Articles jaljly •vrejiecl agai,jl bim. J be Majlers of l'aris derermmation. 7 o 3 {~:~~} x::~~~:· a~;~~~~ta~n~ ~~~~e~~ :;:~~t~~~.:~~r;lr~~- ~~~ii'~~ ;~: i~~~!~ra;rri~r~~pecrace Sacrikdge, Cub- ,,, gainfi the W"ldtnfa and Pik,.t~~~- The affirmation of The tifreenth Ar~1cl_e. ThH the Bldlings of fuch as ~~~~~Yfi~:i~~~5~!i~~{:~~~Trg:,:~.::~~n~:s:~?1:~:JJt:t:~~i:~i~:~~~~~11~?£~r~ do offe1ld in mmy points, and thereby (houl_d all rule and rher is the Mafier of rhe Sentences allow~d of ~he Ma!lers dominion be made uncertain and un(hble, 1f it {hould lx 111 that poinr that he Ceemeth to favor th1s Article. founded upon Predefiinarion and Charity: neirhe_r !hou_!d Thefixreenth Article. That in the(e days, and in long i6o the commandment of Pmr have been good, whtch wtl- time before, ~h ere h~th ?een no true PoF, no true Ieth all fervants to be obed ient unto their Maflers aud .Church or Fa1th, wh1ch IS called dJc R~W~ijh Church, : ~~~~;~~ ~~~*~~~~~ ~ h o~th any Apo!\o\ical power over the Chn{han people caf?ufers of S1mony. This ~nor ts feditious and remeThis Error is a\fo like umo the fidl. ranows, forafmuch as _fomcthmg may be given unto the 4 • ~;~~~J~1:~~~:if,:~~~~~~~;~~~~~f:2~~}!§,:~ ~~~~if::::::::::~J~:::~~:::~=~,::·::,::: iS. 5· in ;;;;~~t,r:i~~·~l3.~~cl~~~~~~ ~~~c:~~~ f~~fo~ f~~~~dat~a~fh~~ce~~~/ff~~ :,rfE~:~m~~~~~i:;:, P~~; Chrifland his Apofiles in their hfe and hvin~. The Er- may utterly contemn and dcfpifc the fame. This Error ~~ ::t~fnii~1~=~:;;~~~~1:1a r:s~~et~~ hr~ Ankle, ts t~~~~~:~~~;;~ ~~:i~f/ar~~c!~ery deed done with19 ' 6 ' rig~t~ [~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~:~~~:v~[YC~i~w~~~ ;~\~c:u~b. ~~ ;1~:~~~;~ ~~e a~~;r~:rf;c~:~~~('~~~du~_:r~~ openly'roprcach and teach, although he be not fent, yea, of deadlySm; forit1snot nccdfary that hewh1ch Jack~ although he forbidden or cxcommunicued ~y any Prelate eth Grace~ fhoul~ com~nually fin and offend anew, albeit or Bifhop, cvcn~s.hemightandoug.hctog•vc~lrns; for hebccontmuallymfin. ~~ffi~=~~f~e~~~~~.g togethtr with his Learmng, doth This ~1/owing, tf.e M afters of Paris, by their whole This is a ralhand temerarious Error,offe~five,a~d tend· vo_ue and confent, duJ add and adjOJH ~entothefe ing fO theconfufioo of the whole Ecclefi:dbcal H1erarc~y. nmeleen Artules, for their rea.fon 11nd dtltrmi· 7 . The feventh Article. That the _Pope of_ Rome ~mg nation. comraryunto Chrifi,isnottheumverfa!Btfhop,nelther ~~~r~~~~~~ ;!r!~~~~~Yits~~~~ru~;~,h~~~ w~i~~fl;Hc~~~~~e;~:':\~!~.~~~~ef;!dj~ji~~r~~ C4ar, and not of Chrifi. An Error lately and plainly . cond~mncd for ~~eh, and di_ligently to be rOotreproved. ed out wnh th"r ITK_'fi fcdmous Dodnncs, lctt they do in· a. Thedgheh Art~de. That r_hePopeoughtnot tobecal- fed othe r. For albe1t they fmn to have a Zeal againfithe lcdmofl Holy, neither that. bts Feet a~e holy and bleffed, Vices o~the Prelates and the Clergy, the which (the more or that they ought to be k1lfed. Tin~ Error is temcra- is the p1ty~nd gr ief) do ~ut too much abound, yet ; 5 it rious,unrcvcrcndyandoffenlivelypubhfhed. notaccordmguntoLearmng; for a foberand difcreet The ninth Ar~icle. That according unto_the Dodrine Zeal,(u~creth and lamenteth thofe fins and offences,which ofChri!\, Hcrettcks, be they never fo ob!ltnatc orllub- hefcethmthcHoufeof God, that he cannot amend or bom,oughtnottobeputtodeath,neithertobeaccurfed takealvay;for.Vices cannotberootcd outandtakenaor excommunic;ued. This is the Error of the Donatifis, way by other V1ces and Errors, fon.litmch as DcYi\s ar~ =~~:;~ur!~v:nO: ;~r &~;~fi~~;~~~f~~~e:~&:~=: :0~i~ni~~~e~~~luyg~t:l~~~~ !~~c~~.'~haf':~v~~~~~ gujlinedothprov~. . the ~eafure and t_nean of prudence be always kept, acThc tenth Article. T~at fubjed:s and the common peo. cordmg to the faymg, Mark who, what, where and why,s ple,may and ought pubhckly and openly to deteCt and .re. by whdt means and whcn,Prelates a~d Bifhops arc bound proyeth~: vices of their Superiors and Rulers, as havmg under grievous and cxprefs penalties of the Law, diii~ power giv~nthem of Chri!\, and example of S: Paul fo gently and vigilantly to beu ~hemfclves againfl the fow to do. T~1s Error is pemicious, f~ll of offence, mducing faid Errors, a~d fuch other ltke, and the maintainers of all Re~llton,Difobedience and Scdttion) and thecurfe and them; f~r I~ 1t always be underfiood and noted, that the:: maledLd:ion of Cbil"f. . . Error wh1ch. IS not r~fillcd is .allowed, neither is there any The deventh Artade, Tha~ Chr1fl only ash~d of the dou~ of pnvy affin_1ty or ~oct~ty of him, whkh fbcked:a Church, and not the Pope. It 1s an Errq, accordmg unto to wathlland a mamfefi" mtfch1ef. the common underftanding ofthe_Dod:ors, if all the 'Olefethingsareintcn~edled byrhewayundercorrC<I reafou ofthe Supremacy, and of being head, be fecluded Clion, as by way of DoChme. andtakc:nawayfromthePopc. u. pr;:~~~~~~~A;~dl:fii~:~.~~e.;~r:~~~~~.:';~;_~: Johtz Gerfon Chancellor of Parit, unwonhiiy. ~~~a!h~~u;~~fc~u~~~:~~~~ ~~~7:~crdAr~i~~. 0~~~cE:~ T~eJf~d:htil:gts j:l d;~;re!~san~a:~~}~e~~!yh~}d~~~ ror is contained as in the former Arttdes. any opimon contrary to the Articles of our Fauh, but be1_3. The thirteenth Article. T~at Tithes and Oblations caufe hedi~ lioutly pre<~ch and te~c~ againfi the Kingdom given to the Church, are pubhck and common . Alms. of Antichnfi for the glory of Chufi, and the refioring ~i~ti~:~E~~~i;1~~i.;1;;~;~;I.i ~~i!r;:.;:~i~;~;~~~~.1~;:~:~J~~~~~,~::!~:~~:Ji~~~~~- poral Ptofits. A mof\ pcrmcious .Error and offcn£n , in• nal of c~ .. JbraJ ~l!mg unto ]oh11 H~tF, fai.d, Tho~~~~~ ~ 1~mM