Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Jbe !,zww!edg of tbe Gofpe!grofsly expounded by tbe ~lomanifls. Wickliffs jlory. 485 {~~} ~~:; :hl~ C:v~~~f~~eg~~~~f;~n~ en~~ did ~he}' ~:~~w~~~ 7~K:~~:~i~.~~~)'~~~f:Yi~1~~et~~i:,~~1~ Upon this alone all MnlS eyes, minds, and dt"VOt!OilS was Ius duef and prmciJXll purpofe and mtmt, to revoke ~{s(o:~ct ~:~~~,t~/~hcg1C:tcrof1~hr~e~~·~·~~;l:~~ ~n!:~c~c; ~~~;~ci~ ~j~~~~~~d~~~etS~~~!::'cl otha place but only at Jmrfaltm. S~ch was the bhnd- the body :md blood o~ Chn!l:. But th~ B!lc or. fore nefSandfuperflit ion ofthofe days, whichundrrftood or could not be touchttlw.rhout thcgreatgnefandpam of knew nothing but fuch as were outward\~ foot: whereas the who!~ world. For tirfi of:tll, the whole glut ot M01~k<> the FrofdTion of our Religion fl:;ndeth m 1~uch other and beggmg Frim \~m fer ?n a rage .and ma~nefs, :WhJc? ~~~~~l~~~rban~;~iffu'~~:~~~~c:;~~ml~~:~~hfx:~~~ ~:Jl M~nHp~~~~~ryfi~: ;:bri~h~;~i(~1~gs?aid11~~~:r~~ :~:tn~~£oeif theit~ht;;~i~~~0~o~f~~cd~ li~~~1 it~~t ~~~; ~~ ;;t~;tc:~:~:~JeBe~l:l~bifi~;c::~~e;be :~~t~;;~~\~~d~ t~~~t'· ~~~· ~~;~i;~~:~~~:~t.2~~~~~!~§5 E!J:]~;1~~;Fr::i,:~~~~!~~::;g t~: ~;:.m ;a;::;~~~~·~i!:db~~~ g;;a~~~er~~(f~~~;g:~~ ~~r;hr~~fe ~?~~~ %~h~:::~an~I0~t ~~~fh~~!~ all richtS and voluptuouli!c:!S) they lhould P~e:Kh the ~ur Lord, J 377· After wluch time, now to profecute u•• .,P.._,.,. CrolSofChrifi and by their PovcrtyandHumihcyfufiof hkewife _of his troub](S and ronfliCI:, fir!! I mull fetch~~·:,..~}"" alllhould c:~ke ;he Crofsupon them, and go before others a~t a lndecornpafs, as rcquifite is, to infer feme n:zen- 1· IY~<lJff. The kDOw· into the Land of Jtr'!fakm. lltd"e are d~ _words of the uon of John ol Gaunt ~c of Lanc'!(ler t?c Kll~gs. lrdg of Hifiory; whereby it IS evident lUltO the VIgilant R._cadcr, 5?n, Lord Hrnry P~rcy, wh1ch were .hiS fpecul m:un- ~:r~r.:~ unto ~vhat groffiuiS the true knowledg of the fpui~l tuners. . •. . pour..!rd by Dodrme of the GofFd was and grown m As )'CU"S and tunc grew on, Kmg EdwllTd the Thnd ~. Jto~- thofe days; how great blindnd'Sand darkndS was in thofe which had Reigned now about 51 years, after the deccafc , ~~of;;~~:tl~ ~~~nthJ'oo~:~o~f:~ 1~t~;; ~fJ~:~k~~j,~r~:t~;, ~~do i~?t:1ec~~r:r :;h~: and' the Apofdc:s had been of greater force and dfcd: !o that he was unwildy through lack of frre:n~h to gov~ the matter. What doth it force in what place Peter <hd the affairs of the Realm. Wherefore a P:uhament bemg rule or not rule? It is much rnoretoben-i!P·rdedthat called the year before his death, it was there put by the evcryManlhouldlabourandfiudywithallthrirende:lvour l{nightsandothertheBurgeffesofthe Parliamentba:aufe to fo\low the life and confdfton ofPem: And that ~an of the mifgovrrmn~nr of the Realm (by certain {?te~dy Ccemeth unto me to be true fucceffor of P~ter agamft pn(OJlS a~t the Kmg, raking all to them(e\~es, wsthout whom the G.ltes ofHelllhallnot prevail. For ifthatP~· fCeingmy JU!licedonc) thattwdvefage and dsfcr~et: Lords, ter in theGofpd do bear the type and figure oftheChri- and Pcm, fuchaswae free from noteofallavancc,lho~tld ~~~ ~~fu~/!!i:~hi~~i~~ ~l:ea~l~ t~n ~r:~~~~~ ~td~f;,~i~~~~d!r a~t (~h: ~~~~ ~Ym~:v~n~eil:~h~~ vate ufurpation to refirain and to bind that unto one Man, a_bfence, fix at ::lllothcr) ofmatters pert:llning to the J?ltb-- which by the appointment of the Lord, is of it klf free he~ Rcgin~em. Here by the wa.y, I omit to fpcak of .Aik•PmH Tk rl~ andT~~~i~!~h~ 1foa1~~t and troublous timtS and horrible ~~~trh~ t:Wi~~~ t~r~;l;~!c~a~e g~~%::d ~~~~(. t{~ '2 ~~k~:be~~~:af&~itt~:a~;:e;F;:~~ii~:~~; ~~~·aa~i~t~~~~~~f:l~crb~e~;l~~~~(h~~::ftO:,~~~~~ remaining; this aforc:faid Wicl:liff by Gods providence G~.ufcd to be t:Jken, and was conviCkd, ~nd fhouldluver!or* fprang and rofe up: through whom the Lord would firfi fuffcred for the fame, had not the Archbilhop of Cam~,... ' waken and raife up again the world, which was overmuch hlltj and the Friers (n~re rcgardi~g the li?ertr o~ their d~WJted and whdmed in the deepfrr_cams ofhwn~ne T ra-- ChUKh, than the plllufJ:~ment of VICe? reda1med him _for dltions. Thus you have here the ume ofWick/iffs cri- their 0\m (>lifoner. ThJS 11u~ Perm, notw.idillandmg ginal . . fhcwasbanilhcd bythisParli3.mentfromth~King, yeta4trycltif" * Whic~ _1Videlilf, after helud now a long time P':o-- terwardlhecamea~in, andkfthimnot, nil at his_dt':lthTb ~;~rzo£ r:ooth~~~::?~~e~iCh~~ ~;!r~ ;~d::;: ~~i~~~~disrt~~fa~\i~~ ;~l~C:1~~~d ~~~ ~~~~f ~~~· and ddiled with fo many filthy inventsons ofBslhops, feds her by the wa)'· of Monks, and dark errors: And that he after long drb:t- Thc(c twelve Gov~rnors by Parliament aforefJid lxing r ...rr•• o"' ~~t, a~~ t~~~~,u~~hmt~~~~ g~! =~~~~~ :1;r~~~fc~0 a~~r~ ~f :~~ti~~~~e ~~-~~~l:ddr~~ :~~~1~ f~?~~~ the whole world) could no longer fuffrr or abide the rain fpace about hun; nil afrcrward1tfo felt our, that [~~~~~deya(u~l11e t~~~~~~ig~~ t~t; ~~d;~~J~re~f~~~~ :!~~ :!d~r ~tiKr~-;,o:~ :~~i::f:~cl~: ~utt;~~~~ '.vay. But forafinuchashef:lwt.hatthisdangcrousmed· caf!tr the Kings Svn. For as yet Richard, the Son of ling could not be attempted or furred without great trou· Pnnce EJward, lately departed, was very yotmg and illl· ~le, nci~her that thefc things, which had been fo long derage. tllne With ufc and cufiom root«l. and grafted in Mens This Duke of L:ncafter ha4 in his heart Gf long time & a ..... minds, ~d be {uddenlypl~kedup ortakenaw.ty, he conceived a.ccr( difplcafurc again!l: the Popifh_ Cler·~-;;2/.'u t~ught \~lth himfelf that thiS matter fuoold. be done by g~ ; ~htthcr for com.tpt and impure Do&inc ,oyn«<. lsttlemd!Jrtle. \Vhcreforchetaki.nghisorig.mala.t final! WlthhkcabominablcexcriSoflife, orforwhatothercaufe, ~~~t~~~Jfi~;~~~~lfh~;v:;t~::~~c;!gj~ ~!of~r:re~~cfi.:r~~ire ~iv;~l~o~~~::t~ and ~ucfiions, difp.~tmg w1th them of the fhop of Wincbt.fter. The mmcr is tbis. ~ f~~hca~~!~!;b;~ %b~~offat~~r::r~ft~ ~~~ was~~~~o~ffi~:'~ ~~:Sr~~~a~Y~~~;~f~~;;?, fuch ~ke~ of n~ great effeCt: b~t )'et norwith· of .Un,a.fter, was not the Son of Ru_1g Edward, f~ndmg, 1t _d1d not a little help and fum!fu him, which nor of the Quetn. Who, lxing in Travail at C?a«nt, ~~~~~~;~!'~~t:rc~:!d:;~) ~ ilir~~~ea~t: ~:e11~m~~~ iy~1~1eu~i~~ ~f ~l~ ;1o~~gt~e~~e'~~\~~ ~t:~;:,;;, gue\ 1o~ Wid.Jiff. there finothcrcd. Whereupon, tht Q.tcet~, fe:mng the the Duke or po~~.t~~retl~;S~~~~hrt:g~hah~':n::i~~~0d~~~~ ~~~rot~r~~r~;t~~~ ~he ':~i~~i~~nti;~~~d t~r be ~-: L•~·fl"· tcrs of t.h~ Sacraments-, asW. othtt alx1fts of th~ ChUich. veyed, and brought unto her inllead of h~r l>Jug~lter S f 3 alor~ ..