Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Protejlation and Anfwer ofHerford,Reppington, and Alhton,to their Articles. 499 i ~~~~~} ~:~;~f.~~~nf~~:~ai~j ~:h~~)nr~~h~ll jt~;n~1c~~01~~~ we A~~tt~~:(~scH~:~7. to that Oecrttal, Cum Martlx: TM •n(wtr this bthal~ to hold his &fJce. Wh~forc the fore{JJd f11at Cl~nfi .•s not m tl\(: Sacrammt of the Altar truly "::J,:!~ ~~~~0;d' h~~ll~!1~r:~e o1d,Jo~~; :rfuJ:o~~;u~;;~ ail~]::~~\!~~ ~:~c;~rJ~;)~e:O~ds nand, found to ';:J~r:~::J~o}~J;~~tC:t'J~fo,t ;~~~~~rft, b:h~e~Jr;:;~: ~c \)~~~~~~ ~~l~~~~.l~~!I~~J:m}:~ell~~~t ~~~~ei:isn~:~fi~ and rhm/ rmu, that in our PrO'lJince ~(Canterbury here- And bndly concernm!? tltlS whok matter ?f the Sacrament :ter 1e:~:l~ic:u:;~~J! ~:f~i:kte~r!;:~~~~~::;e~;Z;;£ ~~a;h~~~~ir~ ~t~~~~~:~~t~~dllf~~?;rh~!J1~thw~h~~~~ ,;.,e 1nounct here by theft prttnts agmnft th] ~rfon, if Scr!pture, With the: dc:tnmmanon of the: hol}' Church, and ~~;.~:{y "fo~fin:dti~s~\1~ 1fuid'jo~t~~!w~k~t~ ~:~~; (JyQ~,~~~~~ 1;~lya~~0~at it hath no foundatiOI~ in the Archbi(h~p, confdfed that he had heard before ol the Gofpd, th:l.t Chri~ ?rd:iinc? the Mafs; publication of the Archbilhof5 Mandate, wherein was We grant that 1t ts Herd1c-. ~1::d~ ~~:};~~;tl~~::1fu~d1 !:cl~~~~~ 0:~;1~1~~~~~~~~~~ r:1~1~;r:~~~~~tt~~~~~:~~~D~~!'~ ~erfon or Elfcnce, :~:~~to,,. :~~!d;~~~f~!ncf;;11~;~:ic~ 0 ~~hbefo~:ti1~1!it~rt~~ /:a"; ou~~ ~~iht~c:i~~v~;'~~~.the obedtc:nce ofnecellity ; heth, or in rhe flme phce, to fay for hsmfdf wherefore I~ a man be duly contnte, th:l.t all extnnal confdlion is he might not be pronounced for an Hc:rc:tick, and for (uch to hun fupcrfluou~ ~nd unp~fitable ; :m one to be denounced d1rough his who!e Province. We grnnt that it ts Hm:l~e. :~~o~1:/:~:i~h~f~/db~l;Pai~T~!~~ ~ :r!o:rer;!:;~;~;: kq~at~~fy~0:e:~~~r;~00D~~:~dh~1he;~ :a~o~~~ :;; andcof:l.)'fully and plainlytothec:mclulionaforc:{aid, all t~fauhfulofChnflgi\'C:n cohimofan}',unlc:fsit be of fophiflication of words and diCputation fet apart. C.e{y: ~r:tnt that it is Hc:rdie. T he Names of the Fryers that fate upon them. ·nJat after Pope Urban che Sixth non~ is to be received fryc:rsPrcachers. forPopc:,butthatweoughrrolivc:afrerthemannerofth<: Gruit~nt,undcrourciwn l.a\"<"S; ""~~~'m.;;,,!::;~';h:~;t~~;::;~,:~;~!;:;~=:~;/,;~ i::;z· ~e ~~J:a~~~~~;~:i~~;~~:·holy Scripture for Eccldiafiical Perfonsto havc:Tempora!Poffdlions. l fobfiitiacybejoyn«< with:l.JI, we grant that iris Hercfic. Carmditesthrec:. Wafter Dij11, John Kiningh~tm, John Lovq. ihat no Prcbtc: ought to Excommw1icare any man, unld$ he know him before to be excommunicated of God, Augu!hnc Fl)ers. We grant tha.t it is an Error; Underfianding this knowThomalt Aji!Sornt, Dod:or. l~ge to lignitic: an experimental knowledge; (o chat hc:rc:- wst.h m:l.y Hand thd:X.crec ofthe Church. 1 I. q. 3· Nemo sorl>of In the twentieth d:l.y aforc:faid of the faidmonthof Eps(co. 1""'· 'June, the )'tar and pla~e a.bovc: prefixed, before the fore:- Tl~at he: which doth .fo Excommunicate, is thereby 3.1l (aid Archbifhop fitting. 11.1 hts Tribunal Se:n,in the ~r~fCTJCe Hc:ret1ck or Excommum.cate. of divcrsDodors of D1vmity, and Lawyers both Cm! and After the: fatfc:, agreang with the other before,we grant ~:~,:4 ~;~;1}?:;,:~~!: ~~~rsM;j'gi~~~:a;,~1oo;:'·;t eo ~h~~ ~rr~l~tc: Excomm~icating a Ckrk, which ap- 'P~"· ~;;,j~Jf:d~1g0~C:*i~~ ~~hili~~~~ ::b~;;ICt!:';~(;~~ rs:~~~~~a:~~~>0~~~~ ~nJ~~l~a:~ ~ (o dolllg and fay full~ and plamlx their judgment upon the~n- Wegrancitisanerror. clufiO!lS prchxcd, to wh1chpurpofechc: C.ndArchb1lhop 1l1atthey whichleaveoffto preach, or toh~ the had alli~ned t.o.thcfaidNicholas .andPhilip t~.fame Wordo~God andtheGoCpd Preached, forthc:Excom- ~~~'~tt;F:~7~:~:~:;:~t:::!~!~:~::~ ~t.~;:::~~,~.::~::~J:~~:iJi.~~~~h~: tamed, an~ after the: fame form Jnfwcred to the (Jme con- ture and Laws do undcdbnd fuc:h mdc:timtc propo!itions ; clufio~JS. f hc knour of which lnda1ture, containing the We: grant it is a~IC:OIT· forc:Gud conclufions to them moved as 3.fOre) followerh in To affirm that It 1s lawful for any Deacon or Prieft to thcfc words. Preach r.heWord of G~ wi~hour the Authority of the Stc Apoflohck, or Cathohck BJ!l1op, or of any other whofe Tht ~rotql~tion. ~f N icholas, Philip, and J ohn, Au{t~r~~:~~~i~~~o::~~r~~cient; ~ With thur ArltcleJ and AnfwerJ to the fome~ To affirn:' that is no civil Lord, no Bifhop nor Prelate, whildlhe !Sill Mortal fin; We grant itisan ~~~:J \lVE J::e~~~~r~:\~:~de:okbl~~~~b{~ 1:J~tfJ:h: crThar temponl Lmls may at their pleafure take away ~~~~~ and t? o.bey ~~ ~~~:; :het~~t~i:~~i~~~~!h~t:h: :::/~~f~c~r i~ 0~ a~h:r?o~~~r ~:~11:;:{e,h;~ bllhop. And 1f It fiJJll ch3J~cc us a~ any ~1me, wh1ch .God forbid, th.c:r may (o nke away temporal Goods of the Churches, to fwarve from this o~r mtenuon, we fubm1t our fc:Jvc:s Without the Cafes limited in the: Laws of the .ChW'Ch and humbly to the comCbon of our reveraJd Father, Lord Kingdoms. !.~h~f{h~Ft :h~;":t;J?~h~~d ~~~~e t~f a~~~:Cafu~h at r~~t ~~~~~~~~fia':~n~~1r.:"!:d~!~~~ Swarvers. Th1s Prot:flatiOil prcmJ(ed, thus we anfwer to they may do ~t by the: Llw, We: grant it is an error, bctheconclufiosJSaforefaJd. . c:tufethatli:JbjcCtshavenopoweroverthcir~.rds. :!~~~~ ~3T.~~~l t~~ [~~::~~;a:~~~~; ar:: ~~~~= for~:r ;;;;::s ~f'ili~/~1~[:~ d~~:a~h~ 1&~:.r:?J tl~~ftc:r the frnfe CO!ltmy to the Decretal, beginning Fir- ~~~v:~h~~~~ ~llCn:£~~c::h~~ ~l~f~ct~c:u~~~:~~~~~~{c mlttr credtmus, we grant that it is Herdie. it is anmor. aft~~~i~~~(l~fd~o s~~~:~in without the fubjc:Ct, That