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694 Articles of]. Hus wrefl•d by the Papifls. Tbe Cou11cil ofConllance. ~~~!~;ugtfci~le~~;sc~~ut"~;Cl~;;;: lf~i:~~~:r Pr~e1f~fn;~tr~~c~:; ~n~1~v~~~~~~~d~~o~d~.1~n:! {~!~;,} forChrifi himfclffaid in the prc:fmcc of Jutlal, as I litp- opinion of the (('Vr~t Sacramcn~ as unbc:.hcving bafr.uds, 11 , pofc:, _E::'cept a man forfake all that he hath, he cannot!)(: and not as children, not knowmg wh:lt IS the ~e and my Dlfclplc. forComuch that as ,'Judm did not .forfake :ill duty of the~~ or Cmfizres, Rit(S and Ctttrnomts, nc:i· thmgs, accordmg ~o the Lords WJ\I,and follow h~m, he was ther of the Otvme fcrvicc of the Church, or of wnmtion :h~~~~h,as~~~;~: ~~:v~~~~;b!;~~~c ~~~~CV~~ l:r~: ~';~~~ft~~~~~~~~i~~h::C~~~1c~c:~fh~c)~~Ondu~~:~ that ']s1rlm was ~lOt hi~ ~rue but fuined Dz!Ctpl~. • Whtte- ccs or Pardons. I anfwer, that it is placed in this manner in ~~~ ~!~~ufl~f~;~i;,r~f1~h~:1 Z~t'~~:~~~~~:t~ef ~y(~~ d!~!~t~~;;;~~u~~:~~a~dife~~r li:o~~mc);~~ Putttn .,.. :~~;~~~ r:~k ~v~o:f~ ~~e~o~::; h;cl;!Y fh?;~::d ~~ F~~~~:d~~r~:~r :~~~~~S::~e~ts,li~~~1~u!;ai~TI ~~~~;: beJng ·clothed inafheepsskin,helayinwaitforthefhep- kmJofvoluptuoufnefsanddifi'olute tl}allners,orinany berd. otherfilthyorvillainouskindoflivUJg:Theydo pollute S. The eighth Article of the Congregation of the Predefti· and dellle the holy &cleliaflical flate. And albeit that nate, whethertheybeillthefb.teofGraceorno, accor· theyprofefsinwordsthattkeydokn0w0od,}'etdothey dinguntopreCentjufiice, istheholyuniverfalChurch,and denyitagainbythdrdttds, and confequently believe not ~~~~~0~1~;~ ~~d~~:t~ri~~,l~t~;ich: f;; ~~ei;,~~~~::,~ ~~o:~~~~pi~i~~:}et:~C\:n&~~':t~~~~::: and lUJdefiled, the which tilt Son of God doth call his And this appeareth moft evidmtly, forfomuch as all fuch ne Cli<lrch 0\';1· ~e 3.1J~ver, The words of the Book ?Ut of the do utterlx contemn and defpife the name ofGod,according 11 uk~<t wh1ch t~us arncle was drawn are thefe: Tlnrdl.y, The to ~le faymg. of Malachi, . th~ firfi C?apter, Untl1 J6u, 0 t;':~~- Church lS lmder~ and nken for the congr~attOJt and Prujls, ht 1t j}ohn, whiCh M Jtj}ifo tmJ conte1nn my g~adon alfemblyofthcfutthful,whethcr they be inthcfiateof ntltnr. i~!~t: ~:tcf~ ~::~~~t~f~~;efu~t~~~'fth~r;~h S~n;.,~; !~ nal Tf~~:~~~hE~~~~~~:I ctiSJ~:Jwh::\~~~ :~k ~.::: llr~:r~~n ~~~~;;1~11;r:~ ~~~t~eu!r~~~/f::t;f~;j hf::[!if ti~! ~~~~~~o';r~ f~~~~~~c~~:n~f~h:'t~~~n:;~ forthefame!&c . I pray you tht:n, ~there any faithful powera~t~au~rity. And t~is is proved by th.e ninetytE.W. ~~~the whtch doth doubt that the Church doth not lig· lixth Di[lmE!Jon:for Conjlantmt gramed.rhis pri~1k<lg un· lllfi~ all the Eled: a1~d PredeOinat~, the which we ought ro to the Btfhop ?f Rome, and other aftrr h1m confirmed the ~~~~~~i~ t~~~~~~~;d~~t~~f~ ~h~:~;~~c~:~~ :~;~~h&J~~~ ~;fr:~he ~h~~~~~u~~!~~~t~~ de is an articl~ of, the whtch we ought tmnly to be. the rnofl: high Kmg above all others; {o the Bifhop of lieve according to our Creed, I btliwt the Ho'J Catholick R.omt lboukl be called the principal Father ~ve all othaChurch: a11d of this Church doth St. Auguffme, St. Grt- B1~ops. This notwithfiandinl? the Papal d1gnity hath his 9· gorfh~t;Z~~ 11;;;j:k~d ~:~~ ~~~:~,~~~f,;~i~1~heHead ~~~i~h:~~~~~dlyo~~ ~h~~· t~t~~~~ hisTt:; !:O~:.~·:f of th~ holy univerfal Church. The a•tfwer: This article Cardinal of CambraJ {aid~ In the time ci. CflfljfAnt~ne, tiM .,.bole · was drawn out of thefe words of my Book. All men do there was aGtnml Counctl holden at Niu, mthe·which, C:t1 r~ur~~~rw~1i~h :~~~~) ~~~il~:v~~~~~ ~~~ ~!~:~f~:Rr:~ r: c:~~ ~~~ftu:~r;bef~ . ndSoffaith,.andconfcquentlybldfcdne!S. Notasthough to the Emperor. Whereforelh~ndo r~not as ·wellaf· the mea~ing of our Lord Jdi.ts Chrifi was, whtn he faid, firm and fay, that the. Papal dignity took his original ra· ~;d~~ 'U~n thts R~k I will build my Church, that h~ would ther from dut Cowtcil, than by· th~: Emperors authority "" """• bmld every mJlit.:mt Church upon the perfon of Ptttr, for and power? k". ~~ ~~~1r~m~v~!:C~;;;'~~~Jh:a:d?:x~ n~:!i~~~~a~~!J1cCJ;h~ 0of~~=!clr~~:~h~~ ne~ k ~~~~io~~{!~~~~l:~h,C~~~ t~o:h;tt~~y Head and ;':n~~i:~oh~d\~fn:y i~~&o~,m:r· it 1fo~~~~ ~t!ar thc~~;.or fus ~~~.u~:r:f~~: ~t~fi t!;:~~~ ~~;~~h~~h~i~h~f! ~~ ~~d';.!i~~ta~~~ ~~~;mt~!~~~~~:~ ~ f'j.~~~:" Vicar. But if fo be, he do walk in contrary pnhs and Church, the Spou~ of Jefus Chrifi, according to the Car· eaJ,tn, ways, then is he the mdfenger of AmichriO,and the enemy ing of the Preacher, N11 man k1Jf1Wtth wh~thtr he bt wor· :~~ :~~e:f~2~%a;r~f~7:Ja:11~r~~~~~k~'1 l~:cr~':f!~; 1~k~n~~~m::~r;;;~flo~: :"a~{;;;:;a:, }~'7t~~= wordsofmyBookarethcfe: Ithew!uchJscalledtheV.i· areunprofirnblefoM.Ja11tJ, car of St.lltttr, walk itt th~ ways of Chriflian vertues a· The fourteenth Article: It ought not to believed that forefai?, we do believe verily that he is the true Vicar, and the Pope, whatfoever he be, may be the head of~ partrue B1Chop of the Church which he ruleth; but if be walk timlar Church, unlet'S he be predefiinate or ordained of ~~~~~~~· ::!~~d~~~% ~~~e!:r~~~~~~~~~:dg}ec~ ~b!· m~~:~~·:J· c~rsa~s1ea~~ ~~k~!edfoJo~u~~~;~io~ Chrifl:. And 1hertfore Saint BtrnarJ in h~ fowth Book necelfary that the Chrifiian Faith lbouJd be depraved, for· did write in tills fort unto Pope E~tgmie : Thou delightdl fomuch as the Church was de«ived by N. as it appeareth ~~~~~dJ~~~~~r!~~):.~ ~'ft ~ !:~~ r1~ by i~e1ff~~tArticle: The Popes power as Vicar, is but 15. {lockorlbrtprecdvebythee? If l durftfayit, thdebe vainandnotb1ngworth, ifbedonorconfirmandaddrdS T&r Popn &~~t!~:n~~.'~a:J~~~:fo ~f'~~~:~~fx:~:~ ~F ~~~ ~~:~inf :~Jve~~ ~~~~~isa:~~~~o;/~~Th~ poYnr '*'• :::;:~:.·· :~:~·f.~y~;~~:~;~c~:·;~: ·::~::i ~~~~d!~:t~?o;~~~~:~xd;~:\"~2 ~.;:;. his life and livil1g be cot1~ry to that which St.P(ttr ~fed, And John Hrrs (aid moreover before t~e '~hole Comtcil ; ~er~~~~; ~;J~stlf:;:~~.a~~~~v~~!~ ~t~f~JSr~: ~~~~~~~~ t~~r~;nr~~;~r;;;~~n:h~fd~~~:~h~~ rewardofin\quity, and didfctouttofaf~ theLord }e.fus andv01d, astouchmg the mem and reward, which he ChriO. As IOOtt as they had read the fame, thoCe whiCh fhould obnin and ge,c thereby, and doth not get the 6mc : :~~~n~~~~J~~~fm~~e0h;~\~:idtl~ci: ~~=te;; ~~~di~~~ ~y,00 ~k~:t~fh1i~~' f~~~g, ~hhc;;/;;~%:r0~~ him. JU your Book? 'J~hn Hru :mf\vcrcd, You thd find tt iu rgy