Abutcherly Ser111011 agai11j1]. Hus. Hi< Appealfrom the Cori11cil to ChriP: 707 .{~~~} ;~~o~~~ ~~~~~~;~;~:,c ~~~~r~~h~~~~~e ~~~~~~ ~.~~~ ,"~~ :~~:~~.dof:ftr~i,~~~~~i:h~d ~:~ ~:;:~~~r:~~.H;~~ : ]~f~~ghr1i~?h~: d~!"~t:~~i ~f~~;,r ~~~~:?~~: : ~:~I f~~ f~~~:sc~~~w~~~dJ~J~r~~~t!r~;~~~~ <poor, and the relief of Pt!gnms an~ Strangers, gotcen c what Better, what more to be Ddircd; or final- ~ together by the blood of our Savtour, and of many 'ly, whatcanbcmorc ac:ceptable, than eo root out this ' Mutyrs are fpoiled and taken away: behold, the abo- ' wicked and abominable Schilin, to rtllore the Church fb:1~;:: c minat io; 1 of dcfolaci?n brought .upon the Church of 'again unt? her Ancient Liber ty, to cxtinguifh and put Ol•lnlcr, 'GO o, the ddhud:ton of theFauh, and the confufion 'away a\IStmony, and to condemn and de!lroy all Er- ~.;. thof c of the Chri!l:ian people, to theruine of the Lords flook 1 rors and Herefi~ from amongli the Flock of the Faithdnift f~.,. c or Fold, and all the whole company of ourmoft holy 'ful? Nothing trul~ can be ~Her, nothing more heir, ~~~ ,' ~:ki:~sach!nRa~;~~~~h ~;d ~~~~~nr:~;t~ ~~:a~a~~ : ~~~~~~n~:~~lr~~~~b~ec!~~t:~~ew:~~~ ~~d;F~~ t~; c tyrs of Chrill, and this Perfecution much more cruel, performance of whrch moll Holy and Godl y WorkJ ' than the Perfecution of any T yr:mt; for they d_id but ' thou wall elect a1~d chofen of God, thou wall firll de- • only punilh the Bodies but in the Schifm and Dtvifion ' puted and chofen m Hea ven, befo~e ·thoa w_an cled: and < the Souls are tormcntel. There the blood of Men was 'chofen_ upon Earth. Th ou wafi tirll appomted by the: · : ~~~Yo~ee~fu~~~~ d~:~~,~~:i~~~ ~:i;hra\~a~r~;~~~~ : ~~~~~~i~tdH:~~~~~Yc~~'f~i1e~f~i~dt~~~~~~~r~h~: <many; but this Schifm is defi rud"ion mlr? all men. 'by the Imperial Force an d Power , thou (hould et~ con- ' When the Tyrants raged, then the faith dtd incrcafe; (demnand dellroy thofe Errors and Hercfies, whtch we 'but by this Oivifion it is uuerly ~ecayed. During their ' have prefently in hand to be '?ndemned and fubvert- 'crueltyandmadnefs, the Pr imittvcChurch increafed; 'ed. Totheperformanc coi thLsmo!lholy\Vork,God 'but through this Schifm it is confounded and over- ' hath_givenuntotheethe knowledgeanduod~rfiandmg 'thrown. Tyraotsd~d ignorant!~ offend, but in this 'of lmDi vine~rm~andVcrity, po~erof PrmcelyMa~ • Schlfm many do wicungly and wt~ling!y even o~ obll i- ' jelly) and the Jll~ Judgment of Eqmty and Righceouf- 'nacyotfend. Thcrecamc inHeretteks,ufcrsofSLrnony, 'nefs, as the H1ghefi h imfelfdoth fay: J have gi- ' and Hypocrite$, to the great detriment and deceit of the 'ven thee Underllanding a nd Wifdom, to fpeak and ut- ' Church; under thofe T yrants,the merits of the ]ufi were ' ter my _words, and have fet thee to rul e ovu Nations ' increafed. 'and Kmgdoms, that thou !houldefihelp the People, 'But during this Schifm, mifchief and wickednefs 'pluck down and dellroy Iniquity, and by exercifing of 'are augmented: for lnthis mollcurfed and execrable 'Jullicethou(houldfi, lfa y, dcllroyaiiEnorsandHe- 'Divilion, Truth is made an enemy to all Chrillians, 'relies, and fpecially this o bllinate Heretick here prefcnt, 'Faith is not rega.rded, Love and Cbarity hated, Hope !s ' through whofe Wickedn efs _and Mifchief, many places r.m;~i.a_ : !~~~els~ll~~~ ~;l~;t~~~~~ifch~~~:dM~e~;~~~ ~e~~: : ~fC:1h~o~~:~d a~d ~:et~~d::~s~~~~ :~~~~~ :;~0~~~: ~~~t!F 'ranee c\oked,Wifdom turned intodeceit,Humility feign• 'terly fubverted and dcllr ?yed. This mofi holy and god- 'ed, Equity and Truth fal!ified, Pa t ience utterly fled, 'lylabor,OmollnoblePnn ce,wasrefervedonlyforthee, •Confcience [mall, all Wickednefs intended, Devot ion 'upontheei t dothon\ylie ,untowhomthcwholeruleand. • counted folly, Gent\enefs abject and cafiaway, Religion ' minillration of Juilice is given. Whe retOre thou hallella- : ~ei~i~:~o?c~~:e:~ ~:m~~l~b~~.ed, \~ 1;! h~:~;~~;J :~~fa~~~~~ ~~~~en:n:a~~~f~:· t~;~r!if~h~~~b;~se\~~ ~~'B!!:., '~rievous farrows is the Church of G~ replcnifhed and ' brate for evermore, that thou ha_fi defiroyed and over- ~;,~C:.t:J :~!~~kw~~~~ ~aS~o~;td:~~f~~~sr~b ~~c~=~~~~~ff- : ~~~~~ 1h;~~~o;~a~~lls~:~;~:fl~ ~~d~~;{r~~hPert~~ ~~~?:: ~;~~?'":~~~:~ ~;,~~~.~;:~1.ii~ri~:~~o:"~£~j:~:i \:~~~.~:~'~.::; ro~;::~~~~~Jr;~"ro:~~~;~~~·~.~~~;~:,~ ~:~~~ ' Schifm, they have tormented, and almofi brought to :r. When this Sermon was thus ended, the Prodor ofTbtProdoi 'ruine! 0 the little Bark and Ship of Chrill, which the Council rifing up, named HmritNJ dt Piro, required, ~~~~~ ( bath fo lon_g time wandred and llrayed now in the midft that the Procefs of the Caufe againfi JIJbn H~ts-might be f11r 1bc Se~ (of the Wh1rl-pools, and by and by llicketh &n in the cc;>~tinued, and rhatthey might p~oceed unto thedefi- ttncc, 'Rocks, toffed to and fro with moll grievous and tern· mttve Sentence. Then a certain Bt!hop, which was ap- ~ pelluousStorms ! 0 miferable and wretched Boat of poi01ed one of the Judges, decbred the Proc efs of the < Petrr, if the moll: Holy Father would fulfcr _thee to Caufe, which was pleaded long fince in the Court of (link or drow:n, into what dangers and pertls have :&me, and dfewhcre, between J IJbn Htu and the Prelates • the Wicked Puats brought thee? Amongfi what Rocks of Pragut. • have t_hcy placed thee? 0 moll Godly and loving At the lafi he repeated thole Articles which 1ve have 'Chrifltans, what faithful devout Man is there, which beforc:remembred; among ll: the which he rehearfed alfo 'beholding and feeing the great ruine and decay of the one J\rticleJ That ] oh11 HUJ (hould Teach the two Na- ~;~r;. : ~:;c~;~i~~~~1~~ ~e~~~~~~e~a~~~:fraT:W~e~~a~ }:~: ~~~~~e~~~~td b~:y~i~;~~w~r~r0t~~o~~~i~~ :;:.s•:if· 'becaufe that _Contention an~ Strife is poured upon fwerevery of t~em; but as oftc:r. as he: was abOut to 'the Ecele!iallJcal Rulers, whach have made us to err fpeak, the Cardmal of Cambray commanded him to hold T'l>! ~di; : ~~~~ n~:ri~~~eu~a;~~U~~~;a~~tc~~;:rd ~Wh~~~~ ~~sy:~;l[ayi'1he~ef~Jtjol~H~:.11 ~~r;e~a~1 ;~e~::~ ~=~:~ 'upon fomany Here!ics,and fo great Confufion is fprung anfwer all thefe things which are alledged agaioll me, l~b;,~~(z. 'up, and grown in the Flock of Prter, and the Fold of the when as I cannot remember them all? Then faid th~:Car- lflln. • 'Lord. . . ~~~:~ ~~ ;:z:tn:I~s }~: a~~;~a~e::u:~e~l~~~;\dn;~i~· p:~: ~~~d ~~ '~:d"Inf::~~e:}~~~h:n!!i~;t~~~ ~~~f:ea~~i :~; *~~::~:~en?~Tn~~~~:c~~~~u!~Jo~fe~:~t~;~:u.:~~; ~~=~ ' could they never br ing to pafs, or tini!h that moll who\- they would he.u h1m, that fuch as were prefent might not : ~~~d·~~~:~?!'~~~~t:"~~~~~~~~~!~~~,~%~ ~:~(ir~;;,:~;jf~~~!!:i 1!~:~~";,~:~:~~;~)!;i Pi~:; ~~lli=·.~ clhall be thine for ~ver, and this mofi: happy Victory (hall whole matter unto God, and the Lord Jefus Chr ifi, for rh• Loc~ 'be continuallycdebrate tO thy great Honor and Praife, at their hands he believed eafi ly toobt~m that which he Cbrlft, 'tha~ thou ha(t rcfiored again the Church whi~h was fo defired. : ~:~~~er~~~~a~~~osv:da~,rG~~:a~~l~~ ~~v;t~:J~ all ~~-~;;w:~ead~~~c~e~ot~~;~~~p:~~~er;~~h ti~~ ~r iib'pllo«f