Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

692 A declaration oftbe Germans departing from Prague. The Emperors Oration to]. Hus. ~~i:.r:~;~:l~:;ttr~~~hot:~~~;~~~~ J~~o~i~~ t~~7;~ ~u~~JdJ:~:: ~?~~;:~~e '~~~ht~~~:~l~~~~~ {~~~~} Umverlity of P~agut. Hereunto John H'" bridl~ anfwcr- pc.rfWaded the Km!? that he fh?ukl not fo do. Whtr~t the ASC«J of t~~~~~~~~e~~~Sjj~~t 1i: ~a~~td~~~~~~:~&;\~~ ~l~t,a~~~~ ~~~~~~J~r~~~ ~~~t~~am:ev~d ro\;~~!~ i~l~;~ ~ afhcal and Poht1ck !late, fprnng and grew upon thiS CJufc, meddle themfelves, and moved fuc~ open controvn!ies,m- ~:E~~o~:et1:{ ;!1:Jc'~~~ha~f :/:r,~iltm;~~{~;;~: ~~ 7o~~k~1a:!J~re 1~:~~},:~~~ ~~f~g chc~~t ~~yt~~":t~ maua !hould be detamintd and decreed br firt". Whcrc- ~~~g~f~~~:~~~~~~~~a~:~:/:h ~;~:~~!~~1~h~~~~~~ whofe un1batll(faftndS ~ fuch., that they feared not ~'·en LtWes Duk~ of Bav!'ria Emperor. of lac~ to incm~ m~ cv1l, being fo much in cht Kmgs w~l~e~o~·~:ufc~~~d1 ~i:~~;~is fca~~~:c~~a~:ht~~ ~~;~in~:~~~1f;:t,\1:, ~~}~~:~~re:~~~ :~~1~ ~~~~£.~ quefi of the Cardmals, that the whole College of Card1- other Nations, but alfo of Bohtmt lt fclf, arc through the uals fcnt Letters to the King of Boheme, rtquiring him, counfd of John Hus and his adben:nts ba1Ulhtd out of~ that togetha with them he would rmow1ce and f01f:tkc htme ; of the which number fomc remain yet in exile in his obedience unto PoJJ~= _Grtgory, and ~o it lhould corn~ to Mcrav~a. Hereunto Jolm H11s anfwercd ; How (3n th~s be pafs, that. 1:iy the aut~oncy_ of a new Btlh~p he !hould re- true, f:ud he, liche1lCt 1 was not at Prague at that mm·, cover agam hi~ Impenal D1gnity. For tlus c:mfe the l(ing when as thefe men you fpea k of departed and went away confe:nttd to the will of the Cardinals as touching a Neu- from thence ? Thefe things were thus ddxned the day atrJ!ity ; that is to fa~, that h~ would neither take part forefaid as touching 'J~bn Hr11. Bi~~:~~~:~70:::n~~~id/~~=it~h~;;::~~t!Po~:·e~t:~~ cu~~ ~~~~ ~~fu~~~1~~//,,7 u:~d!r~~:cJ";~tt~f =~~ doth appear ?Y Chron_icles. In thts caufe then, for(omuch Pragut \_vas alfo pri!oner. Bu_t bef~re that he~ led away l"'•' of ~~~= ~;~~~ ;~~,;~:f.i~~~~:~~J:~:\~)~~:E~~;! ~;~ft.:\}:~~~~~:::fo~~~!t~~~·?r:l~:;1~!~ ...... ou1 or feU breaktng _down the Tornb ~>f th~ Lord Wtncelarr_, con- come _unto Conftanct , nctthcr the Emperor hnnfclf, netther ,,.,¥,, trary and agamfi the Kings wdl, d1d alfo take Wr~khffs the Kmg of &,heme could have ctlmpe11ed y~ to do it. Bcx>ks and bnmtd them : Thereupon the King Without Unto whom Jolm Hrn an(wercd,Under your hcenfc: mofi :my 19;in-fayingjltffertd that certain goods of theirs, whid1 rt\·erend, I ~lever ufcd any fuch kin~ of tJlk or ofthttrown wills were fledaw.1y, lhould befpoiled_, be- words. But tillS I d1d fay, That there was m Bobtme.a caufe they fhould not confent or :!.CCOrd with the B1lh0p. great number of Gentlemen and Noblemen, which dtd Wherropon it is ~aGt to be underfiood and knOWTl t~lat fuvour and love me, the which alfo might calily have kept John H::s was falfly accu_fed for that matter. Howbe1t_a me in fome fure and fro-er place, th:!.t I lhould not ha\'e Fd:"::t ~~~Jca~:~ r;:~1'ab~~i~6~~~~~~~gD:~r,l;a1e~~e ~~~gfe (t~~~ =~~:~~~~~1:il~~~~~E~J:~;,isnJtl:r11 of~h~t~;'~f :;;:1.... ~~~1~1~;~\~;;a;~~ed0~~;d1~o~~d ~htth~;;1 s~~ta~~~~ ~o!~~~ :; ~~a;~~~g~is~~~~~;~~bd?r~~:d[~rf;~~ ~!~~~~ flanc~. And.theCardmalofCambraJ, who ~,onevf Doyounotfttth~unlh:unefafin~IS~thtmanhcre? And :~:~J:Vg~i;~~· Hac 1 mufi fay fomewhac whJCh IS comt ;:~~j;h~~~~~i:m~i~~~~1:;~rc~~~r~:u~ ~6:~h~~h 'J~ 4 When as I camt from Rome, the fame year that thcfc John H111 had fp:>ken, foid, That Jolm Hu1 had fpoken ''~•· :!~~~f'~:~f!~~t·~~~lC~~1h:e~ ~~::n~:J ~~l~;11n~~~; ~~, ;!~ ;::y0~~Jsr::·~~ h(~~~l;~~ei~lc~h~k:f~ they bad brought out of Bobemt, tht)' anfwcrtd: that of Bchtmt, yer always if ~ would have taken ir in thtrewashappeneda wondcJfulcrud and htinousfuc( ; hand, l couldhavedefendedhuneafilybythefpaceofont !:;\\ltt~t~~~~Ya;;drhai~~~~ ~h3~1 ]~~ ~~~~J:JJ:;; ~~~ ~~d\~~~ ~n~ fo~~wa:uch;:r:fm~~~ t:~~ the: &me cauf~ which he did before, went forward unto have done it which :Ut of more force or puiffance than I t~e fccond _parr of the ~rtide which was ob~ed againfi am ? And have Ctronga Cafiles and places than I _havt ? lmn, denymg alfo that lt hapned t!uough Ius fuult, that Aft~r th~t ti_Je Lord dt Clum ha~ fpoken, the Cardmal of ~ dtdm. the Gtrmans departed from the Um~crfity of Prague . ~ur Cambray fa1d, U: t us ltave thLS talk. And I tell you, ~}.~·· ~~~?it~::~~~~~~~r:~s::~~:~:~~;:~~;: ~~~~~~·::r~i:~:~:? ~~\i,:~::m·~:;J:~ of 1'••:~•. at the Germans gmdging that they ll10uld be exempted fha\1 bt greatly both for your profit and hofrol!ltheirvoi_ces, ofth.:iiowna<.::~rd dtp:Irtedandwent Th peMlcy thCJr ways; bmding themfekes wnh a grtat Oath, and !~:':";:!, unckragrearpcnalty, both of their fame, andalfo molilmfhock. my, ~hat non_e of them f110ulJ return again umo Pragt~t· l th<firt<,,,J; doy oft,c_you ''""-'"'.mmiu<d Notwtthfiandmg, l amnocal'hamedtoconfctS, that l dtd appro\'cand.allowthedoing;;ofthe King., unto whom of dmy l oweolx-dience f0Jthe commodityandprofitofmy Comttry. And becaufeyoulhall not think that I hav.: fpokcn any untruth. Here is pref~nt Albtrt Warrm Tra-~ ;:,~rj'~'~;l~:w,?';lJ.":~·~~r;·~;~~~;a~;;~:'~:~~r.~~l[~ pi111, whic~ was rkacon of the faculties, wl_lO had fwo~n to dep:irt With the refi of the Gtrmam? he, .' ~that ht w11l faythetmth, tlulltafilydrarmc:ofthiSfufpmon. Tk fla d ~ut Jhc~ as lA/~m(:~O~la\'e/f)ken,~~c~Jd nt La<d; tho"(:;,J;,;,,;,.,d[ !>fiu•p;ho"' f,~~:f ~gh~!:~j;~~~1~~~~;~:~i:~~~~~:~i~~;h~f~ I ~~~~~o:;t~~~:~;·;i~~;~~~r::~,;~ J faw the Maflrrs of the three Nations, of the Germans, j Bavarians, Snxom, and Stlrjians, amongfi whom tht Polcniam were alfo numbred, tnofi humbly come unto the I lE.:~:~~~~~~~f~~J~:~~~~~~~i7:,:,~~;~I~~;; King, rt'Glri ringthathcwould tfuffcrthe rightofth~ii voices 10 be ta!<en from them. Then the King promifed