484 Tbe 010wlcdge of rbe Gofpel grofs!y expou11ded by the Romani!ls. ~;;~~- ~~it~~~ :~T~o~~~~~~~~\b~~t·~fo ~~m~~ c~~~:~:;~~r ~~~;:e~~:; ~d·~~~~:~:f~1~rr~r ~~d~~~.ll~~ {~~:~} ~;~; ~~:JE~k~~ :~ce~~~:d ~~~r ~~~;~: d~V~~t~: af~~~ ~~~~~fr7o~~~~oo~~~u~~ ;=~~~h~;j~sfis.flo:-~~;~ ~~l f:~::t,~~e~.'v{~~ho;;~;t:?s ~o;:E~;;;; ~;h:1l'h!J :: :~·a~'~:n~~rR~~~f~Ul~~;~ ~~~o:~~C:tsa~dv~~l: thtrttl, With the vehtmmq and f(;Tce cJ hu rtafom, &c. ~rad of all fupafiitJon. How grt:~t abuf(s and dcpr.lV:l- ~i~~· ~~f!;~~~~:J~~~1~;J~i~~~~~/52~ [~JE~~~~~~f~i~:I:~{:,~~~If!~:1:i {:;;;} ~?):~ lf::fJ~~:?c !~:~n~~~h;1~~~~~;!~~ =E~~~:~ ~~~c-~~fif;~a;~d •r;,7t~ r~vi;hf~~;~~l(rofe'ru~~~?ri~~~ lmgly h~rkned a~1d ~~ car to ~he voyc~ ~nd mles of He- Bclides thiS., w1th_ how many bonds and fimrs ofdaily new All good r~~C},~~~~h~;:~~~::~~~~~~;~~~~ b~~~~IVI\~h~;~f~~!\(~f: ~~~~~ ~rC~~~·~er~~~y~Ul~\~:rfil~f~~~~~llf~ ~~:::~- { Ann.} %::t~~~:~f:J~:~~~~~~~d~f~~. ~:~~6;tht;~;~: ~~~t::wt~~c~fal~~~~J!;~~~~cc:~~~~:;~~ n::~~pc•- 1372 hewroteumothe Bifhop of Rr;mt, thathefhouldnotby name ofChrifi: (o thattheflate and condition of the any mons intmneddlc any more within his Kingdom, as Jews might frnn fomtlvhat more tolmb!e than ours. touching the r~(ervation or diflribmi~1 of ~eticrs, and There was nothing fought for out of the true Fountains ~h~r all (uch B1fhops as ~m under hiS dommion, lhould butoutofthe durty puddelsofthe Philijfint.J) The Chri~ m~y therr former and :mt!Cflt ltberty, and be ~onfinnW of fiian people wm wholly carried away as lt were by .he thetr Mmopolitans, as bath !xen accull:omed m rim~ pill, Nofes, with meer decretSand confiitutions of Men, even &c. Thusmt\ChwritethCaxttm1 ~utastow:hingthe)ufi whither as.pltaftd t.he Bil'hop; to lead them, :mdmras number of the yen and tim(', we Will not be very runous Chrifls WJ!l did drreCt thttn. All rhe whole world or earful a.OO.i~ it at this Pfd:t~lt. T~is is out of all doubt, was fiUtd and ovtr~whelmtd with error and d3.J'kndS. t~at at what tunt all the world Y,.'3.S Ill mofi do:fperatc and And no great marvel; tor why , the fimple and un- ~~(s~?~~~tl1l1~~:~ht.~i:;:d~~~":j;~~h~:~%~~ k~~~~;: t~~tfr (~~~~~~ ~~:~cdt ~~~~~: ~hts Ma~1 firppc:d out hke a val1ant Chan:;pion, wtto whom to kn?w only thefe things which were delivered them 1t may jllfily be apply«! that is fpoken m tl1e Book cal\td by thetr Pallors and Shcephrrds, and they on the othtt jXIrt Ecclefiajfiws, of one Simrm the Son of Onias : E'tlen M t?ught in a manner nothing cl(e, but fucb. things as Clme themorni&; Stnr beinzintbe msdjlcfa CicN.d, nndm torthofrhe Court.of ~me; wheroofthemofi:'h; tm- ~!,'f:o;:n ;~i(o~1t te fl~Fv~~;J?~hn/;;:~h:r;{~pf:::1i ~f'd~r:~~ pr.otit of thm ~rdcr, more than tot e glory Chunh cf_ God. The Chnfiian Faith was tficemcd or counted none Thus doth Almighty God contit;ually fucoor and h~lp, other thing then, but that every Man fh01Ud know thlt 'l'ht'Ll all · · Chrifi oncefuffered, that is to fay, That all Men lhould rorhr:P know and nnder!\and thatthingwhichtheDivelsth('mThe whicl fdvrs alfo knew. H~·pocrifie was counted for wonderful thefe httt days nnd extream age of the Chun: 1; wht11 HolindS. • All Men were fo addict unto outward !hews, as the who](' fi:1.re and condition, not only of worldly th:1.t even thty themfelvcs, which profdfed th<" mollahffJo , ~~~~\~~r:r~,~f ~f~~~~n':l ~~~Jm~m:r;i~~ ~~~~~:rrr~:o~~:~:~~tt0~h1;~~g:crt~ih~CJ~~~~Y:!~~ r~ ,, Phlfitians, C\'<'ll fo the fhte of Religion amongfi the D.- dmdy appear, not only in the common fort ofDoctors and ~'b:..'b~~ vinrs, was ~fi all Mans hclp.and remedy. The c.nly Ttachets, but alfo in the veryheadsandCaptainsof the- dur<du ~;~:!Et ~~t~~~~i~~i~~~r~~~!l~~~ ~;p~jil:i;~?~~~f¥~~,~:s ~~~ ·· O!llcc of Clmll, of our impott11cy and waknd$, of the fa!hions ofVc-fiurrs :1.nd Garments; fo mmy differmct:sof Holy GhoH, of the ~re:l.tl.tefs ~nd firength o[ Sin, o~ rme colours and meats, wirh fo many Pilgrimages to fcveral \Vori-.s, qr~ aud free JU!l~hCltion by F'aJth, of hberty pla~es, as c.hough S. 'Jamts at Compoft:Jla could do that, of a Chn(hltt Man, whet<:tJt confi!kth and refirth the wh1ch Chnll coul.d not do at Canttrbury: or elfc, that fum lnd matter of our pro!cJlion, tl;ere·'i\'3.S uo f!lemion, God were not of like power m~d firength in <:\'Cry place, n~r.:l.l~Y word :l.lmofifpoken of. Scnpturc,Ulmn.g, :uid orco~ldn~t be found,. but bemg fought for. brrunniilg Dtvmuy, was knOI\11 but umo a lew, and rhat m the gaddmg htther and thither. Thus the HolmclS of the ;~~~~~~~!;i~l~;~~ t~l~~~C:l.~f~f:~;~~~a~~~~~:r~~: ;:~r (~~~le b~r~ntt~:~:~dn~~~:!":c:n1~\~, t~/ ~~~ ~rtl~cr&~~~:~:~~udf!:: ~~:{(~~~·~:~:c:Jd'fu~~~::~ ~; ~:t:;~: wShuc:l~ ,;;;r:~c~~~~~~~e:f~;~~f~l~::~~ts;:~ t;:~~~~ ;~~~ieJ:\'f:d~~~~~:~J~~~~ct'~~~~..,;;dd~~:~~ ~~:1 t!~f~;etl~~1~J~i~~~~;d ~::fy ?o= a~:d~;~;t~t:r:: ~a1i1c~~ ~~i humane "t:" radttio11s, whewn the \\hole fco!X", in a mamler, It is a wonder to rod the Momun('nts of the fonner tlr~tS, 0f all Chrifli:l.n perfed:ion did confiH ~nd dqxnd. In chefe to ft(' and underfl:and. what great troubles .:1.nd Cll:umties was all the hope of obtaining f:tlvanou fully fixtd: here~ this Cro!S had caufed almofi in every Chrifi1an Common- . ~~:'~~~:~~ ;!,:~: ~f~r.~~ ?~:~:.rh: :~1~;~ .. :::~;:fi~~dJ!:£{~;;~;:~~:~q~~ gone abcut lll their whole life, bnt ORiy heapmg up of lli.ttcl, even as though t~1e t:l.lch and belief of the Gofpel certJin !hadowed CO't'Lnonits upon CerernomtS, ntlther were of fimU force; or hcdc effect without rhat wooden ::~~2~1~;f<~~~.tF:~~~r;fio~~~~~~~h~~ ~¥~£~~: ~~~,~~{~.~:~£i.;(i!::fi~)~~~ P.;t~ they did not worlhip. Empaor, could fcarccly be ranfomed home again for 30 Ut~f~~~h~tr:v~~:r !~r~e:a;:e~~gt~t~u;h~~~~i~1 ~~:; {h~· 2:~·~~1 ~~re~~;::·~c%~~~o~r,:~~::~e:~ r~:£~~. cheApofiolick Church, but 6rfromthetruth thereof in ""~.e. W:l$.muchendamma&ed, Anno. II 79· And.al(o fti/,,I(Jra "cry deed) did fill h>to all kind of cxcame tyl':l.nny;. Pfsltpthe King of Frane~ fcarcely tctumed home ag~f:r;~: <>fF,.•"·