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The Refpo~tfeofthe Noh!es o[Boheme,i11 the beha!fof].Hus. 687 {~~~~} ~::r~~a~~~re!:~~ ~~~~ ::rh~fa~f~~~~aJt: ~f~~:~~;; :~is~~~c;:~Cc::t~W~k1~;~~~;;~e~~t~~c~~~;~:~~~!~~~ after his imprifommnt. unto you upo~t Ctrf?tn p::llnt_s aforef:11d. Thtr.r, The Lords of &hemt, and cfptcially the~d Jobndt As ooncmung Ius prGtChm~ wherewithal ~is cne.mi~ Ef :5 ~~~~a~f:.~re~~~· 1:~~0~~~~~~h~~fi~~t~trhd~~·1c:Je~~b!:; =~0.~~~~~~~;[C!~~~~:e~l!e0'ro~;sa~~'!fa~~~ [y·~;~~~ :;~:~ ~~~r~t:":~:::~ ~~~ ~~~:~~ci!i~r~~ rh:S r::h~~l~~ ~t::~~~a~%\~~~~~~ ~~~~d~v~~.;;r%~:tM~;;lJ:~ ~~!~ ~1.H•'· prefcnce of all hisCardtnals, demanded of Mafl'crJobn Hus hercmCtmjhmce, and thatw.hofoc: vrr they IX, that Jt Clums, whethrr Mnfier .Tabn Hus had any !a.fe con- have lxcnfo bold, or dare be fo bold to fay a~ affirm that '· dud from the King his Son: hean!\vered, Moft lwly fathtr Maller 'John 1-lm hJd prc:~chcd (as is .prctmfed.) .or t.hat l~:;-~· 1~! ~~7h~J:~~:Jcl~{~~ft~o~: :::t~ ~tf~:~/;1i~~.a~~~ ~~;~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~/!11~d ~~ni~LSofl~1~p~~t~/~:~d~~~ ~~~~· an!\vered in like ma~111er. . pnfonm~nc, that he we~t but one fiep out of the h<~n(e of Y tt notwithfiandtng none of tlwn uq~tred to h:tve tht his Iodgmg, tha~ the ~a td Lord .John de Clt1m wtll and (afe condud: fht:wed unto thtm : and agam, the third day i, conttnt to bmd hunfelf, wtth any fnch as fhall affim1 following, the Lord John Je Clum complained unro our the f:t~, under wll:lt_penal ty (()(:vtr it lx:, of mony or aLord the Popt; how notwithfbndinl? the fafe conduCt of therlvtfe, that tlllt whtch he hlth faUly reported tmto your our Sovmign Lord the King, hedetamcd and kept Mr. Revucnc~, hrllull nevtr lx: able ju!Uy and truly to affirm ~;.bA~"f:t~tili;r ~7~n~~~;il;~fel.l~:C:!cJ:1~m~i· an~~J~y, Where:lS your Rrvmnces do fay, that ynu do unto the tefiimonies and wtmdTes ~ ~hvtrS Earls, Btfhops, not u.ndtrltand or know, what the: Lords do mca.n, by the ~;:~~~~~~~~~~1'1 ~Jldr!~:~~~ ~t1t;~~~~15pr~~~~!1dir;;; r;! ~~~reed~ ~~~ti~~~~r de~l~i,;;~t!!!~o~~~.atw~!fc· £~: faid fafe conduct, and heard it read; whereupon the find baffadors came thither fOr un!{y or concont ,the which were 'Jobn M Clu_m is ~y robind himfelf under what JXI.Jalry fu.ffcrtd , and g~ntly rrca ttd, as their Lords were .mofi in- (hall be rtqUir~,evtdtntJy tO prove and confirm that which dmtd UlltO Ulllt)' and pc-lCC; or elfe that they did underhe hath promifro, whofocver fay to the contrary. fund or meant~ partK\llar Hm:tkks, which w~e thrre Morrovcr ,the Lords of Robtme rd'cr thcmfdvrsunto the condanntd ; adJoyrllng tbt rtunto, th:l.t the Hcrct!Cks alfo knowledgeofctrtainPrinccs Ekd:OJs,a,~d-<>thtr Princes,Bi- coming unto the:: Council under thcprttmceofthatuniry, =h:K'!1;1Za~7. ~~~~~J ;:~~~=~~~~?afdfa~ ~t! :d~~~s,~~~~~hc~1 ~a~~~ed· th~fi~~: condufrwasgranted and givc:n out by thefpcctal corn- tharthcylx:rhought thckcondorlafi, the J..ofdsaforrmandmmt ofour faid Lord the King. faid rtquire none other thing,but that the faid Mafler Jchn !freh~~'!,~ pcr:~:b~.7a~~h;(;i~er0~~~~~~:'::m~~e ~~~d~~~:~to:~~ :~e~~~i~~~i~~~~~h~r :o!~h{'{cr~~r~~~~.~~~~ r: a~~;. ~~~ fa~y In· med as touchmg rhe fa1d fafe conduct; but rathtr thty other purpofe,but only publickly to recognife his faith. And r:=htn1 which by fuch reportS have F.tlfly and untruly informtd in what point forvtr he fhall fttm to vary from theWord ~~:-r: t!~V:a~~;~~~dfi~SO~~~~O~\· ~~~in~n~et~iJrl:~~~~:~.~h~]~~t~O:~~~~~:'~ga!~ 1·H~•hod ~~/~:d~r:~~~;~:fcfth~0rti'f~f~!;uu~.Wh~ ~~~~~:~i~:~::fd :;~eh~~~r~=~k~lf~~~r~~;~ha~~ ~·i~ lOre the Lords aforcfaid, m?!t humh! Y ~qu1r~ and ddire the greater number arc in th~ Kingdom of Bohtmt. Alfo ,.. • )'OUr Reverence>,that ~ou wiil not fo li~tly beheve fuch as he is ~me hither, thlt he nught pur~c and cl~ the nobe not worthy of cmht, but nther hcarmg the contrary ble Kmgdom of Bohtmt from tht fimUer and evil flatlder part,tolabouranddifc.:ufstbJtthetruthmaythemoretvi- whichwasraifcduponit. dtntly appear. Lafr of all mofl revermd Fathers and Lords, forfomuch Scrondly, Whereas 0e Lords afortfaid, all~ging how as. y~ur reverences have.mofi favourably anfwer«l unto the ~~2 ~r~\~rrh?i~; ~i:h~m~~~~~o~f~nl::;d ,h~,~~;i~ ~~:r~f~i~~ ;~:c i;Js, t~rout;d~~~i:)b:~t~ =~~d fontd,your Rrverence> have madt anl\,·crs thereunto, that drtrrmintd and ended with a.lltXpedttion and grntlcnefs ; Ofbmd. hethetaid.Mr.JdmHusinthetimeof.AiuanJtrthcsch, the Lords aforefaid do rttldcr moft hcrtythanks unto was in!Jmed and flandcred up:>n certain Hcrt1i~,and there- your Reverences, and whm(oevtr thtir dclirt by Gods upon cited pcrfonally to appear in the Court of Rome, and help fhaU come to the md or tffcd: long wifhtd orlooktd tbaewashrard byhisprocums. for,thrywiU not only here, but alfo before the whole And forfomu~h as h~ refufed ob!limtely to aJ?ptal, he Kingdom of Bohtmt, atld in all othtr plac(S whcrcfoevu W3S excommumcated, m tht: which Excommumcation he they come,render mofl immortal thanks unto rourl{evertncontinued (asyouaffirm)bythtfplceoffiveycars, forthe cesforrvrr. wh.ich he\~asjudged, and countedn~tonlyafimpleand plam Herettck, but anHtrdiarch, that 1s to fty, an inventer 4I This De'cbi'ation of the Nobks of Bohdnc abOYepreand fowtr of n~w andflrange Hmfies, and that he, corn- fixed, may {erve not only to the confutuion of the Bilhop ing toward Conjfanu, did prtach by the way OJ'('nly. To Ltthonis this B"btmian, butalfoagainft the cavi\Jationsof 't~.6ic: ~~~J~ ~t:~:~~ai!c~0c:r~~~~~:n ~:;h~o~ib~ ~~ !~:;ac:fJJ;tJ;;;,~~;~~ft~~:~;lyt~Zr~1~:~e:::;~ ;)~~!~: :~: fa~~e~ ~~h~!r~13~i~d~i~~f~~tt~cr:~; faid\Vhrn as the Noblemen of Boh.tmt by long time could !,'}~~t credtble ~onsfay, yearvcn thtmofi famous Prince W~~- TtCtivc no a.nfwer of thofe .fupphcations which they had ctjl~NJ K.mgof Bohtmt, and almofi.a!l the whole Nobtli- alreJd)' put up, they dtter1_11mtd the bfr day of May f~ ty l5 W\tncfs, th;tt he would wt!hngly luve appt:arcJ Jawing, by another fupphC'3.t~on being put up unto. rhC at. Rome, or elfewhtrt, if ht might faftly have come princip3ls of the Council, to mtrr:~t that John Hits mtght t\uthcr, and. that deadly ~nmity had not Jetted; and lx:dc!ivcrrd outof Prifon,anddrfcnd hi5 ow~1 c.iufeoptn· . .: . moreover, h1s proo.trtrS which he fent .mtto the Court of ly: they alfopu.t ap the ttHimomal of the B1fhop of Na- Yul•f•Jt~ ~·,:;: .Romt, alltdging rc:~fonable cau~cs for hts non-appear.tnc~, "Gartrb,as touchmg 'John H11s. The Copy wherrof is cx- ~~~1ni~~:: ~~~~~r.hcm wrre cafi into Prtfon, and others were tvt! prdftd in the beginning of thisHifiory, v.urd byword; llai~J,~~~a~~~~~~~~~f:r~~;~ ~ha~~~~~~~;~: Another fupplic3tion of the Nobles of Bohemi. ~~d!:~d~:tt~~;~~i~~ .coa~~d~~?~u~~=~~i:~ M o:!r~:r.;n: [:~~;~;;~ ::;:~ ;:,~:~?; ot::V: ~~~­ ~:1~ ~o~:S,~c~~U~a~i~h~v~t~:o:cJ~i~~dc:l~~n~d~ :~:/:h:11 lJ~t:b:J;&e:h:Vf:u~~~~ "1::/'h,~tbr;J;tJ ~·;,'~;;;. Mm m 2 7oh~