686 The ft•pplications oftbe Nohles ofBoheme in the defence of]. Hus. b;tl~~~~f:i~~~ ~~~fi~lr!"is~:~~~~:::: b: ~=:tl!~~h~i~~~d·~~~~~c ;::bi~gs~ft 1~;~~~ {~~~~} any longerdcby; cvcnasdleydomofifptcJallyoufiup- apptar. Oil the mofi upright confcienc(S and judgments of your Fa· Morrovcr, by the report ::md fame which goeth here l • thcrly Rcvere.tCtS. But forafmuch as, moll Reverend Fa- broad,and by the Writings which were fcnt over unto me, thm and Lords, it is now come to the knowl«lgc and un- I have pi'Of'O!.md«f that it came to ~y knowledge, that dcrftanding of the Nobles a~1d Lords of Bobeme here prc- 1hc Bloud of Chrifl is carried about m Veffds not conftknt, how that cwain lnckbncrs and. fhndt'rtts of the moll crat«l, apProVing the fortfaid aroneous aD" at ion of the famous Kingdom of Boheme :~forcfaJd, have declared ll.nd Wickltvijfs, that affirm it necdl3ry for falvation, that the told unto your R. everenctS, how that t.he S:l~mcnt of people .010uld communicate under bOth kinds of Bread the mofl:preciousblou~ofour Lord IS cmtcd up and ~nd ~m~; andthatitisnccdTary, astheBodyof Chrilt down through Hoheme mVe!fels not confmate or hallov.:- ts cam~ 1~1 the Pix or Box, (o the Bloud ofChrifi lhould cd, and that Coblers do now hear Coufeffions, and mt- be c:amcd m Bott!~ or other nccdTary VeJTc:ls from place ~~W~~~~;~f~r~1~~~o~,!e~':~~~~t:11~~~~~~~d ~: ~fo1~'d~c~~~et'~P~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~i~~1 :~':~!~'!i :!i..:':fru- fire you, that you wtl! g.ve no credit l~nto falfe promoters by o~hns, both great and credible pCTfons, that there was a ~~d~ fl~~d:~t~;dba~tbi::\fc~~0~ i,;d~: a}~!r~d~~~~ :;by!~~~~ ch/~7~t~htr~~t~ ~~i:~ih~.~ ~~:c~~t r;~ tfl~.~:~~~r;,;~·~r~tea]~n~~~~~::J:d :~~%~~n~t~f~l::otr~~e~~~d!;ili~~h~~:1!:o0:~ may be. named and known. And the Lord t.lle King. toge- mlmion. And tJ:e fame Wom:m amongfi many other, thcr wtth your Revnenc~, filall well percerve and ftt that errors, of the whtc:h fhe was convicted, did affirm that a the Lords of Bobm,e will go a~ut in fuch manna to re-- g~ Lay-woman ~ight better confttr.~te and give Ab~ fcl andpntawaythef.Ufeandfrivolous 11andersof thd'e lunon, than an cvt!Pridl; affirming that an evil Prieft naughty pafons, thlt they f?allbe :rlhamed to appear cann~ithcrconfccratenorab/Oive. Butlknowthatneitha hcreaftc:r before the Lord the King and your Revnmccs. I,. neuher any ?f my affifianrsin this matter, have brought this at any ume. unto your ears, that Coblers in the !~.'.L~ or ~;f;ua~;J~~; ~;:r ~~IT,Ii~ft" ~;e;,~ ~f~~.0~ ~tKo~~~~Sj~ ~e;rc~~~~;; ~~~:~~eb:ili:~ wtfl pmtivt and undtrftanJ, ~bat tbt l':ft part of th¥ Pttt7) in the behalf of the faid fupplic:ants. NotwitRwriting Joth touch mt, mr familtars tmJ frundr, a.r though fiandmg that, we did fear, if m(;lllSwere not found to re- ~hJeji~11fo~;:t/t!a~~J}:.:~ ;:[':lhk;:{;;; /t:/;!o;; =~~ia~:~:~~~: ~~~- ~V~e1~fu:·:~ t~ev::~ p11rgt my [rlf from thu c~Jmt th'!t 11 l'!tJ agamff me. Fathers, lefl that. the Kingdom might l!e defamed any The Princ1pal of the. Council appomtcd lnm the 17th day mote by fuch pdhfcrous SeCls, and that theChritlian Faith ~ ;;:r~~:~~!~~1~~~cl~!\)()~~eri1~~~(w~ ;ro~~;'Co~l~ ~~~i~~Pfo'd:frr~y:~~~~/ ,h!"~~·c~e~fr~~;;·~ :h1!;'~d~~ ~:~f~~~~~r:~~r~~{d~fo;~~ ~~n~% ~~v~:~?~~~~~ll:e::;~~~~~1o~~!:hl:~ day of Ma;, whtch was the fourth day before Wh_:tfon: the premiJTcs. tide, they met there again; where firfl: (l( ~ll a certam Bt- Mortovn, whether be they backbiters and fhnderers, or fhop, in the name ot the whole Counctl, anfwcred by wicked and fa lfeenviersof the Kingdom of Bohtme, the word to the Nobles of Btkmt; the co~:~tents of w~~.an- wh!ch do kt the errors aforefaid, and many others more, fwer may eafily ~ known by the f«on_d filppitca.tJon, wh1ch are (own by the Wic/Jevifls in the laid Kingdom, which the Ikhtm~ans put ap to tl:cCounctl. But tuft I and aiiO dfcwhere, l~hich alfo both do labour and have lhallhertinthc~e fewwords!ollowmg, lhew ho~ t~e Bi· laboured for the extirpation and rooting out of .'hofen. lhop of Luthonu defended lumfclf againfi that wh1ch IS he- rors out of the Kingdom aforefaid, and asCatholick Men, fore writtm. for the zeal of their Faith have manifcfily put forth rhc'lllfclvesagainfithemaintainmofthe(aiderrors,orfuchas .. The Anfnm· t the Bijh~p of Lu thonis, to the ~~f=i'~~i;v:n~er~ef;j.a~~~~:: ~u~R::V:~, t~~ !j rl:,h:;{ ;,:j:f!J;~~;:~het::!ci~~e Noblu j~d=~~~d~~tt~i; 1~efu~~~~~ ;~ru:=nf:crcl~: ofConjlanct. • li!rr!~M0!~J~~;:j~a~::~~~:~~~: ~:t"~~:~Cc~~ ll!lhop of tJ.in ofthe Noblcs of the Kingdom of Bohemt, m ~ The Anfwer of the Nobles of Bohemc. ~.~~~j:; his writings, amongfl: other things did prOJX!Und how H... • ~~~: b~~~~h/1:~~~~~~e:~~~1 ~~~~~~;~r<!~~: r:h~.~ii~~;::;n TH:m~f~,~[hl; ~1~7~~~·!d~~~~~ ~~:Sot~::~ ~:!~~: pr«iousbloud of Chrifiiscarriedupanddownm Bohtmt the Counctl eo their former writing, as here followeth:tonNtcd. in BottltS, and that Coblcrs Jo hear Confalions, and mi- Moll Reverend Fathers a~1d Lords, forfomuch as UJX>lt niller thcBodyofChrifi unto others; whereupon mofi Thlii"Jdayit was:tnfwncdmthebehalfofyourReverm· Reverend Fathersand lords, albeit that I together with ces, to rh~ rtquefis of the .NobltS and ~ds of .Boheme, tbe other Prelates,DoCtors, Mafiers, and other innwne-- thatthcfaidLorili:werem•finformcdof.drverspomrsconfu~1~~~~U~i~~~:~:~~i~£~~~~dt~ fu~~c~f~~;;, ro:~l~~dsdl~~~~~~ d0:C!~\~:Jl~~~~~~~= have laboured for the extirpation and ~ng out of that their former propoun~cd requdlsmore at brge unto your moll wicked and detcfiable Sed: ofWicki•fs, which now Reverences, not mindm.g hereby f? argue or reprove your (a.lasfor forrow)beginncth to fpringandrif~inthe faid F'atherlywifdomsandcm:umfpeChous, ~tdl3t yourReKingdom, as it is well known : Notwirhllandmg, hac in vnencd (their ddires being partly !'n th•s. hrhalf fui~Ued) this my Oration, ~~for any fha~ or reproof, hut for might the mo~ecffcduoofly andddhndlydJfcem and Judge the honour of the Kmgdom aforcfaid, I have pro!X)UI1ded as touching tins matta. and declmd a cnt.tinmw Sed:,which is now lately fpr~n~ ~~r i~.S~:!~n~~~~~he'h&!~~:~~~~~e=~~0c~':: ho!'~:nr.f;n~: ;}:,;~H:h~~:!~:~~~~= u~!~ ~~~ ~;::r ~~:':ttre~Jac::t~j~f,ai!n~i':fi'::~Yr~~hk~~! ~f:h::t~l)~~:~~,~~~~~ili! ;!e~~~~~:~;:a/a~'ed~~~ ~j~~ common prople, both Men and \Yomen, that it is foro be pirc ;n is~ufwcredon t~e brhalf of your f\everrnce!l, how communica!ed, obiliJutcly affirnung the fame, and thac thatthefaJdlordsaremlfinformedastouchmgthefafccontllc Glergy which do rcpugn or fay ll'lY LUltO it, arc to duct, and that you havcundcdlood by fuch as arc '~:~~{,