Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

698 · Articles agai•zflJ. Hus wrej/ed by the Papij/s. His A11[wers. ~h:J:r~t~~~r~~~ ~~ ~:\~;0 ~i;u~5byt~~e ~:~~~~ ~~~ ~~Jakr~~ro1~ct~~!:l:, a~h~~e~~r~1 ~v~~~hf~~'~e;r~ {~~~~~ Samurl, faying, F11rfo~tuub M tlwu h:Jji rifu[td and cafl bate, or wicked Pope or Prelate, is no true Pafior; but off my w~rd, I 1Vi1lal{o ref.uft and caft .thee off, that tl~u ~very Thief and a ~obber, as is more a~ l~rge proved jhalt be 11/JmartKing. Wh•lfi. thefe thmgs were thus ~n· mmy Book. Then fa1d J~hn H1111 ldofollmitall things, ~r~~i~f,~~~~~~ckr:0:,~:~~~~ie~u~i~~ t~ec~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ rp;~: ;~d'sh~~h~~~: ~~}~~i ~~~0~~~1;sac~~chr;:~ ... ,... ~~~~~:;~:~;:,;H;~£~;;;,~~:f~;~;:r~~~~~[~ ~~~:~~~ ~~ti~:::·:~;,,;r,;,~:;,;;,,:~'a::~.:.: :C':f'' In the mean w~11le, when J/Jim H"! had fpoken thefe all m Stl~, fatd1 My Lor~s, take heed left that John I• H••· ~:;:o~s :'se~~~;~t~~~~ 1 h~'~!s ~~~g~a~~cdn~o bJe~~ ~1t:kc~~!ili~~ i~c~ea.:~,~~n~l[n ~:~hs:~e 0~i~~~~~~; thofe words again; which after ch:~t he hJd done, his ?f late, I had dtfput:mon with him upon thefe Articles duty rherein.being conlider.ed, ll~e Emperor anfwered: m thew~kh 1 fa~d,duta wicked Pope, &c. was no Pop~ No man, fauh he, doth hve wcthout fault. ~hen the as touchmg ment and defert, but as touching his Office n.~cud.i- Cardinal of Cambr<~y being in a great fury, fatd, Is it he ~as truly Pope. Whereupon he ufed thefe Gioffes ::;,~c-.~~; ~~~~~fi~~lt~~~tet,h~~~'O:C:~~=tr~~~~~;'tv~~~~i!~ :thci~ ~~~~d h~h!0]o;J~/efi,~~ur~:~gnh:~f~~~~~:h: 1 and Dcdrine to perturb and trouble the fame, but that fatd, Did you not hear that it was fo read out of my now alfo thou wilt auempt to throw Kings out of their ~k ? and this did eafily appear in ]ah11 the twenty State and Dignity? Then Paim:. began to a\ledge. the thtrd, whether he were true Pope, or ~ very Thief and Laws, whereby he would prove that Saul was Kmg, Robber. Then rhe Bi!hops and Cardmals looking one :;~rd-;~~~h!!~~:vUo~~~ f~r~~ t~~a:ZY O:;u7;:;o:: ~r]o~~~~';~1!rn:hat he was a rrue Pope, and Jaughfl.:rin, not for the holin~fs of.his life, the wbi~h there was The fifth The Pope is not, neither ought to 5 . none in him, but for theholmefs of his Anmnting. And be call_ed accordmg unto hisOffice, Moft fh/y; for then when as ']ob11 .Ht« repeated out ~f. s.. CyJ:ri·m~ that .he t~e K1!1g ought alfo to be ca\led Moft J::loly, according to,whtch hiSOfficc. Alfo the Tormentors, L1Cl'ors,and Devils did not follow Chrift m hts hving : Paltta: anfwered, ought alfo to be called Holy. The Anfwer. My words ~hh~~~fe'~t.~~sw;~~~ ~!~ei:~~~h~~.~ .~:~i~cwph~~;;ie1~~~; r:;.01r~:;~}r!n~'~:~· t :h~~~1:~~~~Fa;~e~u~~~nah~ifo~h albeit a1tyma11 be not a trueChnfhan, ishenotthcre- moll:holtlyobfervcand keep ius Fatherlinefs: and if he fore uuc Pope, Bifhop, or King? When as thefe arc be a naughty and wicked Father, then doth he moll:wicnamesofOffice, andtobeaChrifiian, \sanameofme- kedly keep the fame. Likcwife, if theBifhopbemoLt ritanddefert; and fomay any man be a true Pope, Bi- holy, then is he alfomoti good; and when as he faith, fhop, or King, although he be no true Chriftian. Then that he is Pope, it is the name of his Office. fa id ]Qh11 Hur, If Pope JoiJ/1 the three and twentieth wc~e _Whereup~m it fol\oweth, That t~e 111an which is Pope, a true Pope, wherefore have ye deprived him of hts bemg an evtl and rep:OOate man, .ts a moO holy man; Office? The Emperor anfwered, The Lords of the Coun- andeonfequencly by that his Office he is mof\ good. And cil have now \atel.Y agreed thereupon, that he was true forafmuch as no man can beg~ by his Office, except Pope; but for hts notorious andmanifefievil doings, hedocxercifeand ufethc fameh1s0ffice very well; it wherewithal he did offend and tr~ble the Church of followeth, that If the Pope: be an evil:~nd reprobate man, God, and did fpoil and bring to rutne the power there- he cannot excrdfe or ufe his Office his well. forfomYch of, heisrcJed:cdandcafioutofhisOffice, ashe cannocufetheOffice well, except he be morally 2 ' &!~e~h~~Y~h~c~Y"!;ttt~Ch~~h~~~~~~~;/~~~~ ;~;,:~~~7:: !il ~A~d~i~~3[~~~~1t::tgf~n~:: ani! member thereof is firmly knit and )oyned unto the eth, If the Pope by reafon of his Office~ called, Ml!fl Head. The anfwer: I acknowledge this Article to be Holy, wherefore lbou\d not the King of Romant be cal- ;~~£~~:~~:~r~~~~f,;J~~;t0!r~:!;~~~t~~;:; ~~t:;~i:;~~:~i~~~ t~f;.i~~!fon:~<!n~ri~~;r~e~ .nd livt ofCbrijl, &c? and in the tenth Chapter of John, eth the Deity ~nd Godhead ofChrifi,and the Priefi repre· 1\:{y pmp lxar m~ wic~ i and I ~now t~mz, and t{Jf)l fo/. fmteth only hrs Humanity. Wherefore alfo lbou\d not low nu, allfi. 1 giVe tf~tm ettr>t"l life, nt1!h" fh~ll thly pt· J udges,yea,e~en T~mnenters ~called Holy, forfi)UJuchas ri{h tttrllally, ntitbtr t1 time a~ry 111:111 rJJb1cb jhall tak_e tlxm the~ have thetr O~ce by mimfiring unto. the Church of ~~~~h:a7:d~f o!~;ir\~~;~eH~~~~C~~i~~1eu~{tta~d~r~~ ~~fi;? b!~e[cc~~:~~~s fi~~~ ~~o~~~~~ar~f~~~J~~;~~.n :~ 3 ; the~~u~;~:;JoA~i~\;~r~e£i~~~~n~::~; and ~~~~~d:!i~7ti:~c~~~[y ~po~~~~~r'a~~~fi ~~o~ 1~Ji0!~; ~~!a~lyD~v~~p~o~~~~f~h!~dc;~:~~n~fd;:~~i:~~~~ ~~~~~ltt~eT;~;:~~~~~t:~ Lord, t!N. Shou~d I then h~ti;~eoH~~to~;h~n~~f:il~~~~~huT~~ ~~~f:~~h~; Ch~~: ~~:; h~~c:;~fJify :~d ~~~n:~~Y~~~':d ~~~~ 6. words are thus, If the Pope be an evil or wicked man, fen, accord1ng tohumaneelediun,yctdoth heafcend and and fpedally i~ he be a Reprobate; then cv~. as Judar, come ~nether way than by Chrilt. The Anfwcr. The foishcaDcvtl, aThief,andtheSonofperdltlon. How T~c Lsthus: If the Pope live contraryuntoChrifiin then is he the head of the holy Militam Church? Where. pnde. and avarice, how then doth he not afcend and • as he is not truly any Member, or part thereof; for if he come m another way into theSheepiOid, rhan by the lowwere a Member of the holy Ch~rch, then fhould he be al- ly and meek door_ our Lord Jefus Chrifi? Bur admit, as foa Member of Chrifi, and Lfhewere a M':f"bcr of youf.~y,\Eletlioo,thewhich Chrifi, theniliould .he cleave and fiick.un~o Chnfi by the I cal!aneleChon prnlCLpally made of God, and not ac· grace of prede!linauon and prefent JU.!h~, and. fhoul~ ~rdmg unto tbec:ommon and vult?ar conRitution and or- ~eo;~ tS:Ci~::;:~,~~~:;,~ ~~~:t~!~r~a:,th;~;:cJ~:~, 7C;; ~~~;~~~~u~~f~~~ r~~d'!~~a:·:~~:~~hr;;e~:;~ ~~~]~~ ) '()Hrbdiuare thtmtmbtrt of ~lmjt? J,K lfcartll! was tt~ly .and !awfully chofcn of the Lord + bat!%e ~~utrrt~/P~i~~;, b~~ 12ev~~~ra~d ~r~~~~:.Re~ !f~1o~~~r~~d;t 1~ ~~~~:~:~~~~~~~t f,~!:~~;!;~~~~ !~~~~:· trc;~ i~~:~ ~ir~fn~;f 1~vt~~~: ~~;;~ fpe:~~t~: ~~~ ~%~ .~:;~~~:~c~ ":a~·?an;,;;~~: !Jr"t;~~~~rr;~~~ ~~ci~~~~~71~P~~~1; ~~~c~V~CC,:~~~~~l~~~~~~~1'~;17!::; ~;~sa~~i!J~~~;t.Hetb,awubim;~J wit!Jme, fh~~llift upbis Th'