Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

704 The Cardinal of Cam'.:>rays ,.o;ds to J. Hus. The /!.mperor exhortetb him to reca11t. ~~~;~ ;~~a:vt~~~~~~~~~;~~~:~~~h';~~~~ ~r~~~i~o~aii;:! ~~~~ ~~~i[;1 ~1o~~1~,~~~in3i~i;1 ~1~hJ~~rt~h:bj~~~~~~~Er~ {~~~} thy part todevlfewuhthyfclfwhatthou WJ\t do. Two rors, neither doth it follow tlut therefore by and by I ways arc proponcd and fet b:fore rhce of the CounciL hlve profeffed any Error. T o whom Job~ fltu anfwcr· fu~~~~~r \~~~0~neof them thou mull of force and neccf· :,~fi~ ~~~~h11~1~~~;~~~~~:~ ;~~sr ~~j~ftt; d~~~'he~eo~~:~~ Adoubl~ Firfi, Tha_t thou do humbly and meekly fub~it thy Then fiid the Cardinal of F/mnu, John H1w, you {hall g?,:;:~ ~~:~~:;y,~:~~~){?~}i~:i!~~~i~~~r:;; \~ti7~~~K~~:f:~Il:~r~:f:)IJ~FI.fi4Ii~ ::;·~"" prcfent, andalfo for the honorofhts Brother the ~mg ?' nail heard chat the re arc two ways laid before thee: Fitfl, c.,dlllllof ~olmne , and for thy own_fafeguard and prc~crvatJon,wJI! Th~c thou fhou!d ell oprnly renounce _thofc thy Errors,;::::' ' mcreat and handle theewnh a.s great humamty, love and wh1ch are nowoon~emned, and fubfcrtbe umo the judggentlenefs1 as we may. Buttf as yet tbou an determin- ment of lheCounctl, whereby rhou fhoulddl try and find cdtodefend anyofthofcArticlcswhichwe have pro- chei rgraceand favor. Bmif thouproceedtodefendthy pounded unto chce, and doll ddire or require ro be fur· Opinions, the Council fha\1 have fufficienr, whereby acther heard thereupon, we will not deny thee power and corrting eo their Laws and Ordinances, they may droce licenfe thereunto: But thisthN fhalcwel\ underftand, anddetennineuponthee. To whomJobnHUfanfwerthat here are fuch manner of men, foclear in underftand· ed, I rcfufe nothing (moO noble Emperor) whatfoever ingand knowledge~ and having_fo firm and flron¥> r~fons the ~ncil !hall decree or determine upon me. Only this and argurmnrs agamft: thy Arttcles, that I far u wJ!I be one 1hmg I except, dm I do nor offend God and my rorhygrcathurt, detriment and peril, if thou{houldefi confcience,orfaylhatihaveprofetTedthofeErrorswhich any longer will or defire to ddend the fame. was never in my mind or thought to profefs. But I deT_his I do fpeak and ~ay unro chee, to counfel and ad. fire you all, if it may be pofli~le, that you will gram me momlh thee, and not as m manner of a Judge. further liberty to declare my mmd and opinion,that I may This Orationo~theCar?i11als manyothm profecuting, anf~eras m~ch as !hall fuffice, as touching thofe things ~~~;~~~~ 1f~~ ;h1 l~~~fwt~~r:~:~~~l :~~~w':;r~~u~t~n!~~; ~!~~~a~i~~06~~!::~~~h1;~~~:~~~~~~jt1~~;~erning ]j;Vf~::~. ~hta~~~~~~dhitt!~~/~~~~~n~.:~t}~~s,w~l::~~~~o;~e~~~a;,~~ hi~fe~t~~a~5 ~~~g~~~ ra!~~~~~\:~i'chhh~e ~~ifu~~~ ~::!!r te~t obllmately to d~fend any thmg, but 1f that m any be~ore. Thou art of lawful age, fatd rh~ Emperor, thou Tb E111~. thmt? I fhould fccm to have conceive? a pcrverfe or evil rmghtell eafil)' have underfiood wh~t I fazd unt~ thee ye- :-,10 1-k opimon,thatlwouldmceklyand pancntlybecontcntto ficrday, and this day; for we are forced .togtvecredit ' be reformed and taught. Whmupon l ~dire that 1 may unto theft Witnelfes wh~ch ut w?nhy of credit, forafhavc yet further hberty to declare my mmd. Wherwf. much as the Scripture fazth, 1bat m the mq~rtb of two or cx_ce_pt I !hill alledge moll tirm and llu~ng reafon$, 1 will tbm rritnifJ:r aUtrurh it tryrd: how much more then, by wtllm!!IY fubmit my felf (as )'OU requLrt:) unto your in· fo many wuneffcs of fuch _worchy men? formatiOn. WhCJeforeifthoubewtfe,TCcciveJX'nanceatthehands Then there fta~t up one which with a loud voice fai~, of t~e Council with a conrr~te heart, and renounce thy Behold.. how craf11Jy this mil.n fpeakcth: He tearmech 11 mamfeft Errors, and prormfe by an Oach, chat from information, and not .::orred:ion or determination. Ve- henceforth thou wilt never more teach or preach them. rily fa id 'John HM, eveu as rou will rearm it, infonnacion, The which if chou refufefito do, there are Laws and OrcorreCtion or determination: for !take God to my wit· dinances whereby thou rhalr be judged of the Council. neJS,chat I fpeak nothing but with my heart and mind. . Here a certain very old Bi!hop of Pole put to his ver- :,:,~ 11- , The card!. Then faid che C~rdinal of Cambr•y ~ fonfinuch then du~l. He faid, the Laws are evident as touchin~ Herecicks, ' '"- aatofC••· as rhou doll fubm111hy fclfumo the mformation and with what punifhmentthey ought to be pumlhed. But ::,r..,c:K"" grace of this Council, thisisdC'creedbyalmoltthreefcore ]11hnHmconlb.ntly anfwered as before, infomuchthat 5;1~:. ~~~le ;!~e~~~~~a~! ~~~:~:if,a:s ~~~~f:C~e~: ~~fJ ~~~dp~~e;,asa~~~fi~~~~; :;~~~:fc~~~yeJ"C: ~:t~~~~ ~ti'd~ c;~~:~~~ i:~~ ~~f:t~::: 1%;!~;~~ole Council,not one man ;~~d:d)~i~~dt~~ ~:~c~~~i~:ttf~; h~eo~a~~t;~it~~n":~! tbazuau~c. Firftof all, That thou !halt humbly and meekly con- his Friends, That although hC'do fwear with his tongue, fefs thy fdf 10 have erred in theft: Articles which are a\- yet he will keep his mind unfworn without Oathi where- .. lcdgedandbroughtagainltthee. . forehe isnottobe trulled. llnt~this lhnderJohr~HIK Morwver, That thou !ltalt promtfe by an Oath, that anfwe red, as is faid in the lafl: Arucle1 affirming that he ~~~mof~~~f~f~:~c1:~~u ~~~ ~~~~ t~f'h;u~'~\~a~~~~~~~~a:~ wa~;~~~ ~~;~'fo~:,;~~oE.:'h;~ end is ~his Protcnation, for- ,.,.,, •· openlyrec•nt all thefe Articles. fomuch as thou fayeft that thou wt!r d&nd no Error, fi!~1·"' Upon the which Xntence, when as many ?thm had neither yet WickJiffr, and yet doO: defend him? Whyn he Tbtanr.ur ::f~~~r;;,~~~~~si :~ :~~J;n~~h!u~:;i~;:/af~tr :~~ 1~~ ~~~e tt~~s t;;r}o~,~~~·,~~~~~~~~h;e~~rt~h~~ :~~J: ;J.z• lnformauon of the Counc1l ~bu t t~isl moll: h~mb~y re- .md aflerward hefaid, When as l _and Mr. Stanifla,u, m quire and defire you all, even for Ius flke, wh1ch IS the the prefencc of Err~1/1H of Auftrub, Duke of Prag"llt, God of us all, That I be no{ compelled or forced ~o do preathed againft them, he obfiinately ~efended the. fame, ~~~~:n~r~~~~c;h~J~~~~~:~~c~od~~~~~~~~~~~~:;r ~f;~c:: ~c~f~~:~.b)' ~~eSe~:~:·e~~;lf~.: ~~ ~tsx~~;~~ ;: A ~ nal Damnation, that is, that I lbou!d make re•?'~tJon will canfe them eo be elChibJted. So fatd che Emperor ~C: byOarhtoall the Articles which are al!edgedagam~me. alfo. Unto whom J ohn HManfwered, I am very well F'or 1 remember, 1hat [have read in the Book of Umver· contcmcd that not only thofe, but alfo all other my Glities, Thatcoabjure1 isrorenounce anErrorwhicha Books, bebrou~hlforchandfhe,~~· man hath before holden. And forfomuch as many ol In the m ran ume there was exlubtted unto the Counthcfe Articles are faid to be mine, which were never in cil a certain Anicle, wherein Jqhn HM_ was accufed, that my mind or though! to hold or teach, ho~ lbould I the_n he had flander~ufly int~rpwed a certan~ Sent~ce of the renounce them by an Oath> But as rouchwg thofe Aw· Popes: 1he w~1ch he denyed that he dtd, faym~, That ?!':<::: ~;~~:~~:~~;~~;~l~~~~~~~h;~~' '~;,r~"~~~~ ~::::~f:i ~i.~0h;.~~;:~;;.::.!r~;;,:~1:,3: n~ J<t• Then faid the Emperor, Why maye~ not thou IVtth- that he knew not, but that he heard fay that Mr. Jtflrmtz ~~~~ out danger alfo renounc~ a-ll tbofe Arucles which thou was the Author thereof. What