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Articles agaitij/]. Hus ,.,ej/ed by the Papijls. His A11[mers. 697 { ~~~~} :~~f!~.r. a!11~hofc fi~~a~no~~g~~:i:~e\;J::r;;~~~ew~:~ are~~1~rti~cr7t'Ja~:c}u~~~~~!e;he.Ji:;r~;c\~~~~t;~c~~jilt~; as. any aa: morally goOO. JIJbn Hu1 ~lledgcd agam ~. Au· thetr own preferment, :1nd for the bcmdage and fervi· tNftinu place upon 14 6 Pfal. the .whtcb when he reh_earf· tude of ~he common people. Wht~cUy _if the Lair~ be ~~~ii~~~~€~~ ~~~r~~~ili~g~~- ing the pretended Excommumcanon of the Pop:•. And Clergy doch ch1eA y proceed agam!i. fuc~t as do mamfcfi co.nX moreover, ifthePope,oranyother Ruler , doforbtdany and open the wickcdncfs cl Annchnli, wh ichthruJlnC.. Pridl or Mi nifie r fo di fpofcd to Preach, that he ooght not thcmfelvcs int? the Office of the Clergy. T~efe dtings eo obey him. I Aufwer,thar thefeare my words; That areconrained m the lafl ChaJXcr of his Treaofc of the albeit the Excommunication were either thre~tned or Church. I Anfwer, and I deny that it was in that form. :~~o0~:att~i~o~~~n~~~~~~sr~}t~~ar~~. ~;::;r~~~g~;;h1;~~~~~~:~~~~p~~:~~dii~nt;,~ :~e~~~~ the words of Saint Ptur, and the other Apomcs,. 'lho~t gar~1ercd certain Claufes moll contra~y thereunto. The ~:::Ct:' ;;;~;o,.;f,Zn~:dof~h~~ ·li~i~~~;~~~~~~u~~~ ~Ye~~~ ~~~dh~~~~~a~%~;tl~~~~~~~~! ~~e~:th~;; ~:~t~E:x:~:~~:~o~~ea~:;~~7s'~~i;~~~~:~\~~{ fc'~; ~h~~;~s and off~nfive) than the Amclcs whrch arc gaeommanded unto the Minifiers of rhc Church to Preach The twenty lixth Article. There ought no inter- 26~ the Word of God, Alii S· G.xl hath cOI'l!manded us to dictmcnt to be a~pointed unto the People, forfomu~h as prach and tdlifie unto the people, as by dtvers other pi~- Chrifi the.high BL!hop, nehher for JIJbn Bapttft, netther E~~i~~~!i~~:~~i~h~t7:~;~Ei~, ::~:?~~2 ~id1~~15~£7~~~t7.~F~~;::~~1~~~~~; ner. Yen out, andthereby:~.\lgoodmenceas'd fromthcla 11d ~~~F~~~~~~J~~~~~s~ 1ofotbld • ded moreover, to the il'ltentthat you may und.erfiand butprayedforthem,and taught hiS Dlfc1plesw do the ~~~~~:~,10 me the beuer, ~ call th.:u a pretended Excommumcation, ' fame, a~pcareth in the fifth Chapter of S. Matthew. ltbo1bon;. the which is unJnfily d1fordcred and given forth, contra. And Clmlls tirfi Vicar following the (ame DoCtrine and ry to the of rhe Law an~ Gods Commandments. Learning, faith in his firfi Epifile of Saint Pttrr, and the For the wh1ch, the meet appo}nred thereunto, feoond Chapter, Hrrtlfntaart yt c.dl(d; for Cbri~ hflth[Hf- 1 Prt. ~ ought not to ceafefrom Preachmg, neither yet to fear ftrtdforUI, ltavingllftmtxamplt, tbatwtjhtmldjollowhiJ damnat ion. . . fiJIJtjltpr, wbiJ wbm lx w~ cl'rfod Pld wil.JPektn of, did TI~1 they objected unt? h~m, that he had fatd, that nol c11rfo agt~in. And Samt Paul followmg the fame ~;.¥.·- ~~f~~3:1~§~~~~rt~~~~~wzg~:~[; Ef~ :;~:~~~:@~~~£iE.Ji;~~r~;£ ·-·~ cordmg to that fayiogof the Prophet, I nnU curfo wbtre which dtd help or preYJilto {hr up or ffiO\'e the Judges 4f ym blrfi: and contrariwife, they lhalt.curfe, but minds. ~.:i-~!: thou, 0 Lord, £ball blcfs. Then the Cardmal .of F/IJ- And rhefe are the Aniclcs which are alledged out of ..,,., v.-ltb rtnce, which ha~ always a Notary read.y at hts hand John Hu1 his Book, entitu\ed, Of the ChHrcb. ,.. ~~~~1 : t¥~i~}~~!?i~;~~]f~~;r~~~~~~; ~:~~~;,l~~:f.0!~i~~~f:~~;t~~f.~~~~~'fffl~ the re no more but eight? I t may be, fard Jabn Hu;, chat t~ (e al?ainfi St~niflauJ Znoyma. Whe reunto his Anfwcri there be more. hkewJfcbcad)Oylolcd, notunfruicful toberead. The twenty fourth Art icle. Every man which is adb;~;!i~ft~~~~~~~!~~ ~~c~~~~~fh; p~~~~~~~ ~~~~ C[ Here foUowtth fiven. Article~, whi~h are foid ought to execute and fulfil rhu Commandment, not- to b~ drawn oul of hu Treatife whtch he wrote with!landing any Excommunicat ion pretended to the con- agamjl Stephcn Palctz. . tnry. The Anfwer; My words are the~e. Forfomuch f~i~e~~~a~r,~;fs ~~~i;~!c~n~5 0 at~;~i~he;:,atrc~e~~ T H:C ~~f\de~d;i'fin, ~;e ~~~~~·o ~~~'sUh;;:el~~; Arrtct'e: ech alfo by efpecial Commandment the Office of Preach- Prelate. The Anfwer: I grant tbereunto, and I fend you ::J~: CJOt lii~i.i~~~~~~~~~~~::. appeareth in the five and twentieth Chapter of Mat· of his Church; and this is largely handled in the Texc of tbnv , How much more is ht bot.~.nd w do Spiritual the.~kby the Au~horiry ofthch~ly D~ors,forevmhe Alms? wlm;h u iu dt<~.d l)' ha, is not wonh•ly :J. before Gcd, Nno aa