soo The Examination o[ Herford,Reppington,andAfhton, before the Archbijhop. bt~~:_r~\;~~~~.5 d~~~~~~:a;;o~~er.:;~~~ic~ ~~c~~~1f:~~~oroft~~n~~~~ 1 i:;~h~rfu~:U:~di'~~l~~r~ {~~~} pr:tyers,~fthcrebe_noletbythewaytomakethemunlikc: aftcrtheconfecration, orcl!'t werefubjtd:edinany other undtrllandlng this Conclufion univerfally negativdy, and fub llancd To this they :mfwered, That bm~r to tmfwtr, r;~d:ti~l~,y a;!dc;lf~Y;;y:etr~~~:rar~~O~:~l~ ~t~~ ;z;r~OI:iJ t:~:. :wr~j;~ ~~:a'ni~~t~% !~f' !~J:d then afttt this fenfe, no fuch Ipedal f>raye~,apphed to any the third Conc\ufion for that they anfwcred not plainly an d one ~rfon, bv fpccial Omors, do profit more fp(da\ly cxprt:fly, bur in fen fe contrary to the Dtcret:J.l in the C!r-- the fa1d prrfon, than gtl)Cral prayers do, which are made mmtinu, Si Judum, ~ing asked what was that fenfe and E~~~ fame, and for the fame pcrfons, we grant it is an %:1bjic~::J~ nod dfu!~~c ,th~,~~din \~~e~~~rfc~;cl HcthatgivethAlmstotheFryers, ortoanyFrynthat the fa me Conclufion, d~laredon thcrxhalfOf the faid preacheth,is Exoommuni~te; J;x>th he th~t givetl~,and he Lor.d of Cant(rbnrJ, Whether the fame Body of Chrill:, that tak~t~ : underfuu~dm~ th~ Propofinon wuverfally, whKh was affumcd of ~he Virgin, be in d)c: Sacrament of or condJUOnally, as IS atordatd; we grant to be an theAitar,[tcundum ft~tf~.~m, c:venasheisrc:allyincarnal Error. . fubibnce,~lrc:ffen.ceandnature?Tothisthcy an· T hat who fo cntrc::th into any private RelJgion whatfcr fwere d, Thll~= thllt tt'!'lt thry c(II.I/Jf"J .nll mwt thrm tbar ~~~n~~~::n~1~:e ;~u;1 ~~t ~~:e£r:r~ the thfJU:cl~t:OI~e~:;{~fcl:ta:lt;;/~t:l~~ti~hConduiion That fuch holy men as did infiirute any private Religi· for that they anfwered not fu lly and exprd1y,bcing askJ ~~.;h~:l~~;Ol~~.~~~~ t [~~~~ti~~~v~IJ ~~e~~d~;r,:lt ~r~~~~~~r ~;(~~;t:~.~~:~~~t~ft~:i~:e:0b:~:~ev;; ~~~h~~e1~~~c~~:;;1:vh~tu~~~~!~~vdfr1~1~i~:~1:r:~:; 'Q;J~u;,h;,~u;;P:;;;/;hc De~it~!'Yolfe~ ~~c~f~~~h~ ~~~~~~l;;~~:~~t~~~ R:~~ fa id Religion upon that · confi~cra~ thc..p~e;hc I Jtb Condufion, for that they ::mfwercd not ~:~~\;~:~0~~fo~dt~~:~~~~~~~~1;:l:~i~!~~w~~~ ~~~r; a~~~n~~~n;?l~t~h~ ~t~~}a~;~~h~~;raw~ bo~~; ~:~~a~1cls,~d~l~~ ~~tbc~in~i:vi~~d:r~:~di~~ fuJi::fim~l~,2~~~ C~~~~~OI~j~~~~:~%~':~~ r;: thisPropofiripnunh·erfully, as before; we: grant it is an cialorgeneralpraycrsdidmofiprofit, :mdwerc:ofgreate r Error. force; theywouldnotfaybutthatfpecial. Thefc t~i.ngs have we fpokcn .reverend Father and Lord, Unto the lafi ConcluGon, . for t~<1t they anfwcrcd nei· in all hmmli~y, under your graciOUS fupportation and be- thcr fimply, nor e xprcfly; and bcmg dema!ld~ particu· ni~1 corrcCbon, according to our abilities and fiender ~· l ~rly, whether any Frycrw.crc bound to get hiS liVing with paCJties for this prefenc (the honou.r of GOD, the venty Ius .ttunuallabour, fo that tt might not be lawful for them cf our Belief, and fafe ~nfdence m al~ po~nt'i refc:rvcd) to hve by bcsging; they would make no anfw("[ at all. more humbly yet bcfcechmg: you, that tf any other thh~~ After that, the forefai<l.Lord Archbilhop of c.. mttrbiUJ n..;u.~,. there be, th:!.t feemcth meet unto your Excellency and Oil~ demanded of all the forefatd DoCtors, what their judgment m• nu . r mtion to be more or othmvife faid and fpokcn , that your was touching the anfwers that were made upon aU and :...,n;a.,:.' gracious Fatherhood would vouchfafe to inform us as fin gular fuch Condufior~s. All which Dod'ors and cvuy Attldn. Children by the Sacred ~~ipturcs, by the determinati01I of rhem fcverally ~aid, That all the ""f-wm gi:''" Wllo d~~t~1c<fsh~~~~ ~d;u~~~~:ldf~di~~!Y~~~e ~~ ~!;t;£· ~~~;:~fo1cf;~:."~~;;;~o:~1}:J :s ;~Je{b:~ confmt and agree unto your wholfome DoCtrine. May all the tm[wtrs '!wlt./) tlu nimb, .umh, .•tid !aft it thrr~forc plcafe your Fatherhood, right reverend in God, Crmcll.l{ions, IJ! u abovt mt.nltoneJ, wert ~~ft4ficunt, er• ~ccordmg to th1= accufiom«<. manner of your benignity, rmmrs, "nd ptM!trft. \\'hcr~upon the .fatd Lord Arch· favourably to accept thefc our words and fayin~ foraf. bifhop of Ca~Jtrbwr;, conGdermg the f3.1d ~WCIS to~ much. as the f01·efa~d Conclufions were never by ~~ ei ~ heretical, fubJtl, ~p;on~, and perv~rfc, acco~dmgly as tl~ thcr m Schools affi.rmcd, or elfe in Sermons publick1y faid DoCtors (as LS .afor~aid) had weL~ :wld contidc:red, preached. admonilhcd thc:fatd N.~eh~tns andPMJpfufficiently ~ thisformofwords. F1trthcr Ex~min~tianJ and P1·aceedings ag.:r!nfi Gorhe nm:,:J,,c~tbb~fl:t o[~n~f~~~;,:!':~j)~,!! ~Z· thsforcfud Ntcholas Herford, P. R.eppmg· of a/lf:gland, and. Uga;e o the ApoftolK~ S(e, and Archbilltop ~on, and Jol,m A!hton. · ~~ .. E~~:~· \JVH~rd1~:c~~jt;tcl~a:;~bu;~~heuf~:d~~~~: !~~ ~!~ ~:~~is' tr t~~~r~~~~~~~~ ~~~~;:;~ ~~~:~~~ {:u ~~~!c~~r a'::'r t:071 t"rr:a, :;~ ftf:t;'' of:r't~f;:r:Z ~7;:J'hi· ~0 t.h~ knfc of t!le decretal Ftr~mttr crtdtm;rs, \~CJC tbere touc~mg t!J:fe . c,ncf~fons, ')l}htmmto we 'l 't: you (all ;;.~F~~· bt~cl~~: \\~~:~J~~~~~~ :X~r:rt~h/Ca!e~ndn:~:~ i~d: ~~~'t?:~~~~!d~n~~g::::~~:i1;~ :::;1 r::;: ::"Jo~ ~;.~;~ ~::l:io~: d~:e& ~~o~~~ngbe~~~f~ef ~~~fe f~~. t~~1 n;,~ ;:!~;:h:r4'tv:t%~=~,; 4:~ 1 ':,!":J~;~~~r::;;:; ""~ •· Canterbury, whether the f~me ~at~al bread mnumero, ye cc~;tempfuoujly rtfu{ed. toa!1[W$r.t/lfome if rbpfeC~ whic~ before the Confccrat1011 ts laJd upon the Altar, re-- ciufi~n_s bef~e Ns iulliciali], acc(lf'dl!lg 11' r}H 1Jt_S if Of«' ~ain m proper fubfiance and nature, after .the Coufccra~ momf:on, cttqtion and commat~dmt?Jt bifClrt[at~. But fo,.. tlOil in the ~cramm~ of ~he Altar; andl.1~ewife of the: that yt htwt an[w~ml JmtO [tm~e rf thfm bmtwt~IIJ, tmtl. wine? To thiS. the fa1d NzcholtH and Phtltp aJ~Cwcred, :o. ot,htr fo'!'e er.ron¥UflJ, . 11lthougb n_M" full]; we aJ1111~ That["' that umt tMJ touiJ [a;. tw nurt rberr~n, th~n mp1 Rml me yo11 tmce., ttwtct, and thnu, .~~~~J th~ _ptrtt11P"_ ~!;~ ~~j(~~J~:;{~~t~e ~:r:fe :~r~~:J:ir~h: r:~~j ~:::~~~ 1!:~1/fi;~p:~{:!::,.~~~b~:~'f:t!~~=: :,~ ~~:~~;~~yr~~~~·o:r:~ ~!1~ ~:~;/er~fll;u~;~~J :;e {';::,~~o":!,t;;h: ;';/:, ";::r:~/j;;j, j:C~ "'c:::t5;! what was their meann~g, they WOI-!Id not exprds the bJ you ctAJfeffid de{tr'fle, and thtUfor.·tlu [tune Conc/,[unt ;j;f~tr:~f~~:f:~~;~~:,i~~~d:~!:tn;;l :~o~~;fr ~f JO\V~~h ~~~~:~cion ~~~~~<le and:dbn~ for that the thtiiid Lcrd of C11mrrbur;, whctha thofe ccrporal ac· forefatd Ntch~IM ani,\; E.h;hp, wo.Wd: make ucnc 01:htr anfwc:r,