48o Martyrs before Wickliff. Pa;tial Writers . Variance ahor~t Cro[s-beari11g. Til '~:,c 1°~~~~ 1 ~~~ ~~~~~:2-l~~~~; ~~~~tdt~:~ of ~~~ '~~~~~~/~~~,t~:~~~~ {h~~:~~o~0~f ~k {~~} .An. I':! t l , there weu: 4~0 under ~he name of Hereticks the Bilhop of Lincoln, and of C~~Tlilr, and Abbots ofror.i ~'!r"" bumed, So btheaded, Pnnce .Ammctu hanged, and the and Stlb;. So that hmunto came not the Archbifhop of c.,.... h,, Lady of the ~file fioncd to doth. Canterbury, not :my other cl his Provincr,and a!l for bear- ~~b.'P:.u . .JI:1orrover, m .the Chronidt:S of HtnJtitn, an~ of _othtt ing the (.rotS. Whmby the fame was 1~t only 2 JotS to l<llt•t •t ~~~~r~es~i ;.:~~ ,~er~h:~fo;1~~:;k;_vhQF~;~o~~ ~~et~;~i~fi:~/b;';a;~ r~!b~;. 'TnJr~~~~c~~~h f~~~~ ~~~::.~~; ~:~~ ~;~~~~~~1,'u~~~ C\.~t:~itr\;;irfor:tfe~;~~ ~\~~~d~}:i:i:t~er~bfh~~h:~('~l:fef~~~~~~~~: ~~-~~ ;;,g~f~~i;:~~ii~t.~:~;~!~5:~~i: tt!~§7~~~~~f,tf~~r.s::?:j[~~~~ whoashedilfrrcthnot much m mme, fomay hebefup- Ex An. 6, Rrgil Edwardi 3 , ~f.:i~f.~~~~;;;;~;;~;~~:~;~;~ ~~:~~~f.~;~~l~~~~}:~~~ ~§· An Hrrmit bktwtK, I let pafs ~he Henmtc~ of whom John 811· mences mfLm~g thrnby, namely, the d«ay of daily Alms §;~:- :~?~;::~~f:.~~t::~~; ,:~r~~.~;:~~ ~;:~: ;.~:i[~r~:5;~~~~;~~~ti~~:~::d~ jfttutedbJChuff, An.1306. Pmdvcnturt it was the Rtalm. ~~~eis ~;~;t!i1:·u,'~~i~~~~~o~\,~!1~i~~~f~h~~ ~~~hr:~~ gra~~~ a~~o ~e;n~~;' trd~~ ,~i~,~~nt~ 0~:~~(:;~ ~;fj~~ much dtfkr. namely to Cardmal Pu<fgotz.) above u:n thoufand Marks rho Pot• In. Boe~iur, why the Pope fhould fo mu~h commrn~ a of yearlyTaxes. Thc:y therefore required the King and ;:!m"~ •. ccrtant Kl1lg, l>«aufeforonetnan he had fl,un 400,cuttmg NobltS tO tind feme remed~, for dut they nc:vcr could ne away the Generals f!om the: rdt, l cannot judge:, c:xcc:pc the: would any longer bear thole: ~range opprc:lflons, or c:lfc: to caufe wc:rc that, wln~h the: Pope: callc:th Hcrefie. hc:lp them to txpel out of this Realm the: Popes power by Bucwlc:tth&thmgsoverpifS that be utlCtttain, be~ force:. h:~~c: ~~i:1~~- i~~~!u~~io~~fP~~p~~ ~~~~~:i~~~ A:=rc~t~=r~}~~ln~d~;;t ~:fK'u1;1~7~;~; r~:.~;t h~vc: we any fuch firmtc:fiimony lefrof the:tr_doings, ere~ the fir~, upon the: likc:complauu; thereby forbidding char~:!~ rt• dJblytoHay upon: We will now (Chrift w1lling) cou~ any thmgthonld be attempted or brought into the: R.calm,;......,':;, vert our fiery to t~ings more: certain and wtdoubrcd ; which fhould tend t~ tf:e bkm~lbing of the: Kin~ prero- u:.w. ~~~~%~~:;~~ur:~:~!~~~~~~~=~t~~~~~~c: ~~~~~h:rr; ro~;c:~h~ :i~~h;n~'S~~: ~~~d ~:~ctoirr~~~~~: and !Ubllamial Copies of the: publick Rcwrdsof the: Rcalm, rc:mainingyertobcfeL11Undcrthc: Kings moft fure and ,;_.,..t,.h;,.;,faithfulcufiody.Outofthc:whichRc:cordsfuchmattc:rap.- Jt"?~ M• i f- pe:trc:th againfl the: Popijl1 Churc~ of Rt>mr,and aga_in!l his Jl.,,., f~dr~,a;:~~1~~~·f~~h;i~;~~~~~~l?on~~ ~~g;afJ~~~: ~~ep~:~~~ar, Whereof fufficic:mly is touched bc:. ~:!h;o~~~o::~~i;;rr~;~:;~~~~lli;~~ i~~ri~:~1i: ;:; nc:;;~::~r~f;~~~e~~~~~~aJ~~,~~~ ~o~~:;~~~;:;: t.;s~:f;.~~ what they Kc it, ncirhc:r yc:c fhall they be: able to deny rbe nalcy w:~.~ this : thc: trnnfg~dfors thereof were: to l1c: in per· fame, fo near fi?.ndc:th the: force of thofc: Records. ~tual prlfOtl,Or to be for~JUrc:d the: Land ; And that all JuPorti al dif· Ye: ~c:ard a htclc: ~fore:, p._ 43~· how Joh" StrarforJ lhccs of Affifc:, Gool-dc:IJvery, and O;rr and Dtrtrmmtr ~~l[i;~~t~Ii~~lii~:i~~~:~;;~~~:~§:i~ :i~~~~~~i:(~ti;f~£~;~n;:~~;:~r;; ?:~i~ ~~dc~~f~~!f:ru~;~~n~a~~ dd~i~~~anctn~~Py;h;:tl;a~f ~f~~;~o~~:ct:Yro:~~bf~~~kr~%~~y~D~~~~ \~t~! ~:.-: ' things done: to their poftcrity. But that which they dilfem- any pc:rfon bath obtained from &me, any Provlon, BLlll, blingly and colourably have: concealed, contrary to the true: eh. but furceafc: the: fame:; that then the: King may pre- lawof!lory,,thc:truc: caufc: thc:~cofwc: havc:IOundoucby fentfomc:ablcClcrk . the true ParliJmenc Rolls, dedarmg the fiery thus. Ium, It was prop:mnded in the faid Parliama1~n.IS, Nul«<ll""' ;:_~; ~:~;~l~~i[~lE~~~~~~:i~1~~7fJi?.?f~~·;~~ ~\~~~E1~:~~:£:~,:r~~~H~~~::~;;~~ ~~~-~ tl_1c: demc:ling or dcmains of the fame; or c:lfc: by ~naking A~ that the K_ing frlall dtfpofe all fuch ~nc:ficc:s and . . lum party tO take:_ hisadvant:lgc:, and_ thereby to c:n)Oy the: Dignitt~ offuch aliens h~ c:nc:mic:s,-as rc:~in m the: Coun- ~~~~ fc:rvice, as other Ius ancdlors ~fore: hnn had done:.For this try of Ius e:tlc:mic:s, and nnploy the: prohts thcrcof to the oolJ io '~' ~~~~~~i~;£~~K~li§:~~t~~~~ ~ifif~~~~~~g~~:E~a~~:.r:t:~ ~~~~: ro7u~ftla;ncxtt'nfmng, Butforfomuch as mofl of the: Propounded furthc:rmorc,tha~thc:Dcamyofrorl:,whkh f.~h~ ~~i:·~~~:::~!{~~~:~t:~t!~~~::.~~~~; ;~~!£l~ro:r~:t:~E:i~71~~:i::rf~;d~~ ~~: '\V:lS c:fpc:ci:dly awarded ro n•c:ry pn{on WJrhfpc:cial ch:ngc: who hoidc:th the: fame: by prov 11ion from &mt, being r~e ~"l·d. J· to attend,fotlmthc: affairs oftheKingJnJ the: Realm might enemy to the King, and to the Rc:alm) and that the pro11tS"' 3 • not be: hindrc:d,ix."Cll.Ufc:of the: debate bc:twc:c:n the: Archbi(hop m:ty be imployc:d to the: defence of the Rc:alm. o(Canmbttryand Archbiihop ofror.Uor tll.c: fuperiot·btaringofchcircrofs. Th<