soB War betn'een.Pope Urban aud Pope Clement. Tbe priviledges of tbe Popes Btt/1. :!~mota~~~~~ trt:j~ft~11~O:t~ 'i;;; :tr;b;t! ;;;.·4~s:ff~lj::~ r~~~~f(b~;~c~~:;b~~~~:ha~~~Il~ {~~~~} ~if;,'{t,,'bJ,,/~;!;;,fji';n ~~&;'d~~";'/!,;:,'t.; ~~~~;,~~':;~ ~~~;::' :~ ~;g;zy~~mJ~;~;,ou~t~h :,;;e;;~' ,;h:;:~~ f~;;:~i:fo~~r;_, rh; t~,;~{a;~ ~~~~~!!~~i~~~~~me~Vh~hd~~~~a~~r ;y:; :~;ill~;!e~~~ lawojrhe Lcrd, thlft Cbrift for ~he ~tmt 1J{ ha p~lgnmage tO lmn .foch great authority, he caufcd to be publilhed in ~:;u;":llit:~ t::;,w7:· ";::;~~~b;~i.t~':;ft ~s~ ~~e~}~~:~r~~~f~~ui1;~ ~;u~~ ~~; ~p~~~~~~~~~~~ Marthew,rhe '8th. Chapm·, tmd the 2d. of the Cormt!uans, the Church Doors and MonafieryGates:,_that all Mm might tbt 8rb. Cbapter. . read them. In the which Bnlls thefeprivil«lg~ were gnntl;~~~:: of 10 fo~~~ ~~h/:1te j,~;~e;;;~}e/j; : !;1 ;; 1 :hemho//:J::, td, the Copy whcrrof here followcth : ~!'1~~~r. fmt in fuch pomts nt he h{lth fc!/O?ve~d the Lortl 'JeflfS Chriff. Fer Peter anti the S01u cf ~bcdc, by. deftring ~[~~;::,::~~ :~~.~r:\,:~~ A:,:~\:\~ :1:~~:~ ~;,:~:~~~":~ :..~:;;.;:,. 'Jz~~ff{,,,t,on;:;;h~~;j;;;~;o,~j[:n::;:n~ht~!:~t~:~; ';' fo!IO?md. to ~~~:c~!r:~~ea[e;:/a~p:w~;n£if;e~;r:t~s~~~:~u;:~ '"d !>Hm;fib«,ll th,;, r.~;d, rule,andtiurtrt1JfoejftfiuaUJtOmtnJeandexhorthi.rwhcle Clergy ; fO: fo ,JjJ Chrl11~ m1d tj}eciaUy ~J his Apcftlu, 3· Ittm,T hat he hath ~wcr and authority to depriYe all Wbtrtore if~ IMve trml m an1 ift~eft pomts, I wrU mqf! lay men that are fuch Sch1f~ticksof all nr.mner offecular ~;;:~J;:~:~~~:.t~/;j~ ~:;/,l';;;;,1:va:::a,:;11 :•!; ~~v::1~a;:~:: and to give thdroffices to other fit and fif} b~/:f':he1~';fl:;:j~[:;{C:bu~ ~b;'i;(;~~[;;{:U';fi clar~ ~~~;·t;~~~hif~:t1ct~~~d 3i~ ~~:; ~:~t ~:g1:~ 'Vljittd me to the contrarJ, and bath taught mt rather to and bellow their Bmct1ces either with Cure or without obey God than .Mm. J?OJfomucb tbtn a1 Go,~ ha~h gi'Vtn Cure, their dignitiC"S, parfomges or offices, to other JXfo 1lS ~o~nto our Pope )101 m1J trut.Evangelical !nftt"!flums, ?Ve more mttt for the fame. cug:h! to praJ that thofe mofl~ns be not e:wngmp,eA by any 5· Ium, He hath power and authority 0\'er lay pcrfo 1 lS ft!~r;J:;;h';,a{&;e;::~~d Cnrtli11ah be net m~ed tc Jo any :t~~~~e~~~~ F~~~rs~~~~~i:~~~:~~aaA!r;~~1 ;;0}~ thmg contrary rmrc rhe /a,v of ~he Lord. Wh~refore let m fors of other Hm1fcsor Ho(pirals ofSt. 'Johns of'Jerufaluit, pray unto Mr God) that he ?Vtll fo, ftir. up our Pope Urb:m or S. MaTJ of Jolanders, or Pro(e(fors of what Order for he Jixtb, at he btgan, that bt With htS Clern may foUow ever elfe. the Lord 'Jefw ChriJf in life and manner; ; a_ndtkat tht] 6 , Item, He bath pov.:tt to difpen~e witlt what fccular fo~{h{/d~;:;!:of£;;ff;:~:h/j;;;_a '~~Yut:'!e:t,;;~ g;~~ r:~c~r~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~!'ili;:~~~u;rfo~~;~:,O~: pray, that o11r Pope may be prtforwtlJi:cm 111! malrgn and offices, being regulars en her exempt o~ not.exempt, that evtl counfol, ?vhrcb we. de k~v that ev1l ~nd envio11s men ~v;ry one of them m:1y be abfent With h1m from rheir ifhish~ufl,o/d?vo,fdgwebmt. AndftemgtbeLcrdwiU Dlgillties. and ~nefices,&c. u nd~r the fiandarc:' of the no~ Juffer us to bt ttmpud alwve our jK'W~r, left then Crofs, without ltccnce of any of tllclr Prela:CS re<jutrcd, and =~ua1;;:~[;fo!:;t;;~r~~~t;h~~~:~~r;:;5;~!~:;~;;~ ~;~~~~ec~~~:~t~~~/~~d~~ ;':f:~~i~fi~;~;i~~ ntrof.Antichriff. thefamc, 7· Jum, ThereisgramcdtoallthatpafstheSeas i•Jthis ~;:reo Bu;~~ ;;;l~;;;;;:,:e J;~~i~~~dt~~b~C: ~;!;{~ ;;:;~~er:it~~ ~;~?~~~~?J:rfi~~ o;,:d :e ~~~~v~~ ~f~J~~tl- hot in his Wars ag<linl\ C~tment tlte French Pope his ad. lc:dgts aregmnttd to all th?fe that go over the Sea with thu lle•ad verfilly, th:tt hchadnok,fur~,and lefslJil, to attend un· hun,asto any thatp:tytherrmony, orgptofightforthe :!~~~~ to Wic/Jiff's matters. By tl:e occa(ion of which Schifm, Holy Land. IDiUm. ~~e ~fa~~~!~~r.'rc!::~~;t~~~~~h a~~~:~ fta1~e :~ ;~eff~~;:ll;V~\~h~~r~:r ~~~~~~/: Wars of theft Popes, for:t~nuch as we: ~ave !ttrc. emred d ifcreti~n of the forefaid Lord B1fhop mullmd, or by any intothemtntionthtreof, unpen:inentfmm otber lusDeputr,althoughhehimfelfbe.notpcr(oll:l llyat the order of our llory, digrdlinga httle from th~ matter ~his bufinefsaforefaid; yet !hall he h:l\'e l1ke remi~ona~td ~,f John Wickli.ff; to touch fomethin~ of the crugJcal ?o- ~ndulgence, ~s they which have been perfon:!lly wtth !urn 1\.lgs of thefe t~vo holy Popes, n.rivmg for the . Tnple m thisexpcd1tion. ~Y~~;~'r:~~~h~~~~Y~~~~=~i~!;;~~~~~i:if;e~~~je:u~J~~~~:~~ !haft·g{~:~;~t~r:hd' :~~~i~;:~~o0~~~~id,~~~~~owt~~: Di~•r•n~• ~~~~ll~~~~c~~~~t~\~·~c; ;l;l~e~~P~~~'e ~~~:JI ~~ ~l!ahj: aga;~~l ~~t%: i~f~;~~~~\i1c~ance tO die in the journey that ~~~:~ ~;::t~~m;'c:~:th.~j~~pl::e J;;JJr:h:t ~l!i'~l:hj;~b:~k r:e~~~~~~ld~; }~~~~~!~~:~~~~ ~~;~~ ~a~ffu~; tl rl•log.forever Wcaponagamfitheother; and morcover, inthefuid andwholly rece!ve thefuidgr:~ce, :1ndthall lx putakas !~=~~·· ~ory of the l?ofpel it <loth appe:!f, that they, for fo frriv· oftheforefaid remiffion and indulgence. . { ~s"3} ~;~~~~:J~1ddnd~~~~~:~~ ~af~~}~ ;,~~ilike~J~~o~~ Sa. and ;,;t::Ji(t ~~hat 1~~(;\,~ ~'::ITi=c~~e,~ig:;~~ i.~~:W. .. "~~~=otl:e3~t~~ ~r~a~~~~~~~;~lf~~o~d~'h~!.i~~ ~~;::1 ~~~~eh~=~r~h~ ?!!~~kr:v~a~~;~~~~~d=- ;~~~~t ~~i~~:;(~;i~~~~;tf~rJ ~~krh~:~~h,~,~:9 . ~~~c~k;~~~~:c;i~~:~tR~;~~;~~~~~~;al~;; th:t[hisCrofs-k~iescoufddo nog~) ~k to him [he niry, or of wh:ttdig,Utydfefocl·er, c:itherecclefiafiicalor Sword of R~mu/us, and fet upon h1m w1rh open War. mund:~.n~. And tirll dc:vifing with himf(Jf whom he might bell chufe . J 2. Item, He. h~th power and authority to compela!ld for hischiefCinmpion; he the;ughtnonc: t.neeterforfuch mforce what rehg1ous perfon f~v~r, and to JPP?tnt Jtf:1irs thln Htnr} Spmctr, bemg then Blllt?P of Nor· tlttm, and fend l'tlem 0\'CT Sea, 1f 1t feem good. to hun; ,vich a young :md flout Prehte, more fittmg for t.l1c: yeaalthou9h theybcprofefforsoftheFriers MendJcants,for <Am Ping CurC", rh:1n for the pt:tceable.Church of Chrifi, the exccuuou of the premifes. as p::~rtly:~lfomigln!pprarbcfor~bylusat'tsdoneac L~