494 A1l expojition upon theconc!ujions ofJohn Wickliff exhibited by him to the Bifbop. ~~r :o b~th;nt~:i~:;~~t~~~~;%~~Fv:~~c~0r~t; ~~u~~:h ~~fr~n~~!:~~;d~~~~;~ca~~~c!f!~~~ {!~~~} fcl~ow Br~thrat the J?ot~l~lLOJt .of_ thcL~ goods, Ut paw_ dt mcmbos of the Churd 1• fuu corporzbus & btmu m mftnrmbus m n~t«ra, ac<:ordmg _1 r• .TiJ.trt is no txample of Chrift, which gjvtth f6Wtr ~o the words of Luke 6 , Thqr !hall g1ve you, and.pnt to bu Di{etpln to o:communicatt an1 fubjtif (tfptcially mro your bofoms a good. ffi('afurc and perfeCt, wdllilled for dtt~pn~ of a111 ttmpornltits) but c~ntrary. andheapcdup, and runmngow:r. . . . WhLchLsthu~ declarW by the faith, whmby we be. 6, JfGotl btftmporal Lords may/awful!;· and mmtq- heve that God IS to be lx:\oved above all things, and our rioufly takt away tbt gOf.ld~ of Fortune from tht Church neighbOl:r and enc:my arc to bc beloved abovelll temp::lra1 when ~hq do oJfo.nJh~bltuahter. . . . goods ot this world necefflri!y ; for the Lawof God cannot Tlus. concluhon IS Correlative With the fir(l Article of be contrary unto it fell: our Faith : I belie'TJ~ in God the Fat~er ~imighty, &c. I?, The DifoiplesofChriif ha'T.Jt nopO'Wer by any civil Where I underfiand thiS wo~d (maX) m thLS c?nclu~ion af~ coa[ho:' tiJexaCitrmpornl thi,1gs by tbeircenfuru. tcrthem;umer of !'-uthent!Ck Smptur~ w.h1chfa1thand ThJsa~rct.hbythefui th of the Scripture, Lulee 2 ;. ~raA~%~a~~: 7:/ ~~;:::vffe ~f~~rineb1:1J p;f~:f~.!;!J~e; ~~~~~'L:,~~~i~ fo*~: ~{~~t~i~d~ih~JJ~h~i~~~il~ reticks. Foru~ntlllsconcluhontl~mfiandeth~her~fon.: bear ~ul: over them; but you not fo. And after this !t~ :·m~~~~t~~~it::d~t~e~~rfo~~~~~g~~!J 1 1f1;; ~~~e ~~~:r h~f;~~~~ :~~~h~~:i:~~~~fn~~w~:h{C~i~~: may fo comtn:J.nd, then may they lawfully fo take away yet ~ay they tx~d: temporal d~ings by Eccklilfiical ccnfiKh ~s, &c. And foby t~evertue c;lfthefame principle, fur(S mcidrn,tly, 1f cafe be tltat ltapptrtain cothtrevcnge~ Ch~ifhan Princ($ have prad ~fed the. &id kntcnce upon the mmt of thc.Jr God. ~f~bfdlt~~tet~t~~~jd~~~~!sh;;l;~;·in~~tiOI~~ iftb~ ~'~ ~':/~o~~~ci;J:a:bJ:~::/:l% t,r;~ :!ft have been, that fttubr Lords tn:J.Y hwfully take away at tbm phafure bJ what mtans fotvtr, tbat thtr(by h# ;;~~t ~~~s ;~~~;i;~~~ ~k~;h;l~'(~~ ~c~~11~Yb}~~~~ dot~. ::~;r~J :f{l:is conclufion will defiroy the whole Au~hontyoftheChurchtheymayfodo, incaf(Sandform CathohckFaith, importing nokCsbuthim tobea bla{: limited by the Law. . . phemerwhich fo ufurpeth luch.abfolute power of the Lord. ?· .IV( kniJ'lJ/ ~bat it u P~IJt pojfiiJle that tbt Vtcar of And yet by this condulion I mt~nd not to derogate from Chriftu.ableb;hrspureBulls,&c: . · the power of the Pope, or of any otherPr<:lateofthc ti:ThJSistnanifellbytheCathohckFaLth;forafmuchas Church, but thJthe may by the vercueof thcheadfo the <:::h~rch doth fully beli~ve that the enabling ofany man bind 7nd loofc : But do underftand. the condir i01~al of thiS ought tirfi to proce~ an~ <.:omc: of God ; w~tref?re no negatwe (to be: impoffible) after thiS fenfe, that tt cannot Man being Chrifi hiS. V1car, hath any power m dus mat~ be that the Pope or any ?thcr Prelate of the Church can ter, but only as Vicar m the namcofth~ Lord, fofarforth pretend by him~df to bmd or ~oofe (how and after what as he isembledof the Lord, to notitieuntotheChurch mannerhelillhltnfc!f) exceptmfuchfort,t!nthedoinw~om God hath ena?!td. \Vhereforc if any Man do any deed fo bind and loofe before God,as he d.oth pretend to do. Tbe pown thmg, not as Yicar m the. name of the Lord, ~~om he 1 4, ~fi ought t~ btlit'T.Je,1hat the V~ear ofChrifldotb ;~1'!1()o ought to forethmk tO be hiS author and head ; lt !Sa pre- 111 fuch ttmts fflly bmti tmd/()Oft, wbm aJ heworktth erm- wlrdGo:l fu.mption of Lueifu, forfom~ch as Chri~ by his Apofile formnb/; by the .4awa.ml crdinanct ofChrift, &e. f<IIUL fatth, t Cor. 3· Allour abihty orfufficsencycometh of Ther~lonthcreof1sthis, becaufemherwifcitisunlaw-o.h/""' ' ~~fie~11 j ~0is covi:;:y~h~r'~~e~he~~~~~r;d,!y ~~~ ~~~t~O:t ~~y ~0 a~~~~ c~~~~~~t ~~~~1~ i~t~(~~~~r= tt.~s~ ablcndS or unablendS of him, being the Vicar of Chrifi, able to the La\.v and drdm:mcc. ofChnfi.. z_~·· .,.. comg:h ~;;:~ :~~:~~b~val~~;,a:;;~t to his hurt or un~ tiC'TJ:J: rr::h~:;~tft' r~;h,ij"~!~,~'Xt;r~f;,;j bh;:b ::~::. ,.. t:::};y;txctpr be be Excommt~nicattfirft and principally of powTh.:~f~;n~u':O~~;h~~r~~~·hattheorderofPriefi· It ts evident, forfomuch as allfuch Excommunication hoodmhJSown narure and {hbful'ncer«eiveth nofuchde- :1~~~:~Xe:f~J~~~~~~~~c;i~~~~yf~~~is~:':~1~~; :h;~~!~;erof~nf~~~ ~l;S~ i1~~e~e~~~0s:w~:;:~:! ~~~; So~;;:J~ ·tht~1:~ t~X~dm~~~::~~e f~;irh'~~ ~~:!~:r::~~~i~;~~fed~ fo/~:~di~h~sa~c~~ :::grit~et~ the Church cloth tta~h .• ~11orl nulla(~ noubit adwrjitas, Dodors, a Prelate hath a doubl~ po~·~, to wi.r, the fi tml!a tiiJminetur f1111fU1tas : That IS to fay, No adverfi- power of o~der, and.the power of JUnfdLd:lon or rtg~menr. ty !ball hurt, .if no mquity luth the upper hand . And yet f\nd acoor~mg eo thts fecond power, the Prelates are in a notwithfiandmg, every Excommw1icationfor manycaufts hsgher maJcfty and regimestt. is nlfo to be feared, although that the Excommunication 16: I~ is lawful [Or Prinm and Kings (in cafe.J b; tht oftheChurch, ,to thehumb!e ManbeingExcommWlica- LawlmmeJ) tiJ wsthdraw ttmpora~ CommoJmufrom ted, be not damnable bmw?olfome. Churchmen, abujing tke fame h'abltuahter. mH~;a~u;:;p::;~b&:~t m GodJ. eaufo alont to Excom- 0~~~~~~:~ ~~e~~ 1: 0 ~~~~~aioA1:: :hl~ra~~:~h lt is clear, fornfmuch as every JUfi caufe is t~e caufe of With. tt great fru it,. rha1~ to temp::lral Alms, the caf~ fo ~Jre'J!JOfY~~~I:egl~} ~~:~c~~l ~x~~~:i~~~~ ~~d~~t'h~~f~tl:~~~fccr~~h~~r~~~df~~n~or~o~~: ought to furmount thneal of re\•engcrncnt, an~ the ddire their temponl livings, which u(e tO abufe the fame, to d~~l:~=:~~:::, d~~ttf~~~:n:~:i~{!~t1~ J:s r;;~ \~~ic11aili~11t~~gd:~hli~!ittli1,~~h~u!na~';!,OC:~e t~hde~ :~~~~;~~~~~:~~~~inrieit~u~!roCJ~( !~.a !or~~:~ ~;ga::\:1;:~~. ~:~~0i~:~~~~1~h.% ~~e~de~:~~;:!: his pnoo.pal refped in fodoing be had to the injury J6.q.7• .film, Dijl.;o.cap.St. Pap/1· z6.f.JtiU. ~~:,r:~.his God, as appeareth .r;•. ~u.tjf .. 4· Inter wh~;;:e:;:e:,c;;:tka~/~;J:/j'/;~~~~::;,i:~ht:e;;:. JO, NIJ cur[t er Excommmucawm CII7J bsnd fimply, raltzes, &c. . . . but in cafe it bt given out againft the Rdvtr{ary ofCbrijfs The ttuth thereof lS ~vidently feen, for that nothmg LaA~ it appeareth thus, becaufe that God dQ(h bin? :~~~y~ 0b~:~~~;~~;h~~~:~i~~\~~k 0~fc~:~~ fimply every one that is bound, wh'?cannotexcommwu~ to be undcrflood.a pn~y condmon 1~t"Ceffary.o.f God, hiS k: ~~~ll~~~~tf~:o~::~~d~g~~~~ ~:·,a:':~fu%~ ~=a~il~~;~a;_n;~fi:~tl::Jia~~~ is4 1 s:d t~;t~for"f~