J. Hus fick.in Pri[o11. The Book.s he wrote time. Pope John the 2 3djlietJ}. 68 5 { ~~~} moii'~~r~r~~~~~r{ ~J~~~i~~~J-'>d~P~~: ~in~rffi;~'~: tr The firfl Scbedu!e or B;u Whic!J the Nobln ~~:~ic~~~~c~~ili~:~e tl~ r:l~ ~:!fcr~;~f~~.:;~l ~h[~h of ~oheme del1vered up ,; the Cou~cil for the knowtl;ematta. Le:c ihcrebealfoccrtain b>odors a_nd de!~veral!ceof John Hus, the fourteenthdaJ~J Mallasappoiuttdtore:r.doverandpcru!i:hisBookswhtch May, Anno 141 5. ~h:~~~~.t~,r~il~~;/~~j~J~f!tio~3~h~~ MOST Reverend Fathtrsand lords, the Noble! rrrors. and Lords of Bchtme and Po/ehertptcfcnt, by Upon this his xcufiltion, 'they ordained and appoint~l this tht:ir pr&uc writing do thew and declare un~o your thrtt CommHiionas or Judg(S, that is to fay~ the Parri- Fatherly Revcren~~· how t~t the mofi noble Kmg and ~~;~t;::;~t~; ~~~t~~~~r~;~~~~[?~a~~·d~~;c~: 1 ~~F:];~f#~~;~~:.Lo:~'~d~s~'E['"m~~""J~,~K~m''~s~~o~f;~t?;e·~~R~"":~m,~,~·~~~"';.~~~ h(Jrdthe accuiadOit and dlC witne!Swh~ehwas brought I l:~~~~ ~at~c~:J':~~~~~d~~~~o~:~kf·=::~~J~~~ to foreftt and provide for i> own honour, ftnt thek No- ~,:~" f:~.id Hus in the Prifon,at fuch time as his Ague was fervent b!emen, Mafier WD~ctjlatt Je Duka, and 'John Je Clum and extramly upon him. here prefent, that they. w01;1Jd bnng and alfure MaHcr {;!d ~· anf~~fo:h~~{ot ~hic~~«<p~~il~~v:n~ ~~~~~~d: 1~~"h~~~.~;~e~:eK~~gt~! fa~~ 3~~~~~~~~i1 ~=:0: Ill• adv~ ni«< him. And the reafons that. the Maftm ~nd Com- C~nftance, under the fafc conduCt of the f:ud Kmg, and lot" :tl· nlr. miffiOiters brought aga in!\ it was th1s, that the p!am Canon the proteCtion of th~ facred Empi re, openly given .:md e~~ ~f:~!~t~~stfu~f~~f~~~~~rof~~;R;.er -1h~11~~~~; ~~~edhi~"Jff ~:~Ja;~e M;i~~~lo:r':"of~~~~~~!. 'f;o~~~~~~ and folly of the wimelTI:S was fuch~ that tf 111 cafe they had Jhnder that was ~tfed upon th~m, and there to make not been both the accuf~rs and judges themfclves, there an optn declara~LOll of his Fa1th to every m:m that fhould have needed no difimCb.:onfutation. I would have would lay any thmg to his charge. The which the nhearfcd the tdlimonirs in this place,but that I knew them faid Noblrs, with the fornamed Mal fer John He11, ha\·e robe fuch, as the prudent and wife Reader could not have JXrformcd and done, according to the Kings Commandread without great tcdioufi1efS. Howbcit,fome of ~hc:m lhal! ment. be declared,when we come tO the procefs of h~ jUdgment. When as the faid Mafier 'John Hr11 was frttly of Afterward,whenJo.bnHus had recovered alLttle!lrength his own accord come untO C:onj!Anct, under the faid or health, by the commandmellt of the three Commifiio- fafe conduCt, he was grievol'fly imprifoned lxfore he i~~~~~=. :~J~r~~~tf!d~11:h~i~d;~~~d~~~~rhrs ;te~~~;dal~froa:i;~i~0;~~~n:n~ t~~~tnc~=hch:i~~~ Book which be made of the Church> of whtch Artsclcs t1mes p:~ft at the CounCil holden ar PaJfan, 1 4 10. In fome wae forg«<and invented by Mafitr Paltt.t.,and other~ the year of our Lord, the Here.ticks which .were confome weregathercdonlybyhalves, as fhalllx: more J?lain~ demncd, were fuffered to remam there at l1~rty, and ly declar«< hereaftt:r, when we come to fpeak of the )udg- to depart home fretly; notwithfianding thiS, Mafter ment pronounced and givm a~inft thefaid Hus. John H«s, neither being '?witted no~ con.dernned, no n~ Boob Thus John Hut ranalned m the Prifon of the Covent not fo much as once heard, IS 111ken and 1mpnfoned, when w!lkh1•h of the Framiftllnt, unti! t heWtJmfJa)bcforePalmS~~n- as neither King nor a!IY Prince Ekt'ror, neither any ~·Pr~~c Jab and ~in appoiuted to k~p hi~; and in the mon Embaffador of any Umverfity W3S yet ~e or prefen~. Jafon to Lrnploy and fpend hisnme Withal, he wrote ccr- And albei t th.e Lord the King., together wnh the Nob!~ tain Books., that is to fay, of the Ten Commandmems, of and Lords here prefent, moll innamly rfquired and a~ ~f~,I~vth:de~~:f~~r~t.~·.zf:t~~:i~f~~;n~r~t ~~~dha~~a~:f~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~;:d~;:. tl;~t~~~:r~:~ an~~:et~c;eufl;rp~~lj~~l~e ~d, changed his AJ¥rel , ~~u~o;;~r~sa~jg~~:a ~!(~!?o~hi~d,F;~\~ 0:n:~~ ~ ~~ ~J""of ~nd convey«! himfclf(eoedy out of Conftanu, fearing th.e were foun~ and c?nvidtd obfiinately to affirm or mainCt,JI•* •· Jndgmet~t ~y the which aftenvard he was deprived of~ tain any thmg agamft the truth ofholy Scripture, tha t then ~:~ fo~ri';n~yd~~; ofTh~s~~~~~~:~~:~~~ ~~~~:~~~0 a~rrJ~C::~~~~~:dofhetl:1~u~~~~~~~f :~d Hffs was tra.nfported an~ carried unto another Prifon: hc:never~tainthis. But the faid Mafter'JohnHus, not- ~;~:«=, (~r:~~~;d:::~'~/:tdt~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~;~n:~~~a~~~a!,~~:~ ~~ ::~~~:t:~y~~f{'~~=~~ ~~~ gone,.d.elt\'tted up the Key"' of the Prifonunto the Empe~ d1~t, that it ts to be feared, le!\ that, his power and fi.rcngth lnl'fifoe~. ror StgifmunJ, and to the Cardinals, and follow«! their bcmg hereby.confumcdand wafted,hdhould be put Ill danM ~all er the Pope. Then by the whole confenc of theCoun- ger of his wtt or reafon, ol, the faid John Hm was put into the hands of the Bilhop And although the Lords of Bohemt here pr&nt are ~~ecRe:~t;;,~~e,r~~th~r:;tfa: ~~:;~:,~:h~,;: h! ~~~Y~~ntre;!, be~~;~cn~~Ya s~ei~~~~~J:i~~~~ wasfhutupinaTowerwtth.Fettmon hisLegs., thathe to the Kit~~ fafe :onduct, have not by their Letters ~!dfcarcewalk inthedayt Lme,andat nigftthewasfafi~ put the Kmg in.rnmdof his faidfafe conduct, that the l'oblrmfn 11~~~h~~~~%:~~~:a~~:=~~~~tJ~t ~~!:d~o~!~~gasO:~d ;:. a~~~~~:;r~~ .,....,...,.. of !'oft and Bobt'1m d1d all thctr endt::l.\'our to purchafe Ius dtfregard of the Kingdom of Boheme, which from tht ~.";:,.f« ~~~:~~~~ !h~:~~~:!~~~~~C:era~C::~~d~3J~Ie!: ~;~~:~a~~: ~*~~~~li~~!ta:~v{!~h~[::: ~~i;e~:;~t,11:~~h:r; !he~o!J~ic~:crU:i~~~h~~!~;~~: ~~~1c:h~; ~~~e~~3~~~ ~r~0~f ~h~f: th~;i~~::~: ftanu, that fccmed to !>car any favour unto John Htts, ly hitherto, lefi by any means, occafion of trouble orvexawere made as mocking !locks, and derided of all men, tion of tills facred Council might arifc: or JPring thmyea,e\"etlofthellavesandbafepcople. Whereforethey of. took'?wlfe!and condudcdtQð~toprcfcnttheir requcH Wherefore mofi Reverend Fathers and Lords, the in wnting l!nto the whole Cour~etl, or at the ]call: unto Noblrs and Lords before mmed, do whoUy and moft ~four Nanoru of Alm•in, Itai], France and &gl11nJ; eameftly defi re and require your Reverences here prdtnr, th!srequdl:wa.sprefentedthe I ;.thd:~.yofMaJ~111W I415 thatbol:h for the honoorofthe flf..: ~tdud:o~ our faid. the: tenor here enfuc:th. Lord the King, and alfofortht prefavatlOJJandn~crea~eof the wonhy fame and renown, both of the forcG:id Kmg.. dom~ of Bolume, a::ad your own alfo, rou wiU make afhot t M mm Jnd