Articles againJI John Hos, fa!Jly rp,ejled by his adverfaries. His anfwers. 7b t :'lli~i'l(t~~iJ;I ing ofChri!l:, dnt they reJed, a1:d refufe as nnpc: rwlent mamfe!l by the example of Cardu'lals, whtch, con· ~:G•ec.. unto fa\v.ltion. The Anfwer : Th1s St. Grrgory do_th fuffi- mry unto the commandment of Pope Grtgrny the dently prove in hi5 fcvcntcenth Homily, a!ltdgmg the twelfth, fcnt throughou_t all Rea lms fuch as lbould fayingofChri!1, 1htb;~rvt}f iJgrta t,tbew"!Jr.."'tru~rt f!!'R'O preach againfl him. It IS a[fo lawful to preach un· fpeakingalfothat which we nnnot fay wuhout grief ?r de r Appeal, contrary unto the Popes Commandment. forrow, dut albeit there be a great number which w1l- And finally,hc may preach which hath the commandment Jingly hear good things, yet there bck fuch aslhOl~lddc- of God, whereunto~~ oughtchiefl.y to obey. cl:uethe fame unto them ; for behold, the World IS full The devemh Art1cle. If the Popes commandment ne tic· ~~=~=re ~:~i~~s~ ~nu:h~1~~~~ga~t~·~~ ~~;J~ is~e ~~~;i~~;: ~e ~O~r~~~~r~~;~~:O~Ie;~~0~~~o~:~h~h~~~inTh! d:.•h Ard·_ fh:1. on11 us willingly Prienhood but we do not .fulhl a~d do the -\~(~vet: I hav~ thus wmtm m my Book, The faithful ~~:·:~~~ ;;:o;a~:han~~~~ ~~~;~~!~C:~va!•~d~J~;~:~~a~~fi~~rs: ~c~~~;~ ;~~~=!~~~b!ig~~~~~~~~e'p~a~:~;t~~~ ~::t ~$,~~!~;~;:~~I;~~~{~ffii:,f!: .~~~~~:~;;;~: ~~~~~,;~:·~X·;;i:'1;r.i.d~7n~ ·:,!:~£~~.;:~~ ~tH:~ calltd Bifhops to our pam, which do remn the name of dedlood, he ought reverently and humbly to obey the td. HoAn~~~~ed~att~fy~f~~tthc faith, We take no care for ~~~rnc~~~ti!fc~~t~~;c;~~~ia~t~fi7t~~hl~~~~hSc';~~ 5 re:~~d our flock, wedailycalluponforourfiipcnd andwa.gcs, hu.nful unrothe Church ; thcnheoughtboldlytorefifia· wecove t and detire Euthly things with a grudy mmd, gamfi it, that he be not partaker of the crime and offence we gape t.ftcr Worldly glory, we lca,,c the Laufe ~f God by confemin.g thereunto, This I ~ave handled at large undone, and make hatlc about our Worldly .alf,urs and In .myTrcatt.fc,and ~1ave confirmed 1tby the aut horities of bulinefs; we take upon us the place ofSanChty and Ho- Snnt Augujlme, Hm·omt, Grl'jwy, Cbryf'!flomt, BernarJ, linefs, and we arc who~ly wrapped in wotld~y cares and :m~ Bede, and .with the holy Scripture and Canon~, the ~~;~~~~~~~::I:~:;fJJ;~~~;~~;~~:~;:{i~E~~ ~~~~t~~1!.~~~itf~;r~1;!:~~~~~~:~~~E~~~~ 'fi~ all kinsfolksand adverfari es, allofonc hnufhold, and .J.talfe WitncfsofGod, anda(,hurch-robber. Whereno peace-makers; they arc the Minifiers of Chrifi, and upon we are bounden to obey no Prdace, but in fuch cafe ferve Antichri r\ ; they go honorably honored wich the as he do command or t.akc counfel of the counfels and r,~.~r~tb G~~ r:v:~~hL~:~~~:.nd {~~~~~~o~'7:P~;, whic~ co~~~r:ifeer;;i.~[;~r~:;"~ upon rhis faying, upon rhc dothfollowChnfi, isnottobefeared . The Anfwer: h1s cbJirof MJ[tt, &c. faith, fecondly. TINy tracb in tbt. nQ[in m~ Treatife,but comrariwifc, that the (ubjed:s arc clwro/ ,lfo[u tbr I"IJ! of God: Etg~:~, God .tc~dteth by bound Willingly and gladly to obey the. vc:rtuous a1~ them : but if thcyw•llteach \' OU any of .chm own In· :.~.1: l~no~:\~~5na~~~n~:~/~~~: ~:~~~r:b~fe'~~ ;:e~~':; ::~~~~d ~~~ot X\~~ ~~r~~~tf:;~; ·of~~~rn~0~: ~~?; ~~~ ua;rod.· is not th~ tO be feared as by~ndage. And fo the Lords mawiJyJ11, bt~r~tb me, all lawfu l and honefl things be 1:C1£.;'~co the Cardmals, as I fuppofe, d1d nor fea r the power of compr~hwded, ~~~ the which we ought ro be obed ient, Grtgory the rwclfth before his depofiti~, when as they re- accordmg .c? Chnns faying, .Jr iJ nJt JO" wb1ciJ M JPta~, filled him, faying, That he did abufe- h1s Power cont rary b~tt tin Spmt of"')' P atbtr wbJtJ, fPtak,!tb mym. Let 1herc- c,,,,;u-. uncohis own 0Jth. foremyadverfanesand fhndc rcrs learn, thlt the-re be notfu«l'• r.d,f!~t& the~~~;~~:~f~~i~. bu~~1fe;:/~~~-d~~;i~~~~~~o;. :r~~~ :i~~~;~'~bei~~~~~~~ i~.~~eh?s0~~:~~~~c ~~~~~~~5~je~~ this in myTrcari fe,l f the Pope be humble and meek,neg- that thnc are ' fo many counfcls and detcrminations of leCtingand defpifing the honor~ and lucre of rh~ V\~ orld; God, as there be lawfu l & boner\ things joyned with prc~ i f he be a Shepheard, taki n.g !us n~me by chc fecdmg of cepts and commandments of God, binding us thereumo the FlockufGod{of t!.Je wh1ch ftcdmg the~rd fpeaketh , under the pain of deadly lin.;fo~c:very fuchth ing dmhthc faying:fu d myShrep)lfhefecd the Sheep wtth the Word, ~ord command usro r~.~ l fi l m rune and place, with other and With virtuous ~xample, and that he bec~me even c trcum!hncc~ , at th.e Will and plcafure of thei r MiniOu. li~~ his Flock with hJs whole heart and mind; tf, he do _The twel!t~ Art1de. I t is h~ful ~or the ~lergy and T&enntftl dll •gmtlyandr:arcfully!abor and t ~velfor theLhurch, latty, by chm Power and ]~nfdiChon ro Judge andArtJdc. ~~ ~J8:!!~~7~t,}~~{~~~~f:~~~:~~;5~~~ ~~~¥~~~E;;~~t~~!~~~~i~!0~i~i ~1f.! .bdchd!l. thcr the V tear of Anuchu!n IShn i called Ptttr lumfelt , of the fecret Counfels of God, in the Court of Con- tbdTPrc:. ~::d~;n~~~t :it ~i~ g=~tf:a~:, ~~~n°~:~ i~h~·~~ ~~~n~~\~e~11fnt~~~;gb~~~c~h~sj~~~~~-~ 0[v~~e~:r~~~~ Ut<o. he had chofen his Vicar, and fpecially appointe~ over his jeCh tirll ought principally to judge and examine themChurch. Why iliould not any other then, bemg more (elves, t C~:~riiJfbianJ eh:: eleventh C!upter. Serondlr, ~~~fk~E~ ~~~~~~~§~g~~ r-onn3 hi'