702 llnicl•.< ob1efled dj!, ainfl]. H us. Hts An(wer, ~~~~~~~~ ?£~~~[~~~ and to he ferry f~r them, but no~ to do ~he h~e, left •nake feeble the power and fi rength of the Church, inthey be damned wt_th them, 3CC~rdmg ~~ thts faymg, lj ~cnted contrary to rhc holy Scriptures and the Church tin blind ltad tbrblmd, . bJtb f<~llllltO tbe d1tch. But if there be any fuch, I am ready moll humbly to re: ~I;;:: ~::~f~~?:~~~~·fJ~~~:~~:r~l{rrigr~:;;;r~ ~~~1~:i~i}i~:s;~s1~=~~:~~~::;r~~~hE~~J~~~~~ ~~r·~ ;;·~·~d do, and.confcquenrly IS forb id~cn f~ to do; there- fi~cdforGodsfake r hcymightbeopcnly rcadinrheau- "~ '·fore alfo_tsl_te fufpcndcdfro~ htsMim!lry. The ~n- dtcnc~ofrhewhokCounci l , andfaid, that I, norwithf~er, Thts IS proved as t~uchmg fufpenfion from D1g- Handmg my former pr01ellation, would willingly fubmit nny, by I-lofea the fourth Chapter, and lfaiJb, and mr fclf to the judgment of the whole Council. ;;!:~~~~?r, t~;c_ :~~~cm~.11 ~h~;~~. 1 fu;~S~~ :~ ~~~h c:S ri~l~bi~~~~inA;ti~~~- in ~~~rfo:~~ aj~~.n]~Z;~i~- ~;&!,~~!.~~,B~l~:~~;~~~~::~~;~~\~:t''/r~ro:m tl~e fa•d and pre1ehed, that he lbould go to Crm(l(lllct, and if ofh1s foberhatforanymannttofcaufehefhouldbefomd elates ~orecant that he had brfore taught, yet notwithllandfrom the mini!lr.uion of the reverend Sacrament. And mg he never purpofed to do it with his mind; foraf~ God doth fufpend the wicked and finful from the deda- much as wharfoever he had bctore taught, was pnre ration of his_ right«lufnefs, P[tJfn~ 49· F~rafm11ch then and true, ao_d the found Dodrine of Chrifi. The Anas to fufpcnd m effeCt, is to prohibn the Mmifiery, or any fwer ; This Article is full of lies, to the Inventer whereof other good thing for !hcoff~nce f~ke ;ora~ the llfw La~s ~ fuppofc rh~ Lord faith thus, All the day long thou haft f1~;7~:.~~:!~€i;Jr}~:~1f.?J~i:~~~.~~~~~ ·~:!:,!:~ ~~~~·~~~~. ~~~,<dh~~··~:,;~:~:::.,'~".~~~ beexerdfcd without offence. WhereuponhcfaithbyJ- [aitJb the Prophet, Ye that carry tbl vtffi!s of _the LaT~, ~- people, the which did contain, that all fuch as did weigh y edtdlt{rd and madt cfttJn• . And to the C~rmt!Jwu 1t b ~ 11d contider my carcfuiLabors and Travels, Chould pray fa id, L~t all thingr be tWne n>1th ~t and chArliJ, &c. Th< •or _me, and ftcdfaftly prcfcrv~ and continue in the Dofame thmg alfo iscommanded b_y divers an~ _fundry Ca. d:rme of our Lord Jefus Clmfi, knowing for a ccrcainnons,the which I have alkdged m my Trear~le. ty, tl~at I never taught them any fuch Errors as mine r~~~hU:;. to J~efi~~~;~dm!:V~~~~:~:~ A~~~ca 1i~w;~~~~~r~~~et~af~~ ~~~~~~15 ~h~:mlpu;~;: a:~i:o~~~ob;~a~fean~::n!~,~~~!~ Tb• !~y- this, chat cstofay, That the Clerfy for thm own_prefer- fhou\d nor_ be ~exed or troubled Jn their minds, but fied- :t~!i:Jr. ~:~iii~d:~i~l~:~~;;,~~~f:~E;j:l~~~~:~~;;A; ::~~:·;;;':0~:~~t~:!~,It,.~~~:it.:~r~d·~:?.~ £:£·;;. pue a way for Ant1chr11l. unto the Kmgdomof &btrnt1 that the Pope and the EmThe fifi p.1 rt he proveth by experience, by the exam- !XlOr received me honorably, md Cent un to me rwo Bipleof Ptt«dt ·Llna, which_named himfelf &ntdilJ, by lhops ~o make agreement ~twe~n me aJJd them; and ~~;;~h~e~~~fit~"~nt~fuib~' th;h~~;:;,~do~ij~~~~ ~~~%~ ~c~7t~~;fu:,:~fir~~~~e~a~~~ :~ :~~ the Three and twentieth; likewife by the thirteenth a_nd my hea~crs in the Errors ~hich I had Preaehedand twenty fourth of 'Euk.jrJ, and out of Grtgory, wh1ch Taught 111 Bo_be~t· Tbis A rude is f~lfly allcdgcd, even faith, WlwfbtJll b~mt oftbeFJock., wbmtbtShpbetJrdJ fromth~lxgmnmg. For howmamfefilyfalfe{houldl tbrmfoh•u an lxcome Wolvu, &c. Alfo out of Ho{ed. have wrttten, thJt t~e Pope and the Emperor did honor Mzcb3b, and mher of the Prophets, and many places ol me, when as otherw1fc I had written beforC", that as ycc S. &rn/U"d. we knew n_ot where th~ Emperor was? And before the Thefemnd part isyrovedbythe cig~th Chapter of Emperorh•mfelfcam.eunroConftanu, lwasbythefpace Jemniab, GregMy in htsfcventeenth H01ml y, and S. Brr- of three Weeksil~Pnfon. And to write that I was ha-: nard upon the Camiclu. . noredby my lmpnfonment, the People of the Kingdom The third part of this Article !s alfo proved by expe:- of &lmne would repute the. honor as no great renown rience; for whodefendcth ~he WJckedncfs of any ~hifm a~1d glory unto me. Howbeit, mine enemies may in debutonlytheCiergy, alledgmgScriptures, andbnnging rilionfay unto ffi (", That according to their wills and reafoos th~rcfore? Who cxcufeth Symony, but only tht ~lcafures I am exalted and honored. Wherefore this Ar~ Clergy? hkewifc Covctoufi1cfs, in heaping together uclc is wholly throughout falfe and untrue. many Benefices, Luxurioufnefs and Forntcadon ? For Unto thefe Articles above prefixed, were other Articles t<.'lnrttea how many of the Clergy are thC"renow ~ d~ys which do alf~ to be annexed, which the PilTifwJu had drawn out ~r fay, it is no deadly fin, alledging _(albeit dtfordetly) the ~g~mn Mr. Job,,Hu.J, to the number of nineteen. The&,. tM.l'.. fayingof Grne(iJ, lncrt.Jfta!ldmultzply? . ~h1ef ~ud~r whereo~, was Jobn G«fo11, Cluncellor of='1:.0 rifi~te;~r1r\~~ i~~h; ~f"~1~rf:h,~n°~s ::fct~~~~~~se:~~Y fi~~ ~~fn~·~:dh~e~: ~rzrl;efe ~r~~l~tt]oZ~;L,r~~~o~~ ~:;- of the which the Apoflle fpeaketh tO the Tbtffalontanr: complam in his Epillles, that. he !Ud no time nor fpaccto of lW•· Grtgqry in his Regilter, Pafioraland Moral_s; alfu S. &r_- makeanfweruntothem. Which Articles being falfly collentJrd upon the Canticftt plainl_y fa_irh, Wtcked and cv1l ~ed and wrongfullr depraved, although. J. &r had no Prief\s prtpue the way for Anllchr1fi. ume toanfwer unto them, yet I thought lt n?t unfit here Tht fii. The hfreenrh Arlicle. J olm Httt d(){h openly teach and tO fet them down for the Reader to fee and JUdge. ~~;; {~;rm~ ~:~,it~eb~~~~!u;~r;h~f01~~~;daf~;e1 :~;~~~!1~e;~; tf #;;~~!fo ~J~~~JEf~=~1;:~g~C:::ic1 ;,H:t£1~: ~·f:ire ~~~::~~~~~~e~;~~tf~:;n: ~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~:~~~ led of the Umrch,foUowing in this part ~rbe~alf ~~~~ ~~~;;. ing andt-:~.king away, now faltly 3fcri_bing ~nd imputing the errors,~~ the) temt tbem,_of John W1ckhffe. u.,, :!:fm~~~~~ ;~~~~~~!!~; djJ~~f~t~e~f~~;,~~:'\~~~~~o~: T ~~t~~~c~J~~c~~r~r 0i:~~r~~~i~h:r~~:~;v~;:~~:~ r,