~~ ·Krm,:m. T ~om:m Cbrifli Ernper. Bdhop;. 1cphiM Kings of Archbi· England. ~:::e~! Thisf~mc BJ!T!Jaus extends his Em pirtover Engl~nd. bury. A Chro11ology. He ~~:t0~~~~:;~? r~;;~~~~~l::~y~~~~:~~r~~\~t~ ~~:a~~~~~ V:~~-· Not long after this /rtna:m,f\ourilhed Tertu!lian;:m Ecdc:fuftical writcr,com· 6o mended by Vmttnti:ts Lirinmfs,to be the Flower of a!J Lnrine lYriterr, and one that by his tloqttmce offtile ~omp_eUeJ affinr,having _in it '"ma· ~~;,~J:::~~:~t.~~~~~~~:b~~:~~~~;~~:fEiJ.:;:ir,:~~~::.ri~ them. T hisViE/orisreportcd(thoughP/arinafaith thc_contnry)byDamaftSJ,and the followers of the common Chronidrs, to dte a M:ucyr. But he mov«l fome llir about the time of Eajftr, which the Apofilt"S had left as indifferent, who by t(':tfon o~ their in~entivcndS of Preaching, gave n?ht:ed. to timrs and d:~.ys; nor dtd they bmd rh~ Ch~rch to :my Cer~momesf:~vmg offtrangledthings,andblood. Whrchotbloodfetm_ethtolxgrvento thc~hurch, _ropreveut thefc:mdal rhehearhenG~ntrles laid upo_n th~ Chn!lims emng blood,:md foro comiuue only whiles the Perfmmonsof the heuh~n Ga1rilcs wncinued. Alfo Pin1, .Anicttlll, So:tr,and Elrutht· 6:2 ritu, having dllng~d Eafter·J,IJ,from the fourtcen_rh day of the moon !n the firfi month, to the n~xt Sunday :~frer, and bemg oppofed by Mdtto ~i!:ePr~~:~:;;,~,1~tf~C:ra~fr:f!{~";~~~t~~~3e~~er~;;~g1t~;~~ nion, the karned Men of thofe Times, with thofe now mmed, kteping Ch:~riry, lefrthetimeof~Jftr;as.AJiaphor?''•~ thingindifff!encinthc Chmch till the lime of thlSVt fior. Now dus VtEfor was fo vrolemly fet up:m upholding the Romm1 Jcrermin:~tion of his former Prcdecdfors,as a necdfary : that .he would Excommumcatc all. the ~ilhops and Churches of Ajia as Heretrcks,unlciS they would be of hrs Opmion, lnd net Jrm.r· m rrfir:1incd him. Y ctwas]ren.ew,al(oThtophilll-1, Bilhop....fC,f;ma, NarcilfHr Bilbop of .1erufolrm, Pnlmtuof Ponrus, BanchiUusof c~ si;,~~;~~ft~ft~:~c~~l~T~~~~t11~ ~f~~~orMt=}~l~~:~~~~~gm~~~h, Tr~hr;r: two Reafons: F1rfl, bt"Caure they would drfftr as much as m1ghr be from rhc J ews; Secondly, lxcaufe theR.efurreC_Honof the LordfCU on_ the fame day. On rh~ COiltr:l.ry opinion wcrc drvcrs Bilhops in Ajla, ch1cfly Pol]craus Bin10p of Ephtfus, alJedging Scriptur~, the examp_le of fome of the Apofiles, and cufiom of oth~r Fathers. But !rtnd!nl fiJIJ took off the edge of lharp Cot_ltentions ; ~nd fo the Controverfie remain~! fr~c till. thetim.eof theJ:.!'c.eneCouncrl. Andotlier. Dod:orsofChrifhanh- ~ lxrrywercfrcetiiJViE/orstime,aboutAnnozoo. . The two Epifilcs in the firft Tomc of the Counc1ls,fathercd upon this Ze· phmts Brl~10p, may juflly be fttfpcdcd t~ be fained. And that tbofe and othcr.ordmanccs !'pokeno.f ~fore, wnc u·n.·ented by f.om. e to advance the !' Papacy, and nammg th~m With the n:~mcs of thofe Fathers. The fame wemaythinkofthep:~tins of Gla!Slfcnbtd to thefard Ztpbirus. For that tune of his fitting B11hop, fome Wnters make rt 8, fome 16, Come r7years. Themoftagrce betwttn17andr8. 6 2 T his Empnor St'tltrus im•ad(s Entland, he cafis up :1 Ditch of 130 milcs~ He ~:~:;i~gt~~~~~~~;;t 1~~ ~;; b~~h~~~~:t:~l t~~~~~'~t~~:be. fiegedandtl:tin. S(vmis leaving lxhindhim t\~OSons, Baifianur and Gtta, Baffianus _flays Gera, and govrms the Empru alone about fix years, and tlle11 was !lam of hisncxtSuccdfors. i htfctwo, Mac. and Diad. h:1ving Reigned one ytar, were !bin of their own prop!t. This f!eli9_gabalusa~~cdP?tn~ in his l if~ ~xcccdiBgly; burning balm fot ;~,~~1.;:,:~~~~~1\~~~r;~~1.~~~~~~~~:;.~~;:7~~:rE~~ \Y~ r~refi.:~nd dearefl: ; He affeCt~? too a_pompous death, providing (in '?-le IllS w1ckcd life fhou!d make hiS enemttS beficge him) fwords of gold, ~~;~~~~~~~b;,{l~~~:tl;:~or!~~~n~6'~;:; hf~~~f."r:t!k~~fL~A~e:; 63 \\:ellasPride, h:~ving6ooch:~._riotsof_bands:~ndh:!rlotstoattendhimin hL~ progrefs. He wasfhin of htS Souldrcrs, bci11g an enemy to all hondiy, Jndadv:~nccronlyofOOfeonrs. I ThisStvmuwas:~dopted byfMiogabafur, btingwirhoutllfue. Hewas lc~med,and i nhisaQionsconfiaml.y advifcdby hisSe-11ate; hefolllttd ~ bnbrd Judges? that he would vomrc when he fa_w t_hem ; J~d was ready withhlStwotingerstoputouttheirercs. HedrfimlfcdaliJd!eandnttd· leiS fer\·ants from his Court. Hc favored tbe Chrifl:ians, fa} ing of a place where thq•did mttt for good Dntirs, which the Cooks and T1plert ; would have taken from them, l tw:Jj titter for" Gods fcrvice, th:~n the uf~ ~~s~,~~~~~~n1~0~~r~i~Wa~ ~~~~r~~~~~u~~~:,· Obfcrve hencc, that as ~ 63 He put to death _lurm~ts wrth f~oke, for takrng monyof People, to get for them the Emperors favor, wb1ch Ll~, lying, boafiecl he had at command; TheCryrr prod~;;;~; h! r:~~:x:~t;~~kt ht ir punij/1ed with, ! . [b ~] His 1