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Arl icles agairifl]. Hus fa!Jiy ~Tej/ed by his Adverfaries. His Ar~fwers. 699 j~!~~} gm!:' fn~~l }~fd ~!t~~;,e~~oid~~3;;;~~~ !;~,r~:C ~~~:J:W; t:~a:h~n~;::~1°r1~c.~h~:!i';,"d~cn~irh·~~~b~ ~:s~~~~lr~ [~;,j~d~~~~~~fe~~~roCh:i~,~n~~~ ~;~~1;~~ ;:;~~;!~r:i~~t~~~: ;~;7~~~~~-oq;~:.t,e~C::~~t;~d fianding he did afcendanother way, and not by Chr1H? The fecond Amde. ThePopebemga Reprob.ue,isnot 2, JDhn Hur anfwered, verily both p.uts are true, t~at he was the H~_ad of t?e holy Church of God. The ~t}fwer, I eled: and chofcn by Chri!1, and alfothat_hedtd af_Cend, w!oteu thus m my Trcatife, that I Would wtllmgly reand came in another way, for he was a Thtef, a Devtl,and cetve a probable and ctTedual reafon of the Dodor, how the fan of Pcrdidon. Then faid Palttz, Cannot a man be this que!lion is contrary to the Faid1, to fay, That if the trul yand l:lwfully cho~eLl Pope, or Bifhop,_ and aft.erward Pope be a Reprolmc, how is he the Head of ~he live contrary unto Clmn? And chat notw.Lthllandmg, he G~u rch? Bch~ld, th~ Tr~th cannot decay or ~a1l in D1f.. doth not afcend any other ways. But I, fa1d John HM, do putation, for d1d Chnti d1fpute againll the Fa1th, when fay, thatwhofoevcrdoth entcr intoanyBifhoprick, or hedemandcdoftheScribcsand Pharifees, Mattbewrz. like Office by Simony, not to the intent .eo labor and tn~ Tt jlrKk_and c.ff~fPring cf vipm, how c.J/1)'l [peak., good thing1, vel in the Church of God, butr.uher to hvedelicatdy,vo- wb.·n)'<Jit y3ur flh:a_al'f and roil? And lxhold, I luptuoufiyandumighteouOy,andtotheintenttoadvance demand of tl.LeScnbes,if thePopebeaReprobate, and himfelf with all kind of Pride, every fuch man afcend· the flock ofvtpers,how is he the head of the holy Church ~~~ ~~~~e~ i~pa ~ki:;~:~e: ~:~I~.and according umo ~te~:~;~~~c:1}~ ~p~~~~ P~:~~~:w~~(!:,;;eheer~~ The fcventh Article. The condemnation of the forty unt& for it is more pdlible that a rtprobate m:m !hould Articles of ]cb11 IYicl:fiff made by the Dod:ors, is \peak good ~hings, torfcmuch ~he may be inflate of unreafon3ble and wicked, and the caufe by them allec:lged Grace accordmg unto prefent }u01ce, than to be the Mead . ~;~~~:~~::~~,~;~t~:£:~;?1£~ ~ :;:f£ :: ~r~~t:~~h~~~~ili~~;;.~,~~,~~~:.~,X,~~~~ written ir thus in my Treatife; The forty and five Arli- fcek for glory amongfi your (elves, and do not feek desarecondemnedforthiscaufe,thatnoneofthofcfurty for the glory that cometh only of God? And I like· and five isaCatholick Article, but each of them is either wife do complain, how that if the Pope be a ReproHerctical, Erro.,eous or Offenlive. bate; can he be rhc Head of the Church of God, which wh?c~;~u~~~; ;~~~~ ~Y.~s1i;~~~~~~ ~~~~ :t ~~~ ~~~~i;~~ ~~1~l~fitt%er:~:~~~b~c,fe:;:;~h~0~!; ~~~ ~:~~.;. ~H~~~~c~V~~ ia~~~~~~t~~ew~~i~~1~!o~rd~f;~~;J~~~ ~~~ ~;~~e~t~~~~~1 do~~·, r~~~r~:~,~e ~o~~d ~k~~~ ror of John Wickjiffi. And now it al:'pcareth 111 your his glory of the World. Books, that you have openly defended hts Articles. Jcbn The third Article. There is no (park of apparance, H~~r anfwcred, Reverend father,even as l faid before, fo that there ought tO be. one Head in the Spiritualty, co rule do I nowfayagain, that I will not defend any Errors of theC~urch, the whichfhould be alwaysconverf~nt with J obn WickjijfJ,ncitherof any othermans: but forfomuch the Militant Church. The Anfwer1 I do grant 11. for as it feemed unto me to be a_gainO Confcience, limply to what a confequence is this. The King of Bob~rnt is head confent mno the condemnatiOn of them, no Scripture be- of the Kingdom of Bolnme : Ergo, The Pope IS Head of ing alledged or brought contrary and againll them, there-- the whole Militanr Church ? Chrifi is the Head of the upon ! wouldnotconfent or agree unto thecondemna- SpirituOJ.Ity, rulingandgoverningtheMilitantChurch by tion of them : And f~fmuch as the re~fon whi~ is eo- much more and greatcrncceffity than C.efarou~t ro rule pulativecannot be venfi<d in every point, accordmg toe- the Temporalty. forfomuch:ts Chrill, which f1tteth on very part thereof. the right Hmd of God the Father, dorh neceffarily :;~~:~ ,Nt,~ :~'~ 'J~~~ ~~. ~;·':~~~~;:~~:.7;~';,rulh~; ~f:s~~r~~:~~E~:~~~;;dft:~:~}~~!~~ ~1: wrote01.gainfi St.tnijLJul tk Znoyna. ~a:;~~~;~~thaffi~~~tat~a~~~~.'~li~i~~~r~~~~;~n~~\dY~~~ ""'::· :~·~~t~~~~~ii~~~~J,~~~;d;~~:f!~~~~~~f~2~ :.:~:?of~~~~;~:~:~Ji~~~~k.~~:~:;~~J~~~~~!::7: rocled:and chufe anyperfon,orthathe is therebychema~ proportionofthelimilitudcis, forareprobatcPoperobe manife!l:tnd true fuccelfor of Chrill, or Vicar of Pmr in Head of the Militant Church, and a reprobate King to the Ecclefiallical Office, bu~ in that that any man doth be Head of the Kingdomof BJbtrne. C~~~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~~~ym:d:~;~~~~a~~~~~f:~~!~:h1i~ Ch~~~'~ t:r~~~s ~;t~~l~fX)~~;:ndif;~:~ ~~~~g~~~t ~~~ 4; ft:~r~~~f~c~~::~~Til~e~;~~k:. Jrh;~~~~:~~~~~~i~~~; ~~:~;1:oi\~d~~v i~h~~~ ~c~e~~ofu~\~~~~t~ca1t~·t !~~:~~;~ and hands of wicked Ele6tors,to chufe a W~man into the the Do~or dorh fly, t!ur the body of the _Mtlitant_Church Ecdefiafiicaloffice,asitappearethby theeleChon of Aguu, is oftent1mes without a Head; yet notwLthlbndmg, we which was called John, who held and occupied the Popes do verily believe that Chrill Jefus is the Head over every place an~ dignity.. by the fpace of two yea~j and more. Church, ruling the fame without lack or default, pourIt ma~ alfo be, that they do chufe a Thtcf, a Murderer ing upon the fame a co_ntinual motion and fenfe, even ~<m~ · ora Devtl,and confcquently they may alfoelcdandchufe to the later day: Neuher can the DoCtor give a reafon Antichrifi, why the Church, in the time of Agna, by the (pace It may alfo be that for love, covetoulile[~ or hatred, of two years and five months, lived according to ma~ ~heydochufefomeperfon,·lh'~lliGodd()(hnotallow.And ny Memlxrs of Chrifi in grace and favor, but that by ttapp«reththatthat pe .. ·LSnot lawfullyc!ed:andcho· thefamercafontheChurchmightbewithoutaHead, by fen; lnfomuch as the Eleltors, or the greater part of the fpace of mmy years. Forfomuch as Chrifl: fhould them,haveconfented and agreed togetheraccor~ing to better rulehi'i Church by his t~e Difciplesdifpcrfed thecufiom?t men,ufX)ilan~perfon, orthatheJsthere- throughout the whole World, Without fuch monfirous by the mat~ifefiSuccdforor Vicar of PtttrtheApoflle, or Heads. Thenfaid thty all together, Behold, now h~ pro.. ~~~~j~Jt(~~~~i~