486 Tbe D11kf, ofLanca!ler a11d Lord Percy maintai11ers of Wickliff. ~~~c~~~~. \~~ ~~~wfh~ ~~:~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~mA~ t~~-~i~~~~fii~~tcl~~~~~~~ h~::.:~i~7i,h~~~n~~~~ {!~:~} thts (faid the Bilhop)did the Q]cen tell him, lying in ex- tnttttonouily take away from them, th:tt lxfore hath tre:~m~ 01~ ha de1:h-bcd under !t:J.I of Conl~llion; .:harg- been bellowed upon them. And that he proved to have ing lum tf ~~c fatd_ Duke fhould ever afptre to g_et the hem pra~ifed ~fou: here in E._ngland .by William RuCro\~t, or tl the Kmgdom by :my me:ms illOuld blltm- [us. \VIuch thtng ( faid he) tl. he dtd lawfully, why EK:ample of ro htm, he then fhould m:mittll the fame, :md dedJre m~y not the fame alfo be pmChfed now ? If he did it W.lt•f"'· :~o ~~1r~1~f\~·he!dKi1~1~1b~:{:t/~~~~urafre~ci~fc;~e'K~~ ~~~~~~\~%fi~~~enind~~~i~~c r~h;:~~. mBu(c r~~\~tltr:;~ ThLS flandcrous report ~f the wick~d Bt!b~p, :~s 1t ons tn()J"e !ball fallow (Chri!l willing) hereafter. The Edlf"· f.woureth of ~ contumdJOtLS Ire, fo fcemet.h. lt , to pro- llory which a~ribtd to him theft affertions being taken ~:"2:;.:1• cetd of a fubtL!e <ea! toward. the Popt'S RtligLOn,. mean- o~t (as I take .tt) .of the ~on3fiery of S. Alba'!Js, addrth ing £1Ifhood. For t~e forcfatd Duke, by favounng of wnh::t.l : That m ius ~eaclnng and preaching he was veWickliff, dedare<.l hnnfi:lf tO be. a profeffed enemy a- ry. doquent, but a dilfemblcr. (faith he) and an hypo- ~~~~~\!~~ ~~~r P~~:~~ ~~~~;~!1 ~;!~~~:~~~h~:~~~~ ~~~ w:~6'is~e furmifcth lum to be an hypocrite, the then in England. But the fequd of the. Story thus fol- Firjl, ~u(e be rdorted much to the Orders of rhe !owed: . . beggiL.tg Frtm,frequenti.ngand extollingthcperfedion ThisflandrrousvJl!any oftheBilhopsrep::ntbetngb.la- ofthe1rpoverry. 1cd abroo.d, and cqmi~tg to the Dukes ear: he thtteWJth ~mm11J, &ca~e he and his fellows uliully acrufiombeing not a litrle dLli:ontented (as no marvel was) edmrheu prexiungtogobartfoot, and in funpleruffet ~ttt f~~~~:~!J' ~i~~~.m~~ts ,~:~~~;, t~h~M~t: Go~~his I fuppofe, may fidJi.ciently appe3r to rh~ indif- ,.1~1g now all the_.gm,emment of the R.alm under ti:c .faent, the nature 3.1~ condition- of Wickiiff, how far Kmg his Father, m his own hands, fo purfued the Bt- it was from the amhinon aJJd pride, which in the flaudn- ::·':J.'1~~·,. lbop of Wim:htjf~r, that by Ad: of Parliament he was OUS Pen of Po(JJore Virgil rq:xming in his I 9th. Book n.r lbndr- ,,,,.,,:"· ~D:~t:~1;~:J~E: :~;~;{~~:.~i;; :i~:~r~~~ r.~~~;~:t=~ii~~E~~ ~:;~·· thcrmore he inhibited the faid .B1!bop not to approach How _ti1Je was this, he only kno\vcth bell, that nghtly neartotheCourr by twenty miles. Furthnastouching fhall judgeboththeoneandtheorhcr. this Bifhop! the fiery rhus proceedetl~: Not long -after in Ir~ t~Jc mean time, by other cit?Imfianccs and pans rhe year oi our Lord, 1377, a Parliament was oiled by oflus hfc, we may al(o partly conjeCture what is to b~ :~~~;):~::~~~~:t~~E~~r~:ir~~;r~:i~£~it :,~:.!i::!f:t\~li~::d:~r¥Ji:::: ~:: ii~~~~~~:!f ~}~~.,. fhop ~f Winchejftr. At length when' ~n~~~~n':~ ~r~:edF~~~~f~~~:~~;h~;'ie~e1u~r;0~~~m~:a~o~~ ~~~~~~~by ~xped1tion robe to defame a_ Man whofe ltfe he knoweth not, is 10t the partofaf.mhfu!Story-writer, But to rctum from whence we digrtffed. Beftde rhde th~ Bll~opn,lth gee<.>~ his opinions and afferrions above rtciced, with other moe, whicharehn:eaftntobebretlght in order; he began alfo:,~;( ,": then fomechmg nearly to touchthematteroftheSacra-toadulrt did d""llc'" ft~<n th<llbO<,I« o!!"' wltol< Cl~tnclr; :;f~eaTr::~~i1~t\1~ ~~ili:~ ~acfub~· c:rnr~=~ ~~~ both by the HolyScripturtS, aJJdai(o by the authority of theDotlors, but fpeciallyby fuchas were moll ancient. As for the lata Writers, that is to fay, fuch as have \\TittcnuponrhatargumnltwJderthethoufandycarslira Chri!ls time, h~ uterly n:fid(d ; faying, That after thek yearsSatanv.oas loofedand fct atlibertr. Andthatfince that time the life of Matt hath bent mofi fub)ed: and in '"~'"& ~<fli~i?n ,~,er,~~<~- danger of errors: a1ul that the fimple and pktin truth doch appear and confi!l in the Scriptures, whereunto all humane Traditions whatfoevertheybe, muHberef.crred, andfpecia11ylitchas are fct forth and pub1Hhed now of ~~~i~:rs~f 6:e~~ ~~~ll~~if~~~~~o1~~rt~~~~~~:~d ~~~~~ ""'" tht Ct,wOC.,tion ,~,,;,NI,,.;,; ,.,m ;,w of <he oih,~ I i~ 1~;~~~~~~t: o1f~~ ~~\:~;~~~~%~a~!,~i~~,b~d: ~:b!Ii~ t;ri~~(~~~~~ffl~~~~~;;~~~:~ 1 ~h~oa&~~n~~~~\~~ ~;r~rt c~~t~~ ~~~/:~~~~c~ir:~ =~ ~d J:. ~~h£o~hi~n;~~~en°~ !~:~~~ r~?~ee,d~~ ;~::.M willfhortly at moreoppommirybyGodsGrace, declare them in another plac~. But hmin the truth~ as the ~t fpeaketh\'trytndy) hJdgotten J~bn WickliffgrctdUplcaCureaJldhatredac many Mensh3llds; :md efpccially oftheMonksandrichdlfortofPridls. AlbeitthroughthefuvourandfiLpport:ttionofthe~e ~! t;rc:;~;r:n:~ !;:~ :;Ji ~~\V~~~~o~~~~ cru~lty: T1U at lafi about the year of our Lord, 1376, ·Tbc_if it b< gl'"" ~Y,~>Y I ~~~~~~JJ~~;~u w~~fo~ta~nciJ~~i'~ei~it~~~~Xhl tcrwardprohLhlttdhimalfonottoflir:mymorem rhofc fortsofmattcrs, hadobrainedbyProcefsandordnofCitation to have him brought before thcn:a. Whneuoto bothplace::md_time for him to appear, aftcrtheirufilll form, wasrolum:1ffigned. The