Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

490 Tbe view of Ecclefiaflical Bemfices. Ki11g Richard the Seco11d. o!~n;~,~:~~dh ~~~r~ f~~d~~~h~Ca:c"t;;;~~~:~ su;:,~ ~~:~~lc1~h:';ris:~~:~~~~;~~~~: {~~;} yr.lis, wvnh by }'ear 40/. . by y~ar 400 Marks. ~" Sk]rtt of Buckingham, and to :f;;(~~~~f:~~~~rr;~~~ ~; ~~~ /~f H(lgbtr~dbury, fh~';;dll~tdi:'utbfa~';;md0is F:;;nbet~:~':r ~~: ~':to;~ft- The Clturth of StoniJ. and the Chapel of Rt{comp to bend of Najfington, worth by !!nimation 300 Marks. Ro- Tbc AI'<&. "'b~,,. tht_fi11;~f:;7ofn~~~ 'r;·~h:h ~r~c~~u~~:;excd, ~~~~~:gf:;c~~~~Son of Robm of .Abtthorp, ~z:-:1-6r worth by year 40 /, Lord C:~.rdinal Nonmaum is Parfon of Addrrbury, The Chappel of Wdw1bame to the fame Dea!U}' an- wonh by eflimation, 1 oo I. A Jam Robdyn Clerk, is his nc~ed, wonhby}'t:lr36/. Prod:or, and ~picththcfamc. fheChapprlofSanh~1r.[f, worchbyyear40s. lord Cardmo.l ofS. Prrbcndaryof Thame,tntlorArdt· ~h~ Chur~h of GoJalmmg, to the fam~ Deanry a1mcx- worth yea1ly by common dlimation, ::zoo Marks, John ~::~:mrr Df ed, IH th_c J:?IOcd$ of Winchtjler, worth by rear 40 /, Hqward and Th(JI11as a Lay-man, do occupy a~r:: ~h~~~~d~~~~t.~a:;~f~l~~!~~;~~h:~h~tf~:u:;l:~ thl!d~~:;!J;drtvtrino,Cardina~ Prtbendary of A;/e(-lntbtArrh· s,, rs in the h~nds of Lord Job, of ~he title of S. Mnrk Priefi bury, worth yearly by common diimation, So Marks. t,rn•y of ~~: ~~:;~~;~~~~ ~~~tht:~ fu~~~~~:~;e~~e )~~ 3~~ Ho1~t%:Jjt'~17;;~k~~ !~ f~~hr:a::~· of~~~·fr:J.~ lJ'· 4t!. Suff.andrsworthbnar bycommonefiimationanhun-•oct, The Church of Fighddm to th~ fame :mnc:xcd, worth dnd Marks. by year, 26 /. 13 s. 4d. Lord Cardin2l Ntmin11ctm Tm.furer of tilt Chut'h The Church of .Aiwnrdbury with the Chappel of Put- of S~~r. luth the Archdeaconry of Sar. the ChW"Ch of ,~,T~o~!~"cl~~~ to the &tM Treafitrcr annextd, ~f;~~teto~~ed:iiJ::J'1~;:=h!~~~~ ~~ worthbyyeariOO/. yearly so Marks. Heha.thalfo, inthef:uneArchdeaconry The Archd~ of Bm!t., in the Cathtdral ChW"Cb and County, the faid Church of .AhverburJ, with the of Sarisbury, with the Church of M~JT_~ to the fart_lC an- Ch:tppcls of Putton and F111ld to the 6me atmexed, nexttl, is in the hands of the Lord Wt_lltam of the t1tle of which is let to &nn to the Prior of the Houf~ of EJerofo S. Supbtn, who Was never reftdcnt ut the fame, worth for the yearly rent of 23 /. he hath aliO the Prebend of by ycareightfcore Marks. . C11lve in the faid Archdeaconry and County, worth by ~~~o. The An:hdcaconry of Dorf:t in the Church of S11ri[- }"~, 100 pound, and farmer thnoof is Ra;mut~J Pm- ' ' bur], with the Church of Giffuhe to the fam~ 2nnexed, grme. in the hands r::i Lord Robm, of rh7 title of the Twelve Lord Cardiml of .Agrifolio, Hath t~c Arch_dCJ.conry of ApoflltS, Priefi and Cardinal> and rsWorth by year 103 Bt rk, worth by year 120 Marks, and 1t rcmameth in his M:trks. own hands. !mlf, He hath the Prebend ofWmh, worth ThePrcbcndofW()()t/f~dandW;veJford in~Church byyeara hllndred pound; RaJmundPerq;rineisFarmer ofSarisb11:J• is in the hands of Robertth~ Cardmalafore- there. . • (aid, and rs worth 40 Marks. . Lord Cardmal Geba11m hath the ~rebends o( W()()JjffJ The Prebc:nd of Hriworth in d_te Church ~f ~ambur! and _WilliforJ in the County of Wtlrjhire, let to f:uin to is in the hands of the Lord Cardmal of .Agrifobo who IS John &nnel of S~~r. worth _by rt:U' 40 Marks. never rtfidtnt, and is wcnh by year So/, . Lord Andomer Je RMPJ IS Archdeacon of Canterbury, The Prebend of Nttbtrbarnb; and Bt~mjftr, in ~e tot~ which Archdeacon belongs the Churc.h of L;min Church of Sarisbur;, one H11gh Pdgrin1 a firangrr did within the fame DiocdS, wonh by year afi:tr th~ taxation holdtwcntyycarsandroore, andwasn~verrefKI.entinthe ofthetmth, ::zo/. The ChW"Ch of1'mh11m, worth by filme, wonh by the year eight fcore Marks. )"t:lr after the (aid taxation, 130 /, 6 s. 8 J. The Church of of r;/~rf!;~~te~:W~ft~f~~!b::J:~~ ~~, ~j~~;~~rcs;:b;t:n;0~ ~~~:i!};:~i:~~~ EfJ, is in the hands of the Lord Pmr of the tttle ofSamt }"er ~fter the ~nons afm:efatd e1ght Marks. TfxChurch !:,;t=~ PraxtJ, Pridl: and CardinalJ &c. worth by the )"ear ofSamtMary m ~·ndwscb1 wonhbyyruetghtpound.,mm,. Sol. ofthcwhichthe&id Archdeaconn:ceh'tthon1yflXM:rrks. C..rnb rJ. Lordf¥il/iarnoftheHolyChurchofRcmeCardinal, a Th~ profits of all which pmniffes S.Wil/iamLatimer ~~~~~id~~~\ hcl:~ ~~ ~;f~;;c~~ko;.~l;tfr~;;?,'~~~~ !~~~ t~:t~:t:l t1~~~~~~~~r:o:~fi~ and profits, isworthfevenhwJdrcdFiorens. year, 2o/. &·!~d rveit~c a1~~1t~:~~0t~~n~%td~;~u~~~d~~ch~ hatt';~~'D~a~:~f~~:r~rh~~fmCh~~f~rtr;~h :;a~~?.; of fie,vij11, Be:wu, and South/;rent which an: worth by by year 373 /, 61. S J. And the Prebend of Sourbca"e1 }"tar, wtth thm procuntion of vi!it:ttionsoftht: [aid Arch- valued yearly ~t r6oMarks. deaconry, 16o/, . Lord Cardmal Gebavm dothholdtheChurchofWtrJrem, T he Lord Cardmal is Trel[urer of the Church of mouth, and Archdeaconry of Durham, wonh. by year IVtlls, and bath the 200 Marks:. And Jobn of Chambrt, and Thomat of~1~fg!~ ne~;:tmt;tT~~l~r;o~~;l~ta~t~~~i~lio is Archdeacon %~tf/Car~~.U:.n»'."ftle be: dlC Farmers ~d Pro&m of b-. of_TaWIII 01J iu the Church of Welir, and is wonh by year Ex Bundeh11 B:tv1um Reg.u Je At~. 2, Rtch. 2. part. z. wuh the proettr.ltions and thePrebtndof Mjlmtrtonto theJ~~;~~~~"~~fo<>~d in thetimeofKing Richard . King RICHARD the Second. the Second, upon what cxcaf10n it isw1Ccrrni~l: butas_it ~~hh~y :::11 :~o~~~~:O~:~n~:tt';d~~; A F~~~~:!J~~~~J,~g(~~t~~ -~!~~~ ~!t~t)~~~~J:~ ~~~;:\,~=~=~~ ~;~: of his tJ:s aJ~:reel~~~ ~-~~ ~:p~~~~e ~:U~~ new, as may appear by dUs following. \\-'as Crowned at Wtjlminfter, An. ! 377· who, follow- ~~- ~ Ri•~. bcn~j ~=!~:~~~: t~1:o,~~t:~~ o'l ~~:a; . . d~t~:J: ~~~ i~;~~r~:~i~~e tn~hex~;r~~.~~ th~~e~YJob; Po~~ Lctcm, h~ cou1d n?' ~o t~~~l:e =·t~wi~~ Vicar of Cormgbam, and Mafitr Robm Parfon of Kmel- fiattd~1g fomethmg he d1d m that behalf, more pcrhap; thorp, and fl/. Thur~71 be Farmc1~. %:~c~l~f~~r~j~J:~~~~~ ~~~~~!J:~~~~~fh