A narration touching Wickliff's Book_s: J. Hus fa/fly ac/ufed. 6 91 {~~~~} ~:;!~n:11JJo~hf,~b~~~%~~h~~~elv~~ ~~:o~~a;: ~~~f~ifi1l~c~\:~!~::,k:l·bcia:~~h~'h~ ~~~e~;~d-~i~ ~~:;;~A•- l:~i it~~~~f~~u~~;10 ~1~~~r!!;~er~~~p;ti~: P~~~ :~e~h~ ~«~~~,:2 after, yet for fe-ar of rhe ~ng, the it:.linH"' Article faid he 1 have:: thus dctennmcd, as 1f l fhould fay, In the 1~11 tune ~ope AhxanJtr tht 51b lxmg dtad . ~1~~:;~:~~~~I~;:~i~~~F~~~5i~~1 ifi~~:~;~~i~~t;~~·l~!~~f~~i~~, ~~::ii ~tf~~·· : ai~~;;~~ :rzc~~hjoh~~~; ~Ja~ca~~~~~a~~;phe~~a~;~:~e 'Ve~: ~itc~t;~1~4of 3~1:~~~~:;ni;~~r1.t~~d:r~~~~~~~ Ko Q~o will, ;t.~ r.~~~~ !h:aJ~,?s;;,fdr:a~l;,ra;/;.~ %~lb,~~~ ~~:;J~ff:':Jt~~;; ~~ ~~:!b~~ hi~o~~~ ~~~~~'c:~~~~r~~n~~~~ha~r ~~ ~,~·~£,d (aid. Wht:n the Book was brought forth, they found it man after that time, und~r pain of Excommmucatio~, tucb j"' writtrn as 'John Hus had (aid. He added alfo more· lhoold teach any more in Ch~ppcls. Whn-eupoit I d1d ~:;;pr'io. over, that he durl\ not agree unto them '~hich had con· appt:tl unto the ~ope ; who beu.1g de:1d, and the ~ufe of 1· ~.d' ,,.. WMO ~;:;;;~t!:\ ;·;;::.:~~;::n::::OT:::::~ ~::o;~~~1i~~~F:Z!ii":r!~'~~~ :d~:::~1i.~~:~ ill.~*:, ~::~~. ~~~;Jv~fr:~~i~,t:~l;j~ Ju~. r%7:'~n:;;:,;; ~~i~. ~V~~i~c~~:sr~:d3~~~~~&0"~~~~~~~ :t"1:~;:J!!Ju:'';~~i:~~hc;::~; ~f7h,~$ylfi~r:: ~;~:1~'~ta~~:~~: ~~. ~~:da~~~.1~~~~~~~~~~~ :~~:@:tr~~0J!:r~~:~;Z'~o~~7;;~::~:~~~ ~~~~it:~~~~t~~::2J;:,:;~:~~~~;,: fr~~~ A!IDt lhnd Chrift repcatcth in the 2 51h Chap:cr of Matth~, and that appeal wh1ch IS made unto Chn~, forafmuch :;s .the ""·""' '"o ofdllty. thefeworksarepurealms: Er~c, alms is alfo gtven .by Law~othdetermine, that to appeal, IS no other thmg c bu!lotiiO. bond ?-nd duty. fhen an Archbifhop of England, tleppmg than 111 a c:'uk of grief or wrong done by an infn:iour ~·i[a~~tl!fu~l~! ~a~;:r ~.~~~,~~~[h ~~,;~~~i~~ ~~ll ri~~·g: ~~~~~~re ~~h~~irl~e~daJ~n~i~h:d)~J~ h:~~~: . to give, fhould be damn~ . I :mfwer? fazd Hw, unto your ~hrift ~ yYho, 1 fay, c~.n know or ju4ge the matter.more ant~edenr, that 1 f~!<e dzfimdly of rtch mcn1 and of thok )Uflly, o! with more equzty? wh~t as m him !here is found wluch had whercwtthal to do thofe works: They, I (ay, no decezt, neither c:tn he be deceived; or, whocan better were bound to give alms under pain of ~ammrion. help the mifcrable ~nd ~preffcd th~n he ? While J?b'! The P-t/fo gu~~~~::f~~:~r;~h~;;tu~~t~r~~~;:cf~:,;~:~~ft~~ ~';{p~~:~~~ci~~ut~;;:~~!d;, ~~~~d~fd~ ':d 1:c~~ ~ 4e~ . ~~ ward mt~de 11 bond 11nJ duty; and when as he would have of all the whole Counczl. declared it more at large, he could not be fulfercd. He dC<- Then was there reh~cdanother Artideofhisaccufation daredalfo divers other c:tuf(S why he could not with fafe in this mJnner; That 'John Hus to confirm the Hcrdie Confcience confem unto the conde!Tlll3tiO!l of WicJ:Iiffs which he had taught the common and fimp!c people out of Ankles. But howfoevertbc matter went,he did affirm and Wick:liff's Books, faid openly thcfe words, That at what 1 . H•• h!• fay, that he did never obfiinately confi rm any AnicltS of time a great number of Monks a.nd Friers, and.other learn~ ~C ~~~tt,;t~: A~~~;~ha~!\d d: c~~d!~':&a::r;;~~~~ ~:~~.w;: !flf~~t~eda;~~h]o~ :::tli;j,' a~d ~~~; s~~~· ~~t~~~t~r:~·~O~l ~~~f%!u~et:il~t}ra:i1: ;~o t~eeaCfu:b~~ =1br~k~~v~m,~~ ~l~~~~~fu Hu~, are a great many other I>od'ors ~nd Ma.Jlers of the that with much ado w;,J:Jijf's enemies hardly efcaped Umvetlity of Pragt~t.For when 3S Swuuo the Archbifhop without hun. He addOO mo~ver, that he wifhed his commanded all WH.Iijf's Books to be gathered toge· foul eo bt: in the fame place where John Wicldiff's foul :~~o i~i~~e~~~:~lfc~?oo~~~tp:ifou:~a:r:~ o~~~~ ~re ~~~~~n~~r$i~~~:~;;·~t~o~~~ac~~;ffs ~~; !fa:s.if~~c~~nf;,~yu;!~/~: ~~~~~~~~he~~1:;g~~~~J ~~eB:hi7h: ~~~~.fed~en~~~~~~yofJ:7t;~~;d 0:1~~ ~:~~ note and mark them, _and l my [elf wou!d pubhfh them lum. {\nd wh~1 he undttfiood the good and gcx;llr life of ~~foul il openly. But the Archb1fhop, alhe1t that he fhcwed me no the. fat? Wickliff, he fp<~keth.((c words, Itruft, f?nd hc,rhat :;::,~·C'rn- er~r nor Herefie in them, burned my Books, .together Wzckhff U[11vttl> an.d albttt rhat I Jcub.t whether he be ~~~·PA~~~~ ~~hth~;0~e ~:~{ ~;~rfu~ho:~~~~~~!:~~·~~~w~~~az~: :~~en~.: ~h;j1~:tpi~:::~!:C}o~:;eJv~:&~:~:.' rh~=~ Sai::.. ~:~·;:,~e~:i~,hr~~~ ~'·~~~a~n~:!lFfu;~tili~hf~i~r~~~ b1; gati~ 1:~1~~ ~~~e ~i~'~:f!ck~.Jl~~~~u~:z~~~ did counftl ~,~:~~~~:r;e;:~~ffA~l,~/&;;!Z•fo~~h~~a~o1d e~: ~~~h~~~:rdO:~~:~t~,:~~c~=d:~1~;fu';(~·M~~~!~ ~~~'- rors cont.nncd in them (whereof there was none named) And the next .:lay after he had preached the fame, there fhould betake,noutofallmenshan~s. were found optnly in 9ivn:s _P!ac(Scertain intimations, ~~~:on he l~~b~~~~Jp~:lf~~:rh~t~~~;i o1 ~~~}!:~~.~~~~! ~~1d~~nPr~~~:r~n1 ili~~~i:~~oo!uM~~~ ~~~ ~11'• NobltSlhouldcon re~lt to the condemnauonofWukliffs Brothrr, neztheroneneighbouranother.JchnHusanfwer· ~ ~~~;w~~l~~~~::a:~ D~i~:,e~~~; th~~r i~eC:~~~~~~ ~~ :~te~~~~e ~~~~~a~·: tf~~ ~~e:~~;~~d~:i · to fit upo~l . Wickliff's ~ks, and toprocad againfi them dJlige~ttly admonilh and warn the people, tlmthey lbould by a dehmtzve fenteoce m the Canon Law. Thefe Men, all arm thcmklvrs to defend the truth of the Gofpel, ac· by a general fentenc~ judged all thofe Books wonhy to cordingto thefayingofthc Apoftle, with the ht!metpn! no Uat.er- be burned. The \~hich wht:n rh~ DoCtors, Ma.Jlers and f'1Pf!"J of S!llvt~tion ; and t~at he neVCT fpake of any ma~ liry of Se holm of the Umverhty heard report ot, they all toge- tCT!al (word, bu~ of that wh1ch is the Word of God. And H•t l«ao ~~~f ~J?~~B;~~~;2::£~~~~~·~1.;~~Ei~~~:~~ :fi~2~~;,~~;;,;;;~;;;:,;;:; ~f.i~~ SQo~ ~~~t~~. a~~~~fech:~1~tiu;~{~~reh~1~~o~:re~X:~;i~~i!~;, ~~M~i ~~ t~~fiP~li~i~khf~~e~~~~~~ 0;n~~~~~~J~h;c~: ~:!,~~·et· - fecutton