488 Tbe Duk_e of Llncafler reconciled witb the Londoners. ~~~~~~~~ 0 ~o:i: ~~J;:~J~tli~~ ilien~~~~~~l~~~ ~:~cr~e~a~t~~~n~~~~ld ~~~=~K~~e: ~:c~l~ ~ !~Fj}. !!us was domg, cometh one of the Dukes men runmng ?f peace, and the fame rcconcLlnlnlt publtc:klY denounced tlm.r. n. ~h ~:~(\: 0do~~c~hc+~~ke~1~et~~l~t:h~~p:~hkdO~~~~ :~~~ ~~~h~~f:t~~t,T,~~:~te ili~t t:!i;;!~i~~~~ ~f.1r:~ E!ii!~ fu:~~~~\h1~YF~:1f;r~rl:foo~~~~~~ict~~~~~:~r~ ;;(, ~~~~: !~c1~ b~~~~~f=n~t!J~c:1Ra::der0~;:h~ ~1 :'r~~ and by Water wmt to Kmgjlo'!t, w!m~ theu the Pnn- Hdloncs namely of St. .Aibaw, where they are to be Dllke, cefs withR.Jchartlthc yotmgPrmcedtdhe. Who there fotmdatlargc. ?ec!ared wuo the Princcfs all the wh~le matter, concern- As thefe fortfaid for br~ity fake Tpafs over, fo will I mg the ?utragc: _of the Lond071m as it was. To who~ nN be lonj;, and y(t cannot omit that, which hapfl(n(d *~ ~~0a~~~ ~~~:U~1 ~(~~~~~ !~t~~~~~~. OC ~:k~~~~ ~~~:rl~~~~tuili~sa~~~~~;/ 0n~~ ~:~~°K(~rt::~J::':;id~0 ;~: tunc th( Commons of Umdtm thus as lS fa1d, \~(I( about <;-Iergy of. th( ~opes Church was then grown. The fame A Rory of the puk~ Houf( :tt SIIV()j~ thm l'l!tttrth :With th(m :1 t.1me as tlus bro~ was at LonJm, th( Bithc.p of Norwich a rhc Bllhop APrirR In ~~~:rt~krJ'h~!u7ili~~m~~t~lie4':~ho~~~f~~~ 0:aa;:~~~~~~~ ~~ l~~%~i~lg~~~g\~~t ~:~t~ of N"~"b• tb/l11 •ke .was givn1 again of Come, that tht:y fought for the Duke With the old accufiomtd honour due tUlto him, and ufed ft.,., ~:c. and the Lord Marlhal, to hav( of them th( lord Ptttr dt of his predecdfors brfor( in the fame Town,req_ulred more· k~~;::~ la Ma~t, whO!? they wrongfully had dcta.ined in Prifon. over with a new and tUlUf«i kind of magni.hcnlcr to be ~tl:~~/~\~~fi ;,~;'(1aidrc) r::e f;~d~:.U~~,0io ~;~~~ !t~~~~~~tr~v~~~~~;h;a;;! ~~:~tlsag-ffi~: ~{:,:! the ~ing, and worthy long fince to be hang«!. At.the going befOre him, holding a cmain Wand in his hand tip- clergy. ht.~rmg.of th(fc words the furious people with a urnbl( ped at both nKis with black Hom> as the manna \V:l.S; he ~~t'\~rt:O~~ ~} ~~~dhr~ r:,:g ~;~r~~~d~~~ ilih:~i:~~ ';:~ 1~~~: l;h~~ 0[h;~~J~~n~~~a~~~ !~E ~:~;~~~~fro~~~~~~fo~(~/;t~~i:~u:~~ ~n~fx1~,;h,~~ s~tt~:~:g~aff~~ t~~o~~~;~~ ~~~me they had hun mto Pnfon, '~her( W1thu1 few days upon wnh other th( Townfmen, ~urteoufly anfwered t? him the f~cnc& of his wounds he died. again, That they wtteright willing and con:cnt«<. wtth all Nc1thcrwould thcragcoftll(peoplethltShav(ceafed> thcirheartstoexhibitthatrcverence unto hun,andwould had not th( Bi!'bop of UmJcn, lQving his Dinner, com( fo d9, if he fi~fiof the King and Council could obtain that to them at . Savoy, :md putting them in rem(mbrance of Cuflom, and 1f the:: fame might be induced after any peace· th( bleffed time (as they term it) of Lent, had pcrfwaded ab\( way with the good. wills of the Commons and Body th(m ro cQ(c and to be quiet. of tbc Town: Otherw1fc (aid they, as the matter was dan- ~~~:l:~ :~~~~:,,~~~:~~~::~l:!~;~~::::~\~·~~J!~:~~ f~!:i::~~~~:~~~:::~£~l~;~~J7f~ih~Et,~ ~ars they hanged up, m the o~n places of th( C1ty m th(m Wit~ ftones, an.d dnv( th(m outoftheTown. WherrflSJl ofreproach, as fora Traitor. Infomuchthatwhen forekn(e\mgon thrnrkneesbcforehim,therehumblythcy one of his Gcmlcmcn came tl)rcugh the City, with a Plate bcfought him that he would require no fuch thing of them: COfltaining t!~e.Duki:SArms, hanging by a lace about his that he. would Cave his own honour and their Ji,·ts, who ~eck, the Cltllct\S not abiding the tight thcrrof, ~him otherw1fe .if he intended that v•ay, were i1.1 gm.t danger. lrom llis Horfc,and pluckt his ~cutchron ~rom h1m, and But the Btfhop, youthfi.U and haught}'1 t~kmg occafion by J:. Roe:,. were about to work the (Xtrcmlty ag::rinfi h1m, had not the their hwnblenefs, to (\\·ell the more in him(elf, anfwwxi, <br ':'a.op ~fe)~:c~~h~d~~ ~~~a~':~' ~~~'i~h~t~~~h~hd: !'::JJ~~~~d~~~.~~~f~~~lC~~~ ~~'~,!: ~~ ~!"D~~ !r~~~~~ the~~~ r~~t~~e t~~::tr ~~~~~~~~~T.;J~; hearts ~~!d :ilim;!t~rn~~~f~'!:t a~Jfo~tkt %( f:Z; ~~~~ • crf.ro th• brml of the Un.kmrs fet agamll th( forefuid Duke, fent wlgar {()lt of people. """ 11 "'"'· unto UnJrm. three Knights, Sir Albrttl Uwer, ~~ Sim~n Th( Citizens ptrceivin.g t~e wi~ful fioutnclS of the Bi· Burle, and S1r Ltwts Cliffort, to nltrQt the Cmzens to lhop, m«kly anf\vering agam, fatd, They minded not to lx reconciled with th( Duk(. Thel.nrukmers anfwered, ufrll: him, but to let him dothmin whath( thought good: T!l:lt ~hey, for the honour ofth( Prince{S, V.:ouldobcyand only dl(}'ddired him that h( would Liccnf( them to.drdo With all rcvereuce what (h( would r(qu1rc. But this parr, and hold than (XCufed for not waiting upon lum, they r~uirrd and cnjoyned dJ( Mdfn1gm to fay to the and conduCting him out of the Town with that r(Vmnce ~u~i~~~;:;:~ ~f~:~~~~,;io~~r~, ~~~l~~tf!dt\;~.1~~~1;!~~1~ ;'~~~~~~f:h;fi~f;;i~o;,:~~,~~~~d(,(bcu;: r/;~.~~f~ i11 Mare, to come to their anfwer, and to be JU~gcd by thm thould they ~ all m danger,. fo much as their liv(S w(r( Pc~rs. Whereby ri~htt they might be quit 1f they wm: worth. Th( Bllhop n?t rcgardmg their advic( and counfd, gmldefs > o.r atherw~fe if the~ be found culpable, they comnunded one of h1s men to tak( the. Rod born before might rece1ve accordms to t~lr deferts after the Laws of the Mayor, and to carry th( fame before hun: Which being the Real.m. What griri and dtfp!CJ!i.rre th( Duke conceived done, and fl(rceiv«l of the Commons, the Bilhop after that ~~&€~:~~::~f~~::~:~i~:.~~~~ ~i;~~2~i~~i~~~;g~g~~E;lf~ ~~~ quefi wm moved to Excommmuc.lte thofe malicious in fuch fort, that both the Bifhop and hiS Ho& under him Tbe Dqke flandcms: And morrover.how the .Duke at lafr was re· nith mofi pa~ of his men w~.hurt and wound~ .. And ~7!:-d ot vmged of thofc conrumeli(S :tnd inp.trics: How he ca.ufcd thus the gloriOUS prid( of das JOllY Prdat(, ruffiing m ~is ll.o...... than to bc brought ~foreth( l{ing: How fharply they _n(w Scrpter, \'v<lS received and wtlcom«l there. Th:~.t.ts, "ere rd:luked for their mifdemeanour by the wonhy Orati.- he was lo pc!t«i with Bats and Jloncs, fo w01mded Wlth on of thelordChambcrlain,Robrrt.AjfotJ,intheprefencc Arrows and other in!l~mrnt:s tit fGr fuch :1 skirmilh, of the King,Archbi1hops, Bilhop:;, Wi~ .di\•crs other Statts that th( moll part of .h1s men, with his Mac~~. all the Kings Children, and other Nobihttts of the RQ~m: runnin& away from hun, the ~ wound«l Blf_hop 'vas In conclulion, how theLontkners wtrecompclkd to thiS at thm lclt alone, not abl( to k«phisold power, wh!ch wa1t Itngth, by the common affntt aud publick ~hargts. of the about to .u(urp a n(w power ~ore tha1~ t? him belong~. ~:~~~A:~kefe~ ~;!J,a~oo~~ ~~br~u~~~~~it!;$~~~~ ~us~~~::1~v~i1d~:1~o~~~:~ya\?ai~~ ~~~ ~tl:te~(~:! ~:~:~~ Prcx:c:lfron to the Church of St. Paul, there to bum contt· monly !kn, that Pnde wtll. hav( a faU, andrPov:·~r ufur· r~rprd ,..;r~ nually l>e!Qrc the Im:tge of our Lady: And at 131}-, how ped will never fiand. In ltkem:umu> ifrll( CltlwJsofnc.-,nu~. Rm;e,