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P.';:!~i ;;,~~;~~=t~J~:::!~:~tfi~::.~:!£1~~ I THC~::~:Yof~~~P:chtt~~s~~F~~~~ af~~~:~~·~tf~~~ lJ;~ lx:fore the fon:Gid Archbi!hop in the pu:tence of divtrs DoCtors and Bachelors of Divinity, and many L:l\vym . both Canon and_ Civil, whofe n:l.m~. are lm~er wrine:n, uJ!ea~~~~~~~~~fi~~. ~r;c:ru~7fon~~e~~=1~~!d~~~~ j~~~{l~t~· ~h!r~~ ofDh,7~~/h~VhoR;g~;f~~~~ cd for hmucal, fome for erroneous. Oath ~ken to fitew ~heir Judgment upon tl1e Conclulions aforefau.l,wneexammcdfevm!ly,e:~Chonebyhimfclf, beAfter this, wit~in ftw days th~foref:tid Archbiiliop Wil- fo~ the Archbifhop. Who there rt't:]ui~ed day andylace t_O /Mm Cwrtney d1r(("ted down h1s Lcttrn of Admonition dchbcrate upon the Conclufions aforef:nd, and to gm~ theu to Robtrt Ri.~e Com~niffary of Oxford, ~or the reprcfling anl\vtt unto the fame in writin$- And :~lfo.rcquired to of this Dcdnm:: whtch yet notwid1fiandmg, both then, have a Copy of the (aid Condullons to be dehv ered unto and yet to thisd~f (God be praifed) doth remain: th_e them. The which Copy the faid Nicho/111 and Philip M.J.h ~~YR~~i~l~er'full~:~~~~ the CommiJfary here out of his ~:~:!f. o~~~~fl,~onuJI~~~:fe~~~~~:;led~~~~d j~i~~~f; :!!::d.".. admonifh;dbythefaid Archbi~~P byvertueofthe<?a_th, The monition of the A~chbi!hop unto the fore- ~~~~'ra~e~~~~ i ~~~fu1~ 1a;~J~~i~ 1;~~~h:n~~~~)~~; (aid Chancellor. afordiud, And bcmg asked moreover by the fond Ar~h- ~~~of bifhop whether he \\'Ott!d have :1 funher day to cldibtrate ~n!i!,r. JN!i~e~~~~J':i,~hb@~/iftC:~:;reb~~~·i:JeP:~r;;;fe h;dn ~i;o~~:f\~~~ ;;P~;~/o;~~id h~c!~~~fd a;:~r ~'h~~ ?,.~."£ 0 " ' oJ_ £ ngland, amJ Ltgafl of 1ht .Apoftollclll Su, bJ 1ht would anfwer prefcmly to thofc: Conduficns i andf: