690 Falfe witnefs againjl J. Hus: Hedi[plt!eth in the Cowzcil ofCon!tance. "f!~6v:;~;:t ~:r;~:rh:i~~~~~~r:u~~~~h~'Ge:!u~~~,T~i:~: f~~: r~s =h~~d:~~ ~~or~i~~~~: ! ~~hi~ct~~~e; { ~!~~} ~~:;~:~ :f;:t~~t~t.~~~~:~2~:~;'!~~~f:?~:~~~ :f~~~~:J:~7::tg~~::~;ZJ.%,~:r.:•:j~f~~i:hl~: ::;t>!:n ,,,.. ~od !~;r~\~~~~!'f~t~:~~~riy:%;~:hh:~:tt~;~s;h 1~~c:;;l~ r;~~~~cl~~tt:r~c:':ll~ ~~;r::.:~!~n~~~=· 11 re:~;:t:~~~~ · ~Zf.~~~ :~:1~:~;y~~~~~~:~t,;~,~~~:ll:;;;,fl:~ ~~i~~~~:~t~:~i~~:::~,,:d~.::~"':;',:~: ,,tr.... . Books,and the reO: he hat.h forged and invemed of his own ~hic.h were fpokr.n of a licth: before., who ew:ryman for '"r.. bead, and doth maint9.m the fame very obf\inately and htmfdf affirmed with an Oath that which ho: had f:1id. ~:;~. ::!i~h~ :h;:,:r:::h;~";;:rcl:~~1,.d:d,/:;10,~:~~::: f:};~£~:~E;f~l:~;B~~~~~~fi~x.~:,::~~~I~ ~~~~t atln!\J•hlo cth matma~ Br~d;. and thiS IS proved by th..: wtmdS of '~as but a r1mcr, when hedtd allt?gc: Ius authonty againfl ' ' arlzrtcf. :.~~ wl!· ~:t~ ;;;~i::lp~~;h~;~~ifr. 0b~!i:1~~;~:j};Jfo~1;:~ ~h~' d~·;~fm'~~~ ?nr~.~:r~~:~h~~·~h~~;~)~~~f~~ nor. aga1nl1 cher m the C:"tfilc of l'rag_ue, Andrtw Brodt, Canon of nl and rc:puced S.Grtgory for a mofi holy Dodor of the 1•h~ fl••· Prague,and d1vcrs other Prtdls. Unto dlis 1ohn H11s b· Church. ne anr... ·tt king a folemn Oath, anfwrrOO that be 11('\'tt fplkt any Thtfe contentions and Difputationsbring fomt:wh:u apThe CudJ.. of,. u... {~~\:~~~i/oo~t~~~,;~:nr~~~~a~rn~~ ~~!~~~~~~r: r!: :;:J:aH~~:m?df~id1,ll ~;{!~,or;~~ek~~~~ve~i~~!~,~~ha~ ~!:.m .. ttrm or word Brrad, Fie could not :t.llow the: Blfhops corn- Jt is ~'rmm that in the mollth of two or threewitntlft'S mandment ; fora(tnuch as Chrifi in the fixth Clupter of all WLtndS is firm and fi~blt; and here you fee now aiJo~ doth ofrmtLmes na~ himi(lf the.brea?. of Angels, mofl twrnty '~itntffes agamfi you, men of authority and tlamln~ of which came down from H~ven, to j?.LVc hte unto the worthy of cre?lt, amongfl the which fome have heard you E~~~:~ ~~e;;?~~~~g~~t~l~ ~h;u:~e~d~~f~~~~:;~~ ~~~ ~:~~ ~~~~~~h;l1:~~th~t~~b~e:n:ndo~j =.. hifbop~. ~:~~=Y~~;:, bf!~~nu~:; .hJ'j~ w~;~~ ~i~~i~0~e ;ei;~~ ~~~;: ~:t~ra~l~e~~h~hfi~~ ~~fo~J~~nS::~~fn~~~ F~~~&. Uni verfahties a pNrlt m,t.r . as touchmg the thing? When gtv~ credit; and for my part, I f<:~ not how you can ~~ Jolm .Hrn :mfwercd, that he would, be~ufe S.t. Anftlm tnaintain and defmd your caufe agamfl fo many notable "?'r'"c 011 and d1vers others had fo done, the Cardutal d1d proceed and wdllearned men. Unto whom Jolm Hus anfwered h>tpatt. . to gather his argument in this manner. in this manna, 1 take God an"d my Confcience to wit- ~:t~~~: ma1Je:0!1l~=:~~:;~e~~dt~~ ;~bfia~~;rot;:;::~~~~~d~ ~~·~~a~ ~~tefu~~aut~:=~ ti~if~n(~~~~ w~~n~~: :;'1~bt].n .... and that ~ do thus prove : Th:lt the confecmrion ~ing d1~e men here have not feared to witndS againfl me that done, whiks the brea.d is changed a~1d tranfi.lhllanuated whJCh they never heard. And albeit, they were as 1113ny intothebodyofChnfl) as you fay, euherthrre dothre- moreinnumberasthcyare, for all that, I domuch more main the common fubflantt of mataial bread, or COlJtra· efl:cem, yea and without comparifon, regard the witnd'Sof riwife. lfthefubfta.ncc do re~ain, then isourpurpofeat my Lord God, before the wirnefs and judgment of :Ut an end. If contrar1wif~, then 1t doth fo.llow, that by the mme adverfaries upon whom I do in no ~int .flay my ~:~~n;~~h~;;;~~f~:~;d:n;.:l~vi~~ettc~ ~1ln~;~ f~~~ful~~~a: j~~~~aJh~f:~ y':~c~~fci~:ceis; 1 fu: ~!~c~ finsular ma.te~a~ Bread) by means of this T ~nfublbntiati· we cannot choofe, hL.lt that we mufl nttds llay our fdves on, when as 1t IS changed .and Tr.anf~bftantiated hHo.t~e ~ponthe firm and ~v1dent witnd'S of theft mtn here, For Body of Chri~ ; but notwnhfland111g m oth« fingul:trit1es 1t is not for any. d1fpleafure or hatred, that thef<: men do itismadefub~. . wimdSthisagamfl you (as you do alltdge:) for they ~~;:r~ P.rJ~~utaore:~~11fir~~~1i:~,1J tl~it ~~~:~ca;~~~~~ :a~~ ~~=e~~ ~~d~ri~1~1~~~~nf~c;:0:y0~~~~ \h~~~~7n.~~ .... nal Bread.. ThenfaLdJobn Hrn, that is a childi!h argu· that we onmanycafebeindoubttherrof.Andastouching ment, whKh eve~ Boy inSdlOOisknoweth, and there- MaflerSuphmPalm:.,whereasyoufay,youdofufpedhim upon gave a folutJon. ~hen anot~er Engl!f!nnan would tl1~t he h:uh craftily and deceitfully drnwn out certain prove, that there rernamed materml Bread m theSacrn· Porm·sor Articles, out of your Books to b(tr:ly theni'aftert~e~tt, becaufe the Bread afrd the conft:cr.~tiou was not an- ward ; it feaneth that in this point you do him great nilulate. Unto whom John f!~ anfwtted, Although faid wrong~ fo~ in mine a~vice he hath ufed and !'hewed a he,that_rheBreadbenotannilulateorconfumed,· yetlin· ~thdehtyandamLtytowardyou,inthathehathallegularly 1t ceaf<:th there eo be by means of the alteration of vuted and moderated many of your Articles much more "" '•tl!flr his fubflmce i.mo the Body of Chrill. Hne anothrr Eng· than they ~re in your own Books. I wlderfland ::Ufo that ·- !f~Cea;h~l~~; 1~i~0dn~f !i~ l:i1 ~%i~~~;~,~t~;:d: ~~~;;~~ ~~e 0fatd:o~~~~ ~~~~~tf;dta~~eC~~:~ ~:,,:.~n~~~ for he g~nted all thefe things which this man hath done) Pant~ th:ln whom there is no more excellent and Chn!lian and yrt m ~ery deed was fully perfwaded that material man mall the whole world. Bread remam«i in the Samment after the confrmtiOJI. Then was there readacertain Article of accufation, in Arlotbn ac· ThewhichwhenJolmHtrt had denied, faying) that he the which it was alle.Jged, Tl~atJ.ohnHus had.taught, ~~~:r~nd· ;~,~~ :;/c~:~~u;r ~~~Y~~~;ff:!;m:~~~~r!~·d~~J'~~· ;;i~~}~~;~r~~he:~~~d~h:~~~~:o e:~~~~~fw:~r~~t ~! ~!,.:.~ himag<1in, whether the&:Jy ofChrifl be totally and re- never t.lught any errors of Joh1J Wickiiff's) or. of Jny ally in the SJcr:unent of t~c Alt.lr. Whaeunto 'Joh1J.Hus other mans. Wherefore if tt be fo that ~Picklijf harh :mfwered, Verily, I. do thmk tOOt the body o( Chnfl is Cowed any errors in Engl.md, let the Et~glijiJmmlook to 1·H"' a- really and total!~· 111 the SJcrament of the Altar, even that themfeka. But ro COL_tfirn~ their Article, there :E~r~~~: ~~(~i~~~d\~~~~~g~~~ ~~nfi~fec:!~~;:~~i~S:h?H~~:~f ;: ~~!~~Z;fst/rci~ies~cl1~ 1~v~~~~~~~~~ ~r~:~~d:~: IJo:umt~~t . God the Father Alm~ghty. When they hld d!fputed a ed ~t Rom,.; and afterward alfo, when the Archbilhopof good while to and Jro, 015 touching univerGimes, the Swmco, wnh other !tamed men, held a Convocation at £,gJtjbm~tn whi~h !Jefore would prove th3t material Pragutforthefameml.tter,whenastheywouldha\'ethere ~~,3 r::F~~~:e;:~:~iFi~~:~:gt~:~::;~~ ~~:i::~:!~E~~~~~~~,~~:o~;~;~~~~;~~·hE unirc·rfalici~) the which maketh nothing to the pur- durfi not agree thereunto, for offendmg l11s confcleJlCe, and