tJthetber material Bread remain in the Sacramem.Days given to Hilman tom1[wer. sor {~!,~~} :;;~~~·fi~~~~~~~::.~b~iu~gc;~:;:f:io~~~u~ pla~~,.:l;~~~~c ~~~otfor:~ oWU::f' d:~tr;~~;~~:::~!ltffu"!: !;;o!~~n•d ~~~7:h~~~hi~f· t~~~~la~C:h, ;;ot~~~ ~~:~ !~~~us&:hc:~: ~~tDf%,i~0,~1;;;~b:;Y~'(~~;~ ~!~~~;: ~:~:·:; ~7,~:l::f!~~'~,,;~~.r·~1,~:~,Ah';~~r,,~; ~·~::;: r,o~n}::~:,~~o:;:;:;s01~1.[~~ ~~n':.!tgA~~mi;;;!:~ fS:f;•. lhouiJ ~~~~u~~ ~y;:rm~ht~r~'~~;~o~~ ~:f~~e~:J z;~~~o~~~[~e:~:di:l 1~dth~~~~~d~;;:;~;f~~~~~da;) o. Jlr(n Archbilhop of Canterbury monifhed and cited lawfully and etght days after ; that is to ~ay,the 28th of the faid month,~.~~::;; }~W~:~1ci, 1obn Ajhton u!lder the tenour of th~e w~rds ~~e~p:~~~~~fsc (~:deP~;~i~~~~~(c~~~;;;bh;'fl1.0~~7"~ anr.. ,,. 111 the N:1mc of God ; We WiUi~m by Gods perm111i~ happen_ to be, eo dtclarc plainly and fullr what his Judgment ~b!~!i' ~~r~~~oleeOl~~~~~t~d ~~~~~~ ~fl ~~r?:~~~~;~ ~~~;~f~~~~o:~e~uchmg the forefatd Wnclufions. Ex ::fl,~~~ 1• "of CtmurburJ, of all heretical pravtty clucf Inqmliwr, do :~t:i~ ~l~i~~ii~1 ~~;lrint'b:~e ::nj~df~~;·t:~~:~d Tbe Namu of Frye~s ~nd Doao~s af[iflant at the fpeak the plain verity touching thcCc Concluiions, to the Examtn41ton aforefud. ·which we do refer thee; and to the which we have I;~;~J~ott\l~~~fc' ~?:gad~o~~~~ ~:t c~~:n~:J fRJ:~o::~v;:t~;:!t:~:a~iJ:op of~a~aron, Fryer to keep this day an_d pbce by us appomtro, for the third Fryers of Domm~eks Order, 11hn Kmgham, John time peremptorily, to proponc (uch reafonablc caufe (if, Ptftr Stoku, Walttr DJjl1. thou hall any) wh~fore thoo ou~tefi not ro be ~ Fryers Carmtl!tts, Thomas AjiJburn, Baul!ine, Robtrt nounced an Hmuck. And fufficJently and lawfillly we W'albq. :~~~~~a:~~~~~t~~. ~~~~r~·~fu;~· ~~ t:~%1tCa~i MJ~~~~n; X;;·!~~~:ft:;_t]ob~a~~Zb!;,,B~;~ fubtll, fopluHical, and logical words fct apart) do anfwer Jobn SbtUmgfortJ, Mlll:er LulforJ, Mafler Th~mat untothefameConclulions under the pain that untofuch SGutham. Conclufionsbclong, and on thy part confclTed, ~nd that The FryJa1 next _following, that is to ~ay, the 28rh day The 28t6> t~~ for fuch Conclufi01_15 oughtdl:. to (uffcr: Whtch mo- of_.'"f"'"• the forcfatd M. N~ehol~, Pb,ltb? and ThGmtH ~!.~rJ;~· ~i::tY ~~~~o~~;;~~i~~~a1;:{;r~~~; (~;~ ~~t~~~~~~~P~~~~ ~~ ~~~fi7~~ ~~~:~~rb:~~~~n ~~~~ ~~lp~~~f~~p~~~~~~~~~ his o~mton and _meamn~ thc~em ? ~~~d hereupon he fatd Otfurd, m the Dtocefs of C~ZnttrburJ there fittmg in his his mmd concmung t_he lorcfatd m~utton. Then the fore- Tr~bunal-Scat. To whom the (aid Bilhop of Canterbury ~j:~t ~~b~.0~~t:~(w~:~~~ ~~:c2a~~~T~~~~~e:~~ ~~Feb~~~rif: ~fJn~~i~~~~ ~d~e~~;st i~~Di~~i~~~:do~[~h!~~~~~ ons which were demanded of him, ~ufc <_>f the Lay-pro- and Ctvtl Law, l~e.continu«< the ~d bufindS touching the plc that fiood abou~ him; he crymg out tn the Englifo- (aid NicholaJ,P_h1bp and Thomtn,m the fame fiate whtr.-in Tongue, uttered fnvolous and ~pprobrio~ Comul_llulies then it was, ull T_u~fdaJ next and immroiatdy enfuing; f;~;~~~~ : ;~n;'~~~df;~~:~N:\~h~f~c~?~~~ot~h/~~fi~~~~~:~ ~~~:e~i~0: f~~t;~e~~~d~~~f rl"{{id ~~,1:~:~~~~~~~~ !J..t,1?. t:~~~~~ rhe nor ~m to a1~ of th& other Condulions, effectually and Thom111 f!'I'!Mn the fa~e day to appear before him,where- •3 2 " ~~~r:.· r:~~~~if~1fa.~~ll~h~Cl~~~ma:,w~d !u:x;~~~ b~ (~b:t: ~~;;~e ';~t~~ ~~sJ::~h~~cewh~~a:;:u;~e hfai~J~b ~~~: . faid, Jtwasfufficteut for htmtobelieveasthehoi~Church ther ~mpurpofro tod.otogetheror apa'!· bdic~·ro. Then the (aid Archbifhop examined htm upon Wh~ch TittfJal being come, the forefatd Archbi!hop in !~ .. ~"," the tirfiConcluf10n touching the Sacra~uof rheAlr~r; the clucf _houfc. of his ChurcharCanttrbury, before the ~~d , ... whether that after the words ofConfecratton there remam~ hour ofNme With the Dod:ors, whofe names ;;~re under :~·.~!;!" eth material bread, particu~ar bread, or univerfal bread ? contain«!., and other Cler~. a great multitud~; e?'ptded He faid the matt~ paffed hts underfianding, and therefore the forefaid Ni~/xJla1, Pbtilp, and Thomas long ttml!", by ~iid, he would m that form and manner anfwer, and the Ik:tdle, calling them and looking afrer them; who mh~r:-vi(e not : But amongfi othu things? he ~pake in n~ven:hde& appeared not be_fore two of the Clock after dendm?-wife ~mo the (aid Archbilhop agauill th15 word dumer the fame day, contuming the ford3.i~ bufinefs in :::et:'~.' f~}~~~~:C;~~~:h!"6it~r~h~fu~$ci{f~ltt{~~ tJ:i~i~~btilh~~l otP~~::r!;;,· h;~l;hAc~r:: ~~~ an unwtfc: and fooh(h anfwer, as the refi of the Dod:ors DoCtors and Clerks under rtcned, exammcd the forefaid did(of whom mention ~as made before) the rather for MaficrT'h6mtH f!rlmml, then and_ thnc judici~llyappearthat he was a Graduate m t~c Schools, farther proceeded ing, what his opmion was touchu_1g the foufad Concluaga~:~~t:h!i:~:; At:: r:~~s~vi~~;d commanded by ~~~~e:~~~ a:t t\~~mt~ 11~11 t~~t~~~~~~~~~r ~~et~ae:e~~~~~~~~~ us, as ts aforefa1d, after dun~ Oath '?-km, without any ons then to .him rnd and expound«<, thus an(wer«<, I ~l;::!..""t :;o;:~b~i~u~u~rr:fiir:d~~~~~~~d~~~~~~e;~~~~~fl~~~ ~~PJ{!;:;JJ;~e ;};J;j {;~;~;b~~~~a;O:::/v"~7:o;::h~ Hil .. 6~. anfwer WltO fuc~ Conclufions before us; JUdlcJally accord- With tht councd ,,J confmt of h11 Cltrks, to be btrnjcal i~ta~luf:h~~~:~~~LSco::1~~~.:; :o;:fr~.~nd·~h~ ~;;;r~~o;·:?"v:~~!;,{:if~le~;:!~J~7!J1:~ ~~d:J~J~~~~j:'ef;:t~:~~~~:~:::!::~:~jti~t~b~ ~n';0'kja;::~b:;:;J;:"1;~~~6/njf6{:::;,J :nhokf:; SentmceglVIng,t_hatthouJGkn.Ajllton, ~ncen~mg thok ufarJ_crmJt_mntJ)_I dG as much as in mt i! conJe1111J; ;:K~~ ~~:c~u~;~~·~~~~dg~ dd~:a:~1 fi!j~ ~;1/:/frm:~~"~~;1,t1Ja:; if;; 1:~: :O:rJZ.of Tt~ ~~:rr~w~~!!~~~:i'r~~~o~~~di:.l~~ ~ef~~~:~h~~jud~e~an;:;~~;c~~;\~~dfa~~~~~~ f:atd~~n~n~illd:~~- J~;~~k,H:n1'~/~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ::~~ ~~;'~f~c ~~~~i~rtu~:~edor~::!~; ~:d· ~':/:,4 ~~~~;ofo~~ow~te~~~~~~~~~Ya~lhfur~c~~~~~: ~fd~.~f~t~:1=~;.~~~1n11~~~!cl~;nr;~fe t~~~~}~\:~f$:;~ demned, we dl). _pronounce and declare fentemially lowmg: co:nmiiPL· by thefe our Wnnngs, that botb thou haft erred, and We WiUiam by the Grace of God An:hbilhop_ ofcatN. dofi m. Cnnurbury,Pti.mate of England, Legate of the Apofiohcal . S(c,