmt infcrt«< in Ius Book De errw1bus Cbriftumorum. In the Chl~~~~~=~bcC~I~~~~ dlt:::;;~d~uJX>fcly makcth ~~~ ;~~~~.t~rd~~th}~~~jl t~~~~~fi a:~ o~~~~lfP~!~~: a very leanxd difput:~tlOII. For firfi, h~ dc:dareth that he:, the Pope himfdf,ofmany and great vices. H~ fa1d, !hat th~ no whit at all by Gods Ccmmandment, but only by hu- &cldialliC31 Govemours in the Primiti\'e Church wtre mane la\~,h.ath anydignit~,more than bath othn Bifhops; ~~np::tredtoth~ Sunthining in the. ~ay time; a1.xl thePowhich d1gmt}', th~ CounCils., !he F~thers, th~ Empert>IS !meal 9ov~mours, to t~e Moon lhmmg in the mght. ~t have granted unto him. Neithn did they gra.nt th~ fame ~he fptritual. Men, he f:ud that n?w are, do ncith~r lb~ne ~: ~~~;:t~~~a~~;~~~~ had~t,h~l~~~;: :r~;;~:~~': ~h~~~J~~k~r~~;G~d~1~~::~~~~~ ~h~J .. ~i':d~~~~he~\;~~ world, atxl not at all for that Peter ev~r was there, or not is, with their filthy living, ignoranc~ and impiety. Hecittth there. al(o out of the Prophecy of Hi/JegarJit thd'c: words: ~~~~~~thf~~~~~~d1~· :!~at: t~el;:'~~lhi:S~o~1 hfn~ if:;f;or~;;~~;:se !:t}!,:}s,bi';{~{/fntz:f/oh;/',;;j;~ ;~~~f~o~~~~r~~:n;,~~:ft; o1~1;ft~~\~;~~:~~~H~hd:~i:~~t 1;;,;/;~~~:m~;r.fu;~e~~~i:; 'wi"f:~;::e~hfi:~e:r::i~ht~h; !~~~ ~~~~~~o~J13t;~~;1het~~f~ir~~~~o~: t~~n\~;ilc:s~~~; ft;j~Zr!,~;.~.'G~~.~S;f~~(;r:;;,y;;t ;;~; ;!:1 '!:!~ mortal Men> and th~t he is fub]cd both to LawsandCoun- a.1 Luciftr J,~, ft.tk to tlnnb zgher mufhJtb"; riU that cils,as well as other B101ops. That it belvng~d 110t to him, tvtrj daj 1mth lmn mouantl more, thq fall Jup~r am} ~~~~~~f~;~J~~~t~i:~~~f1~~0~ ~~~~~:~~~l·~7;~ii::~;]~i,1~;f?Ef:~~::.::.~: ]~":;::;~ thi! :~~~~off~~~ ~~~~;,u~ 0!~ew~~~:;o~hJ;b~o~~: :~~~~ t~S~r~~:~~~~~r~r~~~A~;~i~:nc:Jh~~~n~~~ ~~~~~ •. ~:fh~\;~ok~~;:1~~~f~~~~~~::~~~~~~,~~~: ~.:~ ~~~~;i:e~~~~~~~~~r~~t:l1~i~~~~nity, than at any :3:d\~;:;:~;;~~~t~~~H~fi~~a~~:~~:; f~~':{ i:~~~t.ca~~k1~nfi%i1~t:~h~f~~e ~;:i~~~o ~ £E~ti~: r:;;h;\~~~:;t:h~f~~~~f~~~~~!~t~~og~~~: ~~tJ~, ~~~!~h:r:~~f~7~!~::e :P J~e~~~~\~~ ~,;t~~ ~~i:~·:::2~.:r~~~~~::~r:::.JJi::~~~::i~ ~~~:t.i:i.~~;~.~~:, ~~~~,!~!~::~~::ri::~;~~ ~~~:~ ~fi~:~hehf~id~::1,;s ~:~~~~~~~:Jat~ ~~cog~~r~it~f t i;:::t' Church, contrary tO the upri~t truth of the H"~'f•· I \Vhlt