Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

0!arrels picked agai11jl J. Hus hy bM E1zemies. Tbe Emperors Oratio1l. 70 5 ~g~} t~~~i£i~~:l~~l:~;~i~~£{~l~~·i~J ~§t~::~~,f~:~:~i~~\0~ifff{[~:~~(~i- wcary,for he had paff~ all the night beforewnhout fkcp) have appomt~ for thar purpofe twelve Dodors, Men of through the pain of hts Tcerh. ~ngulu Learnmg, and other Marlcrs, which lhould fit in Aoothtt Then was there anorher Article read, in the which was JUdgment upon the Books of Wick.jijf. '1".~~.!: comained, That three ~e~1 were beheaded at Pr11~> be~ Thcfc Me~ have noted ?at above the nu~ber of two ~~,,rood>- caufe that through W~ek.jijf1 DoChine.and Teachwg they ~mndred AttJdes, the wluch the whole Umvcrfity ha~ ~~;~:· ~~L~~.:f~~·~~·;;~~~:~,;:l~ ~~rE~~:~H~~~ ~;:~:s1:5,~:?.:,;;r~:;::~~!~l~:~7!:.~~y:~~i:1~~£r~~~ cation or Congregation earned out to be buned, and by rtty of the Judgment unto thtsCouncil. a publick Sermon placed among the number of Saints. An~ Here was great filcnce kcp: for a while. Thm Pahtz The o.ath ~~~~~:~~:d~;{ci,~~a~~~~~h~a{a~~~db;~~~;, ~~~~ f!iJ:gl u,~kea~::~~~~~;~~~~~Fsi~~~~~~he ~~~~;~~~;: of Polf~ thathehimfelfwasprefent, ...hen as the King _of Bo/x. Jellyhereprcfent) andthe~ofl:reverendfathers1 Cardi· mia commanded thofe Blafphemers fo to be pumlhcd. nals and Bifhops, that in thts aecufation of ]Dhn Hur, I Z: H., Then faid ]oh11 HIH, both thofe P.nts are falfe> tint ha~e nor ufed any h~tred or evil will; but that I might the King dJd command any fuch pum!hrncnt .to be done, fat!Sfie the O:uh wh1ch I took when I was made Dod:or, and that the Coarfes were by me conveyed wtth any fuch that I would be a moft cruel and fharp Enemy of all man-- pomp untotheirSepuhure or Bu~ial: wherefOre you do ncrof Er.rors, for the pr~fit and comm~ity of theho- }.~:~ ':hJ:;~t~~a~lt ~~:{!his ~~~~w~~~:ili~; ~~~~~:h~;:dkJ~i~u~~. ~~c~e~~!~:if~h~1te ·:~~n1;~~t~ ~Et:' x.. fa!i~ of· argument (for they both la bored ro one end and purpofe) the Heavenly Judge, which !hall JU!Hy judge the ~ufe or J?~·b :.,::J.P:: . . ~~~~~~.~~ c':nt~o;:;~~~~~ co~~~~i~n~h;ra~te~~~~alh~: ;~'LoJ: h'"'· 1 mamty:mdgemlenefsofMr.Palttz, whichhchathufed of the Kings commandmrnt they were beheaded. A:od in drawing out the Articles againfi Mr.]qh11 Hur. For what ]Dim Hu1 his opinion and mind was as touchmg as we have heard, there are many things contained in his thefe men, it is evident enough by his Book entiru\ed, Of Book much worfe and more detellable. rbtChurcb, wherein he writerh thus.: I believe they have When hchadfpoken thcfc words 1 the Bifhopof Rr: read DAniel the Prophet> where, as IS faid, And tbty JhaU grn, unto whom ]q/m HIH was committed, commandeCI, ~tf::~~J~~; 4;~/~%fr:(r w:;}'C:~~i~~~:n~e~~cs~~J!~ P~~~ot~c ~~~~/j~b/~;~~~~1tol~.~~ic~i~di:d ~~~~1 ! ~~~~~ ~?.~,:~£~~0~;:;\~~:f~i~~;~~~n;~~~~~5~~~'~; ~~~f:glii~~:~~:~~:.:~£~:f~:~:, ~~l:l~[~:;~:,~~ ~-1;,~ livestherefore, and many other were ready to do the voushatred, hefawhimfclfina mannerforfakenofall fa~e> and many were fraudu! affociate ~nto them, men. After tint ]Dim HNr wu carried away, the Ernpcwhtch being fcarej{ by the threatnmgs of •Ant1Chrifi1 are ror began to exhort the Prcfidents of the Council io this ec~V~~~ ~~;;e t~~i:~~t~!~e~~:J: ~~ looking upon an~ manner, laying, other, as though they had been all in a marvellous firange I :~;;~~~·t:1i~~~~;;~:.~~~s:;~;;~~~i~~~r fiudy they held irpeac for cert infpace. Fo this P11lm:.., andtheforefaid Dodof Na[o h1d alfoadded, that J'hn Hut ia an open Sermon had inflamed and fiimd up thepeopleagain!tthe Magifirat~, infornuchthata great number of theCitizensdidopenlyfetthemKivesagainfi theMagifl:rates; andbythatmeans was it, thuhefaid, Thofe three were ready rofuffcr death for the Trmh.And I ::::~h:;d~:';;;m;,;;z;j ;; ~:.~r :~~ ~~;tiKi~;~~d~~. apflli~ t~~ E,;g~~e!~~~e~I~E ~~;; i~it~~~::Z:~tF:~:~~it:E;$~£::;~~; ~~~~ ~:~r~~ ;~~~.~~~1:oc;~~~~~.E~~~~~· thch;~~~:~?{~~du~~~ J :J HM,, vcrfity of Oxf(IT'd1 and that ]Dhn Hus dtd read the fame out of the Pulpituntothc people) that hemightcomThe~tftt- . ~r:1,/"tv6:~i;hc?tad ~~~tfe fa~~ ~~~,~~~z~u~~ I'1"'.'·, b'";'~c""": '''~' "·"" ':'•f"~"':t•:l·•f< "'·d ':!"'"• :;'.;~~1 £! cil, the Engli!h-men demanded of John HIH, whether he I •m~•!f""'' P'!1i<.f'd\d~j/£""JM l~,;")'"""'h'fi'jl. eiO ~fetrethb!~ ~\;~:b~~~h~ th~~:~c~y ;;~ns~~~o~aa~ I ~~~~~2~~~~~~~~;~f~;~~~E]~·~1 undertheScalof theUniverl'ity; they alfo inquired of him, wha Scholars they were. He-a.nfwered, this my Friend (meaning Sttphtn Palm.) knoweththe one of them as well as I , the other I know not what he was. Then they fir!t enquired of him, is touching the 1 ·~~~~';",r~:~~{.:":J;;;!f,);1,;;:;. ;;;,;~:.~~;t:; ~~ ;~~~~!thfn hl~~et?;:~n~&;J~:~~~· d~~eab~ ~~~ I '~ =~~ ;~ia~~~!h~~~~fh~~~·n~~~;~~ ;~i~t> h~~~~~~h~~~ I ;;~;;i;fr;::;·~;,,;:;:;g~';/;z,::b1,~(:, h~·:::!-::f.;i; $ ~ ~~~E=~h~~~~~~:~~h~~~~;a~: ;~~ f~:~~:S ~fihi :~d.~~~:{.';)::.l~,:!',,':,";~:: £;; ;·,;~''fr ;;~ ~;;·~~ '•~:••· Dod:rineatthisprefe-nt. do reverence and wor!hip as a thingmofiholy. Hmbyitappearethforwhatintenta\1 ahefe lhings were done, and that J~b" Hm was the Authorofthema\1, ThentheEngli!lt-mcnexhibitedanotherE.pi!tle,contrary to the firfi, under the Seal of the tlnivcrfity, theef~ fed: and argument whereof was thi, 1 T!~ &nate of d~