Bijbop of Norwich the Popes Warrior. Wickliffi j eatiJ. Hio Boo~s humed. 509 {:1~~} It _would rc:quire: a long tt:~dacion hne to difcourfc: aU The Popes Abfolution by the Billiop ~~fs 11r~~~~i~~/~f[~v~a~fbJ~I~·thcAJ~r:~~-~~~~~y1~lpronounced. this new uplhrc CApr::l.ln. But ttrtts, Jamc:ncable it is to fc:cthc pitifulfl.tugtlt~r_andmurthc:r uf Chrifispcople by sr,:~;/:t'r:/'Ab1tit:~~::~.i_efr:r:!~:~j!';: ~:a:::~so~~~~f~h~~~~dS Po~ during theft _Wars in ~~~~.r. ~'!:/:1:!:{:,;0::;/jeft:::~[rjj;;/;{~;;~ ::~~:;;;I ~~::~jy.~~!j,:1~~t ~~;: pla~. t7 mtmcrJi ami wt grant unto_ thu plenary rtmijfim t I; ~nv:;J:[ :£1:1 ;;:,:J';:t~,:;;::~:t;!r1:~.~n~ ~rr~~~tt~:~'~si;~~~~Jc;~\-~~~~3(~~~~e~:k~~~~ tst man] priviltdgtt tull¥t £Tifllttd to rhtm th11t go to With the french Kings Ca$~,contrary to thc~oun_!(I of fl,f~,~ra~~ re::~ta:/'/be' ~h:~:%,"~~:h~n~;;[a1~U:.7, ;1t~e~~~i:~ 61i~~!\~~~~~~!:~~~~~ ~~~~~~~;~~~~e~:~~ Ma/fo of the holy Carholick.Ch11rch, wemak.t tbupar· by par~ of .the Army went umo Burb~rgh, and the 81· tal:er. fhop With hiS pare rt:tumcd to Gravnudge; which both Townslhorcly aftt:r wue befiegcd by the Frtncb Army, to This couragious or ratha outrJgiOIIS Bi010f? :1~td t~~ tht: grct lofs .both of the Englifh and Frnub Men. In tine, with the Popt:S Amhority, and prompt W1~h Ius pnvt· tht: ~1fho~ rould.keep Gra'Tltmdgt no longu, the ledges., in the yar afort:Wd 1 383. about the ~1me of Lent fatd. Btlhop With hiS Croytics, crolling the Se_Js, cune home ~~~~0 t~~d~l~~~:~·,:fs1~~rm~~;~~:~~~~e~o~;; :~~p:tiii~l ~~~: ~~~~ill~~!r:;:ai:~f~~ wahn(l;~~d:~ of this 0Popif1 1 Bilbop in the Parliament, than w:as be- digrdft:d, tothcfiory_andmltterof'John.Wfddiff: tween thC Popes themfdvcs. In d1e which P:trham(ltt Which JohnWicl:/iffreturrUngay;nn Wlthinfhortfpacc, 11l3n)' there were, which ~hought it not Cafe to co~mit either from his B:mifhmmt, or from fome _other place the King<; People and Sub;a:ts unto a rude and unskilful whert: he was fecretl y kept, repairtd to his Parifh. of Lu:- ::ha~;· rh~ ttca~o~etl~f t~~vfui~tyB~~~~d~~:~~o~~~J ~~:~~hisw:O~!i lif::s ~;o;~ ~~~ i~h;r:,r.!~~~~ ~h; unto tht: Saturday before Paffwn Sunda)'• In the which bc:ginn.i~g of the year 1384. upon ~ibutrjhrsd1y. S~n1aT was fung the foletnn Anthem, Eue Cmum Do-- .Here IS to be noted the great provtdence of. t~e Lord in ';h~"iJl~Ja;;:;,a;;:[.e-~v~fo:;~. ~fr~d~tic~'#!;(. I ~tl~'";~M·,.:"~·::f":ti~n;d~:''~"'lo:,th~f":'iw;:ho:~m'~~'"'f~Lm:·[cd~ Jay the p1rtics fo a~recl among{\ themfelv~ by ommon Decree, thlt the B1fhop !l10uld fet fom'lld m hts Voya'i>e, having to hit~ given th~ Fifteenth which ":as grant- Saeramtntis tflntra Wicltvium, that he was well aged~· t:d to the King 1.11 die Par!lamcnt before, . Wh1~h things fore he ~lcpmed, b~ that which t~e forefa~d WaldeN Wrlttlm~ concluded 111 t.he Parltlmen:, this warlike Btfhop pre· eth of hun in his Eptlogue1 fpcakm.g of '!fckli!f in thefe w.u.~..: 1 ; ~rmg beforelll thmgsin arQdmefs, fet forward in this words.; Ita ut cano plactrtt,.quod JUWmcomp.lactbar,&c. 1'''"'"~· - ;:~;J:~It~r::::;b~;)',\~~d ~~:;~~yi~~~;~~ ~r,x3 i~~~~~ ~~~;»!;1;,~:r:z:,ft;:,~~;::I.'~1h:r;~j:rc;;e~~~g;~ ~,-·~· ... X~l~e:k~~:~:;~:~~~~~·e r~~~~~dt~ ~~~fr;l~!~eo~i~;~ ':i!t~·o~:lltt~;~~~~~:~;eM:~:ub)~~~ k;;;~~··not~~~ plcafure. Th.eB1fhopfc:Jiing, th~tif he tumcd,againto Cln hurt, the King, his)Ollmey fhouldbe fiaid, and fo all hiS la~ur This Wi_d:li/f hul written divers and fundry Works, and prrp;uancc Jofiwithgrot~erifJOnandfhamt unto him, tl;e which m tht: )'c:ll' of our Lord 1 4JO, wrre burnt a~ thought bcttrr to commit hunfdf to fornme with that Oxford, the Abbot of Shmmbury being then Commitf:1.· lit1le Army he: hld, than by t:t.rrying to be made a laugh· r}', and fcnt r.o ovcrCce 1~1ttcr. And not 011ly i11 ing ficx:k to his ld\'ttfarics. WherefOre he fent word bJck England, but m Bohtmt likew1fe, the Books of the laid again to the Kil~g,thathe was now ready prep:ned,a.nd~·e!l Wscldiffwere fet on fi!e by one .SM_hinctrs Archbi!hop of forward on his JOUmey ; and that it was not rx.JX'Chent Prague, who made dihgcnt inqmfinon for the f~mr, and now to protraCt the time for any kind of talk whiCh per- bun)ed them; the numbrr of the Vol~mcs wh1ch he i5 adv(llturefhouldbetonomannerofpurpofe; and that it faidtohavebumed, m<Jfiexcellrntly written, and rich· §~i§;~l~;.r;:g~;,;f?zf:~t~1~:~Jg;g ~,7~;t~:::;:::~::::~::~~:. :~::~:~~:,~~: fgf.~ his Army, after therc:cc:i~t of chr~, took his JOlllnty firfi (peaking of the Books of Wick/if!, tefhh~th, that he wrote: tothe~own ofGrawnJdge; wluc~ hebe!iegrdfodcfpc- veryt!llny Books,Sc;rmonsat~d TJ?Cl:anons. Moreover, :t~l[~;~~~:~~~,~~~ffufi~f~~h~~t~ ~~a~vh;·~:~~~~: ~:~~r~a~:~o~e;:r~1:~:~o~fit~1~~;}!~J~~~~~ ~!~e c~;~~~ ~:~~~~~~~Yc~~rr~;:~~'io~~l;/~';~~~~. t~~i~~tl~;;~s::~~ ~oY h:~~ ~~~~~i~fd ~~~~~~~; hV~~:,::~fhJ;f~'~~~~~ ~;;,.~:~~;. Popes Abfolution,he fo han!lJI)' approached the Walls, and Works, wluch for the quantity. thereof might fe~m w i1~vadcd the enemies, that a great n~.mbt:r of them were be equal with the Works of Same Augujfine, H~c Co-- p!tioufly flainwich ShotandWild-lire;tillat the (1Jd elms. ~~;~Jn~~i~~vt~:~i~~~i~~i(h~p~::~~~~?te~~tmh~ fou~d11~~ ~;~~~n~a~~ J:r[:nfues.j. v~:ir~~~; ;~~p:~~:~ &~:a:~~· fJ~n~~~~~~~~~r~1'\~~e~~~~~~;et~~~cd~~/th~ ~~t !hicf;il~~;z:~~~fi;';: ~heE~:d~~~;;/}/f,o :~~~~~ Town. Suque crucu bmtji_cto [Rffum, ut crtiCii. hojlts ua abrood. :,t~::;~;·p;;1y~h;~~~r~:~ if ;z~~"!o;~ ~~~ du:tle: he ~:~~nKi;:l~ c~r:~~~~~(r:;~zo:~~~!'~~~~ my[tJ~MwhJagamftt~e cnemus of the Crofi, thar and tirle of the King, and of the Pope; lxcaufc: they [:-!.r.~: :~;;~~;~:;:;;;;;g~;;;~,th;:;,:;~;:~;,:;; ~h~~~;; ~h:':.rJ,.' ,hcr< to 'ru~x th<"" Th• <ff<d With h1m, pyned w1th themmbmel; m which lmtd (if ~:,!1~1:c~~~ . t:Jv~/~:~~~ ~ct;::t"~~i~~;. Vv:f jolir:l